Outriders has a total 55 Side Quests. This guide shows all Side Quest Locations. Completing all Side Quests unlocks the Squaretasking trophy or achievement.
None of the Side Quests are missable. You can still do all of them after the story in free roam. All regions can be revisited and you can even reset story progress to specific main missions.
You can keep track of how many quests you’ve completed under Accolades > Progression > Philanthropist. On the world map you can scroll over a region and it will show unfinished quests in yellow and completed quests in gray. This makes it easy to track them region by region. In the bottom left corner of the world map it also shows how many quests of each type you’ve done in total.
As you play through the story more side quests will unlock. If something shown in the guide isn’t available for you yet it’s because you haven’t advanced the story far enough. Simply come back after the story.
Once you’ve traveled to a region, press Touchpad > Quest Map to see yellow markers for their starting points. After accepting the quest press
to track it immediately, or select it from the Quest Map screen. Now you can press
to see a white line guiding you to the destination. Therefore they are very easy and linear to follow. If the white guiding line glitches out or if you can’t go through a path it shows, try travelling to another region and then coming back, that usually fixes it.
This guide is structured Region by Region. If a quest isn’t available on your first visit that’s completely normal and it will unlock later in the story.
If you only see 54 of 55 side quests on your map, you are likely missing side quest #52 “Forgotten Chapel” which is the only secret quest in the game that’s not marked on the map.
Rift Town
#1 – Terra Infirma
Starts in the upstairs area of the camp. There are two guards in front of a door. Go through the door and then pick the (!) dialogue choices to start the quest. Becomes available while advancing through the “Reunion” Main Mission.
#2 – A Bad Day
Starts in the market area of the camp, where the merchants are. Behind Gregor Ram (one of the merchants) you can go through a door to start the quest. Becomes available while advancing through the “Reunion” Main Mission.
#3 – Collector Quest: Historian – Everlasting
Talk to Madame Beauvoir in the market area of the camp to start this. Becomes available while advancing through the “Reunion” Main Mission.
Unlike with other quests, the game doesn’t tell you where to go and doesn’t even add this to your quest log. The actual location you must visit is up the hill just a few meters/yards east from the “Crossroads” fast travel point, which you automatically unlock as part of the “Reunion” main mission. To the right of the woman that gives the “Payback” side quest is a door you can now go through. This leads to a bonus area called River Basin and adds the actual quest “Historian – Everlasting” to your log upon entering. At the end of the area you find an object that gets highlighted and you can interact with it to complete this request. The location you must go to is marked below.
#4 – Payback
From the “Crossroads” fast travel point, go up the hill to the immediate east and you’ll come to some ruins with woman called Audrey Storm sitting there. Talk to her to trigger the quest, then go through the door to the left of her to reach a new quest area. Becomes available while advancing through the “Reunion” Main Mission.
#5 – Pour One Out
This is started by interacting with the door in the hall where your stash and fast travel point is. It unlocks far later in the story, so just come back after the main story is done and it will be there. This quest requires you to fast travel to the “Utargak” region (visited during the story). Once there just press to follow the waypoint.
#6 – Wanted – The Perforator
From the camp you can exit the hall where the fast travel point is to get outside to the “Defensive Perimeter” section. There on a wall is a poster you can interact with. Unlocks later in the story, not available on first visit.
First City
#7 – Endless Dark
Talk to the crafting vendor in your camp to accept this.
#8 – No Place Like Home
Talk to Alfred McKellen, the old man standing in front of your camp.
#9 – Wanted – Hannibal
Interact with the poster next to the “Bridge” fast travel point.
#10 – Historian – Inspiration
Interact with the big gate just a few meters up the hill from the “Footbridge” fast travel point (Power Plant entrance). After you’ve done the objective, fast travel back to Madame Beauvoir in Rift Town (the first region on the map, the female merchant).
Eagle Peaks
#11 – The Scientific Method
Talk to Dr. Zahedi, the crafting vendor at your camp. He’s sitting on a box at the start of the camp (where you spawn when you travel there from another region).
#12 – Divine Intervention
Talk to Jocelyn Dunham in the camp, she’s standing around the middle of the camp.
