Oddworld Soulstorm Trophy Roadmap
- Estimated trophy difficulty: 6/10 if using a new game for no deaths – 8/10 if using level select for no deaths
- Approximate amount of time to platinum: 50-75 Hours
- Offline Trophies: 33 (1
, 5
, 9
, 18
- Online Trophies: 0
- Number of missable trophies: 3 –
Too Pure For This World,
As It Was Foretold,
Who’s Side Are You On?
- Glitched trophies: 0 as of patch 1.08
- Does difficulty affect trophies?: No, only for a couple of badges where you must play the level on at least medium, so play on Easy otherwise
- Minimum Playthroughs: 2, some levels need to be repeated for badges via level select
- Free-Roam / Level Select after Story?: Yes
- Release Date: April 06, 2021
Welcome to the Oddworld Soulstorm Trophy Guide! This can be either a difficult or a bit easier of a platinum depending on how you tackle the no deaths trophy. Doing it in a story playthrough is easier because you can close the application when you die and then continue from the previous checkpoint (via level select you’d have to replay the whole level in one sitting). The list requires at least 2 playthroughs, one for the good ending and saving 1000 mudokons, another for the bad ending and killing 1000 mudokons, and some level replays for missed badges will be required. You can split up some steps if you want, which would lead to additional playthroughs but can make it easier.
There are no difficulty-related trophies with the exception of a couple of badges that will require level replays on at least Medium. Otherwise there is no reason to play on anything other than Easy mode for trophy purposes.
Step 1: Bad Ending playthrough, killing 1000 Mudokons
In this playthrough play as you see fit on Easy mode. Kill as many Sligs (enemies) as you want, don’t worry about completing badges here, make sure to kill 1000 Mudokons yourself and do not just ignore them or it won’t unlock the trophy for the bad ending at the end of Level 15: The Yards. You’ll naturally get negative Quarma in each level this way.
Step 2: New game for No Deaths & Good Ending and fewer than 100 Slig kills
In this step start a new game after having backed up your save to the cloud in the previous step and complete every level without dying. This is indicated on the level select screen by a skull icon next to each level showing you’ve completed it without dying. If you do this on a new game during the normal story playthrough you can simply quit the application when you die and it will wipe out the death, no need to even backup your save to the PS+ Cloud. This DOES however require the good ending, so you need positive Quarma on 13 or more levels to unlock 16 and 17 and complete those without dying as well, in addition to saving 1000 Mudokons or more across all 17 levels to unlock the good ending trophy.
As for the 100 Slig kills or fewer, you can combine it with no deaths or do it separately once. You may have difficulty saving enough Mudokons on every level combined with not killing many Sligs but it’s absolutely possible with the right approach which is explained in the Too Pure For This World trophy description in more detail.
Step 3: Badge Cleanup via Level Select
Now clean up all remaining badges via level select. For the Spender badge on a couple of levels you must repeat those on at least Medium difficulty, this is because items from vending machines are more expensive on higher difficulties, making the badges possible to achieve unlike on Easy.
Dean says
So we have to get the bad ending first with no death run, then save them to the last 2 chapters and not die there too??
AshtimusPrime says
Thanks for putting a guide up! I already played a “neutral” playthrough so I’m thinking of mixing a bad run with no deaths so I don’t have to worry about saving anyone other than myself.
It’s possible the badges trophy is glitched because the stat pages in Level Select indicate that there are 24 badges on each level, when of course there isn’t. Hopefully that’s an easy fix.
I would assume the kill less than 100 Sligs would require the last two levels as I can imagine that’s how this game works, but even with that people still haven’t gotten the trophy, so definitely waiting for a fix on that. :/
Filippo says
@powerpyx I completed the good ending with no death in 16 levels.. I miss 1 level.. I have to start a new game and complete with no death 17/17 or only the missing level is enough to pop the Trophy?
PS. I can’t do It in level select because is phat station 🙁
Sellers says
You’ll have to do the every level if you start a new game I’m afraid.
Tommy says
I have all platinum badges at 100% quarma through the first 5 levels (one level I have 93% quarma). Any reason why the Soulful trophy won’t pop? Does it need to be 100% or just positive like the description says?
