A Fisher of Fish is a Stranger Mission Strand (Side Questline) in Red Dead Redemption 2. This Walkthrough shows how to complete this Stranger Mission in RDR2.
Quest Giver: Jeremy Gill
Region: east of Flatneck Station
Requirements: having finished Chapter 2
A Fisher of Fish Starting Location
When having finished Chapter 2 and moved to the new camp Clemens Point, a new Stranger can be met. His name is Jeremy Gill and he is a famous fisher. After having learned how to fish with Jack in an earlier mission, he has a real challenge for us.
Catching these thirteen monsters all over the map will take a lot of time and endurance. Some of them are located on the “old RDR1” map-part and can’t be accessed until the Epilogue.
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Catch 13 Legendary Fishes
Refer to the Legendary Fish Locations Guide with maps, images and video.
Send All 13 Fish via Mail
Once you caught a fish, go to any post office and mail it to Gill. Post offices are marked on the map and are located in every major town, e.g. in Valentine. Some smaller fish might still be stored in your satchel, but most of them have to be carried to your horse and should be delivered soon after.
Once all Fishes have been mailed to Mr. Gill, you will receive an invitation from him to go on a trip together to catch another legendary fish, previously unavailable.
Then the mission ends and it checks off the Legendary Fish from your collectibles for 100% completion.
This concludes the “A Fisher of Fish” Stranger Mission in Red Dead Redemption 2 (RDR2). For all other Stranger Missions check out the full Red Dead Redemption 2 Stranger Missions Walkthrough.
John says
I can’t get this even though I’m done with chapter 2
dalailama1989 says
It should be available after Chapter 3’s first mission The New South.
Have you tried different times of day?
lBenJo says
Catched my first legendary fish but can not send the fish to the fisher. Tried to inspect the business card before.. To step into the post office with the fish and to save and reload the Game.. Tried different post offices too. What else can i try? PS: i’m german so sorry for my bad english.
Lysss says
Fish is not heavy enough. Must be over 15lbs
James says
Same for me, and the fish is heavy enough, and legendary 19lbs 19oz and three star Muskie, will not let me send it.
Red Dead Andrew says
leave it on the horse
Caleb says
My somehow lost the Legendary Longnoss Gar after I caught it. I sent every other fish in the mail….Is there any way i can catch the Gar again or am i just shit out of luck? help!
PowerPyx says
It should be in the post office automatically, ready to be mailed. If you lose them they get sent to the post office.
I also died while heading to the post office with my legendary fish. Went to the P.O. but theres nothing there. What do I do?
Priscilla says
When you lose a legendary fish off of the back of your horse or die while carrying it, wait a few days in game and the map will reload as if you never caught the fish and go back and get it again.
Dio says
Can you actually catch that last fish, that was previously unavailable? I’v been fishing my ass off, caught some 20 other fish, but not that one..
Tried like 5-6 different spots, but no cigar..
PowerPyx says
I haven’t been able to catch it either. It’s supposedly a 200 pound fish. My theory is that you need to do some “Dynamite Fishing” instead of using the fishing rod.
RJ says
As i have stated in a comment. If you previously caught the fish at the sisika penitentiary then the fish during the quest will not spawn because its the exact same fish. The game gives 2 options to catch the catfish. 1 spawn is at penitentiary island the other spawn is available after the quest when you watch gill get dragged into the water. So like me if you wasted your time fishing for hours then check your fish in your compendium and like mine you will be surprised that is says you caught all the legendary fish even though the fish icon is not crossed out from the map.
Erogenous Jones says
I’ve caught and mailed 3 of the legendary fish so far (bluegill, chain pickerill and small mouth bass) but only received a reward for the first one I sent (the bluegill). More than 24 hours has definitely passed in game since I mailed the chain pickerill and the small mouth bass :/
Chris says
Whatever. Jeremy Gill does not show up at that location or there is more to it then just beating chapter 2 because he is not showing up at all at any time of the day so someone is talking a load of SHIT.
icsapper says
Can I do the misson on chaper 4? I missed it. How can I acquire it?
Nico says
I was able to meet Jeremy Gill and begin this mission in Chapter 2 immediately after fishing with Jack in “A Fisher of Men”.
Al YourPal says
I verify that “A Fisher of Fish” is unlocked during chapter 2 immediately after you complete “A Fisher of Men” which is unlocked immediately after completing “Pouring Forth Oil III.”
I’ve had no problems with mailing any of the legendary fish that are available during chapter 2, including the legendary catfish caught northeast of Saint Denis. I’m starting chapter 3 now.
RJ says
I don’t know if this was mentioned before but there are actually 2 ways to catch the legendary catfish. I learned this the hard way after fishing for about 8 real life hours just to find out i wasted my time. So pay attention everyone.
During early in the game there is a location called Sisika Penetentiary island. There is a location here wjere you can take a boat across and catch the legendary catfish. KEEP IN MIND that if you catch it at this location it will NOT spawn for you at the end of the Fisher for Fish quest, but you will still have caught every fish. If you choose to wait until after the quest you can catch the legendary catfish in Rio Bravo BUT then it will not spawn the one at the Sisika Penetentiary. Just wanted to put this up incase everyone was as confused as i was fishing for hours on end just to realize they wasted their time lol
Sean says
You have to catch the “BULLHEAD” catfish at the penitentiary to finish the legendary fish quest. The “CHANNEL” catfish is supposed to be in Rio Bravo but nobody has ever caught it. Two totally different fish. You dont even get the Rio Bravo option until you catch all 13 Legendary fish.
SJ says
I caught the legendary perch before the mission was triggered. I’ve gone back to the Elysian pool but I can’t seem to catch it again. Any ideas?
Rah says
Hi i cant get the letter form mister gill and i have finnished the game twice without the letter recieving could someone help me?
Syqouya says
Do we get mounts for the reward after we send one of the legendary fish
Eli says
I caught and posted the legendary gar but part 2 of the mission is not showing up the gar isn’t crossed out and it says that I did it in tasks and compendium, yes I caught all the other fish too
John says
I got the mission right after i finished the mission fishing with jack in chapter 2. Not have to finish chapter 2
Ryder says
Can’t seem to send my fish for some reason, was able to send a 9 bound fish that fit in my satchel but not my 18 pound fish that isn’t on the satchel…