Prince of Persia The Lost Crown contains 8 Lost Warriors Locations. Finding all Lost Warriors is needed for An Honorable End, A Warrior’s End, Charitable Soul trophy & achievement.
You need to find and defeat all 8 Lost Warriors as part of the The Lost Warriors side quest. You can find this quest after the first Main Quest “Lost in Mount Qaf”. See the pictures below on where to find that quest.
Area Overview:
- Quest Start
- Hyrcanian Forest
- The Depths
- Pit of Eternal Sands
- Sacred Archives
- Old Royal Road
- Tower of Silence
- Upper City
- Quest End
The Lost Warriors Side Quest – Starting Location
For most Lost Warriors to reach you need abilities that you unlock during the story. So it is recommended to play through the story first. None of the Lost Warriors is missable and you can defeat them all after the story.
Hyrcanian Forest
#1 Lost Warrior
The Depths
#2 Lost Warrior
#3 Lost Warrior
Pit of Eternal Sands
#4 Lost Warrior
Sacred Archives
#5 Lost Warrior
Old Royal Road
#6 Lost Warrior
Tower of Silence
#7 Lost Warrior
Upper City
#8 Lost Warrior
Finish The Lost Warriors Side Quest
After defeating all 8 Lost Warriors the side quest will get updated and you can now defeat the Old General. For this go to the following location:
Here you will find the old general. Defeat him.
This finishes The Lost Warriors side quest and unlocks A Warrior’s End trophy & achievement.
For all other collectible types refer to Prince of Persia The Lost Crown Collectible Guide.
Russ says
My lost soldiers glitched on me. Only needed Bijan for the trophy and platinum. The gate to enter his area is closed and the lever is stuck in the down position!
Donlino65 says
Do you have the Chakram teleport upgrade unlocked? I believe you have to teleport through the gate. Charge the Chakram, release then L1 (LB) to teleport to it.
Shuxoaj says
I fought and defeated Masoud in the Upper City but died of burn damage before I could pick up the Insignia he drops. Now he no longer spawns. Any tips or ideas or am I screwed and have to start a new game?