Red Dead Redemption 2 has 104 Gold Medals from Story Missions. This guide shows how to get the gold medal in every mission of RDR2. For the Gold Rush trophy and achievement you must earn 70 Gold Medals from Story Missions. Since there are 34 more medals available than you need, you can pick and choose which missions are easiest for you.
All missions can be replayed as often as you want! After completing a mission, go to Pause Menu > Progress > Story > Select a Mission. You can also toggle the gold medals checklist there. It will show a checkmark on each completed requirement. After finishing the story it unlocks everything you have missed in your missions log and everything can be replayed (some missions are optional in the story).
In order to get the gold medal you must complete ALL medal requirements in one playthrough of the mission. On replay it resets the requirements you have done previously so you must do them all again. E.g. you completed one objective on your first playthrough and are missing one more objective for gold – then you must do both objectives again on replay. If you only do the missing task it will not give you the gold medal.
It’s worth noting that on replay you have no Tonics and only some preset weapons. Therefore it’s much harder to do these on replay. The easiest option is to make a manual save before each mission during your main playthrough, attempt the gold, and if you failed reload your manual save to try again. This way you can control with what inventory and horse you go into the mission.
While replaying a mission you can check the completed tasks: press to open log > press
(PS4) /
(XB1) > press
to view the Checklist of Gold Medals (this only works on replay, not on first playthrough). On the first playthrough you can’t see the gold medals checklist at all, but you can already complete the tasks if you know them! That’s where the below list comes in handy. Refer to the gold medals checklist below to keep an eye on the requirements.
Be warned, some of these contain spoilers so proceed with caution. To save time and reduce the difficulty it is recommended to do as many as possible on the first playthrough to reduce the number of replays later on.
Chapter 1 Gold Medals
There are 6 gold medals (story missions) in Chapter 1.
- Take no damage during the shootout
- Loot 6 or more items from Adler Ranch
- Complete with at least 80% accuracy
- Kill all the wolves without taking any damage
- Complete with at least 80% accuracy
- Kill each deer with one arrow
- Do not spook either deer
- Get a clean kill on the second deer
- Catch and hogtie Kieran within 45 seconds
- Kill 3 O’Driscolls in the same Dead Eye use
- Complete within 15 minutes 30 seconds
- Get 15 headshots
- Complete the mission without taking any health items
Who the Hell is Leviticus Cornwall?
- Save Lenny when he is hanging from the train
- After stopping the train, take out the guards within 1 minute 30 seconds
- Take no damage during the shootout
- Get 10 headshots
- Complete the mission without taking any health items
- Pick up Javier when entering Horseshoe Overlook
- Complete within 6 minutes
Chapter 2 Gold Medals
There are 18 gold medals (story missions) in Chapter 2.
Polite Society, Valentine Style
- Return the lost wagon horse to its owner
- Find Karen within 45 seconds
- Save Javier within 15 seconds
- Defeat Tommy within 1 minute 30 seconds
- Track the bear within 1 minute 30 seconds
- Shoot the bear at least 6 times
- Complete within 12 minutes
- Silently kill 4 O’Driscolls
- Get 12 headshots
- Complete with at least 80% accuracy
- Complete the mission without taking any health items
- Try to make amends with an old rival
- Catch Lenny in the act
- Don’t get arrested
- Win 2 hands of Poker
- Returned Reverend to camp within 2 minutes 5 seconds
- Loot everything from Carmody Dell
- Don’t get spotted
- Deliver the wagon to Emerald Ranch within 1 minute 10 seconds
Money Lending and Other Sins – III
- Complete within 2 minutes 10 seconds
- While escaping, kill all mounted Lawman within 55 seconds
- Get 15 headshots
- Complete with at least 70% accuracy
- Complete the mission without taking any health items
- Silently kill the Bounty Hunters by the river with Javier
- Shoot the rope to free Sean
- Get 10 headshots
- Complete the mission without taking any health items
- Deliver the wagon to the drop off within 1 minute 45 seconds
- After arriving at the river, catch a fish within 1 minute 30 seconds
- Complete within 7 minutes 20 seconds
- Kill all the train guards before Sean fires a shot
- Clear the baggage car of loot
- Escape the Law within 1 minute 30 seconds
- Get 10 kills in Dead Eye
- Complete the mission without taking any health items
- Peacefully convince the Chelonians to let you take Jamie
- Return Jamie to Mary within 2 minutes
- Stop Benedict Albright falling off the cliff
- Hogtie Allbright within 1 minute 15 seconds
- Return Allbright to the sheriff within 1 minute 30 seconds
- Herd all the sheep in to the pen in Valentine
- Get 25 headshots
- Complete with at least 70% accuracy
- Complete the mission without taking any health items
- Headshot each of the mounted guards protecting the wagon
- Get 10 kills in Dead Eye
- Complete within 6 minutes
- Complete the mission without taking any health items
- Return the captive to his family within 1 minute 40 seconds
- Get 5 headshots
- Complete with at least 80% accuracy
- Complete the mission without taking any health items
Chapter 3 Gold Medals
There are 17 gold medals (story missions) in Chapter 3.
