A Strange Kindness is the 24th main story mission in Red Dead Redemption 2 (RDR2). This walkthrough will guide you through all objectives of A Strange Kindness Main Quest including all Gold Medals for 100% completion.
A Strange Kindness is unlocked after completing The Sheep and the Goats.
Quest Giver: Dutch
Chapter: 2
Region: New Hanover
Gold Medal Requirements:
- Return the captive to his family within 1 minute 40 seconds
- Get 5 headshots
- Complete with at least 80% accuracy
- Complete the mission without taking any health items
Starting Location: Horseshoe Overlook, New Hanover
Talk to Dutch
After your brush with Cornwall, Dutch thinks its time to move the camp to a new location near Dewberry Creek. He sends Charles and Arthur to scout ahead and clear out anyone in the area. Ride out with Charles to Dewberry Creek, then search it for any inhabitants.
Investigate the Area
It seems you’re off to a great start.
Go investigate the body, CSI Lemoyne.
Looks like there’s a camp in the distance to investigate.
It looks deserted, but that doesn’t fool your Eagle Eye.
The trail goes under the wagon.
Search the crates for the source of the trail.
Look Charles, Germans!
There’s a terrified family under the wagon that Charles manages to gently coax out of hiding. Arthur hits a massive language barrier as he tries to unsuccessfully run them off, but eventually the Daughter manages a few words in English to tell them that their Father has been kidnapped.
Of course Arthur and Charles volunteer to help. Why wouldn’t they.
Follow Charles
Charles is tracking a horse that went in the direction the girl pointed. Feel free to use Eagle Eye to pick up the trail yourself and speed the process along.
Keep following the trail until it leads to a camp.
Searching the camp for the settler, you’ll find him wriggling on the ground. As you begin to untie him, he seems to be wanting to tell you something. Too bad you don’t speak German.
Defend Against the Attackers
- GOLD MEDAL: Get 5 headshots
- GOLD MEDAL: Complete with at least 80% accuracy
- GOLD MEDAL: Complete the mission without taking any health items
Use Dead Eye to ensure you get high accuracy and at least 5 headshots. Remember to stay behind cover, since you won’t be able to use any Health items.
Some will attack on foot, followed by a few riders coming from the north. Take them all out, then untie the settler.
Return the Settler to his Family
- GOLD MEDAL: Return the captive to his family within 1 minute 40 seconds
Move quickly, and go around fences rather than jumping over them to maintain your speed and stamina. Keep heading towards the checkpoint, and you’ll reunite the family.
This finishes A Strange Kindness main mission in Red Dead Redemption 2. Now the next quest Good, Honest, Snake Oil starts.
Next Up: Good, Honest, Snake Oil
For more Walkthroughs with all gold medals, check out the complete Red Dead Redemption 2 Story Walkthrough.
Shrimp_Man says
Just fyi, the link to this mission on the side list doesn’t work. It’s missing the first part of the link.
PowerPyx says
Hey, well spotted and thank you for leaving a comment about it! It’s updated now 🙂