Prince of Persia The Lost Crown contains 9 Amulet Holder Locations. Finding all Amulet Holders unlocks the Glory of Faravahar trophy & achievement for fully upgrading the necklace.
There are 12 Amulet Slots needed to fully upgrade the necklace (3 unlocked from beginning, 9 from collecting Amulet Holders found in the world). Each Amulet Holder grants one more Amulet Slot, allowing you to equip more Amulets that grant passive abilities. None of the 9 Holders are missable, they are still obtainable after the story in free-roam.
Area Overview:
Lower City
#1 Amulet Holder
Sold for 240 crystals at the Mage.
#2 Amulet Holder
In the chest shown below.
#3 Amulet Holder
You get this as a reward for turning in 15 Sand Jars for the Prophecy of Mount Qaf side quest. See All Sand Jar Locations.
Soma Tree
#4 Amulet Holder
Complete the climbing section to get to the chest.
Sunken Harbor
#5 Amulet Holder
It’s in this chest:
Pit of Eternal Sands
#6 Amulet Holder
It’s in this chest:
Sacred Archives
#7 Amulet Holder
It’s in this chest:
#8 Amulet Holder
Inside the Mystery Chest.
To get this chest to appear, drop down from the upper right side, dash forward then jump back to the middle and drop down. You have to be fast for this or you will get crushed.
Upper City
#9 Amulet Holder
It’s in this chest:
That’s all of the 9 Amulet Holders in Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown. You automatically start the game with 3 Amulet Slots already unlocked, with the 9 Amulet Holders it grants you 12 Slots total.
After finding them all you will earn the Glory of Faravahar trophy & achievement.
For all other collectible types refer to Prince of Persia The Lost Crown Collectible Guide.
Prinshipal says
I was following this guide as I was 11/12 in holders but after a few frustrating hours, completing the sand jars prophecy quest ( I needed just 4 by then), I received a holder as a reward next to some currency.
This could either be a random drop or a ‘catch-up because missed when dropped’- reward. Strange either wise.
Another anomaly is that I triggered the Motherly Love sidequest te wrong way and ended up fighting an old cloaked woman. After defeating her I completed a different side quest that’s no where on the internet named yet. Something with a Tale of…. weird stuff.