Resident Evil 3 Remake Trophy Roadmap
- Estimated trophy difficulty: 4/10
- Approximate amount of time to platinum: Around 25 hours
- Offline Trophies: 33 (1
, 4
, 12
, 16
- Online Trophies: 0
- Number of missable trophies: All of them, except automatic story-related trophies. However, everything carries over into your next playthrough and you can reload manual saves to get missing collectibles.
- Glitched trophies: 0
- Does difficulty affect trophies?: Yes, must beat game on Inferno difficulty with S-Rank in under 2 hours
- Minimum Playthroughs: 3 (Hardcore, Nightmare, Inferno), but 4+ is highly recommended (Assisted, Hardcore, Nightmare, Inferno)
- PS4/PS5 Autopop & Save Transfer: Yes, there is save transfer from PS4 to PS5 and all trophies autopop
- Do Cheats Disable Trophies?: No (See Cheats List)
- Free-Roam / Level Select after Story?: No, there is neither free roam nor chapter select. However, you can reload manual saves.
- Release Date: Apr 03, 2020 (PS4) / Jun 13, 2022 (PS5)
A guide by PowerPyx & SnowNinjaRaccoon (DK)
Welcome to the Resident Evil 3 Remake Trophy Guide! This RE3 Remake for PS4, Xbox One, PC comes with many new changes from the original game. It has added Collectibles that didn’t exist is the classic version and the levels have been restructured. The trophy list is very straightforward – get all collectibles and beat Inferno (highest difficulty) in under 2 hours to get S-Rank. The rest of the trophies will come naturally along the way. One thing that makes this rather easy is that you can buy overpowered cheat items from the in-game shop, such as an Infinite Rocket Launcher. This in-game shop unlocks after the first playthrough. You are allowed to use these cheat items for all trophies. There are even coins that recharge your health automatically!
Step 1: Assisted Difficulty + All Collectibles
For your first playthrough, pick Assisted difficulty and find all Collectibles. The trophy-relevant Collectibles include 56 Files, 20 Charlie Dolls, 20 Locks (Safes, Lockers, Strongboxes, Pickable Padlock Doors), 10 Weapons (4 have locations, 6 are automatic), finding at least 1 Inventory Upgrade (Hip Pouch).
See Resident Evil 3 Remake All Collectible Locations for an all-in-one guide with everything in chronological order.
In preparation for Step 2 (farming points to unlock cheats), you should keep manual saves from a few specific places in the game. Make sure you do not overwrite these saves:
- Hospital / Makeshift Sickroom – Objective: Give the vaccine to Jill
- NEST 2 / Storage – Objective: Get the Vaccine
You could also try to do this playthrough without using the item box for trophy “Minimalist”. The item box is the big black box found in every safe room. Beware, you must find all Weapons for another trophy that will take up most of your inventory space. On Assisted difficulty you start with 4 extra inventory slots which helps. You’ll also have to find all 6 Inventory Upgrades (Hip Pouches) so you can carry enough stuff (they are in Collectible Guide linked above). If you’d rather not complicate things, do a quick extra run later for the Minimalist trophy, it only takes 1 hour.
Step 2: Farming 88,000 Points to buy Infinite Rocket Launcher + 2 Hip Pouches + 2 Recovery Coins + 2 Defense Coins
After your first playthrough you unlock the in-game shop (Title Screen > Bonuses > Shop). It allows you to buy cheats (e.g. infinite ammo) in exchange for points. You get points for completing the in-game Records (Pause Menu > Records).
You should buy the following items in preparation for Hardcore and higher difficulties (90,000 Points):
- [Weapon] Infinite Rocket Launcher (gives you a rocket launcher with unlimited ammo, from item box) – 64,400P
- [Item] Recovery Coin x2 (get coins in your inventory that automatically heal you, equip 2 for stronger effect) – 8,000P
- [Item] Iron Defense Coin x2 (get coins in your inventory that make you take less damage, equip 2 for stronger effect) – 8,000P
- [Item] Hip Pouch x2 (start with 4 more inventory slots) – 9,600P
- (Optional) [Item] S.T.A.R.S. Field Combat Manual (makes it easier to dodge) – 6400P (no need to farm points for this, you get enough extra points from beating Hardcore, then buy it for Nightmare / Inferno playthroughs)
In total that’s 90,000 points you need (64,400 + 8,000 + 8,000 + 9,600).
You should have gotten around 10,000 points from the 1st playthrough, assuming you found all collectibles. That leaves you with 80,000 points to farm. The Records that give the most points are for doing a certain number of weapon kills. All of them are easily farmed via autosave reload. The points are stored on your profile save. You can jump back to old manual saves without losing any points.
