Payday 3 Trophy Roadmap
- Estimated trophy difficulty: 5/10 (with an organized co-op team of 4 players, some trophies aren’t feasible with random players)
- Approximate amount of time to platinum: 20-30 Hours
- Offline Trophies: 0 – game is online-only
- Online Trophies: 23 (1
, 7
, 7
- Number of missable trophies: 0
- Glitched trophies: See General Information
- Does difficulty affect trophies?: Yes, some trophies must be done on specific difficulty
- Hardest Trophy: Spec Ops, Traffic Control, True Connoisseur
- Minimum Playthroughs: Multiple Mission playthroughs
- PS4/PS5 Autopop & Save Transfer: No PS4 version available
- PS4/PS5 Crossbuy: No PS4 version available
- Free-Roam / Level Select after Story?: You can replay all the heists any time
- Supports Manual Saves?: No local saves, everything is stored on online servers
- Release Date: September 18, 2023 (Silver/Gold Edition) / September 21, 2023 (Standard Edition)
Welcome to the Payday 3 Trophy Guide! The long awaited sequel is finally here. The formula hasn’t changed from the previous titles: steal stuff either in stealth or going loud, ideally with a team of four. While the gameplay has been revamped, it mostly feels familiar if you are a veteran of the series. The game feels like a mix of both Payday The Heist and Payday 2, something in between. The biggest gameplay changes were made to the stealth part of the game. While in Payday 2 you could get away with running past guards, stealth in Payday 3 has to be taken slowly because sprinting and sliding cause noise alerting guards nearby. Gone are also methods like ECM jammer spamming to block everything that would cause an alarm.
The platinum requires some skill but nothing too difficult with a coordinated co-op team of 4 players (communicating via headset is highly recommended for some trophies). Stealth is a big part of the trophy list so learning the stealth mechanics is crucial to earning the platinum.
General Information & Tips
- The game is online-only, it can’t be played without an online connection
- A Nebula account is required to start the game (you will be prompted to create one on first bootup)
- Sometimes the trophies unlock with a delay, a short one or sometimes even with a delay of 5 min +, sometimes you will have to start a new mission for the prior trophies to unlock. So if a trophy doesn’t pop, stay in-game and start another mission and wait a while.
- Sometimes a trophy might simply not unlock at all even if you finish the requirements for it – if it happens you can unlink your Nebula account and link a new one to earn the trophy in question, but only do it as a last resort and after after you got all other trophies out of the way (linking a new account will reset all progress).
- Some trophies can be earned solo if you are good enough, but playing with a team is highly recommended and in some cases very much needed for the trophy completion. You should have a co-op team of 4 people who can communicate via headset.
- Sometimes patience is the key – many trophies become significantly easier with the correct skills unlocked. So instead of bruteforcing it, you can make it easier by unlocking some new skills first.
- You can learn a map by restarting it – in Payday 2 each attempt was randomized, but in Payday 3 the map and all of its objective locations remain the same when you restart the map, the layout will only change when you go back to the main menu. This allows you to learn the steps for each attempt, making it possible to skip some steps of a heist but memorizing a code for a door and using it earlier than intended on some maps, so keep that in mind.
Useful skills to unlock for the Platinum
- Infiltrator + Aced – Let’s you get RUSH very easily
- Infiltrator-> Quick Fingers – Allows you to lockpick quickly when in RUSH
- Grifter – A very easy RUSH trigger
- Grifter -> Walk the Walk – Allows you to trespass without cameras noticing while in RUSH
- Grifter -> Social Enginerring – Allows you to perform illegal actions like lockpicking and stealing loot infront of civilians withouth them noticing while in RUSH
- Hacker – Allows you to access CCTV with your phone when looking at a camera
- Hacker -> Secure Loop – Allows you to loop a camera so it doesn’t notice you, helps avoiding taking out the camera operator on a map
- Hacker -> Glitch Protocol – Allows you to hack a guard’s radio. Hacking a radio will distract a guard for 5 sec, which lets you lockpick next to them or stops them from escorting you out or cuffing you.
