Here you can find Walkthroughs for all Stranger Missions (Side Missions) in Red Dead Redemption 2.
Below are links to all of the Stranger Missions in RDR2 with the chapters they first become available.
Quests without a number do not count towards the Western Stranger Trophy for completing 10 Stranger Mission Strands and can be missable, when progressing the story.
» Also see Red Dead Redemption 2 All Stranger Locations Map
Stranger Missions
Chapter 2
- The Noblest of Men, and a Woman
All That Glitters (Treasure Hunt) - The Smell of the Grease Paint
- Arcadia for Amateurs
Fundraiser (only available until Chapter 6) - American Dreams
- A Fine Night For It
- Geology for Beginners (Rock Carvings)
- A Test of Faith (Dinosaur Bones)
- Smoking and other Hobbies (Cigarette Cards)
Chapter 3 - He’s British, of Course
- A Fisher of Fish (Legendary Fish)
- The Iniquities of History
- No Good Deed
Chapter 4 - Oh, Brother
- A Bright Bouncing Boy (
Artificial Intelligence)
- The Mercies of Knowledge
- The Artist’s Way
- The Ties That Bind Us
Help a Brother Out (Optional Honor Story Mission, only available in Chapter 4) - Duchesses and other Animals (Exotics)
- Idealism and Pragmatism for Beginners
Chapter 5 - The Wisdom of the Elders
The Widow of Willard’s Rest (only available until Chapter 6)
Chapter 6 - The Veteran
Epilogue 1 - The American Inferno, Burnt Out
For All Main Missions please refer to the Red Dead Redemption 2 Story Missions Walkthrough.
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MToma19 says
Hey, can you do chapter 2 stranger missions if you are on chapter 3 or 4?
also, if you miss any, or do not complete all of them, what impact does that have on the trophies?
PowerPyx says
Yes, the chapters are just when they unlock but you can do them at any later point. They are still available after the story in free roam.
Gabe says
Well, I was unlucky enough to stumble upon an article which pretty much spoiled that [REDACTED]. My question is, can I finish any stranger missions with [REDACTED], if I already started them with [REDACTED]?
PowerPyx says
Yup, nothing is missable.
Gabe says
Well, I can’t finish the Professor’s mission. I was about to go capture the criminal for the electric chair, but then Arthur died, and now the marker has disappeared.
Marcus says
This is old but i do recommend saving the last mission of the veteran for john cause the cutscene is worth it i wont spoil what he says but its really touching what they talk about.
gabonica says
i have completed 10 strangers missions and it didn’t popped up
tino says
same thing happend to me I completed 10 and nothing ?
gabonica says
i got the trophy after i finished another stranger mission
guess it dosen’t count 1
BartThaPlayr says
Just here to say, in your journal you have to meet 10 strangers. Meaning, if you started mission “A Fisher of Fish”, and didn’t completed it, you’ve got +1 in your journal, but it doesn’t count towards the trophy. I got my trophy on like my 15th stranger mission, because I haven’t been doing these collectable quests
Brandon says
Can you replay Stranger Missions (even if its after the game ends)? I have tracked down all the Gunslingers for “Nobelest of Man, and a Woman” however I forgot to loot Midnight’s pistol. Thinking i’ll never be able to pick this up now, but wondering if there may be a glimmer of hope.
dalailama1989 says
No, Stranger Missions can’t be replayed, unfortunately.
Arthur says
Real sorry for ya pimp
bk says
you can replay the mission and pick up the pistol; this will add it to your compendium however you will not retain the pistol when going back to your game
ScoobyDooPL says
Hi Pyx,
What if my total completion shows me a tick next to “Strangers” and I didn’t get the trophy. Should I be worried it might be bugged or just play till the end of the game and when i complete more it will eventually unclock?
I am in chapter 4 right now.
dalailama1989 says
The Checkmark/Tick in the Completion-Menu does not reflect the Progress to the “Western Stranger”-Trophy.
The Menu counts every unique Stranger which you met once.
For the Trophy, you have to complete all Missions for 10 Strangers (they have to have several parts, like I-V).
