A Really Big Bastard is the 106th main story mission in Red Dead Redemption 2 (RDR2). This walkthrough will guide you through all objectives of A Really Big Bastard Main Quest including all Gold Medals for 100% completion.
A Really Big Bastard is unlocked after completing Uncle’s Bad Day.
Quest Giver: Abigail Roberts
Chapter: Epilogue – Part 2
Region: West Elizabeth
Gold Medal Requirements:
- Shoot the bear 4 times as it charges
- Headshot both the rival bounty hunters in Dead Eye
- Complete within 7 minutes 15 seconds
Starting Location: Beecher’s Hope, West Elizabeth
Talk to Abigail
- GOLD MEDAL: Complete within 7 minutes 15 seconds
Skip the opening cinematic. Just as you ask Abigail if you’re forgiven, in comes Sadie Adler to both upset the apple cart again, and help finance the dream Abigail so wants. What a dilemma. In the end, Abigail gives you permission to go.
Mount your horse and follow Sadie to Tall Trees. She’ll stop at a destroyed camp. Use Eagle Eye to track the trail of the bounty target, and get back on your horse.
Sadie will follow you as you track the target. Pick up the pace, and go back into Eagle Eye to refresh your meter as you get low.
When you reach an Evil Deadish cabin, dismount and check out the mangled corpse out front.
Skip the cinematic where you find Marshall Thurwell and get knocked down by a bloody great bear.
- GOLD MEDAL: Shoot the bear 4 times as it charges
When you get control again, you will automatically go into Dead Eye. Be sure to shoot the bear four times. Even if you get a headshot, you probably won’t kill it, just make sure that you don’t miss.
Likely, you’re going to be knocked to the ground and do your best DiCaprio impresison, so quickly hammer /
to try and break free from the grizzly’s pin.
If you manage to break free, you’ll get a chance to shoot it a few more times before Sadie joins in to drive the bastard off. Skip the cinematic.
Mount up and follow Sadie, checking to see how your Dead Eye meter / core is doing. Use a tonic if you have one to restore both.
Partway to Blackwater, you’ll see two riders riding towards you, then stop. Sadie comes to a stop, wondering who they are. Don’t even wait for her to respond, immediately go into Dead Eye and headshot them both.
- GOLD MEDAL: Headshot both the rival bounty hunters in Dead Eye
Crisis averted, escort Sadie to Blackwater to finish the mission.
This finishes A Really Big Bastard main mission in Red Dead Redemption 2. Now the next quest A New Future Imagined starts.
Next Up: A New Future Imagined
For more Walkthroughs with all gold medals, check out the complete Red Dead Redemption 2 Story Walkthrough.
Profchaos says
Glitched you must watch the end cutscene for the timer to count.
Americo42 says
This was my final mission to get gold on all of them.
Took me almost 200 hours just in the story mode to do everything (all achievements, compendium and now all gold). Despite all the little annoyances, it was a blast. Thanks for all the guides!
For this mission, I recommend:
a) not skipping any cutscenes at all… after many many attempts, it gave me gold when I watched everything
b) going directly to the cabin after Sadie gets on the horse again (pick up the trails as soon as possible)
c) running past the dead body and entering the cabin on the left, which triggers a cutscene
d) shooting both bounty hunters quickly (after the bear cutscene, equip a weapon so you’re ready when you need it)
e) riding left of Sadie all the time, to save some time… maybe you’re unlucky and she gets stuck somewhere, it happens
Walt says
This particular misson proves what I suspected. Rockstar algorithms are sometimes designed to trip you up no matter how good you are.
To qualify, I’ve been real 100% for a couple of years. Thats complete compendium, all challenges….everything. now 97% trophies with only the Gold Rush trophy left to get Platinum.
I have been on the “A Really Big Bastard” mission (Epilogue 2) off & on for weeks. I’ve read all the opinions too.
All 3 checks for gold are reasonably easy enough separately but depending on your progress, one will become harder if you get the other two.
Shoot the bear 4 times is easy & 2 bounty hunter dead-eye headshots are easy but then time becomes very hard. Figure out how to cut time and all of a sudden the headshots that were doable become nie impossible.
This is unacceptable in my opinion Rockstar and if someone ever proves it, your following will be affected.