Recommended Records to farm 90,000 Points:
- 100 Shotgun Kills = 3,200P – NEST 2 / Storage (farm against room full of enemies after using red flash drive)
- 130 Shotgun Kills = 6,200P – NEST 2 / Storage (farm against room full of enemies after using red flash drive)
- 20 MAG Kills = 6,600P – NEST 2 / Storage (farm against room full of enemies after using red flash drive)
- 80 MAG Kills = 10,400P – NEST 2 / Storage (farm against room full of enemies after using red flash drive)
- 80 Grenade Launcher Kills – 6,200P – NEST 2 / Storage (farm against room full of enemies after using red flash drive)
- 120 Grenade Launcher Kills – 10,400P – NEST 2 / Storage (farm against room full of enemies after using red flash drive)
- 200 Handgun Kills = 5,200P – Hospital / Makeshift Sickroom (defending hospital lobby as Carlos)
- 200 Assault Rifle Kills = 3,400P – Hospital / Makeshift Sickroom (defending hospital lobby as Carlos)
- 400 Assault Rifle Kills = 8,400P – Hospital / Makeshift Sickroom (defending hospital lobby as Carlos)
- 400 Kills (Any) = 5,200P – Hospital / Makeshift Sickroom (defending hospital lobby as Carlos)
- 800 Kills (Any) = 8,200P – Hospital / Makeshift Sickroom (defending hospital lobby as Carlos)
- 1100 Kills (Any) = 10,400P – Hospital / Makeshift Sickroom (defending hospital lobby as Carlos)
- 1400 Kills (Any) = 10,600P – Hospital / Makeshift Sickroom (defending hospital lobby as Carlos)
- 2000 Kills (Any) = 11,000P – Hospital / Makeshift Sickroom (defending hospital lobby as Carlos)
In total that’s 91,800 points. Because you already have 10k points from 1st playthrough you can skip the last record for 2000 kills. If you managed to do a no item box run on 1st playthrough you will have another 7k points from that and can skip another record.
The weapon kills stack. Meaning after doing 100 Shotgun Kills you only need to do another 30 to get the reward for 130 kills total (the counter doesn’t reset). It also gives you the full points for each milestone. So taking kills as an example you get 5,200P when reaching 400 total kills milestone and another full 8,200P when reaching 800 total kills milestone (5,200 + 8,200 = 13,400 points).
Step 3: Hardcore Difficulty & Use 1 or fewer herbs / health sprays
With the above items unlocked you can now start your Hardcore playthrough. The Infinite Rocket Launcher kills everything except Nemesis in one hit. No need to buy the attack coins from the shop
Combine Hardcore with the trophy “I Might Need These Later!” for not using health items (herbs / sprays) more than once. You can use 1 when the spiders infect you with a parasite, which is part of the story and cannot be evaded. The recovery coins from the shop make this really easy. They constantly heal you over time. You are allowed to equip the recovery coins, they won’t void the trophy.
The Cheat Items you bought from the shop can be retrieved from the item box (at any safe room). Because this forces you to interact with the box you cannot earn the trophy for not using the box on this run or other high-difficulty runs.
Step 4: Nightmare Difficulty
Replay the game in Nightmare difficulty (unlocked after beating Hardcore). With the infinite rocket launcher it’s basically the same as Hardcore, you still kill everything in one hit. Equip all other items recommended in Step 2.
Step 5: Inferno Difficulty S-Rank (2 Hour Speedrun)
Inferno is the highest difficulty in Resident Evil 3 Remake. Make sure you have equipped all the Cheat Items outlined in Step 2 (Infinite Rocket Launcher, 2x Recovery Coins, 2x Defense Coins, 2x Hip Pouches, S.T.A.R.S. Field Combat Manual).
In order to get S-Rank on Inferno you must beat the game in under 2 hours with less than 5 saves. You can die as often as you want, dying does not impact the rank. S Rank is only based on your time and having made less than 5 manual save games.
By now you will know the game really well. Make manual saves before boss fights (remember: not more than 5 total). If you die do NOT hit “Continue”. Instead, quit to Main Menu and load save. If you hit “Continue” it keeps counting your time since last death! When you return to menu to reload save it will reset your time. There are no autosaves on Inferno, you must make manual saves.
Step 6 (Optional if you haven’t already): Playthrough without using Item Box
If you haven’t done your first playthrough without using the item box, do another quick 1 hour run on Assisted difficulty to get this out of the way. It’s easier when you don’t pick up the grenade launcher to save 2 inventory slots and ignore unnecessary key items. You can’t use Infinite Rocket Launcher or other Cheat Items because those require you to interact with the Item Box.
