Horsemen, Apocalypse is the 52nd main story mission in Red Dead Redemption 2 (RDR2). This walkthrough will guide you through all objectives of Horsemen, Apocalypse Main Quest including all Gold Medals for 100% completion.
Horsemen, Apocalypse is unlocked after completing The Gilded Cage and No, No and Thrice, No.
Quest Giver: Sadie Adler
Chapter: 4
Region: Lemoyne
Gold Medal Requirements:
- Shoot the O’Driscoll’s in the boat before they disembark
- Complete using only sidearms
- Complete with at least 70% accuracy
- Get 15 headshots
- Complete the mission without taking any health items
Starting Location: Shady Belle, Lemoyne
NOTE: Before you begin this mission, ensure that you have a very accurate sidearm equipped such as the Schofield Revolver with Split Point ammo. Also, this mission is very difficult to complete in replay. It is significantly easier to earn gold on your campaign playthrough, with access to Dead Eye tonics.
Talk to Sadie
Sit down and have a nice chat with Sadie on the porch of the mansion.
At least until that talk-blocker Dutch comes by to ruin everything.
He’ll take you up to the balcony to talk about your next job.
Karma swiftly interrupts Dutch’s chat with Arthur.
This mission goes from 0-60 instantaneously, and gunfire rains down on the camp.
- GOLD MEDAL: Complete using only sidearms
- GOLD MEDAL: Complete with at least 70% accuracy
- GOLD MEDAL: Get 15 headshots
- GOLD MEDAL: Complete the mission without taking any health items
Concentrate on getting headshots with Dead Eye. It will be difficult enough to maintain your accuracy when only using sidearms, but it makes it just that much harder to get headshots at this distance. At any rate, you only have to maintain 70% accuracy, but its still going to be easy to miss at this range.
Don’t hesitate when Dutch tells you to get down there and help. Go immediately to the front door. Panicked camp members stream past you into the house.
Immediately head for cover near John, and continue to get headshots. Your biggest concern during this mission will be to stay in cover and use Dead Eye as much as possible, since this is a long mission with a lot of O’Driscolls shooting at you and you can’t recover health, your only way to stay alive is to avoid being injured in the first place.
When the wagonload of O’Driscoll reinforcements rolls up, John will call for everyone to fall back to the house. Don’t delay, run for your life.
Once inside the door, turn to the left and push over the cabinet next to the door to barricade it.
Dutch will then assign people to cover each of the windows, sending you to cover the back of the house. More Dead Eye, more head shots.
Midway through the fight, you’ll hear Sadie Adler yelling outside sounding like she’s fighting for her life. Jump through the window and fight to her side.
Wow. Maybe she doesn’t need your help after all.
Follow her and take cover behind some crates. Head shot any enemies in the immediate vicinity, because you’ll have to run straight ahead to stop a boat.
- GOLD MEDAL: Shoot the O’Driscoll’s in the boat before they disembark
Run to the edge of the water in front of the dock area and kill the two O’Driscolls in the boat before they reach land. Use Dead Eye to be certain.
Cut back to the west and follow Sadie to the north, racking up headshots as you go.
Make sure to stick to cover and ideally stay a ways back from Sadie so that she will draw attention while you bat cleanup.
As you head back towards the front of the mansion, you will hook up with the others and the O’Driscolls will be driven back. This will be your last chance for headshots, so if you have any Dead Eye left, now’s the time to use it.
The O’Driscolls will flee, and the gang will start clearing the dead.
This finishes Horsemen, Apocalypse main mission in Red Dead Redemption 2. Now the next quest Urban Pleasures starts.
Next Up: Urban Pleasures
For more Walkthroughs with all gold medals, check out the complete Red Dead Redemption 2 Story Walkthrough.
Perry says
Suggestions for all missions gold play through, hunt alligator for big game meat, collect thyme sage and mint, cook gold core meat, carry 10 of each, before each mission eat which ever you need for gold core health, stamina, or dead eye save game and start mission. If you fail reload game and retry with fresh gold core. Also take any tonics you want before starting initial mission interaction.
DO NOT eat during mission as refills health
HighTimes76 -xbox one
Strauss says
Anyone else having trouble with the sidearm bit with this mission preventing gold? Twice I’ve completed this mission using only sidearms but I don’t get the gold medal requirement for it. Same happens in the bank job mission. Does it matter if I’m dual wielding pistols or not or is there something else I’m missing?
pancibus says
“Dutch will then assign people to cover each of the windows, sending you to cover the back of the house. More Dead Eye, more head shots.”
At this step of the mission I noticed that Arthur changed his weapon selection from the revolvers he had from the start to a repeater, I had to manually switch back to my sidearms.