The Spines of America is the 13th main story mission in Red Dead Redemption 2 (RDR2). This walkthrough will guide you through all objectives of The Spines of America Main Quest including all Gold Medals for 100% completion.
The Spines of America is unlocked when you complete Paying a Social Call.
Quest Giver: Hosea
Chapter: 2
Region: New Hanover
Gold Medal Requirements:
- Loot everything from Carmody Dell
- Don’t get spotted
- Deliver the wagon to Emerald Ranch within 1 minute 10 seconds
Starting Location: Emerald Ranch, New Hanover
Meet Hosea
Travel to Emerald Ranch and approach Hosea and Seamus sitting on the bench to start the mission. Seamus tells you about a cousin of his who has a nice stagecoach and some money in the house that he’d like you to steal. If you manage this task, Seamus will act as a fence for stolen goods as well as allowing you to start crafting talismans for perks.
Go to Carmody Dell
Travel West to Carmody Dell, and leave your horses at the objective zone. Use your binoculars to scout out the area for any enemies.
- GOLD MEDAL: Don’t get spotted
Once you’re done scouting, you have the option of going in during the day or night. Of course since stealth is important for the gold medal requirement, its best to go in at night.
- GOLD MEDAL: Loot everything from Carmody Dell
At night, its much easier to avoid being spotted, allowing you to thoroughly rob the place.
In order to complete this requirement you must loot everything from the following locations:
- 1st Floor Bedroom
- Living Room
- 2nd Floor Bedroom
Return the Stagecoach to Emerald Ranch
- GOLD MEDAL: Deliver the wagon to Emerald Ranch within 1 minute 10 seconds
Hosea will be waiting for you outside with the stagecoach. All you have to do is drive it back to Emerald Ranch before the time runs out.
Choose either to return to the camp with Hosea or to stay there, and the mission will be complete.
This finishes The Spines of America main mission in Red Dead Redemption 2. Now the next quest Money Lending and Other Sins – III starts.
Next Up: Money Lending and Other Sins – III
For more Walkthroughs with all gold medals, check out the complete Red Dead Redemption 2 Story Walkthrough.
Navpreet Singh Lalli says
I cant pick up the burbon
JohnSmith says
You may have the max bourbon you can carry already, drink or discard one in your inventory. Same goes for all consumables (I had the same problem with the tonic).
Jesse Rogers says
This mission doesn’t appear for me. I have done Paying a social call, and have even replayed it. Any idea of what I should do?
Josh says
I’m having this same issue. I’ve not progressed through “We loved once and true” and still don’t have it.
NutellaOrgies says
I had this issue but then one of the woman in the camp has a message for you and she tells you to go to emerald ranch to speak to Hosea.
I forgot who but it was a woman that was hanging by the butcher/cook for me.
Brad says
I have to pick up bread and cheese on the table where the bourbon should be…the bourbon bottle is over on the chimney behind the apple and carrot. Nonetheless, after i take everything it still tells me I’m missing something.
MaisonJ says
Chobot says
If you cant loot all items, i recommend doing this on replay. I had trouble loot all because in 2nd floor in wardrobe there was opened healt cure and it did not showed to me (not even that i have too many of them). But because you dont have items on replay, it showed me that i can pick it up.
Badouken says
I’ve done this on replay probably 5 times. Ive looted everything. EVERYTHING multiple times. Every time it says how I didn’t loot everything. Ive used eagle vision, I’ve followed this list and I even followed multiple youtube videos. These gold medal challenges are glitchy trash.
Pulling my hair out says
Just complete Gold on this mission on a replay. If you want to nail this on the first play through I suggest that you make sure that you have a slot available for a Health cure, or Opened Health cure both to be safe, Carrot, Apple, Kentucky Bourbon, and Snake Oil. I achieved gold on a replay where most of my slots were empty.
Dillon says
Is this where I unlock wagon fence.
Adam says
Susan Grimshaw will walk up to you at camp and tell you to go to Emerald Ranch. It doesn’t show up on the map until that point, and I have to believe based on the article that you also need to do Paying a Social Call before she’ll trigger the conversation.
Claubk says
You have to wake him up upstairs and threaten him, then the stash under the bed will be available. Makes no sense, but works.