Red Dead Redemption 2 has 5 Hunting Request Locations. Completing all Hunting Requests is needed for 100% Completion. They count as a type of collectible. This guide explains exactly how to get the perfect carcasses and where to find the animals to finish the RDR2 hunting requests.
The first four are available in chapter 2 (but without the deadeye skill from chapter 6 that marks critical hit spots these are pretty much impossible anyway so don’t bother until having beaten the game). The last one only unlocks in the Epilogue so you must play through the story first to complete them all.
To start them you must find a poster at one of the train stations. The way it works is that you must kill specific animals (ideally with 3-star quality) with the weapon detailed in the below guide. The carcasses must be in perfect condition, meaning it has to be a clean kill (1 shot kill in the weakpoint with the right weapon). 3-star animals are guaranteed to give a perfect carcass on a clean kill. You can also get perfect carcasses from 1-star and 2-star animals, but sometimes they are only in “good” condition. Just kill all animals of the required type and pick up their bodies, take special care with the 3-star ones. Never skin the animals, just pick up their carcass and you should see an update for the hunting request in the top left corner. After you found all that are needed for one hunting request, you can return to the post office to mail a “filled request” to Ms. Hobbs. After sending a filled request back to Ms. Hobbs you must collect her reward from the post office after 24 hours to start the next hunting request. The animals have specific spawn areas but these are all detailed in the guide. First, we’ll go through the hunting in more detail again.
Important: The Legendary Buck Trinket helps with this! It increases animal quality when you collect them. You get it by skinning the Legendary Buck and then crafting the Buck Trinket at a Fence. With this I was able to pick up 1-star and 2-star carcasses and they still counted as “perfect”.
How to Get Perfect Carcasses
- First, buy bait from a Trapper or General Store. All animals from hunting requests require Herbivore Bait. Stock up on 99 Bait, you’ll burn through it fast (you can buy Legend of the East Satchel from a Fence after the story to get 99 inventory slots or have Pearson craft it for you during the story).
- Next, get the Varmint Rifle from a Gunsmith (if you don’t already own it). You can change your weapon at the horse.
- Grab the hunting request poster and go to the animal spawn zones shown below and place the bait in a remote area (away from roads), but where you can easily see the approaching animal. E.g. place it where there’s not too much grass and walk up a hill where you have a clear view. Crouch and stay still at least 20 meters away from the bait. This does not work for birds, those aren’t attracted by bait! You can also ride / run around the spawn areas and hope to encounter the animal but it can be hard to get a clean kill when they get spooked and run away from you.
- When an animal comes, use the binoculars to study it (R1/RB). Then it shows the animal name. You can press R1/RB again to view the animal’s rarity (shown in bottom right corner). 3-star animals will always drop perfect pelts on a clean kill – but the rarity is random and a bit like winning the lottery. If they spawn with 1 or 2 stars you can still get a perfect carcass on a clean kill, especially when you have the Legendary Buck Trinket equipped. When the below guide lists the weapons “Small Game Arrows” & “Varmint Rifle”, it’s better to use the Small Game Arrows as they have a better chance of leaving behind a perfect carcass!
- You must kill the animal with a CLEAN KILL. That means 1 hit kill. You must shoot its weakpoint which is usually the heart or the head. To see all the weakpoints you must first beat Chapter 6 Story Mission “Goodbye, Dear Friend”. After that mission you unlock a deadeye skill that highlights critical spots. So yeah, you have to pretty much beat the game before hunting challenges are feasible.
- To get a clean kill you must use the appropriate weapon. Using a caliber too big will damage the carcass. Using a caliber too small won’t kill the animal in one hit and likewise damage the carcass. The appropriate weapon is pointed out in the guide below. For all of them, the Varmint rifle will work – but the Small Game Arrows are best for the tiny animals as it increases the chance for perfect carcasses. You can also see the recommended weapons in the compendium after studying the animal. For birds the Varmint Rifle is easier, for tiny rodents the small hunting arrows are easier.
- After getting a clean kill, pick up the dead animal and if it’s in perfect condition you will receive a checkmark on the hunting request (you can hold
> “Wildlife Art Exhibition” to view progress). Remember to get the Legendary Buck Trinket by skinning the Legendary Buck and then crafting the Buck Trinket at a Fence. It improves animal quality.
- Once you have all the perfect carcasses needed for the hunting request, go to a post office and mail them to Ms. Hobbs (hold
at post office). You can only send the mail after you got ALL the animals needed to fulfill the request. After sending the mail, wait 24 hours, go back to post office to get your reward and it will start the next hunting request.
Summing up: you have one luck-based factor that’s getting the animal to spawn. Then you must know what weapon to kill it with (pointed out in guide) and then you have a skill-based factor of having to kill it in a clean shot. If you don’t kill it in one shot it’s too late, the carcass won’t be perfect condition and you can look for a new animal. Expect this to take up to 20 hours (or more) for all 5 hunting requests, depending on luck and your skill.
Can’t get an animal to spawn? Try this: Make a Manual Save, Quit to Title Screen, Continue. It will cycle through the animals in the area each time you do this. The game seems to spawn at least one 3-star animal in the area and quitting makes different animals show up. Making a camp and advancing time can also help.