AshtimusPrime says
It’s likely the first level doesn’t count. Whilst it has a positive Quarma icon that’s automatic. There’s no Mudokons to actually save in that level.
Nick says
With all the glitches in this game, I’ve gone through the whole thing about four times and am still missing 41% of the trophies. I think the major issues stem from the fact that level select and story mode don’t save in conjunction. I don’t know why they did it that way as it seems to be causing so much trouble. I love Oddworld but I am really disappointed with how buggy this game is. Three patches in ten days and still no end in sight. Just sad.
JoeT says
Excuse me if this was asked before, but if you finish level 17 without the 1000 saved criteria can you just visit an earlier level and meet the the threshold to pop the gold trophy for liberating WITHOUT the need to replay the final level again?
Sellers says
I never needed to test that, but it should in theory as you can increase quarma score that way.
Dean says
My only trophies left are,
All platinum badges tho I have all.
And the second one is less than 100 sligs which I 100% killed way less than 100 but it didn’t pop!!! Bug are ruining my platinum.
Dean says
Are you sure you need mission 16 and 17 for less100 sligs trophy???
Edinho says
Yes you need this two levels. The slig trophy popped at the end of level 17 for me.
AshtimusPrime says
The trophy is so glitched that no one is really sure what is required at this time. Best of luck!
Dean says
Cobrame says
Hey Pyx,
just to clarify a thing…..you don’t need to have good quarma in 13 levels to enter 16 and 17 but just to have saved 1000 mudo by the end of level 15 (as opposite of the bad ending kill 1000 thing)
I say this for sure because i was 11 good 3 bad before playing level 15 the first time but i counted mudo and i was already over 1000 saved thanks to 100% the great escapes levels
Is not a great piece of information, as I with everyone else am waiting for the trophy fixes but maybe could save someone from restart the game
Best regards,
Sellers says
fair, it would be hard to save 1000 muds and not have positive quarma in most of the levels anyway and the devs directly said those were the requirements to unlock 16 and 17, but I can add a note on there.
Nick says
Okay, I really need to know how you managed to get through 16 with only the ten Slig kills at the top. Is there a video or something, because I simply cannot see how it’s possible.
Sellers says
It’s very possible you just have to make use of tape candy and arming muds with fizzy pop in those sequences to help knock out sligs and getting out asap.
Nick says
So it was a little simpler than I at first thought. Managed the whole thing with only 12 kills. The Slig kill trophy is still definitely broken. I did a hard restart after every Slig I accidentally killed, ended with 70 kills and no trophy. Sigh. Guess I’ll have to wait on the patch.
Nick says
Just wanted to update you real quick. It actually is possible to avoid killing three of the four sligs with your Shrykull power at the start of the level. It involves quickly jumping to the right over the head of the slig emerging from the pod and then again to throw his aim off. His bullets will ignite the brew so you have to roll real fast to put yourself out. It also kills the baton slig so there’s no way to avoid that one. It’s tricky, but it can be done. The downside is it cuts off access to the fire extinguisher so you can’t get the flame thrower later.
Miles says
Hey guys, are there ways outside of items and environmental hazards to kill mudokons. Been a few times I’ve got to a point where I have nothing I can kill mudokons with even if I am thorough checking for items and only using them where required.
Example in Necrum, the set above the long ladder with buzz saws, I’ve replayed the level several times looking for items etc. but never have any left or any apparent way to get hold of some at that point.
Daygo says
I presume this is for the 1000 kills trophy, there are times I couldn’t kill every mudokon, but you don’t need to kill them all of you include the 3 escape levels you only really need around about 250 kills outside of the 750~ you will get during these levels. I don’t know of any other way and I remember leaving those mudokons alive on that level, hope this helps.
Lacek84 says
I can confirm that Too pure this world has been fixed with patch 1.080.000
Lacek84 says
*Too Pure for This World
Sosta says
Fixed how? Did you have to restart the whole game? I have a save file where I finished the game with 80sh kills, do I just reload it and replay the last level?