- Manipulator + Manipulator -> Master Trader – Manipulator causes every hostage you trade to count for 2 hostages instead, additionally Master Trader lets you trade in hostage in between assaults (not before the initial assault) in order to reduce your time in custody. Trading 3-4 hostages between assaults will reduce the time for first custody down to only 5 seconds. Very helpful on Overkill difficulty loud.
- Tank + Tank -> Extra Plates – An upgrade for your Armor Bag, which is undoubtedly more useful than Medic Bags. Having those 2 skills will have your Armor Bag have 6 charges.
- Tank -> Armor Up – Every time you interact with an Armor Bag you will replenish 2 chunks of Armor instead of one, lets you use the Armor Bag twice as often basically.
Step 1: Learn the Basics and familiarize with the Maps
Play through the tutorials to learn the basics, especially stealth. Playing through each map once will help you know the layout. While the maps remain mostly the same each time, mission objectives locations will change a lot. Playing the each map once will also allow you to unlock some skills that can help you out later. Do not try to bruteforce all the trophies immediately.
Step 2: Do “Hard Difficulty” Trophies
Many of the trophies require you to play on Hard difficulty which is the second easiest in the game. Those can be tackled relatively early, since the difficulty is rather forgiving. Assemble a crew of 3 or ideally 4 co-op players and focus on the trophies together.
Step 3: Do “Very Hard” and “Overkill Difficulty” Trophies
Once you are familiar with the game mechanics you can take care of the stealth related trophies as well as the few ones that require you to be loud on Very Hard or Overkill difficulty. Highly recommended to play with a full squad of 4 co-op players, since the AI becomes more and more fragile the higher the difficulty. They can still handle Very Hard somewhat well, but on Overkill they get destroyed fast. Also playing with a full team lets you finish the objectives faster since the AI can’t do any of them except for occasional bag carrying. This guide will tell you which skills are helpful for a particular trophy, so try to replicate that loadout for an easier time.
Payday 3 Trophy Guide
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Most Wanted Platinum Trophy |
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Earn all other trophies in Payday 3 to unlock Platinum! | ||
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No One Cared Who I Was… Until I put on the mask. |
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Guns Don’t Kill People… Complete a heist after getting at least 50 turret kills on Hard or above. |
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In order to use the turret, you will first have to unlock it. Select the Engineer Skill Tree with ![]() Once unlocked try to organize a group of 4 so the AI doesn’t steal your kills all the time. Choose the “No Rest for the Wicked” heist on Hard difiiculty and keep placing the turret where the action is: At first in the staircase, then in the vault, then in the corridors leading to vault. You can place the turret by holding |
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Danger, High Voltage Stun 4 law enforcers by destroying a Zapper’s battery pack on Hard or above. |
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A “Zapper”, formerly known as “Taser” in Payday 2, is a special enemy type that uses tasers to stagger you. In order to achieve this trophy you have to shoot the battery pack on his leg to make it explode so the electrical shockwave hits at least 4 nearby enemies. Just take your chance when you see one surrounded by enemies, the explosion radius is pretty big so it shouldn’t be a problem. | ||
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Unlimited Power Have the EDGE, GRIT and RUSH buffs active at the same time. |
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Some skills can reward you with one of the following when performing certain actions:
To unlock this trophy you will need all 3 buffs active at the same time. You can see your active buffs at the bottom of the screen. To do that you will need to equip a skill combination that lets you gain those 3 easily at the same time. An easy combination would be:
Now all you have to do is have a civilian on the floor so you can grab when needed. Run for 3 seconds, switch your weapon afterwards and grab the civilian on the floor with It is only one of many combinations to activate all 3 at the same time. There are many other ways to achieve this. |
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Kitted Out Unlock all mods to a primary weapon. |
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You will level up your weapon by finishing heists while using it. You will have to reach a certain level for a weapon to unlock all the mods for it. Some primary weapons unlock all mods at a significantly lower level than others. The CAR-4 for example needs to reach level 29, while the Reinfeld 880 only needs level 17. Since the Reinfeld 880 unlocks early, it is the recommended weapon for unlocking this trophy. | ||
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Arts and Crafts Customize a mask. |
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Go to Main Menu > Vendors – Gleam: Mask Designer > purchase a blank mask, a pattern and a color > afterwards go to Loadout, Mask > Customize a mask there. | ||
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Traffic Control Complete Road Rage without the truck having stopped until the end on Overkill. |
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Highly recommended to do this with a full team of 4 players with high level. A good armor is very helpful.