Glitch Warning (Quest not progressing): When completing a Hunting Request (when sending a mail to Ms. Hobbs), make sure you do not have any other perfect carcasses for the next hunting request in your inventory! Otherwise, the game might glitch out and never give you the follow-up quest, thus making it impossible to complete the hunting requests and thus the 100% completion! There’s yet another glitch; when you’ve already gotten a bigger carcass (rabbit, opossum, skunk, beaver) and you saved the game after, but reloaded the save, then the carcass can simply disappear and is no longer checked off in your quest log. It is therefore best to keep these animals for last or to do the entire request in one sitting with no reloads.
Glitch Warning #2 (Posters not available): Some players have reported not being able to find the posters anywhere. This could be because you have the stranger mission “The Ties that Bind Us” active. So if you can’t find the posters, it’s most likely because you accepted this mission, and completing it should fix the issue.
Hunting Request Locations
There are 5 train stations where you can find a poster that starts the Hunting Questline. You only need to get one of these posters, the next quests will trigger automatically. You just do one request and after mailing all animals, the next hunting request gets added to your satchel instantly. So just pick any of these 5 to get started, e.g. the one from Valentine.
Poster Location #1: Valentine Post Office
Poster Location #2: Strawberry Post Office
Poster Location #3: Rhodes Post Office
Poster Location #4: Saint Denis Post Office
Poster Location #5: Van Horn Trading Outpost Post Office
Hunting Request 1
Required Animals: Squirrel, Adult Rabbit.
Squirrel Carcass (Perfect Condition)
Just like rabbits, squirrels can spawn almost anywhere in the northern half of the map. They are found particularly often in the top right edge of the map. They are very small and hard to see in the grass. I found them by putting some herbivore bait on the road and just aiming there from time to time (the auto-aim will kick in and focus on the animal).
Weapon: Small Game Arrows or Varmint Rifle
Adult Rabbit Carcass (Perfect Condition)
Rabbits can spawn pretty much anywhere in the northern half of the map. You will sometimes see them running across the road. They are the most common animals in the game.
Weapon: Varmint Rifle
Hunting Request 2
Required Animals: Cardinal, Rat, Woodpecker.
Cardinal Carcass (Perfect Condition)
The Cardinal is a bird. Can be sitting or flying. Will fly away when you get close.
Weapon: Small Game Arrows or Varmint Rifle
Rat Carcass (Perfect Condition)
I always found a bunch of rats in the cave behind the waterfall of Elysian Pool. Be sure to enter at daytime so that the cave part with the rats is lit. Simply walk through the waterfall. Make sure you equip a lantern (weapon wheel, bottom right under melee weapons) so you can see in the dark. Walk to the end of the cave. At day there’s a lit area and several rats running around. Use Small Game Arrows, with that I even got a perfect carcass from a 1-star rat.
Weapon: Small Game Arrows or Varmint Rifle
Woodpecker Carcass (Perfect Condition)
One of the most common birds that can spawn almost anywhere in the northern half of the map.
Weapon: Small Game Arrows or Varmint Rifle
Hunting Request 3
Required Animals: Chipmunk, Oriole, Robin, Opossum.
Chipmunk Carcass (Perfect Condition)
They look similar to squirrels and are the same size, and can also spawn in overlapping areas. They are rarer than squirrels and have more few spawn zones.
Weapon: Small Game Arrows or Varmint Rifle
Oriole Carcass (Perfect Condition)
A very rare bird that spawns only in small specific zones. Stick to the marked zones exactly. Can be sitting or flying.
Weapon: Small Game Arrows or Varmint Rifle
Robin Carcass (Perfect Condition)
Another bird that is limited to only a few possible spawn zones.
Weapon: Small Game Arrows or Varmint Rifle
Opossum Carcass (Perfect Condition)
Only found in a few distinct places, not found anywhere else.
Weapon: Varmint Rifle
Hunting Request 4
Required Animals: Songbird, Sparrow, Toad, Bullfrog, Skunk.
Songbird Carcass (Perfect Condition)
One of the most common birds, can spawn almost anywhere on the map.
Weapon: Small Game Arrows or Varmint Rifle
Sparrow Carcass (Perfect Condition)
A common bird that can spawn almost anywhere on the northern half of the map.
Weapon: Small Game Arrows or Varmint Rifle
Toad Carcass (Perfect Condition)
Toads only spawn near water (rivers, lakes, islands).
Weapon: Small Game Arrows or Varmint Rifle
Bullfrog Carcass (Perfect Condition)
They only spawn in a few places near water. Do not confuse with toads.
Weapon: Small Game Arrows or Varmint Rifle
Skunk Carcass (Perfect Condition)
Skunks are found almost anywhere on the map. They are more frequent in the north-east.
Weapon: Varmint Rifle
Hunting Request 5
Required Animals: Cedar Waxwing, Bat, Blue Jay, Crow, Beaver.
Cedar Waxwing Carcass (Perfect Condition)
Cedar Waxwing is another bird, can be sitting or flying.
Weapon: Small Game Arrows or Varmint Rifle
Bat Carcass (Perfect Condition)
Bats are only found in caves, for example the cave behind the waterfall at Elysian Pool (walk through the waterfall to get there).
