Onimusha Warlords has 20 Fluorite Locations. For the All for One, One for Fluorite trophy and achievement you are going to have to collect all pieces of Fluorite in the game. Please note several are highly missable as the map changes once you use the Evil Plate. The guide below shows the locations of all Fluorite:
Fluorite Locations
Fluorite 1 – Once you have entered the Underground Temple and past the shrine head right to your right as you enter the hallway and on the floor in the corner of the hallway is this piece of Fluorite Collectible.
Fluorite 2 – After defeating Osric and heading through the door in the room he opens up the will be a hallway with vases on the left. Destroy the vases and keep clicking to find the hidden Fluorite along the left wall where the vases were in the corner.
Fluorite 3 – After the cutscene with Yumamaru and Kaede in the abandoned keep head through the door at the end of the corridor and head through to the room with the stairs ahead. At the base of the stairs there is a treasure chest with an herb in it laying on the floor under a bookshelf. Interact with the bookshelf behind the treasure chest to obtain this Fluorite.
Fluorite 4 – Continue through the “Abandoned Keep” until you get to the balcony above the first area you were in when you entered the keep. The first time you come here there will be soldiers fighting genma down below. Head through the blocked door ahead with your Kouen and proceed into the next room. Defeat the enemies in this room and pass into the following room. This room has a big box you can destroy to reveal a chest with some arrows in it. This Fluorite is on the ground under the box.
Fluorite 5 – After using the L. Crest Piece with the R. Crest Piece to open the door by the ladder in the Abandoned Keep and seeing the cutscene featuring Tokichiro Kinoshita again you will control Samanosuke in a room with one of the walls blown out. Continue forward to the right and as soon as the camera changes you will see a small chest that you normally can’t interact with on a small shelf. Interact with it anyway to find this hidden Fluorite.
Fluorite 6 – After using your purifier bell to progress in the “Keep Underground” head through the hallway around the turns until you hit the dead end. At the dead end in the left-hand corner is a Fluorite hiding. Interact with the corner to collect this Fluorite.
Fluorite 7 – In “Keep Underground” once you head through the door you used the Purifier Bell to open head through the door straight ahead and you will see a door locked by green plasma with two locks. Head through the door and immediately look to the right side of the screen and you will see an old torture device open. Interact with the opening of the torture device to obtain this Fluorite.
Fluorite 8 -After using the Shinobi Kit to open the door near the Magic Mirror in the West Area you will enter the corridor ahead. Continue down the corridor and at the end of the corridor head through the door to the left (The wooden door). Once inside head to the back of the room and interact with the wooden cabinet with two drawers. The drawers will open revealing gears. You will need to install the gear found on the floor just past the Bamboo Forest and pull the string. Follow the room around until you see a treasure chest. On the opposite side of the room you will see some shelves with statues on them, this Fluorite is on the middle shelf.
Fluorite 9 – In West Area as Kaede once you use the Silver and Gold plates to open the door leading into the burning building go through the door which will lead to a small room with a set of steps. Next to the base of the steps is a set of barrels. Interact with the set of barrels to obtain this Fluorite.
Fluorite 10 – When you get to the part in West Area with Samanosuke where you use a level 3 Kouen to open a door opposite the Magic Mirror you are ready to obtain this Fluorite. Head through that door and you will see a treasure chest on the floor that contains medicine. Right next to that chest tied to the fence with rope is a shielded cart. Cut the rope and send the cart plummeting down revealing a fluorite in its place. Run around the fence to the side the cart was on and collect this Fluorite.
Fluorite 11 – Located on the floor right outside the door originally locked by a level 3 blue plasma in the West Area just before the well with the second moth man in it.
Fluorite 12 – Located in the corridors of the West Area between the very first door you come through and the door leading to the corridors with the well. As soon as you enter the west area proceed around the corner and the Fluorite will be on the floor by a pile of rocks.
Fluorite 13 – After using the Decorated Sword to enter the East Area head along the path and over the bridge to the door that is locked behind a 2 lock green plasma. Open the door and head down the first hallway on the left. At the end of this hallway is a scroll on the wall. Collect the scroll and head through the door. Continue straight along that path until you get to the door on your left. Head through that door and start heading up the tower taking out the swordsman at the top and all the archers on the way up to him. At the very top is a ladder. Head up the ladder and around the bell onto the rooftops outside where there are crows are feeding on a deceased body. Before getting off the landing and onto the rooftops inspect the floor in the corner to find this Fluorite.
Fluorite 14 – Once you are in the room past the Waterfall in the East Area with the shrine there is a staircase leading down. Take the stair set down to a boat and the Fluorite is hiding on the floor on the bottom landing.
Fluorite 15 – Once you get control of Kaede again head across the bridge and use your Shinobi kit to open the door leading ahead, and follow the path to the room on the right. As you enter the room the Fluorite is at the base of the left pillar around the door.
Fluorite 16 – After getting to the second magic mirror as Kaede in the East Area continue into the next room. follow that hallway and instead of going in the door straight ahead of you instead use the door on the opposite side of that wall in the nook. Once inside the room proceed to where the ladder is and instead of going up interact with the rightmost corner of the room where the rope is on a chest for this piece.
Fluorite 17 – Once you get to the second magic mirror as Kaede in the East Area there is a ladder you can climb in that same room. Climbing that ladder will bring you to an attic with wooden boxes. Destroy the boxes and the Fluorite will be on the floor just to the left of the open window.
Fluorite 18 – Obtained in the Dark Realm in a treasure chest.
Fluorite 19 – Obtained in the Dark Realm in a treasure chest.
Fluorite 20 – Obtained in the Dark Realm in a treasure chest.
That’s all the Fluorite in Onimusha Warlords. Once you have collected all 20 pieces you will receive the All for One, One for Fluorite trophy or achievement.
All Onimusha Warlords Collectibles:
- Onimusha Warlords All Number Puzzle Locations & Solutions
- Onimusha Warlords All Decoder Box Locations & Solutions
- Onimusha Warlords All Power Jewels Locations (Maximum Vitality)
- Onimusha Warlords All Magic Jewels Locations (Maximum Magic)
- Onimusha Warlords All Fluorite Locations
- Onimusha Warlords All Map Locations (Never Lost Trophy)
- Onimusha Warlords All File Locations (Walking Encyclopedia)
Killtubecameron says
Have a problem with number 15 as I opened 3 blue door with samanosuke and when I went back as kaede it relocked
Killtubecameron says
Never mind I was looking in totality the wrong place don’t me me being an idiot lol