In the preparation phase of the heist search the map for the 2 sets of metal ramps to cover the potholes, move the forklift that might block the path and open the electronic gate, so all the possible routes are available. Once you activate the truck and it starts moving, have 2 people in front of the truck and 2 people behind it with human shields. Having human shields will make the cops approach you slower and will give the truck time to reach its destination without much trouble. Once you have the loot and call the helicopter you will be told where the helicopter will land. North means on your right when you look towards the other end of the map and south means on your left. You only need the bags with the nameless element, so ignore the cash bags. Throw the bags into the helicopter and run for your life before the endless assault comes at you with full force. |
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Crowd Control Complete Road Rage without letting a single civilian flee, die or be traded on Hard or above. |
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In “Road Rage”, tie all the civilians down and bring them all into one location, ideally a corner with cover. Have 2 people defend the civilians at all times while the other 2 take care of the transporter and the mission objectives. Once you reach the finale, have one person open the escape and flee afterward. Nothing particularly difficult with a full team of 4. | ||
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True Connoisseur Steal the painting by Shanda Latrell in Under the Surphaze on Very Hard or above. |
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You need 3 people in order to be able to unlock this trophy. In the room at the back of the gallery, behind the big sculpture you can find a painting hanging on the wall with no way to grab it.
In order to be able to get the painting you will need to head into the Manager’s Office on the top floor in between the exhibition halls. It has 3 different spawns but it is always there. Inside take a look at the desk to find 3 little sculptures on the table. You will need to locate those exact 3 sculptures in the exhibition halls while in stealth. Once you have unlocked the bars to be able to grab the art pieces, and have deactivated the security in the exhibition halls, have 3 people next to the art pieces. Pick the locks on the display cases but don’t remove them yet. Have all 3 people ready to remove the display and grab the 3 art pieces at the same time (doesn’t have to be frame perfect, just almost at the same time). It’s highly recommended to communicate via headset and count down the time when everyone should grab the pieces. If you did this right you will now be able to move the painting on the wall in Manager’s Office to reveal a button there. Don’t press it immediately! Have one person head to the painting and stand in front of it, between the painting and the railing. Once ready have one person press the button and the other one grab the painting from the wall. You want to be waiting in front of it because the room will become a trap once you press the button (lasers and floor that is alarmed as well). Grab the painting, call the helicopter once the heist goes loud and you will earn the trophy the moment you toss the painting into the helicopter. |
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Art Critic Complete Under The Surphaze having stolen all art from the 7 exhibitions on Very Hard or above. |
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In “Under the Surphaze” you are asked to steal only 4 specific paintings. Additionally to the main loot make sure to grab at least one art piece from each of the 7 exhibition halls (E1-E3 on ground floor, E4-E7 on top floor) and deliver them to either your escape van in stealth or the helicopter in loud. Once you finish the mission, the trophy will unlock. | ||
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Color Me Surprised Complete No Rest For The Wicked without letting a dye pack explode on Very Hard or above. |
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Once you reach the vault in “No Rest For The Wicked”, you will have to disarm all the dye packs on the money in the vault. There are 8 piles of cash, 4 in the front of you and 4 on the left. You will need at least 2 people to disarm all the bags before they explode (with 3-4 you can disarm them even faster). You do not need to finish the map with all the bags delivered, you will just need enough bags to escape. You can disarm the dye packs by looking at them and holding ![]() |
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Just… One… More… Complete No Rest For The Wicked having opened all deposit boxes. |
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In the vault of “No Rest For The Wicked” you will find a wall of deposit boxes. Open them all and the trophy will unlock immediately. A useful skill for this is Infiltator -> Quick Fingers. Unlocking the first box will grant you RUSH which lets you open all the remaining boxes with a single jiggle of the lockpick. | ||
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Tech Mogul On 99 Boxes secure both hi-tech devices at their maximum value on Very Hard or above. |