Nick says
Did you start a new game from scratch? And how were counting, by hand or by summary screen?
Lacek84 says
No, I have had a save at the start the very last level, just did finished the level then got the trophy during the final cutscene.
Lacek84 says
Before that I tried about 3 times, no tophy. I tried that after finishing level 16 I quit then backup my save to cloud, then I hit not continue, but level select and finished the last level. That way it had a results screen, but no trophy still. But after the patch I just loaded my save, did the level hitting continue and boom, finally got it.
Robz says
I downloaded a save game in the brewery and played through it and the last level with about 70-80 kills in total and the trophy plopped,
Momo says
Patch 1.08 is out and I got the all badges trophy, but not the under 100 sligs.. is this trophy still glitches?? Can someone confirm?? Do checkpoints still count as a kill if you reload the save.? And does it require chapter 16 and 17 still??
Nick says
As of 4/28 Patch 1.08 The Gameplay master, platinum trophy has been fixed!
rudy says
I have all badges but not the trophy I don’t know why :(:(
Freke says
Thank you
Nick says
Rudy, did you have all the badges before the patch? That may be the issue. For me I had all but three badges before the patch. Then I just played through and picked them up and it popped. You may need to start over unless you’ve got a backup save. Sorry.
rudy says
I played first level again and luckily at the end I got the trophy, I think it was a bug ..
Djekko says
So I’ve been following this guide and finished my first play through. The second step is to collect all the badges I am aware though that getting the bad ending I only have upto level 15 in my level select does the badge trophy unlock after only 15 levels? Or does levels 16 and 17 unlock after replaying the levels getting good Quarma?
I would rather avoid playing through all the levels to collect the badges to find out because I got the bad ending I couldn’t access all the levels and start from square 1 in a different play through.
Robz says
Level 16 and 17 unlock after getting good karma in 12 Levels.
Lacek84 says
The Light, It Burns! – Is this trophy glitched or flares dosn’t count? I finished this fkin level like 6-7 times now and still no trophy….
Rae-Gun says
Literally just stand still and flash your torch at the sleeches until the trophy pops. Best place I found to do this is in that room where there are those 3 doors leading to other areas. I tried to do it the way the guide said to, but I had the same problem as you. I think the trophy expects you to scare 500 of them in.one run.
Nick says
I actually contacted Oddworld Inhabitants about this because I had the same issue. They assured me it could be done over several playthroughs but that starting a new game may wipe out the count. Not sure. For me I just replayed it from the Level Select screen without starting a new game over and over until it popped. Took almost nine times but it did happen.
Rae-Gun says
Anyone know if the new patch has fixed the Slig trophy?
rudy says
yes today I finished the game with 64 kill restarting from checkpoint when I kill someone by mistake and I got the trophy… you can do it
Lacek84 says
1.091.000 is out.
James Dawson says
Just completed step 1 by completing game with bad ending killing over 1000 mudokons.
Regarding step 2, good ending with saving mudokons, do I create a new game or use level select? I guess if I start new game I’ll lose any badges gained? Is this is a big deal?
Briggy says
That’s the point.
To erase everything you have achieved or caused so far and basically starting from scratch.
Basically to reset your kill counter on sligs and Muds and of course, your deaths, as in story playthrough, quitting out via ps button resets Abe’s deaths, whereas via level select it is harder to do and doesn’t work this way.
It’s too bad, the badges are gone, too but you’ll clean them up level for level after your no death/ less than 100 sligs kills/ good quarma run.
Nodnarb says
I, like many others, have been holding out on trying to platinum Soulstorm because I was waiting for the trophy fixes. Now that the trophies have been fixed I have a few questions. My main question is if I have already done a good ending playthrough is it possible for me to get the “Who’s side are you on” trophy for killing 1000 mudokons without wiping my save/level select progress? Is it possible to do a sub 100 kill run if you’ve already done a playthrough where you kill more than 100 sligs? Also, can I focus on an individual badge or do all platinum badges have to be earned in one run of a level? I’m really hoping that new game doesn’t wipe all of your badges because I got a lot of them on my first casual playthrough but I imagine that it will. This game needs multiple save slots.
