This Ratchet & Clank Rift Apart Collectibles Guide shows where to find all Collectible Locations in chronological order. There are 175 Collectibles in total. However, most aren’t needed for trophies. The only ones you need all of are the 9 CraiggerBears, 30 Blizon Crystals, 10 Spybots, 5 Glitch Challenges, 60 Zurpstones. The rest are only partially needed (Gold Bolts, Lorbs, Armor).
Locating all Ratchet & Clank Rift Apart Collectibles unlocks the following trophies:
UnBEARably Awesome – Find all CraiggerBears
Shifty Character – Hit Every Blizon Crystal on Blizar and Cordelion
Shiny! – Collect a Gold Bolt
Nooks and Crannies – Collect Five Gold Bolts
Planning Some Destruction – Collect a Spybot
Aim to Misbehave – Acquire the RYNO (Spybots)
Might’ve Broken Something – Collect Three Lorbs
Sartorial Steel – Acquire a Piece of Armor
Does This Make My Tail Look Big? – Acquire and Equip Head, Torso, and Leg Armor
Glitch, Uh, Finds a Way – Complete All Glitch Challenges
None of the Collectibles are missable. You can keep track of most collectibles via the Collectible Menu, via PS5’s built-in trophy trackers (for Blizons & CraiggerBears), and via the world map or planet select.
The only Collectibles that aren’t marked on the in-game map are the CraiggerBears. Everything else is automatically marked when you get close to it. After the 2nd planet (Sargasso) you unlock a spaceship that allows you to fly back to old planets at any time. After the story you can resume from the Title Screen to be put back before the final boss. Then you can continue to free roam almost everywhere.
You can collect everything on the easiest difficulty. Most Collectibles carry over into New Game+ (Challenge Mode). Except for the Blizons and Zurpstones, those must all be found in a single playthrough.
CraiggerBears are teddy bears, Blizons are crystals exclusively found on the 5th & 7th planet, Gold Bolts are golden shining bolts that unlock cheats, Spybots are flying robots that unlock the RYNO weapon, Lorbs are Lombax Altars exclusively found on the 4th planet, Armor gives passive bonuses, Glitch Challenges are puzzles with a spider bot, Zurpstones are exclusively found on the 2nd planet.
Collectible Overview & Individual Guides by Collectible Type:
If you’re only looking for Collectibles of one type, it’s better to use one of the guides linked below.
- 9 CraiggerBears – see Ratchet & Clank Rift Apart All CraiggerBear Locations
- 30 Blizon Crystals – see Ratchet & Clank Rift Apart All Blizon Crystal Locations
- 25 Gold Bolts – see Ratchet & Clank Rift Apart All Gold Bolt Locations
- 10 Spybots – see Ratchet & Clank Rift Apart All Spybot Locations
- 12 Lorbs – see Ratchet & Clank Rift Apart All Lorb Locations
- 24 Armors – see Ratchet & Clank Rift Apart All Armor Locations
- 5 Glitch Challenges – see Ratchet & Clank Rift Apart All Glitch Challenge Locations
- 60 Zurpstones – see Ratchet & Clank Rift Apart All Zurpstone Locations
A guide by SnowNinjaRaccoon (DK), & PowerPyx
Planet 1: Corson V
Gold Bolt #1
After you meet the Ms. Zurkon weapon vendor in the market area, head to the right and go up the magnetic boot ramp, follow the path to reach the factory entrance that has an optional objective marker on it. From where you enter the factory, look straight ahead and go to the assembly line at the end of the room where boxes go up a ramp and disappear behind a laser grid. On this assembly line are some big moving boxes. Jump on the side of one such box when it passes by the last “balcony” in the room. Then “wall jump” from the side of the box to the balcony above it. You only have a short time window because the box is moving, but you can simply wait for the next box if you miss. It’s easiest when you are standing on the production line behind the box, facing in the direction it’s moving in. Now that you’re on the balcony you should see a wall with blue hexagon patterns on it, you can wall-jump up there. Once at the top, turn around to see the bolt (before going into next room). You can jump on the production lines at the top of the room and glide around the big boxes that are coming your way until you reach the bolt at the end.