#13 – Wanted – Hailstorm
Interact with the wanted poster next to the “Bunker Cable Car Station” fast travel point.
#14 – Historian – Timeless
Next to the “Volcano Peak” fast travel point you can see a glowing wall with this quest exclamation mark. Squeeze through the wall to go to the quest area.
#15 – Hunter – Coldclaw
Interact with the bone pile next to the “Antenna Cable Car Station” fast travel point.
Deadrock Pass
#16 – Nature’s Call
Interact with the computer terminal at the camp.
Bug Warning: At the time of the game’s release (April 01, 2021) you should unlock the fast travel point “Forestry Track” BEFORE accepting this side quest. Go through the metal door at the end of the camp, inside the building to the side. This leads you to the southern part of this region’s map. After accepting the side quest there’s a bug that freezes the game each time you try to go from the Deadrock Pass Camp through the door to the Forestry Track region. Then the only way to get there is by fast travel. But if you haven’t unlocked that travel point before you can’t get to that region anymore and can’t advance the quest. This is a very common bug. A fix that worked for some players is to reinstall the game but it’s not a guaranteed fix. It will likely be fixed within a few weeks of the game’s release.
#17 – A Free Market
Talk to Alastair Cullen who is sitting in the building at the side of the camp.
#18 – Historian – Vision
Near the Forestry Track fast travel point (southern half of the map), interact with the wooden spikes that have the exclamation mark above.
#19 – Wanted – Brickhead
Interact with the wanted poster next to the Mountain Tunnel fast travel point.
Wreckage Zone
#20 – Hunter – Oreyard Queen
Interact with the bone pile next to the “Crevice” fast travel point. To go there, start at the camp of this region, enter the tunnel in front of the camp and go through the door on the right, then fight your way past the enemies in the cave.
#21 – Wanted – Bloody Baron
Interact with the wanted poster next to the “Factory Entrance” fast travel point.
Trench Town
#22 – The Outrider’s Legacy (Hanged Man’s Letter)
Interact with the hanged body next to the camp’s fast travel point. This is only available much later after advancing the story.
#23 – Life’s Treasure
Talk to Atta Goldstein, found upstairs close to the camp’s fast travel point. When you stand at the fast travel point you’ll see the yellow exclamation mark (!) on your minimap.
#24 – A Heart of Gold
Talk to the old man standing on the path to the Corrigan (named map area, when you’re in front of the bar entrance take a right turn).
#25 – Return Fire
Talk to Ujio inside the bar (the guy where you can turn in your Wanted quests).
#26 – Dying Wish
Talk to the wounded man sitting next to the Riverbed fast travel point.
#27 – Wanted – Scalp King
Read the wanted poster next to the wounded man from the above quest.
#28 – Hunter – Bigjaw
Interact with the bones next to the Outpost Gate fast travel point.
#29 – Historian – Roots
In the swamp area between the “Camp” and “Outpost Gate” fast travel point you can interact with a broken bridge to enter this quest area.
Forest Enclave
#30 – Rigging the Game
Talk to Mercer Acosta in the Enclave Camp.
#31 – Predator to Prey
Talk to the man in the Enclave Outskirts, you’ll see the (!) icon on your minimap when getting close. You can enter this area from the Enclave Camp.
#32 – Wanted – The Hornet
Interact with the poster just a little bit up the path from the “Crystal Camp” fast travel point. After accepting, the quickest way to get to the destination is to travel to the “Collapsed Arch Pass” fast travel flag.
#33 – Hunter – Splittooth
Interact with the bones next to the “Collapsed Arch Pass” fast travel flag.
The Stronghold
#34 – The Other Ingredient
Talk to Juno Pascal at the camp of this region (can see the quest marker on minimap).
#35 – Hunter – Moldfang
Enter the cave opposite of the above quest-giver (where that quest giver is facing). Follow that cave path to the end to reach the Whitewater Reservoir fast travel flag and interact with the bones next to it.
#36 – Wanted – Maneater
Interact with the poster next to the gate at the “Makeshift Crane” fast travel point.
Ancient Ruins
#37 – Old Powers
Talk to Dr. Zahedi (crafting vendor) at this region’s camp. The guiding line often glitches out in this region – if it leads you to a path you can’t cross just do the other quests here first, fast travel to another region, come back and the line should show the correct path then.
