American Distillation is the 27th main story mission in Red Dead Redemption 2 (RDR2). This walkthrough will guide you through all objectives of American Distillation Main Quest including all Gold Medals for 100% completion.
American Distillation is unlocked after completing The New South.
Quest Giver: Dutch
Chapter: 3
Region: Lemoyne
Gold Medal Requirements:
- Win the race back to camp
- Complete the mission without taking any damage
- Get 10 headshots
- Complete with at least 70% accuracy
Starting Location: Rhodes, Lemoyne
Talk to Dutch
Dutch is hanging out with his new drinking buddy Sheriff Gray, having a great time. He asks you to go to break up a Braithwaite moonshine operation in the woods, and temporarily deputizes you for the mission. The irony.
Break up the Moonshine Operation
Arthur and Deputy Archibald again ride together on the wagon while Dutch and Bill follow with your horse. Archibald will drive and talk to you about the feud between the Braithwaites and the Grays, as well as some local trivia.
Along the way, Archibald will spot a wagon that has been attacked. The deputies will get off the wagon and investigate the scene. They give you some background on the Lemoyne Raiders, your favorite welcome party.
Archibald discovers some papers among the bodies, and asks you to take the reins and drive while he examines them. Finally you can drive at a decent speed.
Keep following the path to the waypoint and park in the yellow target area.
Get off the wagon and follow Archibald.
Crouch and advance slowly when he does, so that you can sneak up on them without being noticed. If you are noticed, you will automatically fail the mission, and have to restart from the last checkpoint.
Initially you will have to subdue the moonshiners without being seen or killing anyone. Choose either the left or right path then move slowly around the edge of the area. Watch your minimap to see the enemies’ cones of vision.
Approach from the rear slowly so that they wont notice your approach, and subdue them when you get the takedown prompt.
By targeting them with the /
button, you can also choose to send Bill over to take them out silently if he is in a better position than you are.
Carry any unconscious moonshiners to the wagon for transport to jail.
The last step is to use explosives to destroy the distillery to shut down their operation once and for all.
- GOLD MEDAL: Complete the mission without taking any damage
Select dynamite from the weapon wheel and use it to destroy the distillery. Make sure you get to a safe distance do you don’t take any damage from the blast.
Whoops, looks like these guys are actually Lemoyne Raiders and they’re pretty angry that you blew up their operation. Get ready for an attack from the southwest.
- GOLD MEDAL: Get 10 headshots
- GOLD MEDAL: Complete with at least 70% accuracy
Since this mission requires you to get headshots and take no damage, you should probably stay well back from the fight and use a sniper rifle with Dead Eye to maximizae your accuracy and minimize your chances of being hit.
Once you’ve cleaned up the last of the raiders, rejoin your group by the wagon.
Looks like Dutch has volunteered to handle the “disposal” of the moonshine. What a gentleman.
Bill takes the wagon with the moonshine while Arthur and Dutch ride their horses back and talk. Eventually Dutch will challenge you to a race.
Focus on him, and select “Accept Race”.
- GOLD MEDAL: Win the race back to camp
If you have a decent horse, its not even a close race. Don’t overtax your horse’s stamina, and follow the path back to camp. Win, and mission complete, all in one.
This finishes American Distillation main mission in Red Dead Redemption 2. Now the next quest An Honest Mistake starts.
Next Up: The Course of True Love – II
For more Walkthroughs with all gold medals, check out the complete Red Dead Redemption 2 Story Walkthrough.
Ivsper says
Replay Mission > default horse > have fun
PoisonJam says
It’s not possible to win this race using the replay feature. The replay system in this game is a complete joke.
Ken says
If you press L3 you bond with your horse when riding it thus increasing its stamina every few seconds… When the race begins if you cut through the trees to the left you can win that race quite easily
Ken says
This mission really sucks bad! The replay feature in this game is stupid! Its not impossible to beat the race but anything else I can’t even complete… Bill just kills too many people and for me to get the 10 headshots and I dont really miss shots and somehow cant even get the 70% accuracy… Must be glitched or something… Have had multiple runs and cant get anything but the race… Hope Rockstar fixes the replay feature!
Nossjma says
Honestly rockstar needs to stop fiddling with story mode and doing patches. It’s are game now we aid for it. It’s not online or multiple players it’s story mode single player and I pad 60 for it. They need to fix the mission glitches and game bugs but stop downing the graphics. Don’t believe me. Take a screen shot save game. Unistal game. Reinstall download game don’t update and screen shot same area. Now compare!! The updated newer version looks like crap compared to the day one release no updates. Patching money glitches or other story mode stuff in area of that is not for them to touch on my system. Unless there gonna reimburse me my paid amount for game since they claim it’s theres.
As I see then it should be leased or rented. Not bought at a store