Spybot #1
From the gold bolt go into the next big production hall. Here you must do a similar trick, this time wall-jumping from the side of metal box on a yellow forklift to land on a big moving box, then from the moving box then onto the yellow forklift. Then you can jump across the moving production lines at the top of the room to reach the exit. The rest is quite linear, just kill the enemies up ahead and you’ll be forced to pick up the Spybox at the end of the Factory. You are forced to pick it up before leaving the Factory, so can’t miss it at this point.
CraiggerBear #1
In the east of the market area. Sitting on the counter of one of the market vendor stalls (the stall has some purple tarp for its roof and a white robot in it). Before going down to club Nefarious.
Armor #1 (Robot Disguise – Helmet)
In the Pocket Dimension in the east of the market area. Enter the purple Pocket Dimension (looks like purple portal) and reach the end of it to get the armor piece.
Gold Bolt #2
During objective “Follow the Phantom”, you can grapple to the yellow rifts with to find this Bolt.
Gold Bolt #3
After getting the Omniglove (Story Item), backtrack to the start of Corson V in the very north where you came from. Now that you have the Omniglove you can run across a wall panel with blue arrows to reach this Bolt.
Glitch Challenge #1
Planet 1: Corson V – Automatic from Story, unmissable.
Planet 2: Sargasso
Armor #2 (Galactic Ranger – Helmet)
When playing as Rivet for the first time (female Lombax) you will come to a part where the story forces you to enter a big Pocket Dimension (purple portal). Here the game gives you a tutorial how to ride Speetles (crabs). From where you hop onto the first Speetle the armor will be on an island straight ahead.
Gold Bolt #4
In the very north of this planet at the edge of the map you can grapple to a yellow rift on a hill. This brings you to the gold bolt.
Gold Bolt #5
After “repairing” the bridge (story objective) and fighting a Grunthor (big dinosaur), it’s behind a green silo in the area where you defeated the Grunthor.
Armor #3 (Robot Disguise – Boots)
After “repairing” the bridge and fighting a Grunthor, you will have to ride a Speetle over 3 pressure plates on the floor and then enter a cave (Rivet’s Hideout). Before going up the right side of the cave, look at the bottom part of the cave where you entered to find a Pocket Dimension that contains this armor.
CraiggerBear #2
A CraiggerBear is found inside Rivet’s Hideout, on the couch by the TV. You must backtrack there after defeating the Seekerpede boss at the end of this planet. That’s the first world where you play as Rivet, the female Lombax.
Armor #4 (Robot Disguise – Chest)
After defeating the Seekerpede at the end of this planet, backtrack to one of the southern Speetle icons on the map. Ride a Speetle to the island in the southwest corner of this planet (bottom left part of map). There you will find a Pocket Dimension that contains this armor.
Armor #5 (Galactic Ranger – Boots)
This one you cannot get on your first visit to this planet! After finishing the 3rd planet “Scarstu Debris Field” you will unlock a new side quest in Sargasso. Use your spaceship to return here. The side quest will be marked on the map and it’s called “Help Trudi (Optional)”. Complete this quest and you will unlock some Zurpstone icons on the map. Collect 30 total and return them to the quest giver, he will reward you with this armor. See Ratchet & Clank Rift Apart – All Zurpstone Locations.
Gold Bolt #6
Collect 30 total and return them to the quest giver to unlock a flying dragon mount. You can now use this to fly over the map. Around the center of the map, southeast of where you unlock the flying dragon mount, there’s a gold bolt in the air inside a ring you can fly through. It’s up high in the air, only reachable with the flying dragon mount! See Ratchet & Clank Rift Apart – All Zurpstone Locations.
Spybot #2
Collect all 60 Zurpstones and return to the questgiver to get the Spybot as a reward! You should first collect all the easy-to-reach ones on the ground, then after you have 45 fly on Trudi to shoot the remaining ones with her fire ability (she only learns this move after finding 45 Zurpstones, not before that). Also note that the Zurpstones in the northwest (west of questgiver) might not be marked on the map. So if you end up with a few missing and nothing is left on the map, fly over the area west of the questgiver (where you went to collect the first few Zurpstones for him) and you should see them easily by their purple glow. See Ratchet & Clank Rift Apart – All Zurpstone Locations.
Planet 3: Scarstu Debris Field
Gold Bolt #7
Close to where you land on this planet there’s a golden bolt floating in the air under the central platform. It’s a very small planet, once you go on the central platform you will see the bolt icon on the map (you can mark it there to see a waypoint). Reaching this one is a bit tricky. You need to jump off the central platform and then hold to glide in the air. You must glide into the gold bolt.