Nick says
As for the “Who’s side are you on?” it can’t be earned by level select. You’ll need to start a new game which will, unfortunately wipe out all your badges. The good news is that, no, you don’t need to get all the platinum badges in one run. You can repeat the level via level select as many times as you need to and your highest badge count as well as Mud save count will stay. Not sure about the 100 sligs though as I got that on a new game. Mostly the badges aren’t too hard. Slig apprehender and Brewnade are probably the trickiest.
Briggy says
3 things here:
– have 100% good quarma except for Necrum, 84%.
a few saw blades are out of rhythm, out of the pattern and that makes it impossible for me to rescue the remaining 5. Nevertheless, trophy for good ending, for liberating the muds should have popped, but didn’t.
– trophy for killing less than 100 sligs did pop, but it isn’t shown in my account.
Confused at that part, but trophy for 0 deaths did pop and is there. Did both in the same run as well as liberating. Weird. Do you think, I must replay everything AGAIN to get that one to pop again? or would level select do?
– most important question regarding the badges:
Do I have to get ALL badges in one run via level select or do I need to focus only on the ones I don’t have yet??
Hope somebody can help me out here
thanks in advance
Briggy says
weird, as of this writing, both missing trophies have now shown up, luckily.
Scratch that.
I do need to know about the badges, though. Thanks
Nodnarb says
In regards to your badge question, you can focus on whatever badge you want, you don’t need to get them all in one go. I’ve confirmed it twice now, if you already have a platinum badge you don’t need to get it again via level select.
Briggy says
fine, I answer my own question then now after having tried it.
It is an important piece of information in my opinion and that no one answered or mentioned it is confusing, in my opinion:
Regarding the badges.
If you have platinum’d a badge in a level, you do not need to focus on that anymore.
Level select and gather all the badges you haven’t gotten on platinum yet.
When the level ends, you will see a different result but don’t worry.
When you look at level select again, you’ll see that you have completed them all.
Good luck, fellow trophy hunters
GMB says
I think it’s not possible to kill 1000 mudokons “by your own hand”, with sligs you can’t shoot them from the ladder and in The Funicular chapter there is just 7 that you can kill with enviroment.
GMB says
Nevermind, I figured out. 🙂
James Dawson says
Maybe a daft question…..if I speed ran a level to complete it without dying I would get negative quarma but then if I replayed a level and took my time to save all mudokons etc, would the positive quarma override the negative for the good ending?
Nick says
It would. I can’t say about your death count though. But any positive progress you make via level select be it for badges or Mud saves will override your previous run. Negative progress however will not override positive progress.
Desuu says
I can confirm if you beat the level with negative quarma without dying then go back in level select and save the muds, you still keep you “didn’t die in the level” skull
James Dawson says
Thanks. So basically I can replay the game and it doesn’t matter if I get good quarma first or speed run it after getting bad quarma, I will still get good ending?
Briggy says
If you only about the quarma, you can do it that way.
However, the best method that I found for the platinum trophy is to do as mentioned in this guide overview.
– new game > kill muds when you can/ let muds get killed by sligs. Get 1000 dead muds and the bad ending
– new game to override the previous run > no death run/ less than 100 sligs killed/ saved all muds
– level select > badges cleanup
Nick says
As long as you have unlocked the final two levels, 16 &17 then it doesn’t matter how much negative quarma you get in level select, they will still be available for replay. Finishing 17 will always net you the good ending.
Brigg says
If you only about the quarma, you can do it that way.
However, the best method that I found for the platinum trophy is to do as mentioned in this guide overview.
– new game > kill muds when you can/ let muds get killed by sligs. Get 1000 dead muds and the bad ending
– new game to override the previous run > no death run/ less than 100 sligs killed/ saved all muds
– level select > badges cleanup
Morgan says
I’m trying to get “the light it burns” trophy. How many runs about does it take? I did about 4 times now… do we know how many sleeches are in the level?
Djekko says
I’m also going for this. I tried it in my first play though save but I must have replayed the leave like 6 times and no trophy. I assumed it was bugged so I’m in the middle of my second save/play through and will try again.
