Red Dead Redemption 2 has 26 Stranger Locations. This guide includes a map that will show you where to find all 26 Strangers and the starting locations of their missions in RDR2.
More Strangers become available gradually throughout the story. You can still do their missions after the story. The chapters on the map are just the times when they become available. Below you can find a map with all their locations as well as links to text walkthroughs that explain them in-depth. Most of them are quest lines consisting of multiple parts. After doing the first mission, a marker for the follow-up quest will become available a little while later (usually after 24-48 hours). If something is not available, you must progress a bit further in the chapter or check at a different daytime. Some are only available at day or at night, refer to the linked walkthroughs below.
Stranger Locations Map
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» Red Dead Redemption 2 Stranger Missions Walkthrough
Chapter 1
1. The Noblest of Men, and a Woman – Location: Valentine
2. All That Glitters – Location: In the Wilderness West of Flatneck Station, south of Valentine
3. The Smell of the Grease Paint – Location: Van Horn Trading Post
4. Arcadia for Amateurs – Location: In the Wilderness South-East of Strawberry
5. Fundraiser (only available until Chapter 6) – Location: Saint Denis
6. American Dreams – Location: Find the 3 Murder Scenes to unlock this Stranger (on the map these are colored Orange with the 3 Murder Locations & 1 Stranger Location at the end)
7. A Fine Night For It – Location: Bayou area, north of Saint Denis. To unlock it you must find a chance encounter (random) with the “Night Folk” in the Bayou area (in the area marked green on the above map). Watch out for a white blip on the mini-map, around the Lagras Lake, at night time. You can make camp and sleep until night.
8. Geology for Beginners (Rock Carvings) – Location: In the Wilderness, north-west of Strawberry
9. A Test of Faith (Dinosaur Bones) – Location: In the Wilderness, North-east of Flatneck Station
10. Smoking and other Hobbies (Cigarette Cards) – Location: At Flatneck Station
Chapter 3
11. He’s British, of Course – In the Wilderness, south of Emerald Ranch.
12. A Fisher of Fish (Legendary Fish) – By a fishing hut at the northern shore of Flat Iron Lake.
13. The Iniquities of History – Rhodes
14. No Good Deed – Rhodes
Chapter 4
15. Oh, Brother – Valentine
16. A Bright Bouncing Boy – Saint Denis
17. The Mercies of Knowledge – Saint Denis
18. The Artist’s Way – Saint Denis
19. The Ties That Bind Us – Rhodes
20. Help a Brother Out (Optional Honor Story Mission, only available in Chapter 4) – Saint Denis
21. Duchesses and other Animals (Exotics) – Saint Denis
22. Idealism and Pragmatism for Beginners – Saint Denis
Chapter 5
23. The Wisdom of the Elders – In the Wilderness, West of Van Horn Trading Post
24. The Widow of Willard’s Rest (only available until Chapter 6) – In the Wilderness, north-eastern edge of the map (very end of the map), at a homestead called Willard’s Rest.
Chapter 6
25. The Veteran – In the Wilderness, North of Emerald Ranch, at a lake called “O’ Creagh’s Run”
Epilogue 1
26. The American Inferno, Burnt Out – In the Wilderness, West of Blackwater
Those are all of the Stranger Missions (Side Quests) in Red Dead Redemption 2. You need to finish 10 Stranger Mission Questlines for the trophy & achievement “Western Stranger”. Which one was your favorite mission?
For more guides check out our full Red Dead Redemption 2 Wiki & Strategy Guide.
garet says
Where did you get the map picturebefore adding the markers
Kenneth Steichen says
You forgot one. There’s one called “A new friend , a better world ” which is where u collect animal carcasses for some lady. Is that not a stranger mission?
PowerPyx says
Well, it doesn’t register as a stranger mission during the 5 hunting request posters. Technically, after that, yeah you have an encounter with a stranger but you can’t go there until you’ve hunted all required animals. I’m not sure if it counts as a stranger mission “strand” as it’s only one cutscene. Not sure what to categorize this as, to me it’s just a type of collectible / hunting questline. The quest name didn’t come up for me when collecting the hunting request posters.
Nicolai Hansen says
I’ve finished Epilogue Part 2 and already from the start of the chapter spawned a stranger mission in Valentine in the saloon where Lenny and Arthur drank. But when I go in the saloon I can’t find any stranger. I also tried to go around the saloon with no luck. After some time is disappear and then reappears after some more time.
Is it just a weird bug? Or is there something there?
Trav wayne says
I finished the game and was checking to see if I had any unfinished missions. I saw American dreams and went to find one of the murder scenes, and couldn’t find it. I think it’s only available until a certain chapter
PowerPyx says
I found all 3 murder clues after story. It’s definitely still possible.
Marshall says
You forgot the stranger mission “of man and angel 1 and 2”
Potato says
What’s that? I want to know if and when I can do it.
Dan says
The widow is available after chapter 6, but only if you hadn’t found her previously. Also the legendary fish dude was there in chapter 2 for me.
Ed says
“Do not seek absolution”. Edith Downes follow up. Found in Annesburg after you see her there, your honor must be high to unkock this one
Yanaihara says
What chapter?
Diamond says
You first encounter her in chapter 4. And then later in Chapter 6 in Annesburg.
Yuval says
You forgot the missions where you help the lovers to escape their families to Boston (the last part you drive a train
Diamond says
You forgot “A better World, A new Friend”. That was my fave one.
and also “Arcadia for Amateurs”
jamal says
Can you complete the stranger missions with John. I am begging for anyone to answer me this.
Thank you
PowerPyx says