Armor #6 (Q-Force – Helmet)
In the Pocket Dimension in the northeast corner of this planet.
CraiggerBear #3
After entering the Pocket Dimension to the Gastropub (purple portal), a CraiggerBear is on a box left of the receptionist. It’s on the mandatory story path.
Armor #7 (Robot Pirate – Boots)
Automatically obtained from the first Battleplex Challenge. The story forces you to play this, so can’t miss it.
Gold Bolt #8
Reward for completing the 4th Battleplex Bronze Challenge “Bugtrax”.
Armor #8 – (Carbonox Advanced – Boots)
Reward from 5th Battleplex Bronze Challenge “A Grunthor Named Sue”.
Gold Bolt #9
Reward for completing the 3rd Battleplex Silver Challenge “Pest Control”. Only available after beating Planets 4-7. The story will make you return to the Battleplex console inside the bar at this point and a fight takes place there, afterward the silver challenges are unlocked.
Armor #9 (Carbonox Advanced – Chest)
Reward from 5th Battleplex Silver Challenge “Revenge of the Seekerpede”. The silver challenges become available after finishing the first 7 planets, then the story makes you return to Zurkie’s bar and a fight takes place. After this you have access to the first 4 silver challenges, beat those to unlock the 5th challenge.
Spybot #3
Reward from completing the 4th Gold Battleplex Challenge “Vroom Around”. You unlock the Gold Challenges after beating the story on all 9 planets, so basically at the very end of the story. Then you can return to Zurkie’s bar to start the Gold Challenges.
Spybot #4
This one you cannot get on your first visit to this planet! It’s found on a far-away floating platform in the very north of this planet. To get there you must first obtain the Hurlshot ability (automatic story unlock) from the 6th planet Torren IV. Then you can use the yellow hook to the right of the purple portal to Zurkie’s bar. This will catapult you over to the Spybot platform.
Armor #10 (Carbonox Advanced – Helmet)
Reward from 5th Battleplex Gold Challenge “Twice as Nice”. The gold challenges become available after finishing the story on all 9 planets, so basically at the very end of the game. After finishing the 9th (last) planet “Viceron” you can return to Zurkie’s bar to play the gold challenges. You must beat the first 4 gold challenges to unlock the 5th gold challenge.
Planet 4: Savali
Lorb #1
Under an energy sphere in the west of Savali. Follow the wire connected to it and run over the 3 wire plates on the floor with your Hoverboots. This breaks the energy sphere so that you can take the Lorb from it.
Lorb #2
At the edge of the map in the far west of Savali, it’s protected by a bunch of enemies.
Lorb #3
At the northwest edge of Savali there’s a platform flying around in circles at one of the temples where you’re supposed to save monks (main objective). You must chase after this flying platform. When you catch up to it, press to grapple onto it. Once you’re on the platform step on the pressure plate, it will stop moving and disables the orange energy sphere so that you can take the Lorb.
Lorb #4
You can drive up a ramp and jump over to a rock with this Lorb on it (must go full-speed with the Hoverboots).
Lorb #5
Found near the center of planet Savali, where Ms. Zurkon is.
Lorb #6
At the northeast edge of Savali, in a cave with lots of sandshark enemies.
Lorb #7
In the southeast of Savali, this Lorb Shrine is guarded by some enemies.
Lorb #8
In the southeast of Savali, on a mountain. You need to grapple to the yellow rift portal on the smaller mountain next to it, then you can jump on a bouncy mushroom and grapple to the yellow rift portal above the mountain with the Lorb.
Lorb #9
In the southeast of Savali, must shoot the 4 pillars at this Lorb Location to make the Shrine appear.
Lorb #10
At the southeast edge of Savali. This Shrine is under an energy field. To open it, you need to run over the 3 green floor plates leading to this Lorb Shrine. The first is on the floor in front of 4 wall-run panels, the 2nd and 3rd are during the wall-run.
Lorb #11
At the southeast edge of Savali, hidden behind some boxes that you can destroy.
Lorb #12
On the southernmost floating island of Savali. After you cross over the wooden bridge, go right instead of left. There you can grapple to some yellow rift portals to reach the last Lorb Shrine.
CraiggerBear #4
At the very southernmost edge of planet Savali. There’s a floating island in the south of the map. After the first timed speedskating section, check the left side of the little flying island.