Further Questions of Female Suffrage
- Fend off the Lemoyne Raiders in less than 1 minute
- Get 5 headshots
- Complete with at least 85% accuracy
- Complete the mission without taking any health items
- Knock out Anders Anderson without taking a hit
- Catch and return Anders Anderson to jail within 5 minutes 30 seconds
- Catch a fish with Dutch and Hosea
- Win the race back to camp
- Complete the mission without taking any damage
- Get 10 headshots
- Complete with at least 70% accuracy
- Save Uncle when he is overpowered
- Get 20 headshots
- Complete with at least 80% accuracy
- Complete the mission without taking any health items
- Reach Penelope without getting spotted
- Complete within 3 minutes
- Complete within 4 minutes 15 seconds
Preaching Forgiveness as He went
- Kill 10 Lemoyne Raiders with a long scoped rifle
- Complete within 11 minutes and 30 seconds
- Complete with at least 70% accuracy
- Complete the mission without taking any health items
- Loot all the safes
- Headshot 5 mounted Lawmen during the horseback escape
- Get to Downes Ranch within 1 minute 55 seconds
- Complete with at least 70% accuracy
- Complete the mission without taking any health items
Advertising, the New American Art – II
- Headshot 5 Lemoyne Raiders in the saloon
- Complete with at least 90% accuracy
- Complete the mission without taking any health items
- Inspect all the clues in Trelawny’s Caravan
- While tracking, stay within 30 feet of the Trelawny’s trail
- Kill 2 Bounty Hunters in the cornfields within 1 minute
- Complete the mission without taking any health items
- Kill the stable hand showing you the horses
- Catch the stallion within 10 seconds
- Get 5 headshots
- Complete the mission without being spotted
- Complete within 8 minutes 10 seconds
- Silently kill the Gray Sean distracts in the wagon store
- Douse the fields within 2 minutes 20 seconds
- Kill 5 Grays during the escape
- Complete the mission without taking any health items
- Free yourself and perform self-surgery within 1 minute
- Recover your weapons from the O’Driscoll’s camp
- Kill the O’Driscoll gang members that beat and shot you
- Escape the O’Driscoll’s camp without being spotted
- Kill 3 Lawmen in Dead Eye while saving Bill
- Complete using only sidearms
- Complete within 4 minutes 30 seconds
- Get 20 headshots
- Complete the mission without taking any health items
Blood Feuds, Ancient and Modern
- Headshot Gareth and Gerald Braithwaite
- Get 20 headshots
- Complete with at least 85% accuracy
- Complete the mission without taking any health items
- Kill all the Lemoyne Raiders in Shady Belle
- Clear two bodies from Shady Belle within 1 minute 40 seconds
- Complete within 11 minutes
Chapter 4 Gold Medals
There are 14 missions in Chapter 4.