Weapon: Small Game Arrows or Varmint Rifle
Blue Jay Carcass (Perfect Condition)
The blue jay is a blue-colored bird, only found in a few spawn zones, rare. Stick to the marked spawn zones exactly. It likes to live near water.
Weapon: Small Game Arrows or Varmint Rifle
Crow Carcass (Perfect Condition)
Crows are among the most common birds. Can be flying or sitting.
Weapon: Small Game Arrows or Varmint Rifle
Beaver Carcass (Perfect Condition)
Beavers live only at select zones around rivers and a lake. They have small spawn zones but tend to show up there very often.
Weapon: Varmint Rifle
After having mailed all hunting requests to Ms. Hobbs she will send you an invite in the mail after 1-2 days (you can rest at camp to advance time). Read the invite and head to her quest marker. She will give you the Squirrel Statue as a reward. You must put it above the fireplace at beecher’s hope (your farm after the story), then it gets stolen 6 times and you have to find it at different locations and put it back above the fireplace. After each time, sleep for 24 hours so it gets stolen again and can be found at the next location. The trophy pops after finding it for the sixth time:
1. Chest in John’s Bedroom
2. Check the Chimney in John’s Bedroom
3. Go to the kitchen where you’ll find a ladder to the loft. It’s in the chest on the right.
4. Outside next to the barn where the sheep are, inside the wheelbarrow.
5. Inside the barn, climb the ladder and it’s in the chest.
6. This one isn’t on the farm. It’s way off in the north of West Elizabeth Region, north of Strawberry, on Mount Shann (Location Screenshot).
That’s all the Hunting Requests in RDR2 and how to get perfect animal carcasses. For all other collectibles and 100% completion check out our full Red Dead Redemption 2 100% Guide.
AshtimusPrime says
Do the animals have to be returned to the same post office that you got the poster from? I tried to turn in a rabbit in the first step elsewhere and didn’t get a prompt to give it to the guy. Thanks.
Jester says
No, but you must have all carcasses on the list before you can send anything.
Goatlips says
“The first four are available in chapter 2 (but without the deadeye skill from chapter 6 that marks critical hit spots these are pretty much impossible anyway so don’t bother until having beaten the game).”
NB: This is absolute nonsense! You don’t need to wait till Epilogue – you can do the first 4 just as easily with free aim, auto-aim, or standard Dead-eye at the start of Ch.2! Take your bow and varmint with you at all times and you can get perfect kills on all request (provided you have crafted the specific arrows needed)
Clamarc says
Can you tell me where is the exact location to find Robin? I’ve followed your guide but this bird just won’t spawn in those areas
Mr darp says
Look on the rocks at the river in Roanoke Ridge
Hasbi says
I found american robin near clements point (gang’s second camp), it either near the water or on an island across the river (where you can find tricorn hat).
Gaming guru says
West of annesburg by the river. Very close where wolf man lives.
mmonney31 says
Regarding #5 on your list. That is incorrect. You just need to level deadeye up. There is no need to beat the game. I am currently only in Chapter 3 and already have the ability to see vitals on animals.
PowerPyx says
There are two upgrades. The first marks deadly spots, the second marks critical spots. The one I’m talking about is the final one (it’s better this way as you see multiple kill spots on the animal). Yes you can do it with the first upgrade too but you can’t finish the hunting requests until you’ve beaten the game because the last isn’t available until epilogue anyway.
kormath says
I’m only in chapeter 2 (13% storyline completed) and have vitals showing in deadeye. From what i’ve read on other guides at this site, they don’t really know what they’re talking about.
Potato says
Nah man your game might be glitched they are right trust me I’ve played this game many times and know all about it
Eva says
The Squirrel needs to be killed with a Small Game Arrow.
PowerPyx says
I did it with Varmint Rifle and it counted as perfect. I do have the Legendary Buck Trinket equipped though, not sure if it affects it (the description says it leads to higher quality pelts but doesn’t specify cadavers).
Chief says
Yes it does also for cadavers. I’ve shot a few birds from the list while they flew fairly high and have had a cadaver in perfect condition every time. There’s no way I had a perfect kill each and every time so my guess would be that the legendary buck trinket did the rest of the job.
Alex says
Quick question, can you post the animals off 1 at a time or do you have to fulfil all the requirements in 1 go for each stage? And can they be dropped off at any post office or do you have to return to the one you got the quest from?
PowerPyx says
You gotta find all 3-star animal carcasses for the request and can then send a “filled request” via the post office.
Robin says
Also, Small Game Arrows make the 5th rank perfectly doable in Chapter 2, which I did, you shouldn’t have had issues with this.
Robin says
Robin and Oriole both plentiful in Cumberland Forest. Not rare at all.
quinnerd says
Where in Cumberland Forest? I’m having a hard time finding the Oriole.
Derek Robinson says
All the birds except the cedar waxwing can be found in the same spot. Just go back and forth up and down the river north of beaver hollow, just south of Brandywine Drop. Keep your eyes on the rocks in and near the river, and keep your distance to check what type of bird it is and shoot before it flies away. With the buck trinket, using small game arrows guarantees a perfect carcass every time. I finished the whole questline in about three hours because I had a skunk and opossum spawn near the same shack, just remember opposums only spawn at night.