Glitch Challenge #2
Planet 4: Savali – Automatic from Story, unmissable.
Spybot #5
In the northeast corner of Savali, in a cave with a pirate ship in it. The entrance is south of the Spybot icon on the map, in the area with waterfalls you must jump over two stone platforms to reach the cave entrance (a raritanium is also at the entrance).
Armor #11 – (Wasteland Gear – Boots)
In the middle of Savali where a Ms. Zurkon weapon vendor is, you will see a side quest marked on the map. It’s called “Hunt for Lombax Lore (Optional)”. Accept this side quest and find 3 Lorb locations. Return the Lorbs to the quest giver to get this armor as a reward. See Lorb Locations Guide.
Armor #12 (Wasteland Gear – Chest)
Reward for bringing 7 Lorbs to the quest giver. See Lorb Locations Guide.
Armor #13 (Wasteland Gear – Helmet)
Reward for bringing all 12 Lorbs to the quest giver. See Lorb Locations Guide.
Armor #14 (Robot Pirate – Chest)
There’s a flying platform that’s found around the center of the map, east of Ms. Zurkon weapon vendor. You need to chase after it and catch up to it, then hold to grapple onto the hook on the platform. Once you land on the platform stand on the colored floor plate to make it stop, which gives you the armor.
Armor #15 (Lombax Praetorian – Boots)
Found inside a pocket dimension in the southeast of Savali.
Armor #16 (Captain Starshield – Helmet)
Found inside another pocket dimension in the southeast of Savali.
Gold Bolt #10
This Gold Bolt is on a little mountain in the west of planet Savali. However, you can’t simply reach it from there. Instead, you must quickly drive over 3 green floor plates from the northeast to the southeast. There’s a wire connected to these. After you drive over all 3 quickly enough, it will open a purple dimension portal (at the 3rd floor plate) that teleports you to the Gold Bolt. The first two screenshot below show the starting point where the wire with the 3 floor dots starts, the last 2 screenshots show the portal that opens at the end of it and the actual gold bolt location where you get teleported to.
Gold Bolt #11
Found in the southeast corner of Savali. There’s a flying platform behind a mountain wall. When you approach, it will start flying away from you. Chase after it and when you get close to it press to grapple onto it. Then stand on the pressure plate to make the platform stop, which lets you pick up the Gold Bolt from it.
Gold Bolt #12 & Glitch Challenge #5
This one you cannot get on your first visit to this planet! It’s only reachable after finishing the 8th planet Ardolis. After this the story will take you back to the 4th planet Savali. The environment will change a bit on this story visit, you must follow the story objectives until you go underground in the northwest of the planet. The story objective you need to watch out for is called “Access the Catacombs”. Once you head underground, before holding to spin a bolt platform, turn around to find a Glitch Challenge. Solve it to unlock the gold bolt. This would also be your last Glitch Challenge at this point in the story (because you got all previous 4 already by the time you finished the 8th planet Ardolis). You can also still get it after the story by continuing from the final checkpoint before the final boss and backtracking here, so don’t worry it’s not missable.
Planet 5: Blizar Prime
Blizon Crystal #1
Automatic from story.
Blizon Crystal #2
Automatic from story.
Blizon Crystal #3
Automatic from story.
CraiggerBear #5
Immediately after interacting with the third blizon it’s in the same room, sitting next to the blizon on some metallic parts.
Gold Bolt #13
In the lava area take the side path on the left and follow it to the end.
Blizon Crystal #4
When you reach the platform in the middle of the map with lots of miners on it and a Ms. Zurkon vendor, check the left side for a Blizon Crystal. This one also leads to the next Gold Bolt.
Gold Bolt #14
After hitting the above Blizon Crystal it’s in that dimension straight in front of you. Use your magnetic boots on magnetic bridges to reach the Gold Bolt.
Armor #17 (Galactic Ranger – Chest)
Found inside a pocket dimension in the northeast of Blizar Prime (on the side quest path where you go to search for Chef Tulio).
Blizon Crystal #5
In the side quest area in the northeast leading to Chef Tulio.
Blizon Crystal #6
In the side quest area in the northeast leading to Chef Tulio.
Blizon Crystal #7
In the side quest area in the northeast leading to Chef Tulio.
Gold Bolt #15
After hitting the above Blizon Crystal the Gold Bolt will spawn in front of you.
