Here you can find a full Red Dead Redemption 2 Walkthrough of all Story Missions (Chapters) with All Gold Medals for 100% Completion.
Below are links to all of the Story Missions in Red Dead Redemption 2 (RDR2):
Story Missions
Chapter 1
- Outlaws from the West
- Enter, Pursued by a Memory
- The Aftermath of Genesis
- Old Friends
- Who the Hell is Leviticus Cornwall?
- Eastward Bound
Chapter 2 - Polite Society, Valentine Style
- Americans at Rest
- Exit Pursued by a Bruised Ego
- Paying a Social Call
- A Quiet Time
- Who is Not without Sin
- The Spines of America
- Money Lending and Other Sins – I, II, III
- Blessed are the Meek?
- The First Shall Be Last
- Pouring Forth Oil – II
- A Fisher of Men
- Pouring Forth Oil – IV
- We Loved Once and True – III
- Good, Honest, Snake Oil
- The Sheep and the Goats
- An American Pastoral Scene
- A Strange Kindness
Chapter 3 - Further Questions of Female Suffrage
- The New South
- American Distillation
- The Course of True Love – II
- The Course of True Love – III
- An Honest Mistake
- Money Lending and Other Sins – IV
- Preaching Forgiveness as He went
- Sodom? Back to Gomorrah
- Advertising, the New American Art – II
- Magicians for Sport
- Horse Flesh for Dinner
- Friends in Very Low Places
- The Fine Joys of Tobacco
- Blessed are the Peacemakers
- A Short Walk in a Pretty Town
- Blood Feuds, Ancient and Modern
- The Battle of Shady Belle
Chapter 4 - The Joys of Civilization
- Angelo Bronte, a Man of Honor
- Help a Brother Out
- Brothers and Sisters, One and All
- Fatherhood and Other Dreams – II
- Money Lending and Other Sins – V
- The Gilded Cage
- No, No and Thrice, No
- A Fine Night of Debauchery
- Horsemen, Apocalypse
- Urban Pleasures
- American Fathers – II
- Country Pursuits
- Revenge is a Dish Best Eaten
- Banking, the Old American Art
Chapter 5 - Welcome to the New World
- A Kind and Benevolent Despot
- Savagery Unleashed
- Hell Hath No Fury
- Paradise Mercifully Departed
- Dear Uncle Tacitus
- Fleeting Joy
- A Fork in the Road
- That’s Murfee Country
Chapter 6 - Icarus and Friends
- Visiting Hours
- Do Not Seek Absolution – I
- Do Not Seek Absolution – II
- Of Men and Angels I & II
- The Course of True Love – IV & V
- Money Lending and other Sins – VI & VII
- Just a Social Call
- A Rage Unleashed
- The Delights of Van Horn
- Goodbye, Dear Friend
- Favored Sons
- The Bridge to Nowhere
- Archeology for Beginners
- Honor, Amongst Thieves
- The Fine Art of Conversation
- Mrs. Sadie Adler, Widow – II
- The King’s Son
- My Last Boy
- Our Best Selves
- Red Dead Redemption
Epilogue – Part 1 - The Wheel
- Simple Pleasures
- Farming, for Beginners
- Fatherhood, for Beginners
- Old Habits
- Jim Milton Rides, Again?
- Fatherhood, for Idiots
- Motherhood
- Home of the Gentry?
- Gainful Employment
Epilogue – Part 2 - Bare Knuckles Friendships
- Home Improvement for Beginners
- An Honest Day’s Labors
- The Tool Box
- A New Jerusalem
- A Quick Favor for an Old Friend
- Uncle’s Bad Day
- Trying Again
- A Really Big Bastard
- A New Future Imagined
- American Venom
More Guides:
- 100% Completion Guide & Checklist
- Gold Medals Guide
- All Outfits & Clothing Showcase
- Beginners Guide, FAQ, Tips & Tricks
- How To Unlock Fast Travel
- How to Repair Weapons
- How to Upgrade Camp
- How to Get Best Horse
- How to Increase Horse Bonding Level
- How to Get Fishing Bait & Lures
- Full World Map
- Trophy Guide
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StillerWaechter says
Is this also the suggested order to not miss the trophy “lending a hand” ? Currently at my second walkthrough (after i messed that trophy up due to missing out “course of true love 1”)
Thanks in advance
PowerPyx says
Yes, this is the order for Lending a Hand.