Derek Robinson says
Edit: the shack I referenced is Deer Cottage, just east of the bend in the river where all the rocks. It’s just across the river from the tomb containing the Viking hatchet, and it also has a chance to spawn owls on the higher rocks up by the waterfall, since I had a terrible time finding owls in this game.
Matthew says
im at the valentine train station now and there is no poster and i am just finished epiloque part 2 is there any reason why i cant start this now?
PowerPyx says
Have you picked it up before possibly? You can check any of the other poster spots. It doesn’t matter what poster you use to start the hunting requests. Any one of them will trigger it.
Jens says
Same for me im at 84% and i have checked all 5 locations and cant find the poster. I have looked in my satchel theres is no hunting request document.
I have tried to meet up at train station with 3 star squrriel and rabbit.
quinnerd says
I’m done with the story too and I can’t find the poster in Valentine.
quinnerd says
After I finished The Ties That Bind Us stranger mission, the poster finally showed up for me.
PowerPyx says
Very weird. I never did The Ties That Bind Us. Might be a glitch, glad you got it to spawn.
Frederic Verdickt says
You’re a life saver. This was blocking my poster as well.
Eva says
Does Herb Bait work for birds?
Stuck on req 2, finding then is painful enough, managing to hit a perfect shot while its flying even more painfulm
Any tips and tricks for the birds?
Robin says
You want to pull out your small game arrow with L2, then focus with R2, then you want to click R3 once to deadeye over the flying bird. Ringneck Creek has stationary Robins during the day.
Derek Robinson says
See my above comment if you’re struggling to find birds
J13VER says
Hi, I Used The Varmint. A Single POP & They Dropped Infront Of Me. Be Careful Riding Or Walking Up As You Don’t Want To Touch It With Any Feet. I Got More Birds & I’ve Held On To The Perfect Ones & I Needed Them Further Along. Just A Tip. If You Can Hit Them With A Small Arrow Use It But I Found They Always Went High & Away From Me. Do Use The Trinkit If You Have It Though. I’ve Also Found A Poison Arrow Gets Perfect Pelts From All Animals. Just Kill While The White Paw Print Shows Or You Lose Honour. As He Kills Press Skin On The First Prompt To Skin Or He Picks The Whole Animal Up & It Damages It Dropping It To Skin. I Hope That Helps A Little. Happy Hunting !!!
Tobey says
I can only hold 3 bait, not 99?
OhMyJye says
You need to craft/buy better satchels in order to upgrade the carrying capacity.
MSDakaRocker says
I was confused for a moment too, and whilst this is a top guide that’s helped me a lot, it stating that you can carry 99 is a bit misleading without mentioning the need to upgrade your satchel to do so.
Great guide regardless but if this part were updated to clarify it would be perfect.
Asdf says
Dingleberry it says above that the legend of the west satchel is recommended and how to get it
mike says
I sent in the stuff for part 4 then never got a letter back to move to part 5 of the hunt. Slept for a week but no returned mail.
Scott says
Same issue… I got mail back with payment but the tracker still has the list from request 4 all checked off. It never updated to 5?
Dokka says
Yes, I have the same issue. Has anyone found out why or any fix for this issue?
iUserProfile says
You don’t need to aim for weakpoints on small game. Just use the appropiate weapon suggested in the info tab theats avaiable once you studied the animal.
Dale says
Lost the statue, had it above the fire place about 4 times? Completely lost it now any more ideas?
Coversnail says
I can confirm that the legendary buck trinket is useful for this task, with it equiped I picked up a 2 star Chipmunk carcass and was credited with a Perfect Chipmunk Carcass which was eligible to be handed in.
Kaasschaaf97 says
So if i pick up a 2 star with the trinket. It will be perfect. So before, i pick up. Its a two stars. And if i pick up it will say perfect?
Almost every time it will be perfect.
That is not all you need to do after you get the squirrel statue the statue keeps moving around and you need to keep putting it back on the mantel the locations we know so far is
1. Chest in John’s Bedroom
2. Check the Chimney in John’s Bedroom
3. Go to the kitchen where you’ll find a ladder to the loft. It’s in the chest on the right.
4. Outside next to the barn where the sheep are, inside the wheelbarrow.
5. Inside the barn, climb the ladder and it’s in the chest.
So far no one has found the last remaining locations
Denice says
Up on mount shann you will find the squirrel statue
LilPrep says
I beated the game Just Now, And I tryed To find out The First of The hunting request poster in Valentine, but It doesn’t spawn, how is It possibile? I must do something To let It spawn? How I Can resolve this problem? If I could, clearly.
quinnerd says
Do you have The Ties That Bind Us stranger mission active? Because after I finished that, the poster appeared for me.
Kratos says
It doesn’t have to be 3 Star Animals. I did so many Small Arrow Kills on 2 Starred Animals and it gave me an Perfect One.
Also there are fixed locations on Birds, just search it online, don’t remember the Video but it was near Annesburgh.
If you see a 1 starred animal, quickly save and Exit then reload the story. They will be there. I did this and save me alot of time.
I’m currently at Requests #5 so not done yet.
