This guide shows the locations of all Mona Boxes (Lost Desire & Forgotten Desire), Dire Shadows, Strong Enemies in each Jail of Persona 5 Strikers (all Points of Interest). The Mona Boxes are needed for Mona Requests which will ask you to retrieve Lost Desires & Forgotten Desires. Strong Enemies will unlock Personas for Fusion. Dire Shadows are the enemies covered in Lightning.
A Guide by DK and Samakin_Pie
Shibuya Jail – Strong Enemy
In the middle of the very first area of this Jail.
Shibuya Jail – Dire Shadow
In the street between the tower and the checkpoint on the left of the map.
Shibuya Jail – Mona Box
In the area on the very left where the chest is.
Sendai Jail – Strong Enemy
In the open area just south of the checkpoint.
Sendai Jail – Dire Shadow
You actually saw him during the story, during the sequence with your first treasure demon. He will be past the small chappel, just norheast of the checkpoint.
Sendai Jail – Mona Box
On the roofs in the top left corner of this map. You will need to climb the roof next to the checkpoint and continue traversing the roof via the invisible platforms, at the top left drop to the lower roof for the box.
Sapporo Jail – Mona Box
From the Botanical Garden checkpoint head back through the chappel and towards the next yellow triangle on your way and before going up you will find the Mona Box there. For the strong enemy instead of going back from the checkpoint, use the snowboard to slide downhill and just before the tower the enemy will wait.
Sapporo Jail – Strong Enemy
Sapporo Jail – Dire Shadow
Top left corner of this area with open streets.
Okinawa Jail – All the stuff
Mona Box and Dire Shadow are in the room just to the right of the second checkpoint. The strong enemy and the reaper can be found in the very last room of the Jail, from last checkpoint follow the path until you reach the biggest room in the middle of the map with the elevator.
Kyoto Jail – Everything
Since this Jail is weird to navigate you will have to trial and error through the portals for Dire Shadow and strong enemy. They are both in the rooms where you found the dog statues during the story. The Mona Box is in the room with 2 lamps you can jump on for a Phantom Dash.
Osaka Jail – Strong Enemy
From the Zoo checkpoint just behind the corner.
Osaka Jail – Mona Box
In the middle of the cargo container area. You will need to use your Third Eye to see vantage points which will take you to the Box and a Chest.
Osaka Jail – Dire Shadow
From the third checkpoint run straight ahead past the tower entrance to find it.
Jail of the Abyss – Mona Box
From the third checkpoint simply climb up 2 ledges to find it.
Jail of the Abyss – Dire Shadow
From the start of the Jail simply follow the main path to find it at the beginning of the Jail.
Tree of Knowledge – Strong Enemy
Final Checkpoint, just before the entrance to the final boss.
Tree of Knowledge – Dire Shadow and Mona Box
The Dire Shadow is hard to miss while navigating through the narrow hallways of this short Jail, the Mona Box will be on the 5th floor (you can see the floor numbers on the wall after screen transition) next to a chest on a ledge to your right.
This completes the guide for all Collectibles you might have trouble finding in the Jails of Persona 5 Scramble: The Phantom Strikers. Be sure to check the other guides as well: Persona 5 Strikers Guides.
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