#38 – Wanted – Headmasher
Interact with the wanted poster next to the “Distorted Sculpture” fast travel point. The guiding line often glitches out in this region – if it leads you to a path you can’t cross just do the other quests here first, fast travel to another region, come back and the line should show the correct path then.
#39 – Hunter – Spinewretch
Interact with the bones next to the “Distorted Sculpture” fast travel point. The guiding line often glitches out in this region – if it leads you to a path you can’t cross just do the other quests here first, fast travel to another region, come back and the line should show the correct path then.
The Gate
#40 – Hunter – Wendigo
When at this region’s camp you can see the (!) icon for this on your minimap. Interact with the bones at the edge of your camp.
#41 – Wanted – Blitzkrieg
When at this region’s camp you can see the (!) icon for this on your minimap. Interact with the wanted poster up the stairs straight ahead from your camp.
#42 – Unknown Presence
When at this region’s camp you can see the (!) icon for this on your minimap. Outside the camp talk to the Wanderer under the tall aqueduct.
#43 – Historian – Memories
From your camp walk down the left path (left of the “Hunter – Wendigo” quest start). There you’ll find a fallen tree with the (!) icon, interact with it to enter the quest area and then track the quest.
#44 – Hunter – Hauras
From the camp advance forward to the “Crimsonleaf Oasis” (area with desert dunes). Watch out for the (!) icon on the minimap when you get closer. There’s a pile of bones you can interact with at the bottom of the dunes.
#45 – Historian – Survival
Next to the “Dustrift Crevasse” fast travel point (which you automatically run into while doing the above quest), you can interact with a wall that has a quest icon over it.
#46 – Shepherds of Enoch
Interact with the altar at your camp.
Desolate Fort
#47 – Big Iron
Talk to the fast travel NPC at your camp.
#48 – Hunter – Sandshifter
From your camp head straight ahead until the end of “The Buried Road” map section (desert area before buildings). At the end of the desert interact with the bones.
Canyon of the Grand Obelisk
#49 – Turning Point
Talk to the Wanderer standing in this region’s camp.
#50 – Hunter – Typhon
From the “Wrecked APC” fast travel point walk a bit further towards the big monolith bridge and you’ll see the (!) icon on your minimap. Go up the stairs to the left of the monolith bridge and interact with the bones. If you did all Hunter quests so far this will be your last, upon turning them in to the quest giver at the Trench Town bar you will receive a legendary gear (so be sure to play on highest available World Tier to get the highest level legendary at the end).
#51 – Historian – Connection
Directly behind the bone pile that started the above quest go through the building. At the end of the building you can enter the next area to start this quest.
#52 – Forgotten Chapel
This is the “Secret Quest” in the game. It’s not shown on the quest overview by default. You must trigger it yourself by interacting with all the little pillars around this region. They are all in the region “Canyon of the Grand Obelisk”.
First Pillar – from your camp follow the path and then turn left.
Second Pillar – after the first group of enemies turn right to find it in some ruins.
Third Pillar – before the 2nd group of enemies turn right and follow the path to the end. This pillar was already pressed down for me, not sure if this one counts. If it’s down for you then that’s okay.
Fourth Pillar – story-related, automatic (after defeating 2nd group of enemies).
Fifth Pillar – story-related, automatic (after defeating 3rd group of enemies).
Sixth Pillar – at the very end of the region, inside the monolith, go up the stairs at the end. After all these pillars the Forgotten Chapel side quest starts automatically.
Secret Door – backtrack to the “Cliffside Path” (named map section), near the last fast travel point “Wrecked APC”. There’s a door and because you interacted with the pillars the seal on it will now be glowing yellow as seen in the image below. Interact with the pillar to the right of this door, then you can enter and interact with the chest inside to finish the quest. It will give you a legendary gear piece, so better be on the highest World Tier before interacting with it to get the highest level gear out of it. This also completes the Secret Accolade “Investigative”.
Pax City
#53 – Sins of Our Fathers
Investigate the broken chains next to the “Slaughtergrounds” fast travel point (the story makes you go through there automatically).
