The Atlas Pass in No Man’s Sky is obtained by talking to the Aliens inside a Space Anomaly. An Atlas Pass is a keycard that gives you access to the side rooms of Space Stations. These contain upgrades for your multi-tool and exo suit. Some locked boxes can also be opened with it and they contain rare materials such as Antimatter and Warp Cells. To craft the pass you need 25 x Iron + 10 x Heridium. The steps are explained below:
How to Get Atlas Pass:
Step 1: In the third solar system you visit (i.e. after warping 2 times) you must use your ship’s scanner to locate an Alien Monolith. Press L3 (PS4) for a scan. The monolith will be marked with a purple icon on one of the planets. This is after you’ve learned how to craft antimatter and warped to the next star. If you have any trouble up to this point read my early game walkthrough.
Step 2: Interact with the Alien Monolith. This marks an Atlas Interface on your map. Warp to the Atlas Interface.
Step 3: In the Atlas Interface you must talk to the big orb and choose to “concent”. Do not refuse the orb. When you pick the correct option it will give you an Atlas Stone.
Step 4: Now Space Anomalies will pop up randomly when you travel to new solar systems. I had to warp 10 times to find one. It is random and one will show up eventually. I recommend you stay on the predetermined star-path the game gives you. When you reach a new system always use your scanner (L3 on PS4). If a Space Anomaly is nearby it should get marked with this purple icon:
Inside the Space Anomaly is an Alien scientist. Talk to him and share 3 discoveries with him. He will give you the Atlas Pass V1 crafting recipe. Now craft it for 25 x Iron + 10 x Heridium. If the dialogue option is greyed out you must discover some animals first. Animals must be scanned with the Analysis Visor upgrade of your Multi-Tool (unlocked from the start).
Side Note: It does not matter what path you choose in the beginning of the game (or if you choose one at all). The steps are the same regardless.
Enjoy your Atlaspass and make sure you open the left door of a space station with it. Behind that door is an upgrade station for your Exo Suit. You can upgrade your exo suit once at every space station!
Simo says
How do you get the v2 and v2 upgrades for that atlas pass? Needing to know because of sheer interest
Simo says
V2 and V3*
PowerPyx says
I think atlas pass V2 & V3 are the same, just when you are closer to center. At 27k lightyears away from center another monolith popped up for me. Sent me to atlas interface and then I found the next anomaly. The same aliens were inside and the scientist asked me to share 3 pirate ship reports with him. I agreed, but then he said “he doesn’t forgive me for my past actions”. And so he gave me a ship upgrade instead of Atlas Pass V2. I must have done something wrong to piss him off. Though it would seem this is where you are supposed to get the V2. The V3 must be even closer to center or in next galaxy.
{PSN) EpicPwu says
It doesn’t work! Whenever I restart and find my first monolith the ball isn’t there.
What do I do?