No Man’s Sky Trophy Roadmap
- Estimated trophy difficulty: 2/10 [Version 1.00, trophy requirements are harder in patched version]
- Approximate amount of time to platinum: 20-30 hours [Version 1.00 of the game. Takes longer with patched version]
- Offline trophies: 23 (6
, 8
, 8
, 1
- Number of missable trophies: 0 (“The Sentinel” and “The Diamond Age” are semi-missable)
- Glitched trophies: 0
- Does difficulty affect trophies?: No difficulty settings available.
IMPORTANT PATCH INFO: The No Man’s Sky platinum is easiest and quickest with version 1.00 of the game. The trophy requirements have changed with patch 1.03 (more specifically: you need to survive under extreme conditions instead of any conditions. And you must scan ALL creatures on planets rather than 60 random creatures of any kind). In this guide patch 1.00 specific trophies are highlighted in green, patch 1.03+ blue. Everything else applies to all versions of the game. To play without the patch you must disable the internet connection (works only with physical copies, digital copies download the patch automatically). Go to the PS4 Settings > Network > Uncheck “Connect to the Internet”. You’re gonna have to stay offline, otherwise it downloads the patch automatically. A good alternative is to do everything except for “Galapagos” and “The Sentinel” on the patched version. Then uninstall the game, delete your save game and disconnect from the internet. Reinstall the game and it will be version 1.00. Now you can quickly mop up these two trophies.
Note #2: There are two semi-missable trophies: Having 2,000,000 money at the same time (The Diamond Age) and surviving 32 Sols (The Sentinel). You have to save up all your money, don’t spend it. And when you die your progress towards the 32 sols will reset.
Step 1: Warp a lot + talk to Aliens in Space Stations + Collect Money (without spending any) + Learn 150 words + Survive 32 Sols
I worked on these 5 things first because they can easily be combined. Simply warp from Atlas Station to Atlas Station. Always pick up the Atlas Stone, then sell it. You must have 2 million money at the same time, don’t spend it! In addition to the Atlas Stones you also find “word bubbles” in the Atlas Stations. You will get 10 new words or so per Atlas Station (must learn 150 words total). Check the space station of every solar system for aliens (you need to complete a conversation with 40 aliens). During your space travels you will automatically warp a lot. Build new warp cells by collecting the resources from the left wing of space stations. You will learn how to build warp cells very early in the game. Atlas Stations are locked at first, but will automatically unlock as you progress through the galaxy. Do your best ot stay alive for the gold trophy “The Sentinel”.
For infinite money and warp cells see this guide:
Step 2: Destroy 80 Starships
I did this by attacking cargo ships in space to raise my wanted level. Then 4 starships will spawn that are very easy to defeat. Attacking merchants at space stations doesn’t count. You can, however, attack a space station or atlas station directly and you will get swarmed by enemies. This is a more dangerous method and will almost always get you killed, so only do it after getting the “The Sentinel” trophy!
Step 3: Scan Creatures with Analysis Visor + Walk 100,000 Steps.
Use the Analysis Visor to discover animals / creatures on planets for the “Galapagos” trophy. When you land on a planet it tells you how much life there is on it (bottom left corner). On some planets life is very rare. Walking 100,000 Steps is something you will do automatically over the course of the game. But you might be missing a couple thousand at this point. If you still need to survive for a few sols you can run around a planet and combine the two.
No Man’s Sky Trophy Guide
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Total Perspective Vortex Platinum |
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Unlock all other trophies to earn platinum (DLC trophies not needed). | ||
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A Scanner Darkly Attain ‘Naturalist’ status in Uploaded Discoveries |
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Patch 1.00: Discovered 1 Creature.
