Resident Evil 4 Remake has 101 Challenges. They can be viewed at any time in the Challenges Menu and are divided into 5 categories: Main Story, Basics, Weapons, Combat, Feats.
Some of these challenges give a trophy or achievement. Most challenges count cumulatively across all playthroughs and checkpoint reloads. For example, anything tied to getting a certain amount of weapon kills can be farmed by reloading the same save multiple times.
Completing challenges also rewards you with CP which can be traded in the Extra Content Shop for bonus items. Some challenges make new extra content available for purchase, specifically the Chicago Sweeper, Handcannon, Primal Knife, Sunglasses, Foam Mask, Flight Cap, Glasses (Squared), Iron Helmet, Knitted Hat, Deer Antlers, Glasses (Round), Flight Helmet, Surgical Mask, Knight’s Armor, Chicken Hat, Gas Mask, Cat Ears, Pinstripe.
Main Story
- Mission Underway: Complete Chapter 1.
- Gift in the Blood: Complete Chapter 2.
- Infested Inside: Complete Chapter 3.
- The First Daughter: Complete Chapter 4.
- Glimmer of Hope: Complete Chapter 5.
- Farewell, Village of Terror: Complete Chapter 6.
- Shadows Within: Complete Chapter 7.
- Reunited: Complete Chapter 8.
- Dire Situation: Complete Chapter 9.
- The Depths of Hell: Complete Chapter 10.
- Adios, Caballero: Complete Chapter 11.
- Overthrowing the Castle: Complete Chapter 12.
- Another Rescue: Complete Chapter 13.
- Letting Go of the Past: Complete Chapter 14.
- I’ll Do My Job: Complete Chapter 15.
- Darkest Before Dawn: Complete Chapter 16.
- Promising Agent: Complete the main story on Standard mode or higher.
- Mission Accomplished A: Complete the main story on Standard or higher with an A rank. Can be done in New Game Plus. Beat in 12 Hours.
- Mission Accomplished S+: Complete the main story on Standard mode with an S+ rank. Beat in 5 hours in a NEW GAME (not New Game+ since that voids S+).
- Proficient Agent: Complete the main story on Hardcore mode or higher. Can be done in New Game Plus.
- A Rank Investigator: Complete the main story on Hardcore mode or higher with an A rank. Can be done in New Game Plus. Beat in 10 hours.
- S+ Rank Investigator: Complete the main story on Hardcore mode with an S+ rank. Beat in 5:30 hours in NEW GAME (not New Game+ since that voids S+).
- Peerless Agent: Complete the main story on Professional mode. Can be done in New Game Plus.
- Professional Agent: Complete a new game in the main story on Professional mode without using any bonus weapons. Must be done specifically in NEW GAME, cannot be done in New Game Plus.
- Leon “A.” Kennedy: Complete the main story on Professional mode with an A rank. Can be done in New Game Plus. Beat in 7 hours.
- Leon “+” Kennedy: Complete the main story on Professional mode with an S+ rank. Beat in 5:30 hours in NEW GAME (not New Game+ since that voids S+).
- Sprinter: Complete the main story within 8 hours. You will automatically get this while going for the S+ Ranks which require beating the game even faster.
- Frugalist: Complete the main story without using a recovery item. Simply don’t use any healing items, no herbs, no health sprays. Best done in New Game+ with infinite rocket launcher, which is purchasable in NG+ for 2 million ptas.
- Minimalist: Complete the main story using only knives and handguns. (Excluding specific battles.) – this is best done by upgrading the Primal Knife, which you get from all Clockwork Castellans, at the last merchant in Chapter 16. Fully upgrading it makes it unbreakable. Also upgrade a pistol. Then finish the last section of Chapter 16 to beat the story and create a story-cleared save. Start New Game+ based off that and you will start with an unbreakable knife and already upgraded pistol. Best done on Assisted difficulty. There are some story exceptions where you can use other weapons, such as cannons in Chapter 7/8 and Turrets on the Island. You can’t throw grenades however. You can always check the counter on this challenge, it must stay at 0, if you use anything that voids this the counter will show 1 or higher.
- Silent Stranger: Complete the main story without talking to the Merchant once. Simply never talk to the merchant, best done in New Game+ on Assisted difficulty.
- Covert Basics: Perform a stealth kill. Approach enemy from behind and press R2/RT to backstab.
- Knife Basics: Parry an enemy with a knife. Press L1/LB to perform parries.
- I Think They Got the Point: Perform a follow-up attack with a knife. Sometimes after hurting an enemy you get a button prompt to press R2/RT to finish off enemies with the knife. Usually after they fall on the floor, particularly enemies that grow tentacles out their head after defeating them.
- Novice Fighter: Perform a melee attack. Simply press R2/RT.
- Arts and Crafts: Combine some items together. Combine two herbs or craft anything with gunpowder.
