This guide will show you the fastest Red Dead Redemption 2 Online XP Exploit Glitch that is known so far. This trick will earn you 7,000 XP per hour in the online mode of RDR2. That’s 3 times faster than playing PVP matches! You still have to put in some work yourself but you only need to fight AI enemies in an online story mission so no real skill is required. Credit to PSN-User Waraneasy for having found this method.
Red Dead Redemption 2 Online XP Exploit Glitch: Step-by-Step Instructions
This method will earn you around 7,000XP per hour for each player!
- Make a 2-player posse with a friend. This exploit requires 2 players!
- Posse Leader must initiate replay of the final online story mission “Kill Them, Each and Every One” (Pause Menu > Progress > Story > Select Mission > hold
to Replay).
Note: The Posse Leader must have beaten this mission for replay to be available. The joining player only needs to have beaten the online tutorial. - Click
for MATCHMAKING > immediately when in the lobby hold
to QUIT > Confirm with
Note: It will now put both players back in the open world. This step makes it so the mission start will be marked via a yellow circle on the map near your spawn! - Both players must enter the mission start (yellow circle) simultaneously. Easiest way is to have both players sit on the same horse to guarantee you’ll enter the mission at the same time.
- Posse leader must click
Note: If done correctly, it should skip the matchmaking and put you instantly in the mission. Skip the cutscenes to save time. - Follow the mission objectives until you reach Fort Mercer where enemies spawn (after a cutscene where you put on helmets).
- Here the actual XP Exploit starts. When reaching Fort Mercer (after cutscene) you get 50 “Split Point” Ammo for the Carbine Repeater (this is automatic and for free, no matter your level). Open weapon wheel
, hover over the Carbine Repeater and press
to select Split Point Ammo!
Note: The “Split Point” Ammo gives you +6 XP per kill and you get it for free in this mission. - Now kill the enemies with Carbine Repeater Executions. Run up to them and press
. You should get 34XP per kill! (6XP Kill + 6XP Special Ammo + 11XP Execution + 11XP Eyes Wide Shut). So while normally you only get meager 6XP per kill you now earn 34XP per kill (+566% increase)!
Note: take out the first few enemies behind the machine guns with headshots. Then you can rush in and kill everyone with executions at close range. In this mission you wear heavy armor that greatly reduces incoming damage. - Let the last enemy kill you (lose both lives). Then both players must press
RETRY CHECKPOINT. This will make all enemies respawn instantly so you can keep farming execution kills.
- Repeat steps 7-9. On each retry you get 50 free Special Ammo. Remember you must equip it again! Kill everyone with executions, let last enemy kill you, reload checkpoint, repeat!
Each player should receive close to 600XP per run (5 minutes). That’s roughly 120XP per Minute or 7200XP per Hour (for each player).
In order to reach Rank 50 for the “Notorious” trophy & achievement you will need 175,300 XP so this will take roughly 25 hours to grind out. It’s still a long grind but 3-4 times faster than playing PVP matches and you don’t need any skill to do this. In comparison, playing PVP would take around 80 hours to reach Rank 50 (depending on skill). You can also switch up routes so your XP farming doesn’t get too boring. Good luck! 🙂
For more RDR2 guides check out our complete Red Dead Redemption 2 Strategy Guide & Wiki.
Danilo Scala says
Please glitch money, thanks yours guides
MidnightDragonDX says
Knowing Rockstar, they’ll alter this before long.
PowerPyx says
It’s pretty much the same thing as the GTA V trick where you could repeat the same race for quick XP when it launched. They might nerf it but it’s not anything game-breaking (you still gotta play actively and put in the work). I think instead of reducing the XP gained from AI kills, they should increase the XP gain from PVP to even it out. 150 hours of PVP just to reach Rank 50 is too excessive for most players who’re after that trophy / achievement… and that’s still a long way from Rank 100.
bloodrive65 says
I achieved rank 50 by playing through the Bounty Hunter roles excessively.
EHS says
If someone looking for a mate for this exploit, add me. PSN: corovaner_m
EHS says
Don’t need anymore, thanks
wewill says
add me on ps4 WeWillWeWillRYou
we can do this for lvl 50 trophy.
Eva says
Add Woxiess on Ps4, will grind this out.
Tom Hughes says
Add me if looking to boost this and any others
Ps4: no6uzi_640
UK time.
Will be on most nights.
Kafka0riz0r says
Searching for a mate to do this exploit.
Kafka0riz0r on PSN.
European time.
Geen12uk says
I don’t get alot of time to play and haven’t completed the online part yet.. (really selling myself arent I)..
But add me if you just need someone to help or work towards that rank 50 trophy : geen12uk
Thanks 🙂
Ash says
Will I get banned if I do the XP Exploit Glitch for level 50 trophy
PowerPyx says
I obviously can’t speak for Rockstar — all I can say is there are people who got the platinum trophy this way and none of them have been banned (and I have heard of nobody else who is using XP or money exploits who received a ban). This is nothing game-breaking, it doesn’t make you rank 50 in a matter of seconds, you still have to put in many hours yourself. I don’t think they would ban someone over this in a Beta. It was the same thing in GTA V where you could drive the same race over and over again to grind to Level 100 quickly and nobody was banned back then. Granted this is a different franchise and some different developers, but I wouldn’t worry about bans for essentially “farming” XP. All this trick does is to optimize your XP gain which is nothing illegal.
