Red Dead Redemption 2 has 6 Talismans that are a type of upgrade and award your character special perks. One of the six talismans is only available for owners of the Special Edition or Ultimate Edition. Their names are: Alligator Tooth Talisman, Bear Claw Talisman, Bison Horn Talisman, Boar Tusk Talisman, Eagle Talon Talisman, Raven Claw Talisman.
To Get Talismans:
- Find the Talisman Crafting Materials
- Go to a Fence Vendor and build the Talisman from their Crafting Menu
Once crafted, the Talisman gets added to your inventory automatically and grants you passive effects. You don’t have to equip it actively anywhere. You can carry all Talismans at the same time in your inventory to receive all their benefits.
None of them are missable. You can start collecting their parts as soon as you’ve reached chapter 2 but a few crafting parts are tied to Stranger Missions which take additional game progress. Each one of them requires you to hunt down a legendary animal and get a unique item found in the world or given as a quest reward. This guide explains exactly where to find all Talisman crafting materials in RDR2.
Once you have all materials, the talisman can be crafted at any Fence. Go to a fence and press (PS4) /
(XB1) to open the upgrade menu. You can also stack these with the Trinkets.
All Talisman Locations
Alligator Tooth Talisman
Effect: +10% Dead Eye Core (More Dead Eye)
Crafting Materials:
- Vintage Civil War Handcuffs: Start the Stranger Mission Smoking and other Hobbies, it’s a collectible quest that requires you to find 144 cigarette cards. Mail a full set consisting of 12 cards to the quest giver via the post office. 1-2 days later you will receive the Vintage Civil War Handcuffs in your mailbox as a reward. See All Cigarette Card Locations.
- Gold Jointed Bracelet: Random loot from dead bodies and can be found in huts and houses.
- Legendary Alligator Tooth: From skinning the Legendary Alligator.
Bear Claw Talisman
Effect: +10% Health Core (More Health)
Crafting Materials:
- Quartz Chunk: Start Stranger Mission A Test of Faith, it’s a collectible mission that requires you to find 30 dinosaur bones. To get the Quartz Chunk you must find only 1 of 30 dinosaur bones, go to the post office, and mail its coordinates back to the quest giver. After 1-2 days you’ll receive the Quartz Chunk in your mail as a reward. See All Dinosaur Bone Locations.
- Silver Chain Bracelet: Random loot from dead bodies and can be found in huts and houses.
- Legendary Bear Claw: From skinning the Legendary Bear.
Bison Horn Talisman
Effect: +10% Stamina Core (More Stamina)
Crafting Materials:
- Abalone Shell Fragment: You find the Abalone Shell Fragment in a house in the town of Rhodes.
- Silver Earring: Random loot from dead bodies and can be found in huts and houses.
- Legendary Bison Horn: From skinning the Legendary Bisons.
Boar Tusk Talisman
Effect: +10% Horse Health & +10% Horse Stamina
Crafting Materials:
- Cobalt Petrified Wood: In the snowy starting region, in the north-western part of the map. There’s a lake called “Lake Isabella”. To the top left of it there’s a little cave at the foot of a mountain. There you find a wooden cart with a lockbox on it that contains this item.
- Gold Earring: Random loot from dead bodies and can be found in huts and houses.
- Legendary Boar Tusk: From skinning the Legendary Boar.
Eagle Talon Talisman
Effect: +5 seconds Eagle Eye Duration
Bonus Talisman: Reward for owners of the Special Edition / Ultimate Edition of Red Dead Redemption 2. Not available in Standard Edition of the game!
Raven Claw Talisman
Effect: -20% Weapon deterioration (Weapons Stay in better condition for longer)
Crafting Materials:
- Old Brass Compass: Start the Stranger Mission Geology for Beginners, it’s a collectible quest that requires you to find 10 rock carvings. Find all 10, then go to the post office to mail their coordinates to the quest giver. After 2 days (in-game time) you receive an invitation to the quest giver’s cabin in your mailbox. Read it and sleep a few hours to advance time so his quest icon shows up at the cabin. You can then get the Old Brass Compass from the quest giver’s hut. See All Rock Carving Locations.
These are all the Talismans in RDR2, their crafting components, and how to craft them. They get added to your inventory automatically and the effects are passive, no need to select them anywhere. For more RDR2 guides check out our full Red Dead Redemption 2 Wiki & Strategy Guide.
Craig Richardson says
I followed your guide for Red Dead 2 with the 10 rock carvings went to the hut and met the mans wife but didn’t get the old brass compass for the raven talisman have I missed something where do I obtain the old brass compass I can’t get back in the hut
Mr Lee C E Dennis says
Go back in the hut and it’d on the table
LordArkhan says
I had the same issue, went back to the hut and it’s locked up tight. Is this supposed to be missable?
Sonny says
Try to reload the game (save near the house) and check if that helps had the same problem(house being locked and all)
I’m better than you I’ve got 100 persent of the game
Anthony says
Today (30th July 2019) I have realized I couldn’t enter Francis Sinclair’s house when his mission is over. Saddly, I didn’t pick up the old brass compass when I had the chance. So, I tried the “save&load glitch” four times but it didn’t work for me. Maybe, it is now patched. However, I have found out another way to get it (actually, the old brass compass is in my inventary): you can enter the house by aiming at the door with a gun while carrying the lamp with the other hand (watch videos on YouTube to learn how to do it correctly). When inside, if the same glitch doesn’t allow you to exit, you can save the game and reload it. You should respawn outside the cabin with the old brass compass in your inventary. This method should work (it worked for me)
Luxxie95 says
Same happened to me, how would I get it now it’s locked
Furlan92 says
Try saving and reloading next to the house
Walzer says
You missed it! if you dont have a save your not getting this talisman
michael says
i have a problem with the Quartz Chunk i never get one
AshtimusPrime says
I might have sold the quartz chunk without realising it goes towards these. Anyway of getting another?
AshtimusPrime says
Never mind, turns out I didn’t sell it!
Mark Conway says
You can get the quartz from the meteorite house as well
pkstoxic says
do i have to study all legendary animals for zoologist? i killed the ram w/o studying it
Neil Bornstein says
I never completed the rock carvings, but I still found the compass. I don’t know what I did, but you can get in without finding them all
Angela says
Wish I knew how. That took me two days just to find them all near about then find out the man used his baby’s name instead so it’s like ‘boss baby’ sent him the invitation and reward…I hope I can find the gold jointed bracelet and silver earring since I’ve beat the game already.
Merc 4 hire says
In the mission where u get jewelry back for Arthur’s lady. Back of the wagon u can shoot it off or use lock break. Theirs a old compass an ammo in the back of wagon.
Jeremy says
Amazing, thank you!
Jane's says
Nobody ever found the shark tooth talisman? At the extreme north-eastern edge of the map? Follow the coastline and eventually you’ll find a shipwreck. The talisman is in a box right next to it…
Helps with horse bonding, not much else