PowerPyx says
Are you using the Legendary Buck Trinket? Because I have that too and 2 star pelts count but I figured it must be due to the trinket. I believe without the trinket you need 3 star (the trinket gives you +1 quality on animals when you pick them up).
Kratos says
It must probly be the Trinket then. I forgot about that. But also I had perfect quality with the Bow everytime. Sometimes the .22 rifle gave me 2 stars only.
For birds and small animals it doesn’t need to be 3 star just killed with the right weapon. the medium sized animals like skunks and beavers need to be 3*
PSK-Warrior says
Did you know the 6. Position from the Statue now? Wasted 3 hours to Check the Rocks, Trees and the bushes. I tried to climb up the tower cause its light in it but on his Land He cant climb up a Waggon.
michael says
i started the hunting quest early in the game picking up the first poster and send her the animals…after 24h i got a mail at the post office with the next animal list so im now on quest 4 and never pick up a poster again idk you said in the guide i have pick up a poster for the next hunting quest but in my game i always got the list while picking up the reward from the last one…and many thx for all of your work here :-)
seph says
So that glitch definitely a thing, happened to me.. finished 4, and for hunter request 5, i had 4 out of 5, and it’s gave me the money for 4 and stuck on the same quest, completed. Hopefully they fix it soon, so I can finish this
Peinnegato says
Men, this is the fucking hardest shit in the game, looking for the opossum, Spend the last 3 hours looking near the Indian reservation, and no luck
Real_Outsider says
The 6 location it‘s in Big Valley, Mount Shann.
Deil says
The sixth and final location for the squirrel statue is on top of Mount Shann located North West of Strawberry.
Godworthy says
You mentioned that we should mail the carcasses asap so they don’t rot, but how do we do that? I cannot mail ANY carcasses UNTIL I obtained all of them for that specific request. I check all options at the post office, but I do not see any carcasses.
PowerPyx says
It only lets you mail them after you got all animals required for the request. I will rephrase that a bit to make it clearer. Most animals are small and go in your satchel so I don’t think those rot to begin with. I caught the big ones that go on your horse last and headed to the postmaster to mail those along with the others.
Hawk says
I completed the hunting requests and got the Squirrel Statue from Ms Hobbs. Despite this, the Hunting Requests are still showing as incomplete in my Compendium. Also my completion percentage did not increase after finishing the quest (currently 92.1%). I seem to have encountered a glitch that will prevent me from reaching 100% completion. This is extremely frustrating after playing the game for over 100 hours so far.
AllAmerican says
Don’t you have to put the statue above the fire place and find all 6 locations?
Hawk says
I have an update regarding this. The Hunting Requests don’t show as complete until you put the squirrel Statue on the fireplace and find it at least once after it disappears. That’s what happened for me at least.
Hotrog21 says
How do you put it on the fireplace?
Brent Peltier says
So I’m pretty sure I ran into the glitch, nothing I kill and pick up is being added to my satchel.
I’m on the 3rd hunting request and am done with all the main story. Do you know of a fix. I don’t have any saves other than my autosave
Brent Peltier says
Ok it fixed when I restarted the game.
Chris says
I have all the carcasses on part 3 but it’s not giving me the option to mail them
What’s the purpose of recovering the stolen statue? Is that required for a 100% and is there a special reward for that?
PowerPyx says
Recovering the stolen statue is for the “It’s Art” trophy / achievement but not needed for 100% completion. You do need all hunting requests for 100% though.
Dominic says
I did all hunting requests for Ms Hobbs, received the squirrel figure and got a checkmark for the hunting requests at my log finally. But my overall percentage did not move at all.
Diavolo says
This was tedious. Glad I finished it.
Frost says
Oh god I wish knew this from d beggin
It doesn’t have 2 b 3 star
3 star is only d condition of d pelt or hide
4 this hunts u just need d carcass 2 b in perfect condition n that just need a clean kill it can b 2 star or even 1 star
fresy says
so I’ve searched every train station I could’nt find any hunting request poster.
Nayf says
Yes, this worked for me too , the poster appeared at rhodes after finishing the criminals mission although i remember i did it before .
McP says
I finally got the opossum after much searching in one of the designated areas. It may be interesting to note that the opossum was literally “playing possum” when I found it, i.e. it was playing dead. It was just lying motionless on the ground, giving me plenty of time to aim and shoot.
psn:YuiHirasawaKON says
who can help me where cedar waxwing at any standing point,in the sky i never get one??
Brandon Reed says
I had perfect carcasses in my inventory for the follow up list and now I am not getting the invitation from Ms.Hobbs to obtain the statue. I’ve slept at least 48 hours. Am I out of luck? This is absolutely infuriating. I just read your glitch warning.
pernazzo says
Hi guys i need help.
I need the perfect opossum but i find only 2 stars or 1 star opossum.
I killed them with Varmint rifle but still nothing, only 2 stars.
I using Buck Trinket but if i kill a 2 stars opossum i don’t get the perfect carcass.
Maybe i have to acrivate the Bunk Trinket?
I think the only way its find a 3 stars opossum, anyone have tips for this?