Patch 1.03+: Discovered all creatures on one planet. See “Galapagos” trophy for more details. |
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The Stars, Like Dust Attain ‘Trailblazer’ status in Space Exploration |
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Warped 3 Times. See “A Space Odyssey” trophy for more details. | ||
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Foundation Attain ‘Entrepreneur’ status in Most Units Accrued |
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Have 250,000 Units (money) at the same time. This is NOT cumulative. You must have 250k in your inventory at the same time. See “The Diamond Age” trophy for more details. | ||
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Babel-17 Attain ‘Confused’ status in Words Collected |
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Learned 10 words. See “Citizen of the Galaxy” trophy for more details. | ||
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Contact Attain ‘Known’ status in Alien Colonist Encounters |
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Met 2 Aliens. See “What Mad Universe” trophy for more details. | ||
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Use of Weapons Attain ‘Novice’ status in Ships Destroyed |
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Destroyed 1 Starship. See “The Forever War” for more details. | ||
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The Star Beast Attain ‘Archivist’ status in Uploaded Discoveries |
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Patch 1.00: Discovered 30 Creatures.
Patch 1.03+: Discovered all creatures on 7 planets. See “Galapagos” trophy for more details. |
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The Longest Voyage Attain ‘Pioneer’ status in Space Exploration |
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Warped 30 times. See “A Space Odyssey” trophy for more details. | ||
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The Space Merchants Attain ‘Trader’ status in Most Units Accrued |
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Have 1,000,000 Units (money) at the same time. This is NOT cumulative. You must have one million in your inventory at the same time. See “The Diamond Age” for money-making strategies. | ||
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The Languages of Pao Attain ‘Interpreter’ status in Words Collected |
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Learned 50 Words. See “Citizen of the Galaxy” trophy for more details. | ||
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Who Goes There? Attain ‘Diplomat’ status in Alien Colonist Encounters |
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Met 20 Aliens. See “What Mad Universe” trophy for more details. | ||
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Pattern for Conquest Attain ‘Notorious’ status in Ships Destroyed |
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Destroyed 50 Starship. See “The Forever War” trophy for more details. | ||
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Stranger in a Strange Land Attain ‘Robust’ status in Longest Lifespan |
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Survived 20.0 Sols without dying. See “The Sentinel” trophy for more details. | ||
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Symphony For A Lost Traveler Attain ‘Nomad’ status in On-foot Exploration |
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Walked 50,000 steps (roughly 50,000 meters / 31 miles). This should come naturally during your planet exploration. Alternatively, run up and down any space station to get this quickly. This counts your total combined steps. You can check your progress at any time in the journey statistics. | ||
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Galapagos Attain ‘Encyclopedia’ status in Uploaded Discoveries |
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Patch 1.00: Discovered 60 Creatures. To make it count as a “discovery” you have to scan them with the Analysis Visor upgrade of your Multi-Tool. The Analysis Visor is unlocked automatically on the first planet where your game begins. Once it has been crafted you can press L2 to scan animals/creatures on planets. Flora does not count for this, only creatures. You can check your progress at any time in the journey statistics.
Patch 1.03+: The requirements have changed. You must now discover ALL the creatures on 10 planets for this gold trophy. This is best done on small moons. They have less ground to cover and generally fewer creature type on them. Use the Analysis Visor to scan every creature you find. It would be far easier to uninstall the patch for this and start a new game with version 1.00 (beware, only works with physical disc… digital copy will download patch automatically). When you find a planet/moon where life is non-existent you can upload the discovery anyway and it counts towards this journey milestone. |
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A Space Odyssey Attain ‘Discoverer’ status in Space Exploration |
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Warped 60 times. At the start of the game you must acquire the Hyperdrive (first solar system where you start). Once you’ve built it you can use Warp Cells to fast travel from one solar system to the next. Do this a total of 60 times. In the beginning, the game will guide you through it and teach you how to warp. Later you have to build (or find) the Warp Cells by yourself.
Here’s a guide on how to get Warp Cells quickly: Fast Hyperdrive Warp Cells There’s also an exploit avaiable for infinite warp cells (works with patch 1.03): Unlimited Warp Cells Exploit |
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The Diamond Age Attain ‘Magnate’ status in Most Units Accrued |
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Have 2,000,000 Units (money) at the same time. This is NOT cumulative. You must have two million in your inventory at the same time. You can check your progress at any time in the journey statistics. Here are the best ways to make money:
There’s also a duplication exploit that gives you millions of units in just a few minutes (works with patch 1.03). Check it out here: Fast Infinite Money Exploit |
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Citizen of the Galaxy Attain ‘Babelfish’ status in Words Collected |
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Learned 150 Words. You can check your progress at any time in the journey statistics.