- Catch the street urchin before he reaches the market
- Complete within 5 minutes 30 seconds
- Encounter the dog and the drunk
- Don’t get spotted by the law
- Complete within 10 minutes 40 seconds
- Get 4 headshots
- While at the party, pour some drinks, compliment a guest’s attire, accept a gift and save a life
- Follow the servant without being detected
- Kill both of the Foreman boys yourself during the chase
- Complete with at least 90% accuracy
- Win the game of Poker without Strauss’s help
- After your cover is blown, escape the boat in under 35 seconds
- Get 5 headshots
- Complete the mission without taking any health items
- Shoot the O’Driscoll’s in the boat before they disembark
- Complete using only sidearms
- Complete with at least 70% accuracy
- Get 15 headshots
- Complete the mission without taking any health items
- Rob all the customers in the trolley station
- Kill 10 lawmen while on the trolley
- Prevent any lawmen jumping on the back of the wagon
- Shoot the dynamite Lenny throws
- Complete the mission without taking any health items
- Infiltrate the factory by hiding in the wagon
- Reach Danbury’s office without being detected
- Kill all the horseback pursuers during the escape
- Complete with at least 80% accuracy
- Return Jules to the skiff within 1 minute 40 seconds
- Shoot the Bullgator 5 times
- Search every room in Bronte’s mansion
- Carry Bronte to the skiff within 1 minute 30 seconds
- Get 20 headshots
- Complete the mission without taking any health items
- Crack the safe without making any mistakes
- Complete using only sidearms
- Get 25 headshots
- Complete the mission without taking any health items
Help a Brother Out
- Find the captives without threatening the store owner
- Complete within 2 minutes 45 seconds
Brothers and Sisters, One and All
- Find the kid within 19 seconds
Fatherhood and Other Dreams – II
- Catch the wagon and take it to the secluded spot within 1 minute 45 seconds
- Take Mary to the theater
Chapter 5 Gold Medals
There are 9 gold medals (story missions) in Chapter 5.
- Do not fall behind while walking with the chain gang
- Get 10 headshots
- Get Javier to safety in under 2 minutes
- Get 10 headshots
- Release all the workers within 4 seconds
- Compete within 5 minutes 40 seconds
- Get 8 headshots
- Prevent 4 boats from reaching the shore
- Destroy the Naval ship without missing a shot
- Complete with at least 70% accuracy
- Kill the first 2 sentries without being spotted
- Escort the captain to the boat within 1 minute 45 seconds
- Complete within 6 minutes 45 seconds
- Get 25 headshots
- Leave Shady Belle without being detected by the Pinkertons
- Complete within 8 minutes
- Kill 2 Pinkertons during the Dead Eye ambush
- Get 5 headshots with the Gatling Gun
- Get at least 70% accuracy with the Gatling Gun
- Complete the mission without taking any health items
- Complete within 3 minutes 5 seconds
- Deliver Meredith to her mother within 2 minutes
- Get 15 headshots
- Complete with at least 85% accuracy
- Complete the mission without taking any health items
Chapter 6 Gold Medals
There are 19 gold medals (story missions) in Chapter 6.
- Keep the balloon at the correct altitude for the entire journey
- Get 5 headshots from the balloon
- Complete with at least 70% accuracy
- Complete the mission without taking any health items
- Get headshots on both Prison Guards when sniping from the tower
- Escape to the boat within 2 minutes 45 seconds
- Complete within 9 minutes
- Complete with at least 80% accuracy
- Complete the mission without taking any health items
- Headshot 3 mounted enemies
- After killing Cornwall, reach the horses within 2 minutes 45 seconds
- Complete the mission without taking any health items
- Knock out 2 soldiers on the boat
- Round up the horses and reach shore within 1 minute 30 seconds
- Headshot 5 soldiers with a long scoped rifle
- Complete with at least 85% accuracy
- Find Colm’s back up within 45 seconds
- Get 8 headshots with a long scoped rifle
- Complete within 6 minutes 30 seconds
- Kill the soldier on the cannon within 45 seconds
- Get 35 headshots
- Complete the mission without taking any health items
- Plant the dynamite within 1 minute 35 seconds
- Escape the oncoming train within 19 seconds
- Recover the relics without being detected
- Recover the relics within 1 minute 30 seconds
- Recover the vaccine without being detected
- Complete within 5 minutes
- Kill a pursuers horse during the escape
- Complete within 9 minutes 30 seconds
- Complete with at least 75% accuracy
- Complete the mission without taking any health items
- Headshot the sniper in the barn
- Secure the barn without taking any damage
- Complete within 5 minutes 30 seconds
- While infiltrating Fort Wallace, headshot every soldier blocking your way to Eagle Flies
- Kill 15 enemies while escaping in the canoe
- Complete with at least 80% accuracy
- Save Paytah
- Get 30 headshots
- Complete with at least 80% accuracy
- Complete the mission without taking any health items
- Get a headshot in Dead Eye after jumping from Dutch’s Horse
- Complete within 11 minutes
- Fight through the train with at least 80% accuracy
- Complete the mission without taking any health items
- Get 7 headshots while covering Sadie from the lighthouse
- After Sadie is captured, reach Abigail and Sadie within 1 minute
- Complete with at least 70% accuracy
- Complete the mission without taking any health items
- Complete within 1 minute 20 seconds
- Find Edith Downes within 1 minute 10 seconds
- Headshot 5 of Braithwaites as they pursue the train
- Complete within 7 minutes 30 seconds
Epilogue – Part 1 Gold Medals
There are 10 gold medals (story missions) in Epilogue Part 1.