Useful Tips, Tricks and Guides:
- Resident Evil 3 Remake Full Walkthrough
- Resident Evil 3 Remake All Collectible Locations
- Resident Evil 3 Remake All Puzzle Solutions
- Resident Evil 3 Remake All Cheats
- Resident Evil 3 Remake All Safe Combinations & Locker Codes
- Resident Evil 3 Remake How to Unlock Infinite Ammo
Resident Evil 3 Remake Trophy Guide
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So Long, RC Obtain all trophies. |
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Earn all other trophies in Resident Evil 3 Remake to unlock Platinum (DLC not required). | ||
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First Escape Escape from Jill’s apartment building. |
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Automatic story-related trophy, cannot be missed. | ||
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Somebody to Lean On Escape from uptown Raccoon City. |
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Automatic story-related trophy, cannot be missed. | ||
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Escape from the City Make it out of downtown Raccoon City. |
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Automatic story-related trophy, cannot be missed. | ||
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I Don’t Feel So Good Leave the clock tower plaza. |
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Automatic story-related trophy, cannot be missed. | ||
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Dominator Complete the game on “Inferno.” |
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See trophy Jill Valentine ![]() |
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Basic Chemistry Craft an item. |
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You can craft items by combining them. For example, combine two pieces of gunpowder to make handgun ammo, or combine two herbs to make a healing item. You will find these crafting components everywhere throughout the game. The trophy will come naturally on your way to platinum, don’t worry about this. | ||
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Gunsmith Improve a weapon. |
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To improve a weapon you must find a weapon upgrade part and combine it with the weapon (via inventory). Refer to the collectible guide for all weapons and their upgrade parts. | ||
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Get Organized Expand your inventory. |
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To expand your inventory you must find 1 Hip Pouch (Inventory Upgrade. For all 6 Hip Pouch locations refer to the collectible guide. | ||
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Nemesis Down Cause Nemesis to relinquish an item. |
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When you are hunted by Nemesis in downtown after leaving the spider cave, shoot him until he drops a supply case (which also contains a weapon upgrade part for the handgun). The easiest way is to throw a grenade at him on Assisted difficulty, this will instantly knock him out. If he just goes to his knees for a few seconds it’s not enough. You have to keep causing him damage until he is fidgeting before kneeling down. | ||
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Nemesis Down? Defeat Nemesis on the rooftop. |
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Automatic story-related trophy, cannot be missed. | ||
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Power Stones Place all jewels in the clock tower monument. |
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In the Safe Room of the Redstone Street Station is a wooden clock. It says “Clock Tower Commemoration” above it. There is a dial with 3 colored slots (green, blue, red) on the clock monument.
You must find 3 colored jewels (green, blue, red) that can be inserted into the clock tower monument. All of them are inside so-called “Fancy Boxes” found throughout the downtown section after leaving Redstone Street Station. However, you cannot get all 3 of them until you’ve obtained the Lock Picks as part of the story. This is an unmissable part of the story. So just keep playing until you have the lock picks. Once you do, backtrack to the downtown area.
When you have all 3 Jewels, backtrack to the Redstone Street Station safe room and insert them into the clock tower monument. You get a grenade, a weapon upgrade, a hip pouch and also the trophy. |
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The Carlos Express Leave R.P.D. |
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Automatic story-related trophy, cannot be missed. | ||
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An Unfortunate End Defeat zombie Brad. |
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When you play as Carlos for the first time, the first enemy you have to fight is zombie Brad. He can take much more damage than the average zombie, just shoot him in the head with the Assault Rifle until he’s dead and the trophy pops. Should you not kill him here, he will spawn again in the Safety Deposit Room of the Police Station later. | ||
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Jill Valentine Complete the game with an S rank on “Inferno.” |
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Inferno is the highest difficulty in Resident Evil 3 Remake. It’s not available from the start. You must first beat Hardcore (unlocks Nightmare) and then beat Nightmare (unlocks Inferno). Requirement for Inferno S-Rank: Beat Inferno difficulty in under 2 hours and with less than 5 manual saves. Number of deaths doesn’t matter, only time and number of manual saves is relevant. You are allowed to use Cheat Items, bought from the in-game Shop. This makes it much easier. The Shop unlocks after beating the story for the 1st time. The ones you’ll want are these:
See Step 2 of the Roadmap for best point farming methods. The infinite Rocket Launcher is a must. It kills everything except Nemesis in 1 hit. No need to buy the attack coins from in-game shop, they only waste inventory space. If you ever die, be sure you do NOT click “Continue”. This would keep counting your time since last death. Instead, go back to Main Menu and reload the last manual save. Then it resets your time. You can use the same trick if you take too long during a section. The 2 hour time limit is very generous as the game can be beaten in 1 hour on Inferno with the above-mentioned Cheat Items. The only tricky part is the endboss. Use the laser weapon behind you when the endboss fight starts. Then you must push 3 red power cores into the walls. Shoot the blisters on the boss to stun him, this gives you enough time to push 1 power core. After that do not try to push another core, he’ll just hit you and kill you. Shoot his blisters again to stun him before pushing the 2nd core, repeat once more for 3rd core. Only push 1 core per cycle. Dodge his attacks in between. The S.T.A.R.S. Field Combat Manual makes dodging easier, which helps against this boss. The rest of the game is quite easy with the Cheat Items. |
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I Need a Hero Withstand the zombie siege. |
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Automatic story-related trophy, cannot be missed. | ||
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The Pursuer Follow Nicholai deeper underground. |
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Automatic story-related trophy, cannot be missed. | ||
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Electric Slide Gather all the fuses in the warehouse within 5 minutes. |
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The fuse hunt takes place when playing as Jill for the 3rd time, after having left the hospital. You’ll take a big elevator down to the warehouse. In the warehouse Nicholai is starting at you from a window and you must then find 3 fuses hidden throughout the warehouse. On the first playthrough this may take you longer, but because you must do so many playthroughs and a 2-hour Inferno speedrun this will quite certainly come along the way without worrying about it.