Please help me i losting my brain.
pernazzo says
BABylonsburning says
Every bird needed in this hunting guide spawns at braithworth manor, although im sure there are more frequent spawn points for some birds. Theyre all there i just walked back and forth between the main house and rear barn through the one field, they all show up
Cango38 says
I can’t finy any poster. I finished the story mission and the ties.
schon-weg says
Regarding Challenge number 5 and this possible glitch:
Rockstar Support just answered, that challenge number 5 unlocks when getting to the story epilogue quests.
Can’t prove it at the moment, maybe someone of you can do it :).
best regards
PowerPyx says
That #5 only unlocks in Epilogue is correct, as it says in the guide here. But the glitch people have reported is from challenges #1-#4 which should be available from Chapter 2.
schon-weg says
oh okay, didn’t read this – sorry
hopefully you all reported it to rockstar 🙂
Kurghan says
Yep after hunting challenge #4 you receive a payment and a letter from Ms Hobbs telling you that she is going to be out for a while visiting family. I supposed I will get noticed about challenge #5 once advancing in story.
KostaM says
First of all, thank you for great and very detailed guide. I have completed all the story missions, all the stranger missions in the game, the ties that binds us as well, all V parts, and at the moment I’m at 97.7% completion, and I can’t find hunting requests anywhere. Checked all the places, did all the bounties. All I have left to do beside that is 2 more weapons, 1/9 collectible that I will not write down for the sake of spoilers for people who did not finish the game, and one more gang hideout. Hunting requests are marked in total completion as Unknown collectible. Do you have any other idea what to do? I’m at 97. 7 % and I’m getting desperate, took a lot of work to get here.
PowerPyx says
Did you by any chance pick up these posters earlier? Since they are in train stations you walk past them a lot so it may be in your inventory already! Check your satchel to make sure 🙂
Otherwise I’m not sure if this is a bug or what. There was someone else in the comments who didn’t get the posters but idk if it was just overlooked in inventory. I was able to still get all of these after the story, hadn’t touched them before.
Kostam says
I have not unfortunately. I went through all my documents in the satchel, and not a single poster was there. Only posters I did pick up was during the first part of the stranger mission The ties that bind us, and burnt them obviously. There is not much left to do in the game to try to trigger them to spawn. I will pick up two remaining weapons, find those remaining 8 collectables and clear one more gang hideout, but that is all that is left to be done in the game. Getting close to finish all skinned and studied animals, but no point in even bothering any more with that if I am unable to finish this. If anyone gets any idea, or similar problem, please let me know of possible solution, since I am out of ideas, and all that remains is to hope for some patch, since playing it all over again is out of the question.
KostaM says
Just to add, I have cleared everything else, and I’m at 99% completion with absolutely nothing else to do but wait for the patch or go for 70 gold medals, or studied and skinned animals, which seams obsolete if I’m unable to finish this after all the hassle. Even opened and read every single document in the satchel – inventory.
eujen says
I have the same problem, but I found how get the poster, but mission can’t be start anyway. u need to load mission from chapter 2 “American hills”. while mission go to valintane and there will be a poster. finish mission, you will get in you log hanting mission, but in your progress still have nothing. when u kill rabbit or squirrel nothing happens. maybe u find a solution. tell me if u will, pls
Gusanito1886 says
Please help! The Squirrel Statue is nog in the chest in the barn after retrieving it four times. It’s just gone now! I’ve tried everything from reloading saves, fast traveling all over the map and restarting the game. This is gonna cost me my freaking Platinum! Please help.
matt says
Ok.. so I just handed in the 4th request.. slept and it gave me mail with cash, I took the 120 dollars. but it never updated my quest it’s just saying all carcasses mailed from previous request, no follow up was given. all I have in my inventory is a oppossom pelt, no carcasses of any kind, none other then what was mailed, so why the shit?
Sean says
I love this game but the mechanics in this game are just trash.
Rob says
I wish I would have seen this before I started this Quest. Because I had carcasses when I sent the 4th stage of the first poster Quest. I am stuck now at 99% and cannot hundred percent the game. I am super pissed because I probably have over 200 hours in this save and I don’t understand how a glitch like this is possible and can ruin such a big game and stop someone from completing 100%. I can’t get any more Quest from this particular Challenge and it is the last challenge I have before I 100% the game. I’m going to email Rockstar about this but I guess I’m not going to 100% this game cuz I refuse to Play It Again. Some other glitch will stop me from 100% and no end up where I am right now again. What kind of crap is that you can’t keep carcasses in your satchel when sending the mail away. This is unbelievable I am so pissed off right now
Zoltron5000 says
Just ended up in the same boat I had 3 perfect bat carcasses in my inventory before even starting up any of the hunting request. I read that I needed one for the 5th request… So I kept them. Not knowing it would cause such a huge glitch. Super pissed. Especially since its such an easily triggered glitch and I feel like rockstar could easily patch it. I’m so mad that I can’t 100% this game that I’ve otherwise loved and spent so much time trying to complete. I’ve tried rockstar support multiple time now but it takes 3 says to get a response and they keep responding and giving me piped response regarded fixing bugs for GTAV… Not at all happy. All my other saves I have the bat carcasses and I also completed so many other challenges I couldn’t even think about going back and doing them again…
Robert says
So i was at 99% myself and was unable to find any hunting posters at any station, but i found a solution, if stranger quest called a ties that bind us is active, the one that ask u to remove 5 posters in rhodes, than your hunting posters will never spawn, it spawns only after u remove 5 posters from rhodes, i bet many people will have same problem, hope this helps.
