Farming, for Beginners is the 90th main story mission in Red Dead Redemption 2 (RDR2). This walkthrough will guide you through all objectives of Farming, for Beginners Main Quest including all Gold Medals for 100% completion.
Farming, for Beginners is unlocked after completing Simple Pleasures.
Quest Giver: Tom Dickens
Chapter: Epilogue – Part 1
Region: West Elizabeth
Gold Medal Requirements:
- Fix the first section of fence in 1 minute 30 seconds
- Avoid being hit by the bull
Starting Location: Pronghorn Ranch, West Elizabeth
Talk to Tom Dickens
Meet up with Tom Dickens who will show you how to put up a fence, then stands back and watches you work.
- GOLD MEDAL: Fix the first section of fence in 1 minute 30 seconds
First press /
to hammer the post into place. Then move over and pick up a rail. Press
to raise it to the correct height, then
to place it. Then press
until its at the same height on both sides, and finally
again to place it on the other side. Repeat for the next two rails to fix the fence section.
Hammer in the second post to trigger a cinematic montage of you fixing fence sections.
Eventually Tom will call you over to the corral to help out with a stubborn bull.
- GOLD MEDAL: Avoid being hit by the bull
Eventually the bull will start to buck, and break free. Be careful that you don’t get knocked over by it when it does. Chase it down and lasso it.
Initially, either the bull will charge you or drag you along for a ride.
When the bull is turned to face you and tossing its head around, its getting ready to charge. Be sure to dodge out of the way and not get hit.
Go after it and try again until you can get it settled down, usually after a few failed attempts. Once it has been lassoed, press /
when prompted to calm it. Don’t get too close until it stops tossing its head.
Keep pressing /
until the beast calms down and allows you to lead it.
This will trigger a cinematic to end the mission.
This finishes Farming, for Beginners main mission in Red Dead Redemption 2. Now the next quest Fatherhood, for Beginners starts.
Next Up: Fatherhood, for Beginners
For more Walkthroughs with all gold medals, check out the complete Red Dead Redemption 2 Story Walkthrough.
ScarfaceRemedy says
Checkpoint works here too if you get hit by the bull