Banking, the Old American Art is the 57th main story mission in Red Dead Redemption 2 (RDR2). This walkthrough will guide you through all objectives of Banking, the Old American Art Main Quest including all Gold Medals for 100% completion.
Banking, the Old American Art is unlocked after completing Revenge is a Dish Best Eaten.
Quest Giver: Dutch
Chapter: 4
Region: Lemoyne
Gold Medal Requirements:
- Crack the safe without making any mistakes
- Complete using only sidearms
- Get 25 headshots
- Complete the mission without taking any health items
Starting Location: Shady Belle, Lemoyne
Talk to Dutch
It’s finally time to rob the bank in Saint Denis. Ride out with the gang, following them to town. Hosea and Abigail will ride out to scout the area ahead of the group. Meet up with Bill across from the bank, and wait for the diversion.
- GOLD MEDAL: Complete the mission without taking any health items
- GOLD MEDAL: Complete using only sidearms
And quite the diversion it is too.
Walk down the block to the bank entrance, and press /
to equip your mask.
Once inside, the group will herd all the customers and staff into the back office, leaving the manager for you to intimidate into opening the vault.
Point your gun at him to encourage him along.
Once it is open, there will be a safe inside the vault. You have to open the safe using the combination that the manager provides. Rotate the dial to the left (counterclockwise) slowly using the :ls:. In order to be sure you complete the gold medal requirement correctly, the combination will be 19, 72, 54. The controller will vibrate as you get closer, until you feel a click on the correct number.
- GOLD MEDAL: Crack the safe without making any mistakes
Just as you open the safe and grab the money, John will there is a problem outside. The Pinkertons have arrived in force, and they have captured Hosea.
- GOLD MEDAL: Get 25 headshots
Unfortunately for Hosea, his captivity is short lived. The Pinkertons open fire on you from across the street, and the balcony across from you. Use Dead Eye to get headshots on as many as you can see initially. Shortly thereafter reinforcements will arrive on horseback, and keep pouring in as you get kills. When wagonloads start arriving, Arthur will call you back to the desk area.
Dutch sees that there are just too many of them to go out the front door. Pick up the dynamite Dutch provides (even if you already have some, since the mission will not proceed until you do), go over to the wall where the mission waypoint indicates and hit /
when prompted to place the dynamite on the wall.
Once planted, run back behind the desk and shoot the dynamite.
Go through the hole in the wall, and Javier will throw you a rifle. Be sure to switch back to your sidearms in order to complete your gold medal objective. Climb up to the roof, and take position at the front of the building where you have line of sight on the Pinkertons.
Midway through the firefight, another wagon will arrive with a gatling gun mounted on it. Stay in cover, choose your moment, then take out the gunner with Dead Eye.
Eventually a cinematic will play and the rest of the gang will join you on the roof, minus John who was captured. There’s nothing you can do now but escape. Follow Lenny across the rooftops…
Unfortunately there’s nothing you can do to prevent this. You will automatically go into Dead Eye, so get two more headshots to get your revenge.
Follow Dutch, and when he advises stealth, crouch down and move carefully forward so you don’t attract attention.
Dutch will find a way into a building where you will lie low until nightfall.
When the coast is clear, you will sneak out of the building at ground level and head towards the docks.
Stay low when Dutch notices guards ahead, then move when he moves into the train car.
Partway through the second car, Dutch will hear someone coming and tell you to duck behind a seat. Get into cover behind the seat quickly, and wait for Dutch to start moving again.
Follow Dutch as he hops down then get into cover when he tells you to stop again.
There are guards ahead, and Dutch wants you to attract their attention so they will move out of position.
Move over to the yellow objective area and press once to alert the guard. They will start moving in your direction.
Place yourself behind the stack of barrels so that you can move around them in the opposite direction that the guard moves. Then follow Dutch.
When Dutch stops again, a cinematic will play. Charles will volunteer to lead the guards off while you follow Dutch to the boat.
Finish watching the cinematic to end the mission and the chapter.
This finishes Banking, the Old American Art main mission in Red Dead Redemption 2. Now the next quest Welcome to the New World starts.
Next Up: Welcome to the New World
For more Walkthroughs with all gold medals, check out the complete Red Dead Redemption 2 Story Walkthrough.
Hennysis1 says
Pressing down on the dpad won’t make Arthur whistle. Pressing up will, just like when he does for his horse.
Orel says
When entering the bank, does shooting hostages count toward headshots?
Snake2410 says
A little late to the party, finally getting around to finishing this platinum after almost 5 years. Because the next mission triggers immediately after this one ends, a good tip for this mission is turn auto save on before it. Then when the next mission triggers it’ll auto save. Turn auto save off once you see the next missions title, that way you have a back up of the next mission in case there are any issues getting gold on it and you’re like me and don’t like to have to use mission replay for missions.