YoureIt says
Has anyone else experienced the glitch with the opossum not registering as part of the quest? I skinned and got a perfect Virginia Opossum carcass but it’s still not checked off in the quest marker. Can someone help me?
I already spent a lot of time getting the damned thing, I don’t really feel like wasting more time if it’s a glitch that needs patched or if I just did something wrong.
PowerPyx says
This has happened to me a bunch of times as well. I had to kill that thing 4 or 5 times. Guess what happened next… I made a manual save, got on my way to the birds, and got killed by a bunch of bandits during auto travel. Reloaded save and the Opossum was gone from my horse and no longer had a checkmark in the quest log. The hunting requests are broken in so many ways. You’ll just have to find the Oppossum a bunch more times and make sure it’s a clean kill (a perfect headshot should do the trick). Oh and make sure you keep it for last and get the birds first. Otherwise that damned thing may just disappear from your horse.
YoureIt says
Thanks for that! I’m fine trying over and over again getting the thing as long as I know eventually it’ll work, and yes! It’s the last animal I need for this level of the quest. I’ll just keep plugging away.
Thanks again.
hussian says
hey i finished the all the hunting request mission but when i open up the Total completion it appears that i did not finish it ! whats wrong ? do i have to do something to get it check ?
PowerPyx says
Talk to Mrs. Hobbs and get her Squirrel Statue. (also if you’re looking at Social Club progression it’s usually buggy and lagging behind so check the in-game tracker instead)
Patrick says
I’ve slept for several days now and the statue will not leave the fireplace. Not sure what I’m doing wrong…
PowerPyx says
Try leaving the farm area and rest at a campfire / tent, maybe even fast travel to a different place like Valentine and sleep in hotel.
KAdamsy1 says
Instruction i got from rockstar to kick start the hunting quest if it glitches.
Thank you for contacting Rockstar Support. We are very sorry to hear that you are experiencing issues with Red Dead Redemption 2. In an attempt to resolve** **your issues and let you continue with the Hunting Request, we would like to try resetting the local user profile settings for the game. You do not have to worry about losing any progress, as this simply clears some temporary files associated with the game. We have the steps to clear the cache below:
1. Fully shut down your console, disconnect it from the power source.
2. After 30 seconds of the console being shut down, restart the console.
3. Launch RDR2.
4. When launching RDR2, wait until a black screen appears after the initial splash art has disappeared, and hold down L1+R1 throughout the opening scenes.
5. If successful, you will be able to see RDR2 tittle with no background image, just black. If the steps above does not resolve the issues you are encountering, please let us know so we can provide you further assistance. Best regards, Jesus M. Rockstar Support
I did steps 3 onwards, might be handy for others.
God Of War says
Hi Powerpyx..
I can’t send the carcasses from the 5th request to Mrs. Hobbs. Tried it at 2 post stations. Had the 3 birds, 1 bat for a longer time(some Real life days) in my satchel until i got the perfect beaver. They are still perfect and questlog tells me i just have to send them.
I’m at the beginning of epiloge 2. So the ranch is still under construction. A and J are still on their own. Have to do 12 or 13 missions.
Is that the reason? Do i have to finish the story first? Hope any of u guys can help me…
PowerPyx says
Yeah you have to progress further in the story. It’s because the ranch isn’t finished yet. Beat story first and then it’ll work 🙂
Isatis_Angel says
KAdamsy1, you’re a lifesaver !!!!! It works perfectly for me, after a bug on Hunt #2 (I had a Oriole in my bag when I had posted the list 2) and my progress blocked… Thank you so much !!!
This serie of quests is so infuriating… !
mac_of_alltrades says
Hey Powerpyx,
I am unsure if I am stuck in the glitch/bug or not. I have completed hunting request 4 and am currently in chapter 4. In my quest log I have all red check marks for this quest and never received a letter or reward for hunting request for (I will triple check, is there a way to look in your satchel?)
I do not want to move further on in my story if I did glitch my quest, do you know what it is suppose to look like when you finish #4 and have not gotten up to the epilogue yet? Specifically in your quest log.
Thank you!
PowerPyx says
The last hunting requests only unlocks after playing a bit of the epilogue. You need to beat the story first to advance.
mac_of_alltrades says
Sorry to clarify what I meant, when do you receive the letter from Ms. L Hobbs saying she went on vacation and the $120 reward? I’m just making sure I didn’t mess anything up because I realized I had the blue jay perfect carcass when I turned in request #4.
PowerPyx says
Okay, so I haven’t been through that scenario myself cause I did everything after story, but I think what’s happening is that the letter doesn’t arrive because it triggers the next quest… but that quest is not available yet, so no letter as a result. I think you’re going to be fine and it will arrive during epilogue or after.
mac_of_alltrades says
I was able to clear the cache like KAdamsy1 suggested via Rockstar Support, and when I loaded up my game I got the completion sound at the top left of the screen for this quest. When I looked in my quest log it said Ms. Hobbs was on vacation at the bottom of the request description! Thank you all very much for helping shuffle through this madness!
Evan says
For the bullfrog, I have not been able to get a perfect kill with the varmint rifle. Might be small game arrows only. Thanks for the guide!
