Red Dead Redemption 2 has 15 Trinkets. They are passive perks that make you stronger. One of them, the ‘Iguana Scale Trinket’, requires the Special Edition or Ultimate Edition of RDR2 and is not available with the Standard Edition. The ‘Owl Feather Trinket’ is missable from the chapter 6 mission Archeology for Beginners. The rest is from hunting Legendary Animals.
To Get Trinkets:
- Skin the Legendary Animal that drops the crafting component
- Go to a Fence Merchant and create the Trinket from their Crafting Menu
See the Fence Location below. At the Fence, press (PS4) /
(XB1) to open the Crafting menu. You don’t have to equip the Trinkets anywhere. They just need to be in your inventory for the effects to be active. You can have all of them at the same time and all their effects will work. You can also stack these with the Talismans.
The crafting materials are all from skinning Legendary Animals. See Red Dead Redemption 2 Legendary Animals Locations.
You can go for these after doing the Legendary Bear Hunt with Hosea in Chapter 2 (main mission). He then gives you a map for all Legendary Animals, but simply refer to the Legendary Animals Guide for their spawn zones.
Trinkets List
- Beaver Tooth Trinket: -10% Weapon Deterioration (weapons stay in good condition for longer). Requires Legendary Beaver Tooth.
- Buck Antler Trinket: Gives better chance at higher-quality animal skins from skinning them. Requires Legendary Buck Antler.
- Cougar’s Paw Trinket: Deadeye Core drain is reduced by -10% for 3 seconds after triggering it. Requires Legendary Cougar’s Paw.
- Coyote Fang Trinket: +10% Dead Eye XP earned. Requires Legendary Coyote Fang.
- Elk Antler Trinket: +10% Loot (more items looted). Requires Legendary Elk Antler.
- Fox Claw Trinket: +5 seconds Eagle Eye duration. Requires Legendary Fox Claw.
- Lion’s Paw Trinket: +10% Stamina XP earned. Craft using the Lion’s Paw.
- Moose Antler Trinket: +10% Health XP earned. Requires Legendary Moose Antler.
- Owl Feather Trinket (Missable): +15% Increase on all Cores (Health, Stamina, Deadeye). Must complete the optional honor story mission ‘Archeology for Beginners’ with no kills (Chapter 6). *Note: there are reports this is obtainable by replaying the mission afterward from the replay menu.
- Panther’s Eye Trinket: +10% Dead Eye Core. Requires Legendary Panther’s Eye.
- Pronghorn Horn Trinket: Carcasses on your horse no longer decompose. Requires Legendary Pronghorn Horn.
- Ram Horn Trinket: Receive twice as many herbs from picking some types of plants. Requires Legendary Ram Horn.
- Tatanka Bison Horn Trinket: -10% Melee Damage received. Requires Legendary Tatanka Bison Horn.
- Wolf Heart Trinket: Can drink twice as much alcohol before getting drunk. Requires Legendary Wolf Heart.
- Iguana Scale Trinket: -10% Damage received while on Horse. Exclusive DLC for owners of the Special Edition / Ultimate Edition of RDR2.
Remember, after getting skinning one of the legendary animals, go to any fence to purchase these upgrades. It doesn’t matter if you lost the legendary skin, the items you need either go directly in your satchel or will be forwarded to the Fence automatically if you forgot to pick them up.
That’s all the Trinkets in Red Dead Redemption 2. For more RDR2 guides check out our full Red Dead Redemption 2 Wiki & Strategy Guide.
Vex93 says
Owl Feather Trinket can be obtained by replaying the mission.
Jonathan says
Nop, only in the compendium … I have lost this and replayed the mission later and i dont won the Owl Trinket in techniques…
For luck i have other save before this mission.
J says
I tried replaying the mission and getting the owl trinket and it does appear in unlocked equipment but doesn’t appear in satchel so does it still count as having it?
Dddddoob says
Mack M says
Most useful guide I can find. Thank you
Owl trinket is definitely not unlocked for your character, even if you replay the mission and do the requirements. It only unlocks under your equipment in compendium section. When you check your characters stats, it’s still hidden by “undiscovered perk”.
URadek says
If someone else is interested:
East of Annesburg, at the end of the map there is a crate with a shark tooth at the wreck.
Shark Tooth Trinket – Permanently increases player’s horse bonding experience by 10%.