Galar Dex: #158 Garbodor
Abilities: Stench (1) | Weak Armor (2) | Aftermath (H)
Type: Poison
EXP Group: MediumFast
Egg Group: Mineral
Hatch Cycles: 20
Height: 01.90 m, Weight: 107.3 kg, Color: Green
Evolution: Trubbish > Garbodor (Level 36)
Characteristics: This Pokémon eats trash, which turns into poison inside its body. The main component of the poison depends on what sort of trash was eaten. The toxic liquid it launches from its right arm is so virulent that it can kill a weakened creature instantly.
Garbodor Location in Pokemon Sword & Shield: You can find Garbodor in the following locations:
- Lake of Outrage
- OVERWORLD – Overcast (Lv. 55-58) – 30% Chance
- Appears as a special Overworld Encounter in”East Lake Axewell” Wild area, during Normal Weather, Overcast, Raining, Thunderstorm. Walking around in the north-eastern part of East Lake Axewell (when coming from Motostoke you need to turn left and head downhill towards North Lake Miloch).
- Wanders around Motostoke Riverbank during All Weather Conditions.
- Evolves from Trubbish (automatically at Level 36)
Garbodor Stats:
- HP: 80
- Attack: 95
- Defense: 82
- Special Attack: 60
- Special Defense: 82
- Speed: 75
- Total Combat Points: 474
For where to find all other Pokemon Locations, check out Pokemon Sword & Shield – All Pokemon Locations
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