Galar Dex: #373 Ditto
Abilities: Limber (1) | Limber (2) | Imposter (H)
Type: Normal
EXP Group: MediumFast
Egg Group: Ditto
Hatch Cycles: 20
Height: 00.30 m, Weight: 004.0 kg, Color: Purple
Evolution: None (Ditto only has only a single combat move “Transform” that lets it transform into the opposing Pokemon during battle)
Characteristics: It can reconstitute its entire cellular structure to change into what it sees, but it returns to normal when it relaxes. When it encounters another Ditto, it will move faster than normal to duplicate that opponent exactly.
Ditto Location in Pokemon Sword & Shield: You can find Ditto in the following locations:
- Lake of Outrage
- OVERWORLD – All Weather (Lv. 55-58) – 10% Chance
- NON-OVERWORLD – Normal Weather (Lv. 50-52) – 02% Chance
Ditto Stats:
- HP: 48
- Attack: 48
- Defense: 48
- Special Attack: 48
- Special Defense: 48
- Speed: 48
- Total Combat Points: 288
For where to find all other Pokemon Locations, check out Pokemon Sword & Shield – All Pokemon Locations
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