- Reach Pronghorn Ranch without dropping any supplies
- Reclaim the wagon within 1 minute
- When milking, fill a bucket within 10 seconds
- Complete within 5 minutes 15 seconds
- Fix the first section of fence in 1 minute 30 seconds
- Avoid being hit by the bull
- Tire out Jeremiah within 45 seconds
- Feed Jeremiah a treat
- Teach Jack to ride without his horse bucking him off
- Win the race back to Pronghorn Ranch
- Defeat the Laramie without taking a hit
- Defeat the Laramie within 25 seconds
- Get 10 kills while dual wielding sidearms
- Get 15 headshots
- Complete the mission without taking any health items
- Kill all 3 enemies in Dead Eye
- After the confrontation, return to Pronghorn Ranch within 1 minute 30 seconds
- Complete within 1 minute 30 seconds
- Complete within 2 minutes 30 seconds
- After arriving in Strawberry, locate the bounty within 30 seconds
- After mounting your horse, catch and hogtie the bounty within 1 minute 15 seconds
Epilogue – Part 2 Gold Medals
There are 11 gold medals (story missions) in Epilogue Part 2.
- After arriving in Saint Denis, find Charles within 1 minute 50 seconds
- Kill all of the Guido Martelli’s men within 10 seconds
Home Improvement for Beginners
- Complete within 18 seconds
- Kill all of Langton’s men during the horseback escape
- After choosing your approach, escape with Shane Finley within 5 minutes
- Complete with at least 70% accuracy
- Complete the mission without taking any health items
- Headshot all Skinner Brothers hiding up trees
- Find Mr Wayne within 2 minutes 15 seconds
- Complete using only sidearms
- Complete the mission without taking any health items
- Hammer the nails in with 80% accuracy
- Complete with 3 minutes 35 seconds
A Quick Favor for an Old Friend
- Force Cortez’s men to flee from Rhodes within 30 seconds
- Get 5 headshots while covering Sadie with a long scoped rifle
- Get 4 hip fire kills
- Complete the mission without taking any health items
- Get 5 headshots using the bow
- After freeing Uncle, return to Beechers Hope within 3 minutes 10 seconds
- Complete with at least 80% accuracy
- Complete the mission without taking any health items
- Catch a fish
- Complete within 5 minutes 20 seconds
- Shoot the bear 4 times as it charges
- Headshot both the rival bounty hunters in Dead Eye
- Complete within 7 minutes 15 seconds
- Complete within 7 minutes 30 seconds
- Help Sadie catch Cleet within 35 seconds
- Headshot the sniper who shoots Charles
- Complete with at least 85% accuracy
- Complete the mission without taking any health items
That’s all the gold medals in Red Dead Redemption 2 (RDR2). For more guides check out our full Red Dead Redemption 2 Wiki & Strategy Guide.
Katana says
Still think adding medals to the missions like in GTA ruins the immersion of the game (like it did in GTA) and takes away the freedom to play however you like (like you could in old Rockstar Games) so you can’t just enjoy the game and have fun completing it.
You can do whatever you want, the gold medal are optional
DS says
“Take no damage”. After take damage, restart checkpoint still valid for gold?
Joshua says
Shiky says
Sadly the answer is no. And that means you need to finish ALL objectives in a single run AND without dying/reloading checkpoints. Pretty challenging and frustrating, especially comparing with GTA V and RDR 1, where you can replay missions and achieve those objectives in multiple replays.
Lianshi.bu says
I assume there will be checkpoints during the mission process, can I restart the checkpoints if I happen to fail some of the conditions and still achieve the gold medal?
Shiky says
Yes and no. If the objectives involve counting mechanisms like “xx% accuracy” or “xxx headshots”, reloading the checkpoint will directly lead to a failure to these objectives. So, if you missed any of these, the only way is to restart the mission – really frustrating.
