Galar Dex: #247 Bisharp
Abilities: Defiant (1) | Inner Focus (2) | Pressure (H)
Type: Dark / Steel
EXP Group: MediumFast
Egg Group: HumanLike
Hatch Cycles: 20
Height: 01.60 m, Weight: 070.0 kg, Color: Red
Evolution: Pawniard > Bisharp (Level 52)
Characteristics: It’s accompanied by a large retinue of Pawniard. Bisharp keeps a keen eye on its minions, ensuring none of them even think of double-crossing it. Violent conflicts erupt between Bisharp and Fraxure over places where sharpening stones can be found.
Bisharp Location in Pokemon Sword & Shield: You can find Bisharp in the following locations:
- Lake of Outrage
- OVERWORLD – Snowstorm (Lv. 55-58) – 25% Chance
- Wanders around Giant’s Seat during All Weather Conditions.
- Wanders around Motostoke Riverbank during Snowstorm weather.
- Evolves from Pawniard (automatically at Level 52)
Bisharp Stats:
- HP: 65
- Attack: 125
- Defense: 100
- Special Attack: 60
- Special Defense: 70
- Speed: 70
- Total Combat Points: 490
For where to find all other Pokemon Locations, check out Pokemon Sword & Shield – All Pokemon Locations
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