The fuses are in the following places:
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Nemesis Down!? Defeat Stage 2 Nemesis. |
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Automatic story-related trophy, cannot be missed. The Stage 2 Nemesis fight takes place in NEST 2 after you synthesized the Vaccine. You fight him in a big pit while other zombies are spawning. He jumps around a lot and runs in a circle around the arena. Shoot everything you got at him while watching out for the zombies. When Nemesis climbs on top of the towers, shoot the red panels to stun him and Carlos will smash a crane into Nemesis to deal him lots of damage. If you run low on ammo use this to your advantage. | ||
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Nemesis Down!!! Defeat Stage 3 Nemesis. |
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Automatic story-related trophy, cannot be missed. Just after the last Nemesis fight you get to fight him again. When the fight starts, grab the big laser weapon behind you. You must then use the laser weapon again by pushing the red power cores into the wall while evading attacks. There will be some bright blisters on Nemesis that you can shoot to stun him. This gives you enough time to push in 2 power cores on lower difficulties or 1 power core on hardcore or above. On hardcore or above only push 1 power core per cycle. Dodge his attacks a lot and shoot his blisters to stun him again before pushing the next power core. On higher difficulties if he hits you once he’ll follow up with an undodgeable attack that will kill you (so essentially he one-hits you). Dodging his attacks and destroying his blisters quickly is important on higher difficulties. | ||
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Hello, Charlie! Destroy a Charlie Doll. |
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See trophy “Goodbye, Charlie!”. | ||
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Two For One Deal Defeat two enemies with a single shot. |
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This will almost certainly come automatically without trying. An easy way to get it early on is in the Spider Cave, using the Shotgun as Jill. There are lots of spiders and they die in a single hit. If you don’t have it after your 1st playthrough, you will surely get it during your Hardcore and higher difficulty playthroughs with the Infinite Rocket Launcher. Don’t even worry about this trophy, it’s automatic on your path to platinum. | ||
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Bookworm Read all story files. |
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» Resident Evil 3 Remake All Collectible Locations | ||
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Goodbye, Charlie! Destroy all Charlie dolls. |
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» Resident Evil 3 Remake All Collectible Locations | ||
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Kendo’s Armory Collect all weapons in the campaign. |
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» Resident Evil 3 Remake All Collectible Locations | ||
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RE: Master of Unlocking Unlock all safes, lockers, strongboxes, and pickable locks. |
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» Resident Evil 3 Remake All Collectible Locations | ||
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Survivor Complete the game on “Standard” or higher. |
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See trophy Jill Valentine ![]() |
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Veteran Complete the game on “Hardcore” or higher. |
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See trophy Jill Valentine ![]() |
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Conqueror Complete the game on “Nightmare” or higher. |
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See trophy Jill Valentine ![]() |
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Sensational Work! Complete the game with an S rank. |
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See trophy Jill Valentine ![]() |
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Minimalist Complete the game without opening the item box. |
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The item box is the big black crate found in every safe room. You cannot interact with it / cannot open it at all for an entire playthrough. This means you can’t use cheat weapons such as infinite rocket launcher either (because those are retrieved from the item box).
The easiest option is to do a speedrun on Assisted difficulty after you’re done with all other trophies. You could also combine it with your first playthrough, but beware that weapons take up quite a lot of inventory space. If you go for all 6 Hip Pouches (each gives you +2 inventory slots) it will give you some extra space. On Assisted difficulty you also start with 4 additional inventory slots which helps. |
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I Might Need These Later! Complete the game using 1 or fewer recovery items. |
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For this you just can’t use more than 1 Herbs / Mixed Herbs / Sprays. You can still use Recovery Coins, which are bought from the shop after beating the story. They heal you automatically over time, which makes it much easier. Equipping recovery coins doesn’t count as a healing item and won’t void the trophy.
You can combine it with your hardcore or nightmare playthrough. Otherwise, just do a quick extra speedrun on Assisted Difficulty which only takes 60 minutes. 1 Healing Item you should use after entering the Spider Cave. When the Spider infects you with a parasite use a healing item to puke it out. That’s why the trophy specifies you can use 1 healing item (because you are supposed to use one there). |
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Sprinter Complete the game in under 2 hours of play time. |
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Getting the Inferno S-Rank requires you to beat the game in under 2 hours. The Sprinter trophy will come together with it. See trophy Jill Valentine ![]() |
OTPYG says
Cheers for the guide. Game launches in half an hour here (Aus). Not sure how I feel about the cheat shop. I mean I’ll use it for sure (zero self-restraint), but basically makes it zero challenge!