Quetschboy says
Hi Powepyx,
is there a way to use checkpoints in missions? I mean what if i did a mistake? Do I have to reload the complete mission? Hopefully not…
Quetschboy says
Hmmm I guess you cannot load Checkpoints in a mission or du a manual safe before a critical point. This will be extremely annoying because start the Mission from beginning takes ages to get Gold. And this makes this trophy very difficult to achieve. 8 or 9 out of 10 i think.
Thanagan says
Does anyone know what’s up with the “Complete the mission without taking any health items”?
I just tried 2 missions on replay and on both occasions I didn’t get that objective completed even though I didn’t use any consumables… is it about eating food or drinking booze I.e. healing or about physically holding food items on you? Or is it something else entirely?? Thanks in advance!
macikHU says
its about looting, dont take anything and leave the corpses untouched
sk3acher says
You can’t consume any items that affect your health (the heart symbol) You’re free to use dead eye items such as chewing tobacco. You’re free to loot dead bodies too.
Sid says
I thought about all this… You can’t die ( or fail I’m assuming ) the game gives you a small amount of health when you reload checkpoint… Fail.
Greg says
I am pretty sure a few of these are bugged, I have tried “Enter, Pursued by a Memory” several times and no matter what I do I can’t get the “80% accuracy”. Also can’t get the “take no health items” in Old Friends and I am not consuming anything during the mission, not even Dead Eye items.
Snake2410 says
I had the same issue with the first mission. I went through it without missing a shot and taking no damage and it didn’t give me the accuracy checkmark, even though it should’ve been at 100%, well over the 80% needed. Saw blood with every shot I took too, so I know I never missed one.
Some kind of bug it seems.
bigblue says
If you don’t get the gold medal the 1st time around but during that 1st run you completed some of the requirements, do you have to complete everything over again or just the requirements that you didn’t get the 1st time and are unchecked to get that gold medal? I’ve been trying to get the gold medal for “who is not without sin.” The 1st run thru i got the win 2 hands of poker requirement but when i get to the bring the reverend back within 2 min 5 seconds part i never achieve it & i know im not taking that long to get back to the camp
PowerPyx says
You have to complete everything again on replay.
Joshua says
Are you sure PowerPyx? Is this confirmed? Because I tested it by going back to a mission where I had 1 of 2 tasks completed, went back, ignored the task I had completed and only went for the incomplete task, thu resulting in a gold medal. It’s the same way as GTA V.
PowerPyx says
You must’ve completed the other task again on your next run.
It only counts when you do all tasks in the same run. And yes, this is confirmed, I tested this a bunch of times on different missions.
Boss173 says
Hey PowerPyx
Have you already completed the challenges?
If yes…
How “hard” are the following challenges?Are there easy ways to complete them?
1. Kill a bear with throwing knives without taking damage
2. Kill 3 flying birds with 3 consecutive long scoped rifle shots
3. Win 3 hands of poker in a row
Matt says
I am not Powerpyx, but I can tell you,
1: Make 2 poison throwing knives and a headshot a bear and it will come down easily.
2: You pretty much have to have the ability to shoot with dead eye without targeting which you get in Chapter 4 to do this, but then it is just a matter of finding 3 ducks/birds that fly together and kill them in one dead eye.
3: Go to Valentine and just bet ALL IN, most of the time the others fold and you win automatically. Pretty easy.
Joschka says
Is it somehow possible to replay a mission with your current stats and weapons (like the first time you play them) or will it always be reseted to the default Character?
Joshua says
Luay says
On the first and second mission I restarted from checkpoint for the ‘no damage’ checkpoints and they both counted for me. However, I did not miss a shot but yet I can not seem to get the 80% accuracy medals.
Joshua says
Wow so glitchy. Just replayed a mission to obtain gold, completed ALL challenges to obtain gold yet a bronze medal popped up. Actually glitchy..
Snake2410 says
Hopefully R* patches it, and even patches it to be like GTAV and not require it all in one run, because I ran into the same issue in the first mission. From the start missed no shots (even saw blood with every one), took no damage, and completed the looting at least 6 items and it did not give me the accuracy checkmark. No restarts or deaths or anything.
Shiky says
I wish R* would reverse to the old medal mechanism we used to have in GTA V and RDR 1… Completing ALL objectives in ONE run is extremely difficult so far (and frustrating with some long, unskippable cutscenes). I’m stuck in “killing all wolves without being hurt” for at least 3 hours because I had to restart the whole mission if I’m bitten, missed killing a wolf, or missed the other accuracy objective. RDR 2 medal mechanism is really a catastrophe for trophy / achievement lovers.
