Our Best Selves is the 86th main story mission in Red Dead Redemption 2 (RDR2). This walkthrough will guide you through all objectives of Our Best Selves Main Quest including all Gold Medals for 100% completion.
Our Best Selves is unlocked after completing My Last Boy.
Quest Giver: Dutch
Chapter: 6
Region: New Hanover
Gold Medal Requirements:
- Get a headshot in Dead Eye after jumping from Dutch’s Horse
- Complete within 11 minutes
- Fight through the train with at least 80% accuracy
- Complete the mission without taking any health items
Starting Location: Roanoke Ridge, New Hanover
Talk to Dutch
- GOLD MEDAL: Complete within 11 minutes
- GOLD MEDAL: Complete the mission without taking any health items
Since this is a timed mission, be sure to skip all cinematics.
People are deserting the gang, and Dutch is increasingly more desperate to hold things together for one last score. This time it is a train that is carrying payroll for the US Army.
Follow Dutch as he explains the plan, then split off with John to retrieve the dynamite from the wagon. Climb up into the back, and collect the dynamite from the crate when prompted.
Return to your horse, and follow John to the others.
When you meet up with Dutch, follow him to the train station in Saint Denis and get ready to sneak onto the train.
…except it looks like the train has other plans. Mount up and follow the train.
When you catch up to the train and pull alongside it, press /
to jump to the flatbed.
- GOLD MEDAL: Fight through the train with at least 80% accuracy
Push forward towards the front of the train, making sure to keep your accuracy high. Don’t shoot till you’re sure of your shot, and stay in cover to keep your health protected.
Due to the close quarters of the train, don’t be afraid to use your gun for an instant kill if you get into melee range. Pressing the /
at extreme close range will result in a unique one hit kill animation, based on the weapon you have equipped.
On the next flatbed, feel free to use Dead Eye to expedite the situation and get three quick kills. Then another two quick instant kill shots from melee range. And then again three more Dead Eye kills on the next flatbed.
Watch for the soldier on top of the next car. Take him out then climb up to the roof of that car. Be ready to immediately shoot another soldier who is climbing up the other side of the car as you simultaneously. You have only a fraction of a second to shoot him before he shoots you.
Jump to the next car, then jump down to the flatbed below and get into cover. There will be two more soldiers on this car, and a third that appears on the roof of the car ahead.
Move quickly to take all three down and keep pushing forward.
Inside the next two cars will be a few more soldiers firing straight down the center of each car, but of course that rule works both ways, leaving them easy targets for you in return. You can either try an aggressive push forward, if you have the life, or stay in cover and wait for the right moment. Time is of the essence here but you also can’t afford to “spray and pray” while keeping your accuracy high!
Instant weapon kills are still useful if you can charge them while they’re reloading.
On the next flatbed will be two soldiers with a third in the doorway to the next car, dual wielding pistols. Use Dead Eye to take out all three.
Once the soldier with two pistols goes down, things get fun.
Run to Dutch and jump onto the back of his horse when prompted.
He will get you to the next flatbed where you can jump back onto the train.
John will go to uncouple the fiery carriage while you go about setting up a gatling gun.
After pulling the pin to loose the carriage, John is suddenly shot and topples off the train.
You will instantly go into Dead Eye to kill the sniper who shot John. Go for a headshot.
- GOLD MEDAL: Get a headshot in Dead Eye after jumping from Dutch’s Horse
Dutch will go back to check on John while you get on the gatling to protect the train. It is important to know that the mission’s gold medal accuracy requirement only pertained to the gunfight to secure the train. Now that its under your control, and you’re using the gatling gun, you don’t have to worry about accuracy at all. Walk fire back and forth across their lines, and cut them all down with reckless abandon. Watch your radar to keep track of enemies who will come up behind you, or from either side. Sadie and Cleet will call out where enemies are coming from while you’re shooting.
Eventually Cleet will tell you to get off the gun and go for the money. Clean up any immediate threats then start heading forward on the train.
The money should be in the armored carriage ahead of you. Walk to the wall of the car, and press /
when prompted.
Once planted, you can either ignite it and run or shoot it from a safe distance.
The dynamite will blow a man sized hole in the car, allowing you entry. Go inside and you’ll find a lot of cash. When the cinematic ends, jump off the train to safety.
After the ending cinematic, you will begin the next mission automatically. Buckle in, its about to get rough.
This finishes Our Best Selves main mission in Red Dead Redemption 2. Now the next quest Red Dead Redemption starts.
Next Up: Red Dead Redemption
For more Walkthroughs with all gold medals, check out the complete Red Dead Redemption 2 Story Walkthrough.
William says
Any mission that has an accuracy parameter should not have you use a mini-gun in it.
Hunter says
That part does not matter
Jesus says
Accidently exited Dead Eye after jumping the horse, but still got the head shot after reentering Dead Eye. Still didn’t give me the mark, so don’t panic like I did or else you’re gonna have to restart. Also use FPS mode while in the train, it helped.
Sam says
Is there some trick about where you actually have to plant the dynamite? I literally just went through 10 sticks in various places along the wall of that traincar, and every one of them just exploded and didn’t make a hole. Obviously I had long since given up on my timer at that point, but wtf is wrong that I can’t actually even complete the mission?
Sam says
Nevermind, I’m just a doofus. I was using volatile dynamite, which apparently is different enough to not activate the quest event. So, yeah, just use regular dynamite for this. That’s the trick. /facepalm