Another great guide thanks for making.
On a unrelated note when is the trophy guide for final fantasy 7 due? Everyone is getting their copy early I just got mine.
PowerPyx says
On its Release Date the FF7 guide will be up 🙂
PhantomFear94 says
Thanks for all the hard work. You going to post a review? I’m very excited, but a lot of people rate this lower than the RE2 remake.
Animal Crossing: New Horizons, DOOM Eternal and Resident Evil 3 says
Question about this game, do Nemesis often get to you and disturb you while try exploring around area? some reviews mention too many times and often get to you.
PowerPyx says
Not really. In Downtown he chases after you in a free-roam section, but is easily outrun (on lower difficulties anyway). The other times it’s just linear escapes from him. He’s less annoying than Mr. X was in RE2.
Dan says
Can you buy the cheats from the PSN store like you can with the In game unlockables for RE2, if not I bet you they will sell them 4-6 months down the line.
PowerPyx says
As of now I don’t think the cheats are on PSN Store. For RE2 they were added months later (wasn’t available at release). I think it will be the same with RE3.
Kimochi says
Damn this will a fun game to plat!
Nero says
Which room in nest 2, do you mean to farm kills?
The one right after the usb drive has 5 and it takes a long time with loading.
Thanks for all the great guides.
Mark says
My favourite part was just before NEST 2…. where the fuse blows out in the warehouse…. that was excellent for shotgun, grenade launcher and MAG farming ?
Benyamin says
Hi powerpyx are you going for the mw2 remastered trophy guide???
Thanks for your great guides
PowerPyx says
Hi, I don’t have anything planned for MW2 Remaster. I’m focusing on RE3 & FF7 instead. It released at a very bad time, can’t fit it in. The good news is that the trophies are 1:1 identical to the old MW2 so guides for everything exist already (I would only be duplicating the effort, so I rather focus on the new upcoming games).
Pelikanelul says
Thanks for the info and as always awesome guide!
MrTrofyHunter says
Thank you for the guide and videos. Are you planning on covering the RE: Resistance trophy list?
PowerPyx says
Maybe later, working on another big game right now ;)
After that I’ll try Resistance, but it’s gonna take a while. Couldn’t prepare anything for Resistance because online only and nobody was playing it.
Mark says
Quick question about the 2 hour run….
Do you happen to know if pausing the game continues or stops the timer?
Mark says
Oh never mind. I noticed the clock on the pause screen and did the math. Play Time freezes on pause screen and isn’t counted
Paul says
While the main game doesnt have any trophies for resistance, do you think they will add some further down the line from a future update or dlc?
PowerPyx says
It’s a separate trophy list 🙂
They won’t be added online trophies to RE3’s list.
Ray says
If I do multiple saves, as you recommend, can I just play it through blind first (to enjoy everything fresh) and then go back to each saves to get all the collectibles, like how the points for cheats are saved to your profile as opposed to in-game progression.
In simple English, can I load save1 and do all the collects in the area it covers then move on to save2 and so on?
btw great work!
PowerPyx says
No, these saves won’t work for collectibles. They are for weapon kill farming only. You can’t go back for collectibles, they are all missable. It will take a completely new playthrough for collectibles if you don’t pick them up from the start.
Jamie says
If you miss a collectible you can grab the one you missed in another playthrough. I missed a story document at the start and when I picked it up on my second play through it popped. It doesn’t need to be done on one playthrough
Jason Lam says
@jamie — i missed one collectible in my assisted playthrough…
collected it on hardcore 🙁 did not pop the achievement 🙁
Lacek84 says
Resident Evil 3 trophies are not showing on my trophy list at all. When I open my trophy list it’s just syncing with PSN over and over again, but RE3 trophies are not visible still. Does anyone else has the same issue?
PowerPyx says
They forgot to put up the trophy list on PSN servers in time for release. It’s live now and should sync.
Alastor says
I just tested and you can get collectibles counted in the records even if you reload a previous save and pick up the one you missed, you don’t need to replay the whole game. I got it with the story files and unlocking boxes using my older saves after checking what I missed.
Deluziion says
Thanks for the guide. However I would change just one small section regarding the farming for the RPG.
If you have a fully maxed out shotgun you could easily farm them at the NEST save as well. Took me <15 minutes to get the 130 kills. Less looking around for the spiders 🙂 !
PhantomFear94 says
Link for the WT is broken, just says page not found? Looks an amazing roadmap though, thank you.
PowerPyx says
Fixed 🙂
Jordizzle says
How hard or possible would it be to get the Minimalist trophy and follow Step 1 of your roadmap for the first playthrough on Standard difficulty? I don’t like playing on easy for first playthroughs. Thanks for the guide!