Uneshddarann says
Hi PowerPyx,
Finding an answer to a question I see only myself posting about so far.
Can you replay Stranger Missions? Such as The Noblest of Man, and a Woman.
SolidNinjaSnake says
Just finished the requirements for the “It’s Art” trophy and it didn’t unlock! Put the Squirrel on the fireplace and nothing happened. Loaded save up to find the Squirrel isn’t there now and I can’t place it there either! Bit annoyed right now…
SolidNinjaSnake says
Just to add, under “Progress” and then “Total Completion”, it has the Hunting Request as completed.
Really cba doing all of this again… You have no idea how long it took me just to find the bloody Robin haha…
Nancini says
I have been looking for that damn bird for over a month
Sh1nx says
For timed missions, do dead eye and cinematic kills extend total mission timer?
Some requirements are so vague and I think certain timers start after unskippable dialogue or event, but you can ever tell without a in-game timer.
Getting gold medals on certain missions on replay mode is way harder than first playthrough, as you can buff up/use snake oils for dead eye.
Peter says
How does accuracy work???
I’ve run the same mission multiple times now a can’t get that 80% mark.
Does it count as a miss if I hit an enemy but hi doesn’ die. (1 shot 1 kill to be 100%).
And if there are fx 20 enemies but I rush through and get out of there only shooting at 3 without missing those 3 will it count as 100%???
I simply can’t find a clear answer anywhere!!
Ryan says
It counts your shooting. If you shoot 1 time and hit 1 enemy it’s 100% accuracy. If you shoot 2 time and hit 1 time it’s 50%.
ian says
Accuracy is dependent on headshot’s, i’ve asked Rockstar about this.
MainFrame says
I just reached chapter 6 and I’m at 44 gold medals at the moment. Here’s what I can confirm so far. I’m not sure if it’s bugs or intended this way.
– u cannot complete part of the objectives in one attempt and do other the objectives on another attempt, all objectives have to be completed in a single attempt.
– many of the timed missions are impossible or near impossible. Maybe they tested those on a 60fps system but with my regular ps4, knowing exactly where to go, what to do and skipping cut scenes I cannot beat them.
A good example is “a fork in the road” in chapter 5. Literally nothing can go wrong there, just a few buttons to press. Tried it a dozen times at least but get bronze each time.
– missions where u can’t use health items fail if you restart a checkpoint.
– missions where u need a certain accuracy fail if you restart a checkpoint.
– missions where u need a certain amount of headshots fail if you restart a checkpoint.
– if you replay missions u get predetermined gear and horse, usually little or no potions and other items making it a lot harder.
Here a few tips I’d like to share with u guys to hopefully make it a little more doable.
– stock up on items to restore your dead eye before you start a mission that involves shooting and heavily abuse the dead eye system.
– save before each mission, if it fails load up your save to try again, don’t use replay.
– get yourself a fast horse (arabian) and stock up on stamina items. During timed missions ride full speed and keep injecting him when stamina gets low.
– don’t interfere with AI partners during timed missions, make sure they have a clear path to walk/ride. They can mess things up badly if obstructed.
– skip cutscenes during timed missions.
Kelle says
A fork in the road is a easy gold Medal, you must pick the right street at the end. It will always end, when you reach a junction.
If you go to the right it’s impossible to get Gold. If you go to the left, first try
Moledaddy says
I definitely think this gold medal system may be bugged. I replayed Old Friends and got the 15 headshots first(I know this because I saw the box was checked in the log menu). Then proceeded to get 3 dead eye kills (which never checked off), lasso/hogtie kieran quickly(no check either), as well as the time/no health item. When I finished, all the boxes were checked EXCEPT the 15 headshots!
launfps says
Dude, this is a really frustrating trophy.
Idk if I will get it, but it has been very difficult to get these gold medals.
Some missions are impossibles (or almost) to get, like the missions with time or headshot + accuracy.
And plus with the fact if you restart the mission, you will back with your poor horse without any stamina and your bag without ammu and itens to restore your dead eye or life. This is really bad.
And some missions have scenes that take all the time, even if you cut them, some parts cannot be skipped.
I’ll keep trying, but as I said, idk if I will get it. But, good luck for us, and lets keep try.
Vlayer says
Managed to get 70 Gold Medals primarily through replaying missions, so here are a few tips to make some of them easier.