The Trophy should come, once you progress the Stranger’s Mission Strands even further.
So if you just have accepted 10 Strands, the Menu likely says 10/10, while you are still far away from the Trophy, which is awarded upon completion.
CJTooles says
Same as above for me got the tick. Starting epilogue now and no trophy has popped for this. I have been doing every stranger quest I have seen as well
quinnerd says
It says 10/10 on Social Club and there’s a checkmark on my progress. So that doesn’t unlock the trophy? I’m so confused.
quinnerd says
Trophy finally unlocked for me at my 12th stranger mission. I don’t know what was up with that.
PowerPyx says
I’ll add a note that it can unlock later than it should.
DougGilmourMVP says
It seems some of them are missable. I had started a few before beating the game but now they don’t pop up on my map after the epilogue.
PowerPyx says
Some only spawn at day or at night, I think that might be the problem? If you remember which one in particular you can’t get to spawn I’m happy to double check on my save.
DougGilmourMVP says
He’s British, of Course and The Mercies of Knowledge. I had already talked to them during a story and did part of The Mercies of knowledge but now they’re never on my map and they’re gone from the log.
Dominik says
The Course of Love IV doesn‘t appear. Neither Day nor night. I finished the story and it just disappeared. Can someone please help me?
Jaap says
I got the trophy after the 14th Stranger mission. I suspect not all of them on the above list count towards the 10 stranger mission.
Also, I got a few stranger missions while on chapter 6. I suspect those will be added later as you mention in the guide.
Keep up the good work. Much appreciated.
Tenreth says
A Fisher of Fish mission is available starting in Chapter 2 actually. For me, it was there, after the train robbery with John, but i guess it could spawn after fishing with Jack. (definitely after the robbery, tho)
nlswide1 says
For me it was available in Chapter 2 after A Fisher of Men mission with Jack.
Jo says
Hi. There are some stranger missions like the Veteran that you should add to this list.
Uneshddarann says
Hi Powerpyx, would you be able to update the complete list of Stranger Missions in Red Redemption 2, pretty please? There are so many more out there such as catching an additional legendary fish (Northern Pike) in The Veteran, the serial killer mission American Dreams, The American Inferno Burnt Out and so many more.
dstack says
Yeah this list is missing “The Veteran”, “The American Inferno, Burnt Out”, and “The Wisdom of the Elders”. There might be others too but those are the ones I can find; there doesn’t seem to be a truly complete guide out there anywhere yet, but this one is still the closest.
OTPYG says
Some of these Stranger missions definitely disappear after the main story. I had quite a few I was going to work on/was halfway through that have completely gone.
Miles says
Whats the mission name for the Charlotte girl north of Annesburg? Is it a stranger mission?
dalailama1989 says
It has no name (it would show after saving, if it had one).
I called it The Widow.
It does not count as a Stranger Mission Strand for the trophy.
Rani says
Will you be able to do the Veteran Mission after you’ve finished the game?
AshtimusPrime says
Not counting the ones that you list as not counting towards the trophy, I have completed:
The Smell of the Grease Paint
Arcadia for Amateurs
American Dreams
A Fine Night For It
Geology for Beginners (Rock Carvings)
Smoking and other Hobbies (Cigarette Cards)
He’s British, of Course
The Iniquities of History
That’s eight, yet my trophy progress says I’m 70% done. Either it’s a glitch, one of these doesn’t count, or buying all the cigarette cards instead of collecting them doesn’t count (which is what I did).
AshtimusPrime says
No Good Deed increased my trophy percentage to 80%, so that does count towards the trophy.
enas says
can i play stranger misson even after beating the fame and it’s not showed in the map?
Bitizor says
Hi can help me with a piece of information?I think I did more than 10 strange mission, and the trophy does not appear, and when I come to see in the social club at what level the trophy is, he got stuck at 50%.What can I do?
John says
I think there is another stranger mission which isn’t here but it’s called “Of Men And Angels”. Stumbled upon it after Arthur Finds out he has TB in chapter 6.
crowspectre says
That’s technically part of ‘help a brother out’, but it really should be mentioned here