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In “99 Boxes” you have to deliver 2 Hi-Tech devices to the cooled truck in the warehouse. Once you grab a device from its cooling container you have to run as fast as possible back to the warehouse and throw the device into the cooled truck. Having the Escapist skill equipped will grant you a RUSH after sprinting for 3 seconds. So run for 3 second to activate RUSH before grabbing the device, since RUSH gives you a speed boost. Additionally, you can randomly unlock a favor for the heist which will make the devices degrade slower. Also having a weaker bulletproof vest makes you faster, but also more fragile. You can see the grade of the devices at the top left of the screen. You have to reach the truck before the bar depletes completely. Deliver the devices between assault waves so you don’t get shot down while running with the device. | ||
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No Stone Unturned Complete 99 Boxes having secured the maximum amount of bags on Hard or above. |
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In the container yard where you have to grab the 2 hi-tech devices from the containers, you can also find 3 more containers of the same color which contain 2 additional loot bags each. Deliver those 6 bags to your cooling truck, as well as the 2 hi-tech devices before closing the truck. Finish the heist afterward. | ||
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Closing the Account On Gold and Sharke empty the vault of its valuables and secure all the loot on Hard or above. |
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Once inside the vault, make sure to grab all the bags and all the loose cash in the vault before finishing the heist. You do not need the loose money that’s found outside the vault. | ||
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The Hard Way Complete Gold and Sharke in stealth without accessing the HR computer. |
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While this looks tricky at first, it is a pretty easy stealth mission. You do not need the HR computer at all. If you fail the heist after knowing the code for the second door, you can skip Step 2 in the following attempts. You need 2 people to perform this method easily.
Step 1: Find QR codes on the ground floor and locate the office on the ground floor that has an employee in it. There are 3 offices there but only one will have an employee inside. It is random which office it is but it will remain the same if you restart the mission (without going back to main menu). Once inside the office grab the Red Keycard from it, it can be either in a drawer or under some paperwork. Having the skill Grifter -> Social Engineering will have the employee ignore you when in RUSH. With the Red Keycard head to the second floor. Step 2: Hack the PC in the Server Room and IT to obtain the code for the vault. The location of the Server room is random but it is not difficult to find. Just make sure to not run into the guards since you entered a private area and they will escort you out when they see you. If you know the code for the vault you can ignore this step in your next attempt. Once you have the code, open the vault and head to the third area to activate the next step. Step 3: Deactivate the lasers by interacting with the wall panel next to the vault. It will show you which color + shape you have to press on the switchboards. You will find one just opposite the wall panel and the remaining 3 on the second floor of the previous area. After activating a switch, the panel will show the next color and shape to press. Once the lasers are deactivated perform the next step. Step 4: Find the Blue Key Card and open the vault. Have one player find the key card either by finding it hanging from the pocket of an employee roaming the area, or in the office at the back of the second floor area. Have the player with the keycard open the Director’s Office at the center back area of the second floor so the other player can get inside and head to the vault. Have the player in the manager’s office hack the PC and press it again to activate the card reader and the player with the blue keycard swipe the card once the card reader is activated. Open the vault and grab the loot. You can finish all the steps mentioned without putting on the masks at all. Just make sure to dodge the guards and cameras, especially next to the vault. With mask unequipped you can simply just walk out of the bank to the garage without anyone paying attention to you in the main hall of the bank. The only problem is the vault area with a guard on the balcony and a camera there and the garage with 2 guards roaming the area. Useful skills to have:
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Cleanin’ It Out Complete Dirty Ice having secured all cleaned jewelry bags on Overkill. |
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In Dirty Ace grab a QR Code to open the VIP room and drag the female store Manager into the room. Push her to the Iris scanner which will open the workshop. There you will have to throw all 13 jewelery bags into the machine to clean the diamonds before delivering them to your escape vehicle. You need all the 8 bags from the main room, as well as the 5 bags in the VIP room. Once a bag is cleaned, you can grab the diamonds from the machine and the bags will now look slightly different. You can throw all the bags into the machine at the same time and it will run through them one by one, but you have to remove the clean diamonds from the machine manually each time.