There are several ways to learn new Alien words:
The first two methods are by far the quickest. |
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What Mad Universe Attain ‘Ambassador’ status in Alien Colonist Encounters |
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Met 40 Aliens. You can check your progress at any time in the journey statistics. Aliens are usually found on the right wing of space stations. Not every space station has an Alien in it. I found them much more frequently the closer I got to the center of the galaxy. You must interact with them and complete their multiple-choice dialogue to make it count.
You can also find them on planets (usually at outposts / facilities). This is very random, though. The most efficient method is to warp from one space station to the next, check if there’s an Alien in it, talk to them, then travel to the next station. (Note: Traders that arrive in space stations do not count). There’s an exploit avaiable for infinite warp cells (works with patch 1.03): Unlimited Warp Cells Exploit |
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The Forever War Attain ‘Legend’ status in Ships Destroyed |
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Destroyed 80 Starship. You can check your progress at any time in the journey statistics.
There are several methods to engage combat with starships:
The best ways to farm are methods #1 & #2. If you have a lower level ship go attack cargo ships. If you have a fully upgraded ship you can try your luck attacking space stations. (Note: attacking traders arriving / leaving space stations does not count). |
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The Sentinel Attain ‘Everlasting’ status in Longest Lifespan |
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Patch 1.00: Survived 32.0 Sols without dying. When you die your progress towards this trophy will reset. 1 sol is 15 minutes real time. 32 sols is 8 hours real time. Time only counts when you are on the surface of a planet. When you are in space it will not count! The best method is to land your spaceship in a safe place and stay in it. You will have to recharge the life support from time to time. I recommend the “Life Support Module” upgrades that extend the time of your life support. An upgraded life support can last well over an hour without a recharge. The default one lasts only a few minutes.
Patch 1.03+: Survived 32.0 Sols under EXTREME conditions. Patch 1.03 introduced new planet types with extreme weather conditions (burning hot, acid rain, freezing cold, life threatening storms etc.). You must survive on these types of planets. The time a sol lasts has also been adjusted with the patch. It now varies between planets. A sol equals an in-game day (roughly 15 minutes). On some planets time goes by quicker. This is much harder than the 1.00 requirements because you need to recharge your hazard protection all the time. Standing inside a building does no longer count, you have to be outside for it to count as “Extreme”. Run around one of these planets for hours and you’ll unlock the trophy. It’s best to upgrade your hazard protection first so it will last longer. When you play safely you will get this trophy naturally as you explore new planets. You do not have to stay on the same planet for this. (Note: if you die it will still show only your last milestone in the journey overview. This can make it a bit tricky to track your new time. If you die, make a note of your total “Sols survived” from the statistics. Otherwise there’s no way to keep track of it). |
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Have Spacesuit – Will Travel Attain ‘Adventurer’ status in On-foot Exploration |
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Walked 100,000 steps (roughly 100,000 meters / 61 miles). This should come naturally during your planet exploration. Alternatively, run up and down any space station to get this quickly. This counts your total combined steps. You can check your progress at any time in the journey statistics. |
Ben Scarybro says
Nice, can’t wait to try this out for myself tomorrow! Thanks for writing this.
Milan says
Great job pal! Cheers
Khaled O says
Thanks a lot for the guide but i have a question, why would you put the money trophy as missable? does the game end or what?
Thank you
PowerPyx says
I put it as “semi-missable” because you must have 2 million at the same time. So if you always spend your money you won’t get it. Or let’s say someone thinks it’s cumulative. Then maybe they have 1 million and just spend it on ships. Later they realize they needed 2 million at the same time and have to start at zero.
It’s just to stress that you must have it at the same time to avoid confusion later on.
None of the trophies are really “missable”. Just the progress towards them can be halted if you spend all money or die.