#54 – Historian – Change
Squeeze through with the quest icon that’s next to the “Slaughtergrounds” fast travel point.
The Caravel
#55 – Historian Evolution
Interact with the wall next to the “Incineration Chambers” fast travel point.
After doing all 55 of them you will earn the Squaretasking trophy or achievement. If you only see 54 of 55 side quests on your map, you are likely missing side quest #52 “Forgotten Chapel” which is the only secret quest in the game that’s not marked on the map.
54Sadge says
whats the 55th one? Did all 24 side + 30 hunts. Still missing one, not seeing anywhere
Markenstine says
Let me know if you get an answer. I need the 55th one as well.
54Sadge says
compared with finished list, missing forgotten chapel quest in canyon obelisk zone but idk how to start it lol
54Sadge says
k found some pillars not marked on the map, thats prob quest starter
PowerPyx says
It’s #52 “Forgotten Chapel” here in the guide 🙂
PhantomFear94 says
For Wanted: Hannibal do you have to come back later in the story? Not letting me pick the quest up; can see the poster, but nothing in the form of a (!) prompt or anything.
PowerPyx says
Yes you need to come back later (this is mentioned in the guide). It’s normal that it doesn’t spawn on first visit.
Hayden says
Hey, im having issues with the quest Life’s Treasures. The quest NPC will not spawn for me, even upon multiple story point resets. Upon further research I can’t find anything about the quest having issues online. Would appreciate any info. Thanks!
Ricky R Jenkins says
Did all 55 quest however my progress is stuck at 54 , and yes I did the forgotten chapel ,
PowerPyx says
You can compare your in-game list region by region to see whether they are all grayed out indeed. If they are, then it must be an unlucky bug. Haven’t heard of issues with it so far, however.
If it’s really bugged then only solution might be to try doing them all again with a new character, or disconnect your Square Enix account and set up a new one (this deletes all your progress and accolades).
I-Mace-I says
I’m exactly the same. Got the Investigative accolade done… done all the Hunt and Wanted missions… every area with a mission listed is greyed out… 54/55 for Philanthropist.
I-Mace-I says
The requirements above are actually incorrect…
There are obviously 55 listed above but “Forgotten Chapel” doesn’t count towards the ‘Squaretasking’ trophy.
Know that from my own experience because I was on the final mission and came here to check why I was on 54/55 despite knowing I was going into the final level and as I’d done “Forgotten Chapel” on mine I was thinking my game was bugged after reading the above.
Luckily, it’s not though.
When you beat the final mission and unlock the Expeditions you unlock a special side mission called “Pour One Out” which appears in Rift Town. It’s just a quick story related one which doesn’t feature any combat.
Basically you can’t earn the trophy before beating the main story.
So just in case any others who haven’t completed it yet check this list while having a mini panic over thinking they’ve buggered up somewhere then I hope you see this comment and breathe a sigh of relief. :p
PowerPyx says
You realize that “Pour One Out” is #5 in this guide, right?
Also, Forgotten Chapel definitely 100% assuredly counts. It was my last side quest and the one that popped the trophy for me.
The guide is complete and correct, I assure you :p
People just need to compare their in-game map region by region with this guide to see whether or not they got them all.
Woezy_ says
I have the problem my map says that I have done 46 of the 55 missions if I check this and count my missions is correct, I have 9 missions left, provided the forgotten chapel is included! now i look between my trophy progress on ps5 it says 45/55. I am missing a mission shortly after looking for work. Does the map show me that there is a yellow Check sign while the missions are gray?
does anyone know why?
Rrobinvip says
Hello. You’ve mentioned “ unfinished quests in yellow and completed quests in gray”, but in my game the completed quest are still in yellow mark. This makes me confused. Is there any way to let me tack what quests have been done? Thanks
Fildy says
I finished all side quests, but I don‘t get the trophy… ??
Spaceknight says
Quest 52 Forgotten Chapel, the third pillar you’re not sure counts, that definitely doesn’t count. It’s triggered as part of quest 49 Turning Point.
EOG says
Ahh so #5 unlocks AFTER finishing the story. I almost wasted a lot of time looking for the final side mission LOL