You can do this in loud or in stealth. To grab the jewelry from the main room in stealth without being noticed, equip the skills Grifter and Grifter -> Social Engineering. Walk to a civilian to activate RUSH and while in rush you can lockpick the boxes and the civilians won’t notice you doing it. There are cameras and a guard in the main room as well so you might want to take care of the cameras first and bait the guard into the workshop by sprinting and sliding next to the door while inside the workshop when the guard is close to the door. Once the guard enters the workshop, kill him and hide him behind the machine. While one player is inside the warehouse, another one or multiple people can deliver the bags from the main room while making sure to always have RUSH to not get spotted. Take the clean diamonds to your van, taking the long route around the map for easy success. |
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Smash and Grab Complete Dirty Ice within 120 seconds of spawning. |
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Easiest done with 2 or more people. Play the heist once to know what the code for the basement door is and have one player go into the basement to deactivate the alarms for the VIP room cases. Have a second player go immediately inside to find a QR code and open the VIP room. Lockpick the boxes, ideally with Infiltrator -> Quick Fingers equipped. Grab the 5 bags from the VIP room and bring them to the van as fast as possible. If you have more than 2 people it will become even easier because you can bring the bags to the van faster. | ||
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Party Crasher Complete Rock The Cradle without having the VIP invitation in stealth on Hard or above. |
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Best done with 2 or more people but possible solo. Once inside the club head towards the club’s manager office. Next to it you will find the DJ booth.
Put on your mask in this area and go up the catwalk above the dancefloor to mess with the speakers. Once done grab the DJ and hide him in the office to the left (watch out for the guard roaming the area). Once the DJ is gone you can go to the DJ pult and mess with music to lure the boss bouncer away from the VIP area entrance. Once the bouncer moves, have the second player (or yourself when he comes up to you) grab the Blue Keycard from his pocket and open the VIP area. The only thing you need to steal is a Crypto Wallet. In order to find it you need to enter the IT room through a vent in the toilet at the opposite side of the dancefloor area. There you will find the number of the correct panel you have to deactivate at the top of the dancefloor area on the right. Once you use the panel you can head back to the IT room, grab the Crypto Wallet and escape. |
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Afterparty Complete Rock The Cradle after surviving 4 full assaults on Very Hard or above. |
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You will have to survive 4 full assaults on Very Hard difficulty. On the bottom of the club on the right side you can find a staircase which is pretty easy to defend. You will know the assault ended when “Police are regrouping” apppears on top of your screen. Make sure to finish the 4th assault before delivering the final loot bag to the cage since doing that will trigger an endless assaullt. It is highly recommended to play in a team but it is also doable solo. | ||
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Spec Ops Complete Touch The Sky in stealth without killing a single guard on Overkill. |
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You will have to finish the mission in stealth without killing any guard on Overkill. Taking civilian hostages is allowed. It is very much possible to do this solo, but a group of 2 or even 4 people can make it much easier for one simple reason – more eyes to track guards. Having more people will let you take advantage of the following skills:
Additionally, the following skills are very useful:
The Heist works as follows in stealth: You will start the mission in front of the entrance to the penthouse which is blocked by a guard. Go up the staircase on the right, put on your mask and climb through the vents to the very end. Once you land on the couch you can locate the master bedroom right outside with a wall panel next to it. Activate it and afterwards step in the spawning rings for a while until the wi-fi bar fills completely. Once in the bedroom move the books on the bookshelf and move the wooden wall to reveal the vault. Now you need to take care of the QR code which you can only obtain from the Lead Guard roaming the area. While it might seem difficult at first, it is actually easy. Head back to the room you dropped down to through the vents and keep the door that leads towards the bedroom open. The Lead Guard’s roaming pattern adds a new step once you locate the vault. Stay in the room and wait for Lead Guard to come up the stairs next