PowerPyx says
It’s possible but wouldn’t recommend it. Better do a 60 minute speedrun after you’re done with all other trophies instead of putting yourself through all of that.
JL says
Damn the cheats are pretty lame, here I was thinking we’d finally get a hard Resident Evil game to plat….
Ray says
no one’s telling you to use cheats to plat if you very much so like to challenge yourself.
IMO to beat inferno legitimately without cheats and get S rank is pretty damn hard.
TigerMMX says
Resident Evil Remake
Had a knife only run and an invisible enemies run. I have that Platinum and I’d say it was a good challenge.
Sayed says
I died 5 times and saved 3 times in hardcore and my time is 1:45:01 and I got a (B) why not an S ?
Is there a minimum number of deaths that wont affect the final result ?
ASWM says
Think you may have to reload your save when you die, rather than continue?
PhantomFear94 says
I think you missed by a second! 1:45:00 on hardcore. 2 hours in the other difficulties. No idea why the change. It doesn’t affect you for trophy purposes but if you want to S rank all difficulties just do the final section a bit quicker.
DutchPlayStationGamer says
Thanks for the guide! Got the Platinum under 15 hours. Could’ve done it in 12 I guess if I had ‘t messed up. Do 12 to 15 hours for plat is extremely easy with this guide.
HaHaHyena says
Hey everyone IDK if anyone already figured this out but I figured out how to get 8 slots instead of 4 at the start for the assisted minimalist run.
You do have to already beaten the game once and bought the two hip storages from the store. They say they cant be used on assisted but I discovered today that if you start the game on standard, grab the hip pouches at the first save location, then die enough to go into assisted. The game still gives you 4 MORE spaces of inventory along with the assult rifle. I was actually trying to start without the rifle taking up space but having 16 slots at the beginning works too!
Hope this helps anyone who might be struggling with storage space for the minimalist trophy.
Dzonatan says
That’s an awesome find.
PhantomFear94 says
On Xbox, I think RE: Master of Unlocking has glitched. I’ve had the in-game record, but not the achievement…probably going to have to do again. Ugh.
Dzonatan says
How many times you reloaded Inferno Nemesis? You must’ve had awesome RNG in that attempt because not once did Nemesis did the 7 hit combo on you.
PowerPyx says
0 reloads. It was 1 uninterrupted video capture without reloads or deaths.
DT says
I found an easy way to grind for the 2000 zombie challenge.
be on assisted difficulty.
load up save at hospital with carlos defending jill and tyrell, try and conserve ammo, when tyrell asked you to detonate the bomb to continue… DON’T blow it up and you will have unlimited zombies, shoot till u run out of ammo the load and repeat till done
happy hunting :-)
Johanna says
CArLOs, cAN yoU uSe thE exPloSivE tO bLocK tHe doOR sOmeHow??
Johanna says
But in all seriousness, this is a good strat, thank you. Just had to mute the volume after awhile lmao.
mitch says
Hi there so just to clarify on inferno run you can save 5 times ? Or does it have to be 4 like on your run ? Thanks for the awsome guide.
Tyger7 says
Also curious, I have a save before 2nd to last encounter. It’s number 4. The last boss is tough so I’d like to save number 5 right before him instead of doing previous boss encounter every time I try.
SledgeTheWrestler says
You may save up to 5 times, making a 6th save voids the S-Rank.
Arctic says
Thanks. I used this guide and got the plat in 16 hours. I did hard core first (for the challenge) and then assisted for the collectibles run. This made it so I only had to farm for about 1.5 hours before mopping up nightmare and inferno, since I already had a lot of points saved.
ZPK says
If you do want an easier experience on Nightmare/Inferno, the 2 Assault coins are definitely worth getting IMO. With them, the RPG takes down the Nemesis bosses quicker and one shots the harder enemies (Lickers, Hunters, sewer monsters). I would get these over the healing coins. Those seem pointless because you’ll only need to heal in Nemesis encounters and you’re not going to want to stand around waiting for the heals to kick in, when you could just use an item.
Vincenzo Torizzo says
Hey just curious, love the guide but just in general from all of you, did you find the Resi 3 platinum to be more fun/satisfying than the 2 plat? I didn’t get the 2 plat because I got bored of having to do 7+ playthroughs but this one seems more doable since the cheats seem more fun to get, curious about other opinions.
Vincenzo Torizzo says
Another quick question in regard to the points you use for the shop, can I get points before I unlock the shop itself? For example on my first run which will be on assisted, can I farm the points via the challenges before I beat the game for the first time and unlock the store and it will still give me the points?
Russell Larkin says
Vincenzo Torizzo yes you get points before you open the shop.
Lucas says
Putting PS4 on sleep mode stop the clock? Thanks
Banana Slamma! says
I think as long as you press the OPTIONS button (and NOT just open your inventory screen), you should be okay.
I also believe time stops when cutscenes are playing, but I didn’t personally chance it, lol…
Yamikaze says
Thank you very much, helpful as always. Managed to get the platinum much faster than i expected, sadly this game is just short, definitely liked RE2 more.