Evan says
Same with toad and blue jay
Fred says
Nicely done. Thanks.
Robert says
I can confirm that you can have carcasses from the next hunting request already in your bag when you turn in your current mission items. I had about 90% of what I needed for mission four and five when I turned in number three and when I got the new request it would pop up with only one more item needed. I thought for sure it glitched out when I tried to turn in number four, but it turned out my skunk carcass had decomposed too much even though it was still showing as collected. I just save the game exited went back in and the skunk carcass was no longer checked off so I had to find a new one.
saltycitymitch says
Bats can also be found flying over the fields at night, between Braithwraite Manor & Bolger Glade. I’ve got at least 4 perfect ones there.
flatoutjosh says
done all the requests and have come to find the statue however mine won’t let me sleep for 2 x, will only let me sleep for 1 x 17/18 hours then it kinda crashes when selecting to sleep again – i found to sleep for along as possible then save – load and then statue has been moved to next position! dunno if this will help anyone else!!
Jon S. says
The perfect Crow is on a wagon wheel on the east side of the UFO house. Go to the small house by the pond north of Emerald Station. Crow spawns here all the time.
Vampiszon says
Hey PowerPyx, thanks for the guide! You can add that the trinket from Legendary Fox Paw prevents carcasses from decomposing on horse (like beaver, opossum etc). Helpful for those that catch them before the birds.
Furgond says
I am at 99% game completion as well (finishes The Ties That Bind Us and all bounty hunts. Just the Hunting Requests are missing, but no posters are showing up. Rockstar‘s support could not help either.
Jake says
Does the squirrel statue spawn in that order or can it be random?
Scott Elliot says
In my game you dont need to look for the squirrel in any location. It gave me the percent increase and is now ticked off. All I had to do was place it on the mantel piece.
kratos says
Did they fix they glitch where you can’t have any animals from the next request?
Robert says
First 2 missions no problem. I have collected:
1 Perfect Chipmunk Carcass
1 Perfect Opossum Carcass
1 Perfect Oriole Carcass
1 Perfect Robin Carcass
When I look in my satchel they are all there, all in perfect condition. When I go to the post office it won’t let me mail them. Does anyone know why?
Rut row…that’s the mission I’m on. Now ima skeered : – o
Graham says
Alright so I kill a rabbit with a varmint rifle and get a perfect pelt but it only updates my master hunter challenges and not the hunting requests what is happening?
Drayden says
You don’t send in the rabbit pelt. You send a whole rabbit carcass.
Amthony says
Can anyone tell me if the hunting requests are still glitched? Im referring to that one glitch were you cant have another perfect carcass in your satchel or it wont progress.
Yeah, I had a perfect Robin in my stachel when I brought in #2 (I saved the game first, just in case), and the next one (#3) was at the Rhodes Post Office, no problems. When I grabbed the next list I immediately got a pop up saying “such and such updated Perfect Robin Carcass” or something to that effect lol. Anyway it seems ok, which kinda bummed me out because I had gotten rid of a lot of perfect carcasses (i.e. Toad, Waxwing, Beaver, Sparrow etc) I could have used because of the glitch warning before I thought of trying it after a save.
I’ve found an AWESOME spot to get all types of perfect bird carcasses for these hunting trips, aka Wildlife Art Exhibition”. I tried to copy and paste the link with no luck, but just search “Where to Find Small Birds in Red Dead Redemption 2” on youtube. It’s really good. And check out my comment on there because there’s actually 3 rocks they spawn on there and you can see them all from one spot. (Comment is under the name Tony T). Happy hunting!
Ikkstar says
Hi, I’ve searched it up and there are loads. Do you know the name of the Chanel that posted it so I can see the one you are talking about. Thanks ?
Ikkstar says
I’m stuck on no.2 and finding them is a pain but I manage to find one every now and then however when I shoot a 3 star one with a bar isn’t rifle or small game arrow it drops and becomes 1-2 star. Also you said in the things that having a beer buck thing makes 2 stars perfect carcasses but for me it don’t at all and I have the trinket.
some body says
Varmint rifle does not work on small animals (or the game is just inconsisten af, wouldn’t be surprised).
Shot several 3* Cardinals with it. Always in the critical spot. All came out “Good” instead of “perfect”. Please change this, as the rifle is a much more convenient weapon than the bow
joe says
went to the location i can’t find any robins just sparrows HELP
Paul Carroll says
Thank you so much for taking to time to write such a well thought out and thorough guide. Much appreciated.
Mitch says
Holy lordy I’ve randomly had perfect carcasses for future quests unintentionally and the next came came up – thank god ! Hopefully they patched that glitch !
Josh says
Not sure if anyone checks this anymore but…I finally found last item for list 4 and there in front of me was a 3* beaver. I couldn’t not get it. I turned list 4 in and boom apparently this stupid glitch broke the entire billion dollar game. I reverted to an earlier save and repeated list 4. Didn’t help. Any ideas how to unglitch it?
Pinx says
The beaver is for quest 5 and also make sure to keep it for last because it will decompose by time you collect all animals and you should turn them in all at on time.
Chloe says
Thanks for the help, Outlaw’s For Life!! ?