Andy says
Hi , in germany the game will be released tomorow . Is it still on Version 1.00 or is it already patched ? (Disk)
PowerPyx says
It’s still version 1.00. Just don’t download the patch and you’re good. With disc you can always downgrade to 1.00
kantera says
How many hours do you think it will take to platinum it with patch 1.03 installed?
fyerdemon11 says
I just platinumed it myself, idk if there’s an in-game time tracker or not, but my psnprofiles says it took me 3 days, 13 hours to finish (obviously that time is since i first booted up the game). I played every day anywhere from 4-8 hours, so the 20-30 hour estimation seems pretty accurate. I didn’t know about the duplication glitch mentioned in the guide, however, I got credit for being in a building on a hostile planet, so the Sentinel trophy was more or less an AFK trophy for me. I know Powerpyx mentioned that being in a building didn’t work anymore towards the Milestone, but it worked for me early this morning when I finished it up, so I’m not sure if it’s just inconsistent or if Powerpyx was misinformed.
PowerPyx says
In the patched version standing in a building doesn’t work for me. When inside a building the “extreme” condition goes away on your screen and so the timer stops counting. That’s how it was for me at least.
In version 1.00 it counts inside of a building. What extreme condition did you get?
fyerdemon11 says
I was on an Extreme heat planet. I don’t remember if the Extreme indicator went away or not while I was inside the building, but my Milestone progress was definitely increasing. Also, if it matters at all, I was inside one of those tiny rectangular buildings, best description would be a space trailer, I guess? Idk if they work and the larger buildings don’t, maybe.
PowerPyx says
I tested in one of thoes larger buildings with an alien inside. I was there for quite some time and the timer didn’t go up. Very interesting indeed. I shall look into it again.
berre-freetibet says
Hi, first of all good job PowerPyx! Secondly, I do confirm that in the little shelters, the time goes by. I’m on extreme cold planet with agressive sentinels. It’s boring but it works.
Kurenai says
I can confirm gong into the smaller building works on an Extreme radioactive planet. Need to be in the smaller one however, large ones don’t work. My counter is currently rising as I’m typing this.
Charliegooner79 says
It also works if you stay inside a drop pod(the thing where you can upgrade your exosuit)
The_502 says
I was on an extreme cold planet with aggressive sentinels and the sols are advancing for me. I’m standing in a large shelter which has an observatory inside with an alien. I’m now going on 13 sols. Every hour or so I run out to my nearby ship for a quick save & dash back in just in case game freezes up & crashes (like it has about 5 times now) so being on an extreme planet with mad sentinels & being inside any building should work on ps4 (disc) but ymmv.
Walter Nunes says
Hi, Pyx! Very nice guide!
I have a question. My game are downloading now. Instantly the patch 1.03 comes? Have a metod to don’t download? Thanks a lot!
PowerPyx says
It’s explained at the start of the guide (red text). You must disconnect from internet in PS4 options.
Walter Nunes says
Oh, I thought it was a bit different from the PS3. Thanks!
Dominik says
Thanks for the guide, will def. come in handy!
But the whole internet (and the patch notes) are talking about the “Infinite warp cell” and “Rare goods trade” exploit, to get credits fast and speed up the process.
But i can’t really find any info about those exploits anywhere?! Do you (PowerPyx) or anyone else here know how those exactly work on the 1.0 version?
Thanks in advance!
PowerPyx says
Yea. So basically in 1.00 you only needed the atlas pass v1 to access all rooms in space stations. Which you could get by talking to the first atlas interface. The backroom of the space station has materials for 3 warp cells. Also, atlas stones used to sell for 270k units (now it’s 70k). So all you did was warp from space station to space station, pick up the warp cell things every 3 stations. Super boring but quick.
daniel says
so you don’t need atlas stones anymore after ur first pass? thats why u can just keep selling them??
John says
Planets with 0 lifeforms to scan count towards the Galapagos trophy.
Just find a lifeless planet and then upload.
piet says
i have a Problem :
i tried to get to the center, now the distance is 900 years, but i can´t see any solarsystem any more… the nearest solarsystem is 169.000 years far… ist this an bug of version 1.00 ?
Also i want to say: DONT load your previous save… It will count for dying. I loaded it 1 sol befor i got the trophy.
Eric says
if I revert back to 1.00, will I lose any of my journey progress? I’m close to completing most of the other ones, but want to go back for “The Sentinel” trophy.
PowerPyx says
It’s probably gonna mess up your save data because the universe is different in version 1.00. If you try it, be sure to back up your save game on a USB device. If anything goes wrong you can download 1.03 again and copy back the original save. Personally I only tried from 1.00 to 1.03 (not the other way around).