to the bedroom and follow him once he turns around the corner towards the bedroom. Once you you start following him press Inside the office press the panic button under the table and you will now have to get Mason inside this very room to use the iris scanner to open the vault. After a short time a delivery person will arrive with a bottle of whiskey for Mason. You will have to find a small bottle of poison now, which can be either in one of the multiple bathrooms in the penthouse (easier) or inside the storage room next to the aforementioned female civilians (harder). With the poison sneak to the bar, poison the bottle and ring the bell. Then head to the bathroom below the office and wait for Mason to appear. From there you will have to grab the puking Mason and human shield him upstairs towards the iris scanner in the office to open the vault. This is the part that makes having more people in the heist VERY helpful. 2 People can stay outside the penthouse, hack the camera and switch to the 2 cameras that are overlooking the stairs to loop them, making them safe to pass. Additionally they can let you know when the path is clear. This part is tricky solo since you can’t really see what is going on upstairs when dragging Mason up there. Once you get Mason to open the vault, grab him again and make sure to tie him up inside the vault since the Lead Guard will eventually get inside the office and might otherwise find him. Inside the office check the numbers on the whiteboard and compare them to the number pad of the vault inside the bedroom. The numbers that have fingerprints on them will use the same numbers as one of the codes on the whiteboard. Open the vault inside the bedroom and inside crack the safe to grab the SSD. Take the SSD back to the office and plug it into the computer to run a decryption. Once done the last thing you will have to do is leave through the main door by using the speakers on the benches to distract the guard outside. Once the guards comes inside to check the noise, sneak out and head to the elevator to drop off the SSD and escape. The numbers for the vault are randomized when you first start the heist, but will remain the same as long as you restart the heist after failing and do not return to the main menu. You can use that to your advantage. Should you fail an attempt after getting the code, you can skip the part with dragging Mason to the vault on your next attempt by using the code for the vault in advance. |
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Insurance Policy Complete Touch The Sky with 4 active human shields on Hard or above. |
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At the beginning of “Touch The Sky” you can find a bigger group of civilians on the lower floor of the penthouse. The moment the heist goes loud make sure to take them all as hostages to have some spare ones in case one or multiple of them die. You want to place them as close to the escape area on the balcony as possible so you don’t have to run with the human shields through the entire map during the final endless assault. Have 2 people be somewhat close to the hostages during the heist to protect them from getting rescued and 2 people taking care of the mission objectives. Once the escape becomes available have everyone grab a hostage from the floor with ![]() |
Special Thanks / Credits
Thanks to the following people for helping with gathering information though co-op sessions:
andi15101990, BADBOY122357666, Tarkro
The_Fly_1990 says
for co op you can add me psn = The_Fly_1990
Mitchel says
I can’t find you on PSN. Can you add me? Beauveas is the user.
Killer says
“No One Cared Who I Was… “. Trophy
Can i do it easy solo ?
Snarky says
Looking for a good team
joshsmada says
Looking for people to do the co-op trophies with – psn/nebula – joshsmada
Amato says
Looking for 3 people for the most difficult trophies:
Connoisseur, art critic, memorable After and insurance policy.
Currently level 65
Psn: Cybermonk39
I am French
Mohammed says
Looking for a team to get this platinum done
Nick says
My psn: badassblue91
Trying to get a full crew. Already have 1
Matthew Turpie says
Looking to do insurance policy trophy psn- MTurpie98
Sergio says
MrMetMrZep2087. Me and my brother play often. In the US, we play starting at about 7PM Arizona time. Looking for crew to help with trophies and willing to communicate over mic. Feel free to add.
Alex says
I’m also trying to get a fee more trophies. Add me if interested
Psn venomfan_666
James Sawyer says
The Cleanin’ it out trophy is bugged. Even cleaning all 13 bags on overkill and stealth, trophy is not popping… Traffic control seems to be bug for other people as well
Jaysu says
Cleanin’ it out is still bugged. I was trying to help a friend achieve this trophy but did not work still
Mikey says
Any1 looking players add me.
Michael says
Who want to join for trophy boosting send message to PSN: Jack-Snake I am from the Netherlands and my time zone is (GMT+1) add in the message payday 3 trophy boosting partner.
Thanxs :-)