He’s British, of Course is a Stranger Mission Strand (Side Questline) in Red Dead Redemption 2. This Walkthrough shows how to complete these Stranger Missions in RDR2.
Quest Giver: Margaret
Region: West of Bluewater Marsh
Requirements: having finished Chapter 2
Reward: a gem worth $ 250
He’s British, of Course Starting Location
Starting in Chapter 3, Arthur can find a crashed caravan of circus-members in the state of Lemoyne. There is a lost sad man sitting around. He says that he is a female animal wrestler by the name of Margaret and his beasts escaped. Without any animals, his show is no longer a show and he asks us to find his lost Zebra, Tiger and Lion. Those should be easy to spot in these regions.
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Part II
The Zebra is thought to be a bit to the north-west. It can be seen from afar, grazing under a tree. If you look through your binoculars and study it, Arthur will see that it is just a Mule painted like a Zebra.
Grab your Lasso and capture the not-so-exotic animal. Lead it back to the caravan and ask Margaret what the hell is going on. A man pretending to be a woman with a Mule “pretending” to be a Zebra. Weird.
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Part III
Despite all the confusion, Arthur agrees to look out for the other creatures, whatever they might be. Margaret says that his assistant is also out looking for them and we should meet up with her.
After a short chat with her, we are supposed to track down the lion. Press +
to highlight the trace in your surroundings and follow it. You will eventually find the dead animal on the ground. It’s just a Labrador with a Mane. Damn you, Margaret!
Pick up the dog and throw it back into the caged wagon. This might attract the missing Tiger, or whatever animal it really is. Shortly after placing it and getting into cover a real wildcat will come and climb into the wagon. It is a Cougar with painted stripes on it. Another fake, but closer to being what it’s supposed to be. Close the cage-doors and drive to the rest of the caravan.
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Part IV
Margaret has another favor to ask. Due to the shortness of Lions in his/her portfolio, he/she asks us to look for the remaining one. Shouldn’t be too exciting, I suppose. Once at the location, Arthur will spot some farmers locking the barn door in fear. Arthur will request entrance to look for probably another sorry dressed-up creature. Once inside, we hear some noise above us. Seems like the animal just escaped the barn.
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Once you are back outside, we will see a bloody corpse on the ground, followed by a dead horse not too far away. That couldn’t be a dressed Labrador. Head over to the stables marked below. Surprisingly, there is actually a real lion in there, which will instantly attack you. Use the Dead Eye to place a few rounds on its head to take it down.
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Time to cut off a paw as a trophy. Who knows when you might need one?
Part V
Head back to the Caravan for a last time to have another chat with Margaret, where Arthur demands his payment after complaining about the missing heads-up about the real lion earlier.
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This concludes the “He’s British, of Course” Stranger Mission in Red Dead Redemption 2 (RDR2). For all other Stranger Missions check out the full Red Dead Redemption 2 Stranger Missions Walkthrough.
whiskeydog says
The lions paw can be made into a trinket. this is, so far, the only opportunity in the game to acquire a lions paw.
Vivas says
Is there any reason to hold onto the emerald that you get as a quest reward here? Can it be used to craft anything or should I just sell it?
dalailama1989 says
To my knowledge, there is nothing you can do with it (like crafting). Should be safe to sell.
Naz says
Does the lion count toward the animal trophies or no?
Didn’t see a chance to study it, so assuming not.. But just to be safe
AJR says
You can’t study the lion. So no, it doesn’t count towards the animal trophies. Although I am quite disappointed there was no way to encounter lions in the wild, would’ve been really fun to hunt some.
justmike says
When I sell the gem, I only get $50, not $250, am I missing something?
Wilster says
I dont get this either have been holding on to the gem just in case it has a special use or I find a buyer who will pay more than $50. I dont know where the $250 value story came from but I have only read about it online and not in the game.
Andreas says
I started part 1 of the misson as arthur but now that i beat the epilogue, the misson dorsnt show up any more, is the misson only available as arthur?
Dildo Baggins says
What happens if you follow Margaret after mission V? Where do they go? Lol i must know.
JazZ says
I follow all interesting NPCs and they drove together into Rhodes, then all the way around Caliga Hall. They end up in Saint Denis in the market district where they did a loop around the city and then headed back to Rhodes without stopping. A big loop from Rhodes to Saint Denis. As soon as they were a certain distance away, they disappeared altogether. The game just deleted them.
Pete Melvin says
I followed them for about 30 seconds, and then they ran into a shootout between Lemoyne Raiders and a prisoner transport. Margaret abandoned his wagon and ran away, and Sally kept driving in the opposite direction. By the time I took care of the raiders who were shooting at me and caught up to Sally’s wagon (just around the next turn), she’s abandoned it, and I couldn’t find her. Unfortunately, the game wouldn’t let me climb up in the driver’s seat of either wagon, so the zebra and the tiger were both just left to chill in their cages
help says
mission not spawning for me i left area came back not there did other stuff came back not there what do i do to spawn it