Red Dead Redemption 2 has 30 Dinosaur Bone Locations. Finding all Dinosaur Bones in RDR2 is needed for 100% Completion. They are a type of collectible and part of the A Test of Faith Stranger Mission. They also count as a Collectible Strand for the Collector’s Item trophy or achievement.
None of them are missable. The earliest you can accept the Stranger Mission is in Chapter 2 but it can’t be completed until after the story because 8 bones are in the New Austin area which has bounty hunters that will instant kill you. After the story they go away and you can access the full map. In the progression checklist it only counts as completed after finishing the associated stranger quest by Deborah MacGuiness “A Test of Faith”. Just collecting the bones is not enough and does not add anything to your game progress.
These collectibles are big bones, usually found on top of mountains near cliffs. After you find them all, Deborah MacGuiness (the quest giver) will restore the skeleton. The guide below will walk you through the A Test of Faith mission and show you all dinosaur bones locations.
Always use eagle vision when near a collectible to highlight it (press +
/ Left Stick + Right Stick).
Dinosaur Bones Map
This map shows the locations of all dinosaur bones. You can click the map to enlarge it.
Dinosaur Bones Guide
Starting the Dinosaur Bones Stranger Mission “A Test of Faith”
Dinosaur Bone #1
In the middle of the grass. Remember to press the Left Stick + Right Stick ( +
) to highlight the bones when you’re near them.
Dinosaur Bone #2
At the very end of a dried-up river. The bone sits on a stone and blends in with it. Very hard to see this one, use eagle eye +
again to highlight it when you’re close.
Dinosaur Bone #3
Under the Oil Platform you can climb down a ladder. At the bottom of it in a dark cave you can find this bone collectible.
Dinosaur Bone #4
In Dewberry Creek, there’s an elevated area where grass and trees grow and one area where it abruptly cuts off and all you see is dirt and stones. The bones (a big ribcage) is in the dry dirty area between 3 boulders (just underneath where the green grassy area starts).
Dinosaur Bone #5
This is exactly under the letter “L” from Lemoyne on the map. In the dry dirt between 3 boulders.
Dinosaur Bone #6
In front of a hut (south-east of it), in the grass. These bones are very small and hard to see so use +
to highlight them when nearby.
Dinosaur Bone #7
There’s a mountain west of Kamassa River. You must go to the top of the mountain and then use +
to scan for the bone that is 1 “floor” below on a rock plateau (facing the river). You can slide down a little path between the rocks to avoid falling damage. The bone looks like a claw.
Dinosaur Bone #8
Between some trees on the ground, it’s just one single bone. Again use Left Stick + Right Stick to see it more easily.
Dinosaur Bone #9
At the edge of a cliff (above a road).
Dinosaur Bone #10
On top of a little hill (the bones look like jawbones).
Dinosaur Bone #11
This collectible is on a hilltop.
Dinosaur Bone #12
These are by far the hardest bones to reach. They are on a mountain. First, you must ride to the mountaintop. You can find a path north-east of the bone location. On your way to the top, there’s a grassy patch on the left, which is the only part where you don’t slide off. Go up there and then you can go downhill towards the collectible spot. The bones are on a pyramid-shaped rock at the edge of the mountain. Again +
will highlight it when in view.
Dinosaur Bone #13
On a grassy patch near the top of the hill. Blends in with the wall of rock, use eagle eye again +
Dinosaur Bone #14
On top of a hill, sitting on a flat rock.
Dinosaur Bone #15
This bone is tricky to see. You need to drop down a cliff at the top of a mountain. Walk along the cliffside, look down, and when you see it drop down.
Dinosaur Bone #16
On the edge of the cliff of the mountain.
Dinosaur Bone #17
This bone is fossilized in a wall.
Dinosaur Bone #18
On top of the mountain, in a grassy area near the cliff.
Dinosaur Bone #19
Below the mountain cliff, it’s fossilized into the wall.
Dinosaur Bone #20
Inside a small cave. The entrance is under a rock formation, just a few meters / yards south of the collectible location.
Dinosaur Bone #21
In the middle of the road (dotted line on map).
Dinosaur Bone #22
At the side of the road on a cliff (dotted line on map).
Dinosaur Bone #23
In the canyon, on the side of the upper path at the bottom of a wall.
Dinosaur Bone #24
In a grassy area with some bushes, not far from the San Luis River.
Dinosaur Bone #25
At Rio Del Lobo Rock, near the top of the mountain at the edge of the cliff.
Dinosaur Bone #26
On a hilltop near the cliff.
Dinosaur Bone #27
On top of a small hill at the highest point (west of Jorge’s Gap). This one is literally impossible to see because it’s covered by some bushes so be sure to use eagle vision with +
to highlight it.
Dinosaur Bone #28
This bone is fossilized into the side of a rock wall.
Dinosaur Bone #29
On top of a mountain, at the edge of the cliff. The only way up the mountain is from the north.
Dinosaur Bone #30
The final bone collectible is on a mountain north of Tumbleweed. There’s a path at the northern side of the mountain that leads up (north-east of bone location).
Send All Locations to Deborah MacGuiness
In order for the Dinosaur Bones to count as completed (for 100% completion), you still need to complete Deborah’s misson. Go to any post office, for example in Valentine (marked on the map) and send the bone locations to Deborah in the mail. Look at the post office clerk and press to send mail and then click on each individual location.
Now you must let 24 in-game hours pass. You can make a camp from your item wheel and sleep there twice in a row to skip over 24 hours. Then return to the post office to receive two rewards and an invitation to Deborah’s cabin where the mission will end.
Collect your reward from Deborah MacGuiness
After reading Deborah’s letter (hold to open satchel > Documents > Invitations) her quest marker will show up instantly on the map. She’s at Firewood Rise in Cumberland Forest, north-east of Valentine. If the icon isn’t showing up just sleep to advance time again. Head there and enter her shack.
Deborah will present to you the dinosaur skeleton she put together. She calls it the Elizabethan Megsaur. As a reward for your troubles she gives you a knife made out of genuine Stegosaurus Bone. Below is an image of the finished dinosaur skeleton.
This concludes the Stranger Mission quest “A Test of Faith” in RDR2 and it also completes the “Dinosaur Bones” in your 100% progress checklist. This adds 2% to your total game completion.
For all other RDR2 Collectible Guides check out the full Red Dead Redemption 2 Collectibles Guide.
Luay says
I had a few before starting the quest and I gave them to her when I first spoke to her, did not receive my quartz chunk.
Abdulrahim Jaber says
I started as Arthur and i got 22 bones can i still finished as Jhon ?
Or can i started all over again?
What should i do
Help me please
Devin says
Thankyou very much. Very helpful and straight forward.
Hiccstrid says
The post office is glitched for me in my game I can no longer receive mail I sent in all the bones and legendary fish and it will not let me get the last part of each quest. Five in-game days have passed and it gave me an update to check the post but receive is grayed out.
Mimi says
Anyone know if she will give me the stone if I post her a second bone?
I already had one when I met her and it has not given me the chunk
Arash says
i found 29 of them as john and 1 as Arthur and i send them but i dont get any invatation
what can i do?
Frederick Jimenez says
If I use the “glitch” to go to New Austin with Arthur, will the quest glitch out? Or I should be safe?
Sacred says
You would probably mess up the quest since Arthur wasn’t meant to meet the lady in the final mission
Atuk Morgan says
i got all 30 bones as Arthur. got the invitation she gave me the Jawbone Knife but it disappeared..
Tasos Klados says
I have a bug with bone #27. I can’t do an inspect to the bone… I’m trying now for 2 weeks but nothing…