- Amateur Appraiser: Insert a gemstone into an item. Some treasures allow you to inlay gems, this can be done from the treasures inventory.
- What’re Ya Buyin’?: Purchase something from the Merchant.
- My Preferred Piece: Upgrade a weapon.
- The Perfect Piece: Max out all upgrades for a weapon.
- A Masterpiece: Get the exclusive upgrade for a weapon. Buy the Exclusive Upgrade Ticket for a weapon for 30 Spinels (available after Chapter 7) and spend it on a weapon -or- buy completely all upgrades with money.
- Nice One, Stranger!: Complete a request for the Merchant.
- Charming Charm: Equip a charm to the attaché case. You get charms from the shooting ranges and then insert them in the machine at the shooting range entrance. These shooting ranges are found next to some merchants throughout the game (5 total). Then at the typewriter you can equip the charm to get a bonus modifier.
- Talk About Near-Death Experience!: Rescue Ashley as she’s being carried away by the enemy. After Ashley joins you in Chapter 5, get spotted by enemies and wait for one to pick up Ashley, when the enemy walks away you must shoot him.
- Revolt Against the Revolting: Destroy a Clockwork Castellan. See Collectible Guide.
- Appearance is Everything: Change a character’s costume. In the Bonus Menu > Extra Content Shop buy a new piece of clothing and then equip it.
- Say Cheeeese!: Open Photo Mode. Pause the game and press
to open photo mode (the button is displayed at the bottom of the pause menu).
- Handy with a Handgun: Defeat 50 enemies with a handgun.
- Matter of Splatter: Defeat 30 enemies with a shotgun.
- Sharpshooter: Defeat 10 enemies with a rifle. Sniper Rifles count for this.
- Trigger Happy: Defeat 10 enemies with a submachine gun, for example the TMP.
- A Bullet Saved is a Bullet Earned: Defeat 5 enemies with the Bolt Thrower.
- Got a Problem, Punk?: Defeat 5 enemies with a magnum.
- Martial Artist: Defeat 10 enemies with melee attacks, you sometimes get
prompts after shooting enemies in the legs or head to perform CQC attacks.
- Try Using Knives Next Time: Defeat 5 enemies with a knife.
- Fire in the Hole!: Defeat 10 enemies with explosives.
- Bug Zapper: Defeat 5 enemies with flash grenades.
- Harpoon Hurler: Defeat Del Lago. Automatic story boss in Chapter 3.
- Grilled Big Cheese: Defeat Bitores Méndez. Automatic story boss in Chapter 6.
- Wave Goodbye, Right Hand: Defeat the Verdugo. Automatic story boss in Chapter 10 but killing it is optional, defeat it before entering the elevator.
- No Thanks, Bro!: Defeat Ramón Salazar. Automatic story boss in Chapter 12.
- You Used to Be a Good Guy: Defeat Jack Krauser. Automatic story boss in Chapter 14.
- You’re Small Time!: Defeat Osmund Saddler. Automatic story boss in Chapter 16.
- Stealthy Assassin: Perform 3 consecutive stealth kills without being detected. Backstab enemies from behind with the knife. A good opportunity is at the Village Square in Chapter 1, sneak around the left side.
- Knife Master: Parry an object thrown by an enemy. Press L1/LB to parry throw objects like Axes.
- Shield Your Eyes: Defeat 3 enemies at once with a flash grenade. Easiest option is to throw a flashbang at crows which counts for this. Many crows are sitting at the Quarry entrance in Chapter 3.
- Eat This!: Hit an enemy with an egg. You find eggs for example in Chapter 2 in Village Chief’s House and in Chapter 4 on the island east of the lake. Then throw the egg at an enemy.
- More Bang for Your Buck: Shoot the dynamite in the hand of a ganado. These are the dynamite throwers, for example in Chapter 1, shoot the explosive in their hand.
- Never Heard It Coming: Defeat a Garrador using only knives. Garradors are the blind enemies with claws on their hand. First encountered in Chapter 7. The first encounter is the easiest place to get this, stay crouched and backstab the enemy with the knife, it will wildly attack with its claws but simply wait until it calms down and repeat. These enemies can’t see you so just stay crouched to not be heard.
- Quit Bugging Me: Defeat 5 camouflage Novistadors. These are the flying insect enemies, they look grey while “camouflaged”. They are harder to see in this state but you can shoot them before they “wake up” to make it count.
- No Hot Bath for You!: Defeat both El Gigante enemies without dropping them into the blast furnace. El Gigante are the two giants you fight in Chapter 11. Don’t pull the lever to drop them in the lava, instead defeat them by shooting them. Best done in New Game Plus with infinite rocket launcher.