PhantomFear94 says
Amazing roadmap and guide, thank you so much. Some thoughts post-game for those interested (not about this guide, just in general during my achievement run).
– “Minimalist” and “I Might Need These Later” are extremely straightforward to get out of the way during your Assisted completionist run (meaning only 4 playthroughs rather than 5+). Unless you’re very new to Resident Evil or not an avid gamer, Assisted difficulty is an utter joke and you will not have any issues (2 headshots with a pistol kills zombies). Getting all the weapons won’t be an issue with inventory space, either, because if you aren’t picking up healing items you won’t be running out. Your health always regenerates to Caution, and every time your character switches, your health goes Green once you’re back as the other character. Health nor inventory space wasn’t a problem for me, even on my first completionist run. In contrast, I personally couldn’t get through the final boss – even on Nightmare – by not using at least 1 further health item.
– Doing the above, and getting every achievement/trophy apart from difficulty, S-rank, and speedrun gave me 23K kills, minimising my point grind (Step 2).
– I never farmed for kills on the spiders – only the hospital wave scene and room after red USB drive. I only used the former scene for assault rifle and handgun kills; the rest in the latter scene. If you were able to upgrade your shotgun, the latter is a very easy spot to farm 7 shotgun kills every 15-20 seconds, just shoot the pale enemies twice rather than once. I understand the 1-shot logic, but I found I had to chase around for spiders, and it was much slower than in NEST. I’d recommend using the same spot as other record farms.
– All of this made my completion 4 playthroughs (+ farming) and around 14-15 hours.
– Assault coins did make a distinct difference. On Hardcore it was still very easy without, but as I hadn’t purchased them, I still had to do one lap of shooting Nemesis off the wall. On nightmare I had one coin, and he died in 4-5 direct shots without doing any laps of the wall. On Inferno I had both coins, and he died in 2-3 direct shots, again without doing any laps of the wall.
– By far the hardest part of your Inferno run is the start, before you can really save. Once you pick up the gun and crawl through the collapsed, you’ll see 2 enemies (one through a bus, one by the door you need to get through). I died on that part several times. You can either do a superbly timed roll as PP does, or walk back towards the sign, and more safely dodge around them. In the elevator, dodge back IMMEDIATELY then move around left, dodging again in most likelihood.
BodyChipper says
I would agree with using the NEST 2 location for the shotgun as well. If you insert the flash drive first, shortcut the appropriate weapons, and then make the save, you can run this course of 5 enemies in the time mentioned (~20secs plus loading time). When using the magnum, you can kill the final pale head by peaking around the right of the hanging body bags near the door that says “106” and shave some secs off vs going all the way around the bags.
AbualSemi says
Thanks for the guide. Great game as well, but looks like I’m not going to make it. Can’t beat Nemesis an Inferno. If he’s able to hit me, he’ll do it 3-4 times and I’m dead. No chance of healing. Damn.
Grant says
To not use more than 1 healing item I’m wondering if when Jill gets a parasite shoved down her throat in the substation as part of the story does that count because you cannot avoid it.
PowerPyx says
You must use a herb there to get rid of the parasite, that’s why the trophy specifies “not more than 1” (because you have to use 1 at this point, you cannot complete the game with 0 healing items used).
BodyChipper says
You actually don’t need to use the herb, at least not on Assisted difficulty. I finally got the game yesterday and tested this out. You can go through the section, turning on all 4 generators, you will just move more slowly and have the bleeding visual effect. You will drop to caution, but I never went to danger, even when I got tagged by a few spider creatures. Once you exit the generator area to go back towards the stairs Jill will automatically vomit up the parasites and the parasite status is removed. Again, this may only work on Assisted, which I was using to get all the collectible and the no healing trophy out of the way.
Banana Slamma! says
FYI: On the way to the SubStation Power Generator, you can zap the dogs with the mini generator in the alley, and dodge all the zombies on the first floor of the building.
If you continue on and trigger the cutscene with Jill vomiting, all the dogs and zombies you JUST passed will disappear forever!
It makes it easier for you to backtrack, if you need to.
Tomas says
Difficulty is really misleading in your ranking.
Yes 4/10 but using cheat/OP shop items…
Try a regular inferno S run and I think you’ll find it more along the lines of an 8/9. The game is REALLY hard when played as it was meant to. Sure the cheats are there and don’t void any trophies but using them is really lame and shows a complete an utter lack of skill. Capcom should’ve really added an S+ rank for the skilled people who can actually play.
Good guide though.
PowerPyx says
A trophy guide (or any guide for that matter) is supposed to show the easiest method.
So yes, that rating is with infinite rocket launcher, which is what 99% of players will be using. Of course you can intentionally make it harder on yourself, but that doesn’t make the platinum harder for the rest of the playerbase who can use cheats if they like.