Spybot #6
Reward for completing Chef Tulio’s Side Quest “Find the Missing Chef” (marked on the map by side quest icon, in the northeast of this planet). After finding the Chef you must defend her honey machine from enemies, after this she gives you the Spybot.
Blizon Crystal #8
After you use a flying platform to the west of the central platform where Blizon Crystal #4 was, from the platform where you land head to the north for 2 crystals (also an Armor there).
Blizon Crystal #9
Same area as above.
Armor #18 – (Q-Force – Boots)
When you hit the above Blizon it will be in front of you.
Blizon Crystal #10
Automatic from story.
Blizon Crystal #11
Automatic from story.
Blizon Crystal #12
Automatic from story.
Blizon Crystal #13
Automatic from story.
Blizon Crystal #14
Automatic from story.
Blizon Crystal #15
Automatic from story.
Blizon Crystal #16
Automatic from story.
Blizon Crystal #17
Automatic from story.
Blizon Crystal #18
Automatic from story – during rail grind, at start of rail grind.
Blizon Crystal #19
Automatic from story – during rail grind, after doing two wall runs.
Blizon Crystal #20
SEMI-MISSABLE: During the Rail Grind you’ll come to a point where there are 3 rails next to each other and the path forward is closed off. Here you have a Blizon Crystal on the left rail and another on the right rail. To advance forward you’d only need to hit one of the two to open the path. Make sure you get both of these Blizon Crystals here, the one on the left rail and the one on the right rail. If you reach the end of the rail grind (drill platform) without having gotten these, you can still restart the checkpoint to retry. The elevator to the rail will be closed later, but with some trick platforming you can still get back there (see video below).
Note: On patch v1.001.001 this one didn’t count correctly but this was fixed since patch v1.001.002.
This video shows how to get back to #20 & #21 after the story (the elevator will be closed but you can get back to it with some trick platforming):
Blizon Crystal #21
SEMI-MISSABLE: During the Rail Grind you’ll come to a point where there are 3 rails next to each other and the path forward is closed off. Here you have a Blizon Crystal on the left rail and another on the right rail. To advance forward you’d only need to hit one of the two to open the path. Make sure you get both of these Blizon Crystals here, the one on the left rail and the one on the right rail. If you reach the end of the rail grind (drill platform) without having gotten these, you can still restart the checkpoint to retry. The elevator to the rail will be closed later, but with some trick platforming you can still get back there (see video above).
Blizon Crystal #22
Automatic from story – during rail grind, at end of rail grind.
Blizon Crystal #23
Automatic from story – on the drill platform after rail grind. You are forced to use it during the boss fight there.
Planet 6: Torren IV
Gold Bolt #16
At the start of this planet take the path to the right and use your Hoverboots to jump over the speedramp. This leads to a wallrun section with the gold bolt at the end.
Spybot #7
Shortly after the start of the planet, after jumping across the gap using the swing rope, go down the magnetic path on your right to find it (just before Ms. Zurkon weapon vendor).
CraiggerBear #6
Shortly after the start of the planet, after jumping across the gap using the swing rope, you will meet a Ms. Zurkon weapon vendor. Just before her on the right side is a market stand with many TVs and this Craiggerbear sitting on the counter.
Gold Bolt #17
As part of the story you will be forced to do a long rail grind. During this you can grapple to a yellow rift to your left, which makes you collect the gold bolt.
Armor #19 (Lombax Praetorian – Helmet)
After obtaining the Hurlshot ability (story objective), you will return to the island with Ms. Zurkon weapon vendor on it. From there you must use the Hurlshot to get to the next island on the right (story path). This island has a Pocket Dimension on the right side where some crab enemies spawn, it contains the armor piece.
Planet 7: Cordelion
Blizon Crystal #24
Automatic from story, after first Ms. Zurkon vendor on Cordelion.
CraiggerBear #7
After hitting the first Blizon crystal on this planet you will enter a snowy dimension. After sliding down 3 times this CraiggerBear is in the snow to your immediate left.
Blizon Crystal #25
After hitting the first Blizon crystals / after finding the CraiggerBear there’s a platform to the east with another Blizon Crystal on it. It’s quite far away. You must jump over there with your hoverboots at full speed (hold and press
to speed up).
Gold Bolt #18
After hitting the above Blizon it’s in front of you.
