A Fork in the Road is the 65th main story mission in Red Dead Redemption 2 (RDR2). This walkthrough will guide you through all objectives of A Fork in the Road Main Quest including all Gold Medals for 100% completion.
A Fork in the Road is unlocked after completing Fleeting Joy.
Quest Giver: N/A
Chapter: 5 or 6
Region: Lemoyne
Gold Medal Requirements:
- Complete within 3 minutes 5 seconds
Starting Location: Saint Denis, Lemoyne
Get Help
This mission is unique in that it is essentially just a sequence of cutscenes triggered by approaching Sadie Adler’s waypoint for the mission Icarus and Friends. It can be triggered at the end of chapter 5 or early in chapter 6, whenever you approach the waypoint. As such there is no specific location where it begins, but you’ll know it when a cinematic starts in the middle of the city for no apparent reason. If you are on a horse you’ll begin to come to a stop, start coughing and get down from your saddle. Once down, or if you’re on foot already, you’ll have a coughing fit and collapse.
- GOLD MEDAL: Complete within 3 minutes 5 seconds
Skip the first two cinematics. Someone will drag you out of the road and get you back on your feet. They will lead you to a doctor, so press forward as soon as you can to follow them while coughing and drifting at the edge of consciousness. Keep pressing forward and you will go around a corner after him. When you reach the doctor’s office he will direct you inside, and even give you $10 if you are out of money.
Once inside, you’ll talk to the receptionist before the doctor will see you. This seems like a cinematic, but you just have to let it play out.
The doctor directs you into his office. Stagger in that direction.
Once inside, walk toward the green chair on the left side of the room and press the /
button to sit as soon as you get the prompt.
Skip the next cinematic. The doctor will give you a shot to get you back on your feet, but from now until the end of the game your stamina core will drain far more quickly than it did before. As soon as you have control again, pick a direction and start walking away from the doctor’s office.
You will hallucinate fragments of dialogue from other characters as you walk slowly down the road. Keep going until you see a deer run into an intersection.
The deer will run off down the road and disappear.
Unusually, there is no indication that the mission has ended other than a journal entry. If your waypoints have reappeared on your map, you’ll know the mission is over. The gold medal requirements are pretty forgiving, so if you waste no time this gold should be a piece of cake.
This finishes A Fork in the Road main mission in Red Dead Redemption 2. Now the next quest That’s Murfee Country starts.
Next Up: That’s Murfee Country
For more Walkthroughs with all gold medals, check out the complete Red Dead Redemption 2 Story Walkthrough.
bd says
The time limit is not generous at all. Like all the timed missions, the time limit is tighter than a virgin’s … well use your imagination. Like all timed missions it’s also slow paced and can easily be replaced with a single cutscene.
Well, at least in this mission you don’t have to listen to the incessant chatter of his idiot gang members.
RabbitFly says
The gold requirement is really only affected by which road you choose to walk down. If you go to the right or straight ahead you wont make it.
Go left and it’s easy. You get less dialogue happening that way.
Roy says
indeed. thanks for the info.
Sam says
Wow, thank you. That one piece of advice is the difference between finishing this mission overtime, and finishing it with 34 seconds to spare.
Doctor Stupid says
Thank you.
Mica says
Thank you soo much!
Master of game says
This is easy to dont listen to that conversaytions but if you want to understand the story you must listen to that talk
I was skiping that talks and you must could doing to dont waste the time
Andy says
Easiest way is to skip cutscenes, when you leave the doctors office turn left and walk to the end of the road. Switch to first person view and look down at the ground until you reach the intersection, then look at the deer and look away. Super fast.
idontcare says
If u have bad honor u will see a wolf or coyotey