Prince of Persia The Lost Crown contains 36 Amulet Locations. Finding all Amulets unlocks the Tools of a Prophet trophy & achievement.
Amulets that grant passive abilities. None of the 36 Amulet are missable, they are still obtainable after the story in free-roam. For upgrading the Necklace with more Amulet Slots see All Amulet Holder Locations.
Note: If you own the Deluxe Edition of the game, an extra Amulet is given called “Prosperity Bird”, this isn’t counted towards the trophy/achievement.
Area Overview:
- Lower City
- Hyrcanian Forest
- Sacred Archives
- The Depths
- Sunken Harbor
- Soma Tree
- Tower of Silence
- Upper City
Lower City
Amulet #1: Blessing
You get this automatically when you talk to the Mage for the first time.
Amulet #2: Horned Viper
Sold by the Mage for 125 crystals after the 2nd main quest “The Abducted Prince”.
Amulet #3: King Jamshid
Sold by the Mage for 225 crystals after the 3rd main quest “The Tiger and The Rat”.
Amulet #4: Hardiness
Sold by the Mage for 400 crystals after the 3rd main quest “The Tiger and The Rat”.
Amulet #5: Ecbatana Seal
Sold by Kaheva for 100 crystals.
Amulet #6: Arash’s Arrowhead
Sold by Kaheva for 150 crystals.
Amulet #7: Mount Damavand
Sold by Kaheva for 450 crystals.
Amulet #8: Chakram Tempest
Sold by Kaheva for 500 crystals after the 5th main quest “The Darkest of Souls”.
Amulet #9: Shield of Mithra
Reward for finishing Kaheva’s side quest “Ancient Power Unearthed“.
Amulet #10: Arslan’s Glory
Reward for starting side quest “Prophecy of Mount Qaf“.
Amulet #11: Holy Fire
Reward for returning 5 sand jars as part of the side quest “Prophecy of Mount Qaf“.
Amulet #12: Zurvan’s Voice
For this chest to appear, shoot an arrow straight up in the air between both statues.
Amulet #13: Rukshana’s Gift
Found inside this chest.
Amulet #14: Blade Dancer
This is a reward during the second main quest “The Abducted Prince” after being ambushed by soldiers and getting help from Vahram. Can’t be missed.
Amulet #15: Frost Charm
Found inside this chest.
Amulet #16: Gleaming Lion
First, you need to buy the Lost Key for 3 Xerxes Coins from Scrapper in The Depths.
Then go to this location through the elevator, you can not get to this location without the Lost Key.
Hyrcanian Forest
Amulet #17: Wolf Bride
You get this as a reward for beating Erlik.
Sacred Archives
Amulet #18: Dragon King
Reward for starting side quest “The Moon Gatherer“.
Amulet #19: Will of Rostam
Found inside this chest.
The Depths
Amulet #20: Divine Spear
Found inside this chest.
Amulet #21: Indomitable Spirit
Reward for finishing side quest “Motherly Love“.
Amulet #22: Evil-Eye Amulet
Sold by Scrapper in The Depths for 3 Xerxes Coins.
Amulet #23: Eye of Destiny
Sold by Scrapper in The Depths for 3 Xerxes Coins.
Amulet #24: Starving Heart
Sold by Scrapper in The Depths for 5 Xerxes Coins.
Amulet #25: Agony Amulet
Reward for defeating the giant crab in the depths.
Amulet #26: Shockwave
Reward for solving this Mystery Chest.
To reveal this chest, just make a copy of yourself with Shadow of the Simurgh in front of one sun. Then jump in front of the other sun.
Amulet #27: Ayyar Amulet
Found inside this chest.
Sunken Harbor
Amulet #28: Verethragna’s Wrath
Found inside a chest.
Destroy this wall:
Amulet #29: White Peacock
Found inside this chest.
Amulet #30: Ard’s Fortune
Reward for solving this Mystery Chest.
To reveal the chest, hold /
and shoot a charged arrow on the upper left side.
The chest will attack you, so you have to defeat it.
Amulet #31: Thunder Charm
Found inside this chest.
Soma Tree
Amulet #32: Elusive Water
Found inside this chest.
Amulet #33: Turning Wind
Talk to the wolf after defeating him during the main quest “The Path to the Sand Prison”.
Tower of Silence
Amulet #34: Blazing Kestrel
Found inside this chest.
Upper City
Amulet #35: Four Royal Stars
Found inside this chest.
Amulet #36: Void Blade
Found inside this chest.
That’s all 36 Amulets in Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown. After collecting them you will unlock the Tools of a Prophet trophy & achievement. DLC amulets (such as from deluxe edition) don’t count.
For all other collectible types refer to Prince of Persia The Lost Crown Collectible Guide.
Josh says
Do you need to upgrade them too or just find them all ?
HardyBoy says
Finding them is enough 🙂