– Get Dead-Eye consumables either by buying them from the shelves in the general stores, or by killing and looting civilians. For example, in the mission Blessed are the Meek, you can enter the general store before freeing Micah and buy chewing tobacco from the shelf. Dead-Eye consumables don’t affect the “No Health Item” objective, in case you’re wondering
– Civilians count for headshots, and maybe other killing related objectives. In the mission A Strange Kindness, I got the 5 headshots just killing people around Flatneck Station while trying to find/loot some Horse Stimulant. Much easier since enemies are very limited, and Charles might kill one or two.
– You can reload checkpoints manually by pressing Left on the D-Pad, selecting it and holding square to Abandon, which will then give the option to reload. Do note that reloading checkpoints do void certain objectives, such as the “Complete in x minutes”, “No Health Item”, “At least X% Accuracy” and “X Headshots”.
However, there are missions that don’t have any of these objectives, and in those cases the checkpoints can be very helpful. An example is the mission Bare Knuckle Friendships, where you have to kill all of Guido’s men in 10 seconds, and the checkpoint is just as the firefight starts. Another good example is Blessed Are The Peacemakers, where I got spotted and reloaded the checkpoint, did it successfully and got all the objectives done.
Checkpoints also seem to glitch objectives sometimes, in a positive way. In the mission A New South, I got the objective for catching and returning Anders Anderson after reloading the checkpoint just before fighting him, to practice doing the fight without getting hit.
sk3acher says
I don’t think you can buy anything because when you replay a mission you don’t have any money. I got all 70 gold medals using replay. It’s definitely doable
MrBongoGT says
I used a deadeye item on Jim Milton Rides, Again? and it counted as a health item, or at least it didn’t trigger correctly. Had 100% accuracy on another mission and didn’t even count for 80%. Headshots don’t track in some of these missions…stupidly frustrating.
Vlayer says
@sk3acher Most missions I replayed had me at $150, so maybe it varies. 70 Gold is definitely doable without any items, but buying even just one 4-pack of chewing tobacco does make some of them a lot less frustrating, especially when riding + shooting or teammates are involved.
@MrBongoGT Did you at any point reload a checkpoint? Even if at the very beginning of the mission, it’ll void the health item objective and the accuracy objective until you completely cancel the mission and choose to play it again. I also think that reloading a checkpoint voids the “Get X Headshots” and other similar variants such as “Get X Kills in Deadeye/while Dual Wielding” until you cancel and play again.
Reloading a checkpoint won’t void unique objectives such as “Return the lost wagon horse to its owner” or even uniquely timed ones such as “Return Jules to the skiff within 1 minute 40 seconds” and “After arriving in Saint Denis, find Charles within 1 minute 50 seconds”.
Basically, if the objective spans the whole mission, i.e. it’s being tracked from the beginning of the mission until the end, then it’ll likely be voided by reloading a checkpoint.
loop says
Has anyone get the gold medal in the “Motherhood” mission?
They say for complete within 1 minute 30 seconds, but it’s impossible!
sk3acher says
Yup I have it, just run up to the courier and skip any cutscene
Shade says
Just got my 70 gold medal trophy. It’s not that hard you guys just keep dead eye refilled when you can and stay focused. Good luck
Robert says
(Home Improvement for Beginners.
Complete within 18 seconds.)
This mission does not unlock gold medal for me, i have tried about 10 times, absolutely sure i hit the requirements, every time, so it must be glitched on ps4, or is it just for me?
Nikolas says
Same for me((( can not beat this gold, pressing X like insane
Nikolas says
got it after 20-25 tries. just tapped as fast as possible, so this gold is beatable, just try tap more rapidly
gafpiratehook says
Do not skip first cutscene, do as required, then skip last cutscene: this way I got it on first attempt.
Kayro says
I have 71 gold medals exactly. and the trophy has not been unlocked. Does anyone know if it’s bugged?
GaF says
I have now 70 golds but, as you, no trophy. I tried reloading the save with 69 golds then going, again, for the 70th gold (same mission): still no luck.
This stupid trophy is definitely glitched for me, I hope in a fix because is more likely that will snow in hell than I’ll go for 70 more boring gold medals.
Jaquay Ollie-Johnson says
yea 70 gold medals and no trophy.