- Two Bugs, One Stone: Kill 2 parasites inside a Regenerador with a single bullet. Regeneradors are the enemies in Chapter 13 that regrow their limbs. Where you get the Level 3 Keycard you find the Biosensor Attachment, combine it with a Sniper Rifle to see the weak spots (parasites). Line up two weak points to shoot them with 1 sniper rifle shot, can be done on the Regeneradors in the purple tubes where you get Level 3 Keycard in Chapter 13.
- In Tune with the Harpoon: Defeat Del Lago without missing a single harpoon. At the end of Chapter 3 you fight Del Lago, the lake monster. You have to throw spears at it, never miss with a spear.
- Slaughterhouse Slam: Perform a follow-up attack on Méndez from the second floor with a knife.
- Too Cool for Such Tricks: Defeat the Verdugo without using any liquid nitrogen showers. At the end of Chapter 10 you fight Verdugo until the elevator arrives. Don’t activate the traps that freeze him, just shoot him. Easiest option is to do it in New Game Plus with infinite rocket launcher.
- You Talk Too Much!: Throw a grenade into Ramón Salazar’s mouth.
- Now Who’s the Rookie?: Parry all of Jack Krauser’s 5 consecutive attacks.
- Did You Send Out Those Invitations?: Survive the battle at the villa without blocking any of the windows with wooden planks. In Chapter 6 you will be inside a house with enemies coming at you from all sides. Don’t use the wooden boards on the windows.
- Overkill: Use a cannon to defeat a zealot. In Chapter 7 you have to use a cannon to blow open a door. Use it on one of the standard walking enemies.
- Light or Flight: Make it through Ashley’s section without using the lantern to immobilize any enemies. In Chapter 9 you will play as Ashley in the library. Run past all enemies without aiming the lantern at an enemy.
- Hope You Like Thrill Rides!: Make it through both minecart sections in the underground tunnel without taking any damage. In Chapter 11 you will ride in a minecart. In the bottom right will be a health counter, just never take any damage. If you take damage reload last autosave immediately.
- Capacity Compliance: Reach the top of the clock tower without the lift stopping once. In Chapter 12 in the Clocktower you will activate an elevator. Never let any enemy jump on the elevator. Easiest in New Game Plus with infinite rocket launcher.
- Strrrike!: Defeat 5 enemies with the iron balls in the clock tower. In Chapter 12, in the Clocktower rush to the top and wait for some enemies to come up the staircase, then pull the lever to drop a spiked ball on them.
- Careful Where You Swing That: Defeat 5 enemies using the crane’s wrecking ball. The crane section takes place in Chapter 14.
- Smooth Escape: Escape on the water scooter without taking any damage. The Jetski section is at the end of Chapter 16, it’s a timed section but you have more than enough time and can slow down. The health is displayed in bottom right, if the jetski takes damage reload the last autosave immediately.
- Amateur Shooter: Complete a game at the shooting range. Shooting Ranges are found throughout the game next to some merchants. See All Shooting Range S Ranks.
- Respectable Marksman: Earn an S rank in a game at the shooting range. See All Shooting Range S Ranks.
- Real Deadeye: Earn an S rank in all games at the shooting range. See All Shooting Range S Ranks.
- Trick Shot: Destroy 5 targets at the shooting range with one shot. See All Shooting Range S Ranks. You can easily do it in the last challenge 4-C.
- Perfect Game: Destroy all targets (except sailors) in a game at the shooting range without missing a single shot. See All Shooting Range S Ranks.
- Doing Some “Overtime”: Complete all challenges.
- Astute Appraiser: Sell a single treasure for at least 100,000 ptas. Must combine the Elegant Crown, found in Chapter 10 sewers (see Collectible Guide) with one of each colored gem except Ruby to make it worth 100k. Alternatively, put 2 x Yellow Diamond and 3 x Red Beryl.
- My Body is a Temple: Increase your maximum health to the limit. You increase health by consuming yellow herbs. The biggest increase comes from mixing Yellow + Green + Red. If you don’t max out health in the first playthrough you can do it in New Game Plus.
- Size Matters: Upgrade the attache case to the largest size. Buy all inventory size upgrades from the merchant, they unlock gradually over the story (the last one during Island section).
- Crafty Crafter: Obtain all crafting recipes. See Collectible Guide.
- Gun Fanatic: Obtain all weapons. See Collectible Guide.
- Parts Enthusiast: Obtain all weapon parts. See Collectible Guide.
- Jack of All Trades: Complete all requests from the Merchant. See Collectible Guide.
- Revolution Wind-Up: Destroy all Clockwork Castellans. See Collectible Guide.
- Bandit: Obtain all treasures indicated on the village treasure map in a single playthrough. See Collectible Guide.
- Burglar: Obtain all treasures indicated on the castle treasure map in a single playthrough. See Collectible Guide.
- Raider: Obtain all treasures indicated on the island treasure map in a single playthrough. See Collectible Guide.
TM says
Is anything unlocked if you do all challenges?
Doing the Del lago challenge took some time.
TM says
Nothing happend, sadly.