KWG says
I just hope for a better glitch. I hate the online Part. I just want the lvl 50 trophy and i will never touch this shitty multiplayer again.
Jason says
Add todo_43 on PSN to do this!! EST
Gerson says
Same here, looking for someone to do this.
ID :BioHazardPw
Alireza says
Hey guys if anyone intrested to farming xp add me on psn
Id : AlirezaBrave
Just this trophy left for platinum
Alireza says
hey guys , dont need anymore , thanks
especially thanks to powerpyx for all its guidance through the game . thank you
Hawkwind 66 says
Hey Powerpyx, I am playing the Xbox One version and there is a guy on Trueachievements who says that playing PvP is faster than this method if you are skilled in PvP. You can get 950 XP for a win in certain modes. What are your thoughts on this?
FayMoon says
The average mode in PVP lasts 10 minutes. So you need 95 XP per minute to reach 950 XP as MVP. You also need to be „good”, highly focused on game and so on.
Here, you get more than 95 XP per minute, you work faster on your online challenges, and there’s no MVP pressure :-)
I played a lot of PVP in RDR2O and even as MVP, maximum amount of XP I reached was 395 XP.
I know that a lot of people gather themselves together in teams of 8 and boost kills in PVP modes one after another, in 30-seconds killing windows. Even if it’s more profitable, still, needs also a high level of discipline and… mature players.
DarkLord says
Add me if you want to farm.
ID: Xxdark-lord911xX
I reached rank 50 but my trophy hasn’t popped up for hours.. I tried syncing with psn but no luck. Also tried resetting my internet connection and switching off the console. Rockstar support haven’t replied yet. Any solutions or do I have no choice but to start from scratch?
Never mind. I got up to rank 51 and it popped! Phew.
Laurent says
Hi all,
As described above, I gained 6xp per kill and 11 for an execution, but over the past 2 days, these values have dropped to 5 and 10 respectively…
Do you have any idea why?
Many thanks 🙂
Daniel says
Because after lvl25 your ultimate edition bonus xp boost will be disabled
Laurent says
Ok, thank you 🙂
PresidentGump says
PSN: PresidentGump
Add me and we can grind this out sometime next week or weekend
Dharma45 says
PSN: Dharma45
Looking to do a lot of grinding for this on Dec 30th & 31st. I’m located in in the midwest US. Add me and mention this trophy if you want to grind it for a few hours one of those 2 days!
Dharma45 says
Please disregard this. It has since been nerfed and I believe there are faster ways to do it now.
all_eyez says
Add me for boosting
(Europian time)
all_eyez says
Edit* I’m done with the trophy.. thanks for the help PresidrentGump and KyosAlucard
MidnightDragonDX says
Bad news: Rockstar has nerfed it. The boss appears with fewer of his men killed than he used to. I was XP grinding with a friend earlier and we noticed it was happening quicker than it used to. It’s still doable, just not as effective as it used to be.
MidnightDragonDX says
Disregard. Not 100% conclusive.
Niall says
I am looking for someone to do this with – add me on PSN:
Niall says
UK time :).
BloodedRogue says
I’m open on Xbox if anyone wants to do this.
GT: Blooded Rogue
Adrian says
Add me on PSN ThrippleA
Suoritin says
Feel free to add me to do this exploit
PSN: Suoritin
RarePlatinum says
Willing to help someone.
PSN: e-ros8732
Karanj says
I am willing add me ssj_karan_ssj
jrod says
Hey guys, the post 2/26 patch has farming cops for xp a complete waste of time. Anybody on psn in CST wanna link up and grind to 50?
Shaf says
Yeah, you’re right. You can only restart checkpoint for a limited no of times before you get only 5xp for a kill with disregards for execution, special ammo etc. However, when you do the mission again it works fine again for a few restarts. Still grindable but a lot slower.
Andre Lomeli says
Jrod lets grind!
Andre Lomeli says
Add me lets grind dre452
Dorut says
add me for level 50.
PSN : Dorut
Dan says
Does this still work?
Mystic_Snake says
Yes this method still works but whitout respawn “split point” ammo for the Carbine Repeater.
But you will still get 25XP per kill (5XP Kill + 10XP Execution + 10XP Eyes Wide Shut) so it’s still worth to do it over and over restarting the checkpoint.
I guess Rockstar patched the respawn of “split point” ammo.
I always play this mission because free roam missions are always unable to accept. It’s really frustrating and annoying to know that Rockstar still never patch this bug.
Frans says
Need a buddy to grind
David says
Still need a buddy?
David says
ISO a partner for XP Grind
Steve says
Im Lebron I sent a request (if you still need me )
Pad—Man says
Hey need a buddy for this, preferably UK bases so time zone matches.