StillerWaechter says
“Course of true love 1” will not be displayed in the story log btw, no matter wether you played it or not. Probably the same for other missions as well. Very irritating but hopefully not a problem.
MrUsername0814 says
I have done all the quest for ‘Lening a hand’, with ‘Money Lending and Other sins’ not showing up in the prograss tab, and cant seem to unlock the quest ‘Of Men and Angles’. ANyone know why this is?
BlooMunKy says
After completing “money lending and other sins 4” it does not show in the completed log for chapter 3, is this normal or will i have to reload a previous save and try again?
CHRIS says
I’ve been trying to follow the mission order exactly but I’m missing tons of missions in chapter 2 . So far I’ve missed Pouring Forth Oil 1,2,3,4 cause you didn’t point out at what point Pouring Forth Oil 1 was needed. A Fisher of Men is not popping. We Loved Once and True – III? Where’s 1 and 2?
CHRIS says
Yeah sorry man did not mean to blame you. Just being frustrated with the game. :P Pouring Forth Oil appeared for me right after I read the letter from Mary.. seems there are certain conditions to be met for certain quests to appear I guess.
PowerPyx says
The ones that don’t have gold medals don’t get added to your quest log. That’s normal.
Daniel says
Are the Money Lending and Other Sins quests supposed to show up in your mission list…. because for some reason I only have 1 mission showing in chapter 2 which is for part 3, I’m pretty sure I did all of them up to now, just started chapter 6 and only just noticed. Please don’t say I’ve missed them 🙁
Rayed says
Same problem here friend, He said if it doesn’t have gold medal it wont be on the list. I’m pretty sure I did part 3 and 4 and still not seeing them on the log
Chap5SavageryUnleashed says
Chapter 5, Savagery Unleashed. Gold requirement.
“Shoot the ropes within 4 seconds”
I followed Leon all the way until I reached the hangman.
1) Immediately used deadeye, shot hangman, shot all ropes in that instance. No gold.
2) Shot hangman first, waited for prompt to shoot ropes. Did it still no Gold.
I tried this so many times. Have you figured out how to beat this yet?
solution says
I found out This gold is only achievable if you:
Deadeye mark all 3 ropes (middle part), including the guard all at one go.
Any other method doesn’t work.
qcold says
hi. for one used dead eye u must mark hangman and all 3 ropes. good luck)
James says
By the way you missed out a massive glitch. DO NOT DO UNCLE’S MISSION FIRST OR YOU WILL LOSE 4 CHARACTERS AT THE BEGINNING OF CHAPTER 2. You must talk to Abigail, Jack, Sadie and John first, sleep for 12 hours to make sure they are there, do another mission (not uncles) and if they are still there after the mission you can enjoy the game. I’m shocked Powerpyx missed this out, it really screwed up my game.
Yeet the fetus says
Is thay glitcch fixed?
James says
Not yet.
Dopeboyz1989 says
hey hey big fan of your guides have been great for me thanks a million. just wanted to add i did the “rob 4 homesteads” early like mentioned in the guide and ended up robbing the homestead thats related to the money lending and other sins part 5. all i did was go to a empty house and recover the stash. other ppl got it by talking to drunk dad. hope this dosent void. and is their is only one debt for me in part 5???
Willem says
I have the same. Worked out for you? Or you dont know yet?
Dopeboyz1989 says
I only got one debt to recover in part 5 for money lending n sins part 5. that mission was basically one of the homesteads i robbed early in the game and threatened the son for money. they werent their when i went to recover the debt. did get the debt tho but didnt know if just finding it in the house will cover me doing the mission right. and i only have one debt to collect in part 5 of money lend n sins. is this true
Manny says
Any idea when the Father hood and other dreams mission is available in chapter 4?
xPEPSIx says
I want to thank you all so much for these Gold-medal video’s!
They helped me alot!! Just got myself the Platinum for this amazing game today!
Thanks alot!!
Just ordered Red Dead 1 for ps3 today can’t wait to play it I really love this story that they built up.
Deo Yuen Cern says
You can also take Stew in town valentine. Just a few metres from the horse trader. Infront of the meat trader.
Martin says
2023: Chaper 6 : you can do 69-73 before starting 67.