Pomparius says
Man… I was only 2.3 sols away from the Sentinel and therefore the Plat. I read a book while recharging the life support every 12 minutes or so (no upgrades on that save. Then I thought, hey, why not watch some Netflix while doing that and I completely forgot to check every 12 minutes and died. I wanna SCREAM! So now… I’ll have to do it all over again.
There is no way to find the upgrade for the life support outside of ramdom chances, right?
Pomparius says
Huge thanks for this guide, btw. BIG Help!
Ray says
I just want to make a comment on the trophy: “The Sentinel.”
You can go on an extreme planet whether it’s sentinels or weather, you CAN be inside a building and it was still counting for me.
Left my PS4 on for a couple hours and I got the trophy.
and great guide as always PowerPyx
xxw96 says
I didn’t undersrand one thing, if I die during ‘sentinel’ trophy, do i miss my chance to gain the trophy? Or i have to do survive 32 sols all over again?
Ravester2k3 says
One question, when doing the duplication glitch, will that reset The Sentinel trophy?
Great guide too btw!
PowerPyx says
Yep it will… as you have to get killed for it (and getting killed resets all progress towards The Sentinel). You could exploit it at the very start of the game before ever going to an extreme planet.
Ravester2k3 says
ah okay, I’m already on ten sols, so i’ll wait until I’ve finished all 32.
Eric says
is there a proper way to revert back to 1.0?
I tried it, and have finished all other trophies aside from “The Sentinel” but when I delete the game and re-install without my network on it loads me in and the challenge is already complete, my journeys are all at level 10, but no trophy :((
PowerPyx says
In that case you must delete your save game, too. You can do this in the PS4 Settings > Application Saved Data Management. Make a backup of your save game before deleting it (PS+ Cloud or USB device).
You can get the trophy without ever leaving the starting planet
kelmo says
Good guide, thx for the work
Cam says
Is there anyway to check what version of the game we are running? I have uninstalled and followed instructions but wanted to know if there was a way we can double check for peace of mind…
Cam says
By the way. I can confirm it will not allow you to play your save file from 1.03 on 1.00
I’ve tried loading it up 5 times and it crashes at the end of the loading/cruising through multicoloured galaxy screen each time I’ve done it.
PowerPyx says
You must delete your save game. It will automatically create a new one for 1.00.
Save games from patched versions are not compatible with unpatched version.
Cam says
Another cool tip for The Sentinel trophy –
You can park up at a space station and your Sol count will still increase.
This means you dont have to worry about your life support depleting while you leave your game unattended. I didnt think it would work as everywhere I’ve read states you need to be on a planet but my total Sol count is still increasing with a new character I created to test.
This only works with the 1.00 patch of course..
Nicnic0217 says
You are a flipping legend I love you so much ????
Evandros says
I am working on the survival trophies. I’m already at 23.7 SOLS, and the first survival trophy did not pop. I am using my 1.05 file but with the patch uninstalled. Why won’t the trophy pop, and am I wasting my time now and going to have to restart the 8 hours all over again?
ABigFan says
I know this might be a little late to write but I’ll give it a shot.
So I uninstalled the game to get the base game (1.00). And my game crashed, so now its stuck on 11,5 SOL Did the gamecrash count as a death or is this a bug?
Andrew says
I’m so close to getting platinum all I have left is symphony for a lost traveler, I’ve got the gold trophy for 100,000 but for whatever reason it hasn’t popped for this one
Any suggestions?
TooManyBrownies says
Just as an FYI to the extreme conditions trophy, you can just burrow a hole in the ground until the weather doesn’t affect you and the time still counts while you’re AFK in a hole, thats how I got mine on PS5 digital copy.
Dspug says
Just to add, this is still true as of July 2023
Fabao says
Have the marks of suns increased? because what was supposed to come with 20, only came with 30 suns
Kira7171 says
I feel like they updated the Stranger in a strange land and The Sentinel Trophies to be longer cause the milestone for Stranger in a strange land i got it when the notification for 30 Sols appeared instead of 20 Sols
Just gotta wait for the sentinel trophy now
Fabao says
exactly what happened to me. thought it was a bug. Have you got the last one yet? How many suns were there?