Djekko says
Not sure if it all needed to be done in 1 try of the level but I found a spot with about 10 or so of the sleeches and cornered them against a wall. And kept turning my torch off when they were against the wall and before they got too close to me again turned it back on again. Only too me a few minutes in all
James Dawson says
Completed all 17 levels but didn’t get the “too pure for this world” trophy as I guess I killed more than 100 slugs. Can I use level select and replay the levels I think I can do better on or do I have to start a new game?
Luke says
I’m in the same boat although I barely killed a single slig, even in the end missions. I’m going to replay a couple of levels that I know had a couple of accidental slig kills and then the final mission but if that doesn’t work I’m stumped
GMB says
I’ve killed 52 Sligs total…, and no trophy. WTF is wrong with this game?!
Arya says
Did you figure it out mate? I’m a bit worried this may happen to me as I’ve manually recorded how many kills I’ve done. Please let me know.
Ana says
I can’t even find enough money to spend on level 7. The game keeps giving me Flares of bodies instead of Moolah :-|
Djekko says
So I just got ‘Too Pure For This World’. I have a theory on why so many people are struggling to get it even though they seem to be getting under 100 slig kills.
I think if you kill a slig or a few and then just restart at checkpoint then even though the level stats when you pause will say 0 kills it still knows that you have killed some sligs. So even if you finish a level with 0 Kills on the stats at the end of the level if you killed 10 sligs and restarted the checkpoint then the kills towards the trophy are 10 not 0.
If I killed a slig I shouldn’t have I was doing the same trick as ‘Hardest Mudokon in the West’, go the the PlayStation Home Screen and close the game from there and reopen and continue your save. It would reset Abes death count to what it was when you first triggered that checkpoint my guess is it will be the same for slig kills. It’s how I did my play though and it worked.
Hope my theory is right 🙂
Mannaa says
Can someone please explain to me “Whose Side Are You On?” trophy ?, it’s my last trophy to platinum and I killed every Mud i found , maybe I missed some , do you think If replayed some levels to kill more I’ll get it ? Or is it glitched ? ??
Rio says
I just tried the no-death run, and for some reason, when I died, and then quit and cane back, the death count was still at 1 (as shown in streamer mode). Was this trick blocked in a patch? Or is there something I’m missing?
Rio says
Never mind. Figured that out.
When you die, you should close the app, rather than just picking quitin the pause menu, because that option save upon quitting.
Arya says
Platinumed. I got to say the trophies were absolutely fine for me, no issues whatsoever like I’ve been reading. Proud of it too. Good luck all.
C4iO says
Is it possible to reduce the amount of dead Sligs by revisiting some chapters besides the story mode, or do I have to start a new game just for the Too Pure For This World trophy?
Alpha-State_ says
This is the last and only trophy I’m having a problem with. Ona. First run I killed 81 sligs and a trophy didn’t pop. Some folks say if you accidentally kill a slit and then restart checkpoint the game still registers a kill even thought at the end it says otherwise. Go figure. This game has been a freaking mess for me. I’m seriously getting burned out over here
C4iO says
It’s oficial:
“Too pure for this world only counts story mode gameplay, level select doesn’t count.”
They replied my DM @ Twitter asking about that.
Lulu says
If I missed the key on level 5 for lockers on level 6, do I have to do it in another new game? how is it with these keys?
Mjdrage says
You can just replay the lvl that has the key you need but you need to FINISH that lvl and then it will save that progress. You cant quit out at a checkpoint for example
Mjdrage says
Are the badges accumulative? As in, if you have half the badges on a lvl plated and you replay that lvl and just go for the badges you needed to plat. Would that count as all being plated for it? or do you need to redo ALL the badges in a lvl in one run?
akis says
Personally, one of the biggest problems in the game was to remember how many sligs I have killed in total.A good idea is to take a screenshot at the end of each level were you can see the number of kills .
ashiqiraqi says
My question about Hardest Mudokon in the West trophy
If abe die can i just reload last checkpoint to wipeout death counts or i must to quit game and relaunched it?