The New South is the 26th main story mission in Red Dead Redemption 2 (RDR2). This walkthrough will guide you through all objectives of The New South Main Quest including all Gold Medals for 100% completion.
The New South is unlocked after completing A Strange Kindness.
Quest Giver: Dutch
Chapter: 3
Region: Lemoyne
Gold Medal Requirements:
- Knock out Anders Anderson without taking a hit
- Catch and return Anders Anderson to jail within 5 minutes 30 seconds
- Catch a fish with Dutch and Hosea
Starting Location: Clemens Point, Lemoyne
Talk to Dutch
To start this mission, all you have to do is walk by Dutch at the beginning of Chapter 3. He will walk over and start waxing philosophical about his goals.
As a nice change of pace, Dutch suggests that you go find Hosea and the three of you go fishing.
Follow Dutch, and meet up with Hosea, then get on your horse and follow them out of the camp.
While on the way to the fishing spot, Dutch says that he doesn’t want anyone causing any trouble in the local town after what happened in Valentine. This means that you won’t be able to use guns or violence while in Rhodes. The game simply won’t allow it.
Along they way, you spot some lawmen ahead carrying prisoners on a caged wagon. Good thing you’re all fine upstanding citizens.
Except for Trelawny, who is apparently one of the prisoners. Dutch tries to sweet talk the Sheriff to get Trelawny released while one of the other prisoners picks the lock at the back of the cage.
The Anderson Boys make their escape to a nearby train and Dutch, thinking quickly offers your services in retrieving them in exchange for leniency for Trelawny.
Arthur and Deputy Archibald ride off to catch the train and retrieve the prisoners.
- GOLD MEDAL: Catch and return Anders Anderson to jail within 5 minutes 30 seconds
No pressure, but 5:30 doesn’t leave you a lot of time.
Chase the Anderson Boys
Ride hard for the train while Archibald warns you that you can’t shoot the Anderson Boys. You need to capture them alive.
That one’s not on me. Anyhow, that’s one less Anderson to deal with.
When the train slows down to go through a station, you will be able to catch up to the train and pull alongside it.
Keep moving up the train until you pull up next to he flat carriage. When prompted, press /
to leap to the train.
After jumping to the train, you’ll get knocked down by one of the Anderson Brothers, and will have to break free of his choke.
Doing so will allow you to toss him from the train. Get up and keep moving forward.
Chase the remaining Andersons to the roof of the train until one of them stops to fight you.
Incidentally, throwing them off the train counts as “capturing” them.
Continue forward, and you’ll encounter the biggest Anderson yet, Anders Anderson.
- GOLD MEDAL: Knock out Anders Anderson without taking a hit
Anders has a knife, so be ready to block, followed by a combination. Concentrate on defense, since even one hit will cause the Gold Medal requirement to be fail.
Three or four solid combinations should be enough to knock out Anders, allowing you to pick him up and haul him off the train.
Load Anders onto the back of your horse, and ride hard for the Sheriff’s office. Do not let Archibald set the pace of your trip, or you’ll never make it within 5:30. Delivering Anders to the Sherrif will convince him to let Trelawny go, and earn some goodwill from the local law.
After you part ways with Trelawny, you’ll be walking through Rhodes with Dutch and Hosea talking about your next plans, then they’ll ask if Arthur still wants to go fishing. Say yes!
Go Fishing with Hosea and Dutch
You’ll get back on your horses, and follow Hosea to the fishing spot that you’ve been trying to get to all day.
Eventually you’ll reach a beach where Arthur can “borrow” a rowboat.
I wonder what the bounty is for Grand Theft Rowboat?
Walk over to the rowboat, and the three of you will launch the boat into the water. Arthur offers to row, and Hosea directs you to a spot in the deeper water at the middle of the lake. Row out to it, and stop in the marked yellow zone.
- GOLD MEDAL: Catch a fish with Dutch and Hosea
There’s no trick to this one, just enjoy the conversation among the men, and catch a fish.
When you’ve had enough, just put your rod away, and you’ll call it a day.
Row South to the camp and park at the camp docks to finish the mission.
This finishes The New South main mission in Red Dead Redemption 2. Now the next quest American Distillation starts.
Next Up: American Distillation
For more Walkthroughs with all gold medals, check out the complete Red Dead Redemption 2 Story Walkthrough.
rundiss says
anyone got tips how to knock out anders without him hitting first ….
Jack McBastard says
You have to be quick to block his first attack, then follow up with a combo. You’re better off counter-punching than attacking outright.
rundiss says
ah i just feel like it doesnt matter if i counter or not he somehow gets to stab me
Henry says
Block him when he attacks and then grabbing him will normally cause him to drop his knife. After grabbing him you can just beat the crap outta him.
Thijs says
I could use tips on fighting as well..
Jon says
this fight is literally impossible….I’ve tried like a 100 times and always get stabbed
Yeah says
The only easy way I found to beat Anders without taking damage is to grapple him with “Y/Triangle”, click “L3” to slam him to the ground, then hit “X/Square” to dismiss. While he’s on the ground, kick him once, in my game he would get up after one kick so I had to repeat the grapple, slam, dismiss, and then kick. I did this four times, and he was knocked out. Another way I saw, in the GTA Series video was to do the first steps to get him on the ground, and then choking him out from behind, but he kept glitching and standing up right away and getting a shot in on me-I also don’t know how to actually choke people out, it seemed like Arthur did it randomly but some people were saying to grapple him from behind after you “dismiss” and then hit “B/Circle”, but in my case I would continually punch his sides from behind. Also, you can get hit my Anders and let him kill you and then restart at the checkpoint (which is literally right before you fight him) and it won’t mess up the requirements, I think it even resets the clock for the time requirement. So if you get hit once, let him murder you and just restart the checkpoint and keep trying until you get it.
Also, at the end when you are supposed to catch a fish, it means that you actually have to keep the fish instead of letting it go. After about 10 attempts, I finally beat Anders, got him to the Sheriff on time (which wasn’t hard since you can game the checkpoint), I caught 5 or 6 fish with Dutch and Hosea, I let all of them go and rowed back to camp. It gave me a Silver Medal because I didn’t “catch” a fish. Reloaded a manual save and redid the entire mission again.
Kilgore says
knowing replay checkpoint is okay was great help. Thanks
amjad says
so i can use reload a checkpoint and the time requirement wont be void?
i keep failing the time requirement for somehow reasons! i defeated him with no damage but i keep failing the time? is it cause i take my time to grap and slap him until the 6th time where i am sure he will be knocked out when i press B
Sean says
I got hit and let myself die. Restarted from checkpoint. Then I didnt get hit and choked him out from behind. Still didnt get that part of the quest done.
Lee says
I must’ve done this like 20 times until I said f*ck it I’m just gonna get silver on this mission. So I evaded him a few times and beat the sh*t outta him. I thought he nipped me with a knife during the fight but when I completed the mission, i had actually gotten gold! You can get gold by evading him and throwing a punch or two
Sam says
I’ve been trying to do this shit for literally an hour and a half, and I do not understand how it is possible to win this fight without being stabbed or punched. When I try to grapple it doesn’t give the option to slam him to the ground, it just lets me struggle until I can hit him a few times and then he breaks free and stabs me immediately. This mission is bullshit.