Gold Bolt #19
After the first elevator ride in the level you will enter an underground tunnel. The first room to the left has a gold bolt, you must grapple to the yellow rift behind the half-open door.
Blizon Crystal #26
Automatic from story.
Spybot #8
In the forge, where the main objective is to forge the Dimensionator. It’s above the forge entrance, pull yourself up there using the yellow rift.
Blizon Crystal #27
Automatic from story.
Armor #20 (Captain Starshield – Chest)
After blowing up the forge and using the Blizon Crystal, there will be a pocket dimension in the room you used the crystal in. The pocket dimension contains the Armor.
Glitch Challenge #3
Planet 7: Cordelion – Automatic from Story, unmissable.
Gold Bolt #20
In the underwater section where you stick to the floor using your magnetic boots. When there’s a fork in the path, take the right and use your magnetic boots to jump ( ) up a wall. At the top is this gold bolt.
Blizon Crystal #28
Automatic from story.
Blizon Crystal #29
Automatic from story.
Blizon Crystal #30
Automatic from story.
Planet 8: Ardolis
Armor #21 (Captain Starshield – Boots)
After defeating waves of enemies in a room where the world will keep glitching into a purple color, when you leave the room you can take an optional path to the right and drop down to the beach area below, there you can find the Pocket Dimension entrance. Armor is inside the pocket dimension.
Gold Bolt #21 & Glitch Challenge #4
When you reach the northwest part of the map you will have to go through the “Pirate Trials”. After the first room where you have a karaoke session with pirates, you will come to the 2nd room which has a Grunthor skeleton. On the left side is a computer console with a Glitch Challenge, finish this to unlock the gold bolt.
Armor #22 (Robot Pirate – Helmet)
Reward for completing the mandatory story-related pirate trials, cannot be missed. Don’t worry about this one.
CraiggerBear #8
In the last room of the pirate trials you’re awarded the above armor piece. In that same room is the CraiggerBear by a pirate chest.
Spybot #9
After finishing all main story objectives on this planet you will be returned to your spaceship. Just in front of your spaceship a new purple teleporter will have opened up that brings you back to Ms. Zurkon in the center of the map. Take the path to the immediate right of Ms. Zurkon and use the rope swing to land on a floating pirate ship. On the left side of this pirate ship is an elevator, at the top are 2 more rope swings. After you land, look to your right, the northeastern part of the map. There’s a sandy island there and some half-broken bridges leading to it. From here you must use your hoverboots at full speed to jump onto the broken bridges below, then you can get onto this island. At the end of the island is the Spybot next to a teleporter.
Gold Bolt #22
Next to the Spybot use the Speetle and take the left path on the water, the Gold Bolt is hanging over a ramp with explosive around it. Use the Speetle’s boost to go full speed over the ramp to jump into the bolt.
Planet 9: Viceron
Gold Bolt #23
After you meet Ms. Zurkon follow the path to the right and use phantom dash through the checkpoints. In the area furthest to the right (east) is a gold bolt.
Spybot #10
You will destroy a fan to enter a ventilation shaft, the Spybot is inside. Just keep following the corridors and you’ll see it (just before dropping out of the vents).
CraiggerBear #9
In the same room where you free clank. After freeing clank check the right side of the room (east) to find the last CraiggerBear on a bench.
Gold Bolt #24
After rescuing Clank it’s found in the next outside area, in the top right corner (northeast).
Armor #23 (Q-Force – Chest)
In the room where Ratchet’s and Kit’s cell ends up. There is an open prison cell on the left side, second floor, with the armor in it.
Armor #24 (Lombax Praetorian – Chest)
In the pocket dimension to the right of Ms. Zurkon’s Shop, on your way to the Warden’s Office.
Gold Bolt #25
After reaching the warden’s office the window will be broken and you will have to go through it. Shortly after you will reach a cell block with a riot going on. Check the cells to the left of where you enter for the final bolt!
That’s all of the Collectibles in Ratchet & Clank Rift Apart.
Wicktor89 says
Hi PowerPyx!
It’s about Gold Bolt #7. You don’t have to glidde in the air to collect it as you suggested. Next to the platform where you land there’s a alittle Magneboots platform, if you go on that, you can see an other Magneboots platform with the Golden Bolt, and you can traverse through the platforms with circle, when you see a yellow selecton on the screen (when not aiming with a weapon).
PowerPyx says
Good workaround 🙂