BodyChipper says
If you have points to spare, does buying the lockpick and boltcutters from the store mean that you don’t have to even worry about finding them in later playthroughs, or does the story still force you to those points. I don’t remember if the bolt cutters were absolutely necessary, but I know the lockpick was. I was just wondering if NOT having to get those items would shave more time off of a second runthrough. I suppose the lockpick was pretty close to the only door you needed it for anyway, so probably not really worth it, other than being able to get some items easier.
J. Cleary says
Excellent Guide! I always use your guides first before anything else. Appreciate the hard work you put in to each game.
Gene says
Thank you very much for you time and effort! Btw, what do you think would be the best spots to use your 5 saves on Inferno(except for the last Nemesis encounter)?
BodyChipper says
I saw a site that recommended (I used this just fine):
1. After turning the power back on at the substation. That way all of the nemesis battles in the streets don’t screw you if you get unlucky.
2. Right before the rooftop nemesis fight
3. Right before nemesis fight at clocktower (before you get sick)
4. Right after you switch to Jill for the final time in the hospital, no typewriters in Nest until you get to nemesis again (I think)
5. Right before the final boss fight.
blast says
a question for the trophy to complete the game in 2 hours the time stops when you pause or it continues
BodyChipper says
Great guide PP! I used it and your inferno video to get the plat.
I found another video on YouTube that uses a trick to make the final boss fight much easier on Inferno. After taking out the bulbs the first time DO NOT push in the power cell yet. Instead, turn down the BGM to 0 and keep the SFX at 10. Stand by the cell and listen for Nemesis to grunt. As soon as you hear that sound, start pushing in the cell. You will finish but also trick Nemesis into going for the grab attack. If you dodge away a few times as soon as you push in the cell, you should avoid the grab and Nemesis will be left wide open for some free shots with the RL. Repeat again on cell 2. You’ll probably have to get lucky and dodge an attack to take him down the 3rd time, but I tried it the “honest” way for over an hour, and only had to try this method twice before I got it, and that’s only because I forgot to dodge the grab the first time.
Kalem says
Hey Powerpyx, just a heads up you do not have to heal at the spiders(at least on assisted). The parasites only bring your health to caution. I went through the whole area with parasites and when I powered everything up and left, was going to use my 1 green herb for the game and instead kill just vomited out the parasites on her own upon exiting the spider cave.
Kalem says
PowerPyx says
I’ll try this shortly, thank you for sharing! That would indeed free up 1 usage for later in the game which would help.
Hawkwind666 says
Hey PowerPyx. Just a heads up, that location for farming grenade launcher kills isn’t very efficient. There are only 5 enemies in that room and it takes a long time to load. Better to do them in the warehouse with the fuses.
InnesJack says
Hello, thanks for a great guide. I missed the part 3 and 4 weapon parts as I’m now in the sewer. Is there another opportunity to damage the nemesis for these parts or would I need to do on a fresh play through?
Baz says
Great guide, but I have a question about your recommended farming spots especially for the shotgun challenges.
You say to make a save at NEST- Storage room and to start farming when you have used the flash drive. But entering that room there is only 5- 6 enemies. That would require a ton and loading.
Baz says
I accidentally hit send before I could finish posting. My question was is this the correct place?
Orton14 says
Is anybody having the Problem that Nemesis doesn’t appear when fighting at clock Plaza? I’m inside the Bossfight area but it is empty. Any ideas what to do?
Orton14 says
Also tried to reload / reinstall the game
Amir says
How do you defeat nemesis stage 2 on the run for “minimalist” trophy without picking up grenade luncher?
Is it possible just to kill him with shutgun, without using launcher( mine traps on the wall)?
anvilcofffff says
I have collected 90% of files in 1st round of play
do i have to collect all of the files in just one playtrough ?
can i collect rest in second and still get
C says
if your struggling with the last boss. And want to waste money.
Buy the cheats from psn. you´ll unlock all coins but you can still use the ones you bought with points. This will give you four defense coins and suddenly nemesis attacks barly hurt you.. :D
I took 5hits from him and barly went orange.
TrophyCheese says
Worth noting that on August 6th, 2020 Capcom released “All In-game Rewards Unlock DLC” like the RE2 remake.
All unlocked instantly:
– Difficulty modes: Nightmare and Inferno
– All models
– All concept art
– The shop and all items obtainable within
Ari says
Thanks for a great guide! Great job on breaking up playthroughs and what to get done in each!
Jordan Olmstead says
Tip for anyone purchasing the bonus item DLC to cut down on farming. Coins and the S.T.A.R.S. manual stack. However, the DLC adds them to your item box but doesn’t cross them out from the store so you can purchase them with rewards. Last Nemesis fight with 4 iron defense coins, 2 S.T.A.R.S. manuals, and the infinite rocket launcher was a cakewalk.
Blaze says
im kinda shocked they let you use Cheat weapons for higher difficulties but i think they knew between all he difficulties in he last game all these get a bit tedious