Red Dead Redemption 2 has 7 Stable Locations. At Stables you can buy horses and horse care items, such as Horse Revivers, Horse Food, and Horse Stimulants. You can also customize how your horse looks and buy new horse equipment such as saddles. The best Elite Horses in the game can be bought in Blackwater after the story. The second best ones are from Saint Denis where you go in Chapter 4. Always buy a few Horse Revivers, some Carrots and some Horse Stimulants so you can replenish your horse’s health and stamina in tricky situations.
You can browse the Stable locations by pressing (PS4) /
(Xbox One) on the world map. This opens up an index of all markers and lets you browse between their locations by pressing
on the icon. Each stable will have a different selection of horses for purchase. The available horse breeds are randomized but their stats will depend on the Stable as some offer better ones than others.
All Stables
#1 – Valentine, in the north-west of town.
#2 – South of Strawberry.
#3 – South of Emerald Ranch.
#4 – North of Van Horn Trading Outpost.
#5 – Saint Denis, in the south of town. The second best horses can be bought here.
#6 – Blackwater, in the south of town. The very best horses in Red Dead Redemption 2 can be bought here! This is only accessible after having reached the Epilogue.
#7 – Tumbleweed, in the west of New Austin region. You can only go here after having reached the Epilogue.
That’s all the stables and their locations in RDR2.
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