Blessed are the Peacemakers is the 39th main story mission in Red Dead Redemption 2 (RDR2). This walkthrough will guide you through all objectives of Blessed are the Peacemakers Main Quest including all Gold Medals for 100% completion.
Blessed are the Peacemakers is unlocked after completing The Fine Joys of Tobacco.
Quest Giver: Micah
Chapter: 3
Region: Lemoyne
Gold Medal Requirements:
- Free yourself and perform self-surgery within 1 minute
- Recover your weapons from the O’Driscoll’s camp
- Kill the O’Driscoll gang members that beat and shot you
- Escape the O’Driscoll’s camp without being spotted
Starting Location: Clemens Point, Lemoyne
Talk to Micah
Talking to Micah will begin this mission. Pearson brings news that Colm O’Driscoll has requested a parley. Though everyone agrees that it’s probably a trap, even the possibility of putting one of your many conflicts to rest is worth the risk.
Micah reveals that the plan is to have Arthur cover them from above while Micah and Dutch go to the meeting. Though this seems to reassure them, Arthur isn’t convinced.
Ride out to the meeting with Dutch and Micah.
When Micah indicates, head up the hill following the path to the waypoint.
Move to the yellow target area.
Watch Dutch and Micah through the binoculars, and wait for the meeting.
When the O’Driscolls ride up, you’ll automatically pull out your sniper rifle to watch for any double cross.
Just as Dutch and Colm get into it, the truth of the trap is revealed.
Arthur is knocked unconscious a few times until he finally has an opportunity to escape.
Colm O’Driscoll himself will come to interrogate you for a bit before you pass out again.
- GOLD MEDAL: Free yourself and perform self-surgery within 1 minute
When you come to, you’ll be hanging on chains by your feet. You will have to move quickly to meet the gold medal requirements, so watch the prompts carefully. Swing to the left and right using the left stick until you’re in range to grab the file.
You will automatically reach up and free your feet, dropping to the ground.
Now you have to do something about that gunshot wound. Rotate the left stick until the icon goes white.
Then you will insert the file into the wound with the /
Rotate the left stick until the icon is white. Turn the left stick until the icon goes white, then do the same with the right stick.
Next, press /
repeatedly to pour gunpowder into the wound.
Finally, press the left stick up to raise the candle to the wound…
…and hammer /
to set fire to the gunpowder to cauterize the wound.
- GOLD MEDAL: Kill the O’Driscoll gang members that beat and shot you
- GOLD MEDAL: Escape the O’Driscoll’s camp without being spotted
NOTE: If you are spotted during the escape, you can restart the last checkpoint in order to try again, and it will not invalidate the requirement. (Thanks to user Yukino for the tip!)
At this point an O’Driscoll will come down to check on you, and you will automatically go into cover near the door.
Choose your moment and press /
to perform a Stealth Kill. Until you escape, you have to ensure that all of your kills are stealthy, and that you’re not seen as you eliminate all the O’Driscolls in the area for the gold medal requirements.
As you start to go up the stairs, you will automatically stop as two O’Driscoll guards pass the doorway above you going in opposite directions.
Crouch down and go up the stairs, and to the right. Due to your injuries, your vision will be distorted and darkened, so be cautious as you move. Go around the wooden structure to the right, and move towards the guard on the path.
He will stop in front of the wooden box ahead of you, facing away.
Take him out with a stealth kill, then crouch again.
Move slightly to the west until you can see the guard with his back to the wooden structure ahead of you. His peripheral vision is too good to try for a stealth kill. Kill him with a throwing knife. Incidentally, be prepared for you aim to be off due to your injuries. Just make sure your targeting reticle turns red and you’ll hit him.
Once he has been killed, go east then south around the edge of the stairway to the underground torture room, making sure to keep low.
Ahead of you will be a guard on the path leading to the west.
Follow behind him until you can stealthily take him out.
There should be one other guard in the immediate area, to the west of you. With no one else to spot you, this should be an easy kill.
- GOLD MEDAL: Recover your weapons from the O’Driscoll’s camp
Now that the coast is clear, go back to the wooden shack next to the first guard that you killed outside. You will see a gun icon on your minimap to show you where Arthur’s weapons are. As you approach the wooden crate next to the door to the shack, you will be prompted to recover your weapons and put them on.
Your horse is tied up just to the east of your weapons cache. Mount your horse, and ignore the path east that the waypoint gives you.
Instead zoom out your minimap, and head to the northwest, between the O’Driscoll patrols that are keeping watch in the area.
Continue north across the railroad tracks.
On the other side, turn slightly to the northeast, giving a wide berth to the O’Driscoll patrols near the tracks.
Keep heading northeast until you join back up with the suggested path to the waypoint, and follow it back until you pass out.
You’ll wake up safe and sound back in camp, and the mission will be over.
This finishes Blessed are the Peacemakers main mission in Red Dead Redemption 2. Now the next quest A Short Walk in a Pretty Town starts.
Next Up: A Short Walk in a Pretty Town
For more Walkthroughs with all gold medals, check out the complete Red Dead Redemption 2 Story Walkthrough.
Yukino says
Maybe this will help someone but I found while replaying the mission (not sure about main playthrough since it’ll be hard to judge if you got ~1 minute or not), after you perform the surgery on yourself and have to kill the four enemies, is that even if you get caught you can just restart from the checkpoint so you won’t have to do the entire thing over again. Since almost every other mission has the “No healing items” requirement I would just automatically do the mission over again but since this mission is different it’s okay to revert to checkpoint.
Jack McBastard says
Good note! (You save scummer, you. ;) )
EHS says
I can proove it. Pay attention to the first condition, the rest can be easily done using checkpoint.
Felipe says
Cant find my replaced weapons after quest. Where is it?
Perfectcloud says
I didn’t recover the weapons on the missions and now i can’t find them in the canp too. Where are they?
Dwayne says
You have to go to Rhodes with your gang and they will have your weapons waiting there for you. I had the same problem that’s why I was on this sight lol, hope it helped!
Shay says
Guns are gone and not at the camp after the mission how do I get them back with my gang? Doesn’t say anything in Rhodes??? 🙁
j says
once you go to rhodes to meet with micah your guns will be back
Hugo says
Do you lose all your money after this mission?