Gary says
I’ve just gotten my 70 gold with out the trophy popping so I had a count & I counted 70 gold but have 35 non gold that makes 105 missions is there a extra mission that gets added from a higher edition that doesn’t count to the trophy
Razorbak86 says
‘High and Low Finance’ is a bonus mission for robbing the bank in Rhodes. It is only available to players who bought the Special Edition or Ultimate Edition of the game, so it does not count for the ‘Gold Rush’ trophy. If one of your gold medals is in this bonus mission, you will have to obtain 71 gold medals to make the ‘Gold Rush’ trophy pop.
Lian says
how to gold Visiting Hours 9 minutes is hard…..
Nikolas says
Home Improvement for Beginners… This gold is smth insane, any clue how to get gold here? I start to pull down and press X as fast as I can, but still doesn’t get the gold…
Robert says
I believe this mission is glitched and does not track your time properly, its a bummer, because technically, this should be the easiest gold medal ingame, too bad its broken.
Nikolas says
got it. fast-fast-fast tapping exact after cut-scene ends
Your friendly neighborhood spiderman says
And don’t skip the cutscene
Ty says
So I refused to do the mission We Loved Once and True in chapter 2. I’m now discovering I needed to do it to get the Lending a Hand trophy. Will this mission become unlocked after I finish the story so I can get the trophy? This is the first article I’ve found that mentions once the story is finished that the missed missions are all available. Just concerned about the trophy, I hate missable trophies. Especially in a sandbox game, where you’re supposed to do whatever you want.
PowerPyx says
While the missions are indeed available for replay, they will not count towards the Lending a Hand trophy during replay. They must be done during your main playthrough. The replay only counts towards gold medals and not towards the missable Lending a Hand.
Flobert says
Does the Gold Rush achievement can be unlocked from different saves or only one track save?
In other words, is it possible to get gold medals from earlier saved games (each for different chapter) to access consumable, better horse etc. and make the process easier without starting a gameplay all over again.
just wondering as Gold medals are linked to the Rockstar Socialclub.
Alengye says
Same question here, can it be done by different play through?
DR-INSANE95 says
ok to answer this question. a missable trophy for me with the 5 homestead robberies was done across two seperate saves. i speedrunned my 2nd one cos i missed the honor trophy.) so you may actually be onto something here. i really hope this is a thing
Buja says
Why trophy not pop up..i already have 70 gold medal..key gold not count?
FancyJesse says
If the Lending a Hand “cheat” doesn’t work. Play Fatherhood and Other Dreams and accept Mary’s request. It appeared right after I accepted it. I rejected her initially in my first play-through.
Giano says
hello im busy with the gold medals but i have 70 now but the trophy doesnot pop so has someone else have this problem too and is there a fix for the trophy to pop ?
Giano says
i found out that the heist mission from the special and ultimate edition doesnot count for the 70 gold medals and that is why i didnot got it at first but after one more mission i got the trophy
Lansur says
i just got this trophy, but i counted my gold medals and i have 69. strange
Chibyoukai says
Hi Powerpyx,
i already did 71 missions and the trophy still does not pop up. You know about missions which do not count for this trophy ?
MediEvil13 says
You must make sure you get 70 medals on MAIN missions and not in honor ones (which are optional) and do not count towards the trophy.
Phinius says
There is a mission in Chapter 4 that is missing. It is called “The Highs and Lows of Finance” its a Bank Robbery with Charles, the Gold Medal Requirements are:
– Complete within 5:45
– Dont take any damage during the escape.’
It appears on the map as a side mission, the white symbol with the letter, however it does count as an actual story related mission and is in the chapter 4 story tab in the progression.
PowerPyx says
Hi, this is a bonus mission exclusive to the Special and Ultimate Edition, it’s not available for standard players, I don’t have this available.
Shevon says
Can it be done by a different play through?
Alex says
Are you still answering?
PowerPyx says
Oli says
If you have Problems with timed challenges. Try to activate cinematic mode when ever possible. It stops the timer… would have saved me a lot of hours, if I knew that before.
João Pedro says
Really ? It is working yet ?
jSrns says
It might be bugged, did it two times and I get silver because the don’t use any health item requirement says that I used but I don’t use anything not even chewing tobacco nothing at all
Roenick says
After patch 1.15 you have tonics and better weapons during replay, I have tested it. So it is a little bit easier to do replays.
“Replaying a Story Mode mission via the Pause Menu will now give you access to all currently owned weapons in the current story progression