Nioh Trophy Roadmap
- Estimated trophy difficulty: 7/10
- Approximate amount of time to platinum: 75-150 hours (skill dependent)
- Offline Trophies: 47 (34
, 10
, 2
, 1
- Online Trophies: 0
- Number of missable trophies: 0 [all trophy-related missions are replayable]
- Glitched trophies: 0
- Does difficulty affect trophies?: No
- Minimum Playthroughs: 1
Step 1: Beat All Missions + Find Collectibles (Kodamas & Hotsprings)
Welcome to the Nioh Trophy Guide. First you should focus on beating the story. You can collect all Kodamas and Hotsprings along the way. Kodamas are little green men scattered around all main missions and some side missions. Hotsprings are pools of water that you can bathe in. You can keep track of everything by pressing Touchpad > Titles > Gameplay Record.
The story consists of 6 regions, all of which have a bunch of main- and side quests. You must complete the side quests too! The gold trophy “Samurai of Legend” requires you to beat all missions, including Twilight Missions. Side missions give some of the best rewards such as Spirits, Gestures and Collectibles and you should do them as soon as possible. Twilight missions are very hard — do the low level ones when you see them and keep the hard ones for later.
Play the game how you want with whatever weapon you like. A large portion of trophies unlocks without trying and many things go hand in hand with side missions and completion based tasks (e.g. getting all Spirits is from doing all main- & side missions). Some of the endgame side quests are extremely challenging because you must fight two bosses at the same time. Even moreso because you cannot play these missions in co-op until both players have beaten them solo. Normally those would be a 10/10 in difficulty but there is an exploit available to beat them very easily, no skill required. See the trophy “Samurai of Legend” for more info on how to beat these missions.
Important: Always sell the gear you don’t need (at the blacksmith). Do not throw it away and do not trade it for Amrita at shrines. Only disassemble what you must. You need a total of 20 million money for the trophy “Regular Smith Customer” so better start saving now. Also make the “Sell Price Markup” request as soon as possible. While at the blacksmith press Triangle-Button (Dialogue) > I have a request. This will give you more money when selling items. To make requests you must get patronage levels. You get patronage levels by spending more money at the blacksmith.
You can also follow these YouTube Playlists for Trophies, Collectibles and Boss Fights (everything in chronological story order): Nioh Trophy Playlist , Nioh Collectible Playlist, Nioh Boss Fight Playlist
Step 2: Mystic Arts
After the story you get access to New Game+. Missions now have a higher level and drop divine items (=legendary gear). This makes leveling weapon proficiency a lot faster. To earn the mystic arts you need 500,000 proficiency with all 5 weapons (sword, dual swords, spear, axe, kusarigama). This will then unlock new dojo missions. Completing the dojo mission tied to your weapon unlocks the mystic art. Now purchase it to earn the trophy.
To get the mystic arts for magic / ninjutsu you need 20 attribute points invested in magic / dexterity. You can reset your skill points via a book of reincarnation (purchased at blacksmith). Then put your points into those two attributes, do the missions, buy mystic arts and reset attributes again.
Proficiency is earned whenever you damage an enemy. Higher level enemies give a significant boost in proficiency. The mission level works as a multiplier so pick a very high level mission. A good place to farm is the first main mission “Isle of Demons” (level 180). Either farm the normal mobs or keep replaying the Onryoki boss and let him kill you. It will take 30 minutes to max out a weapon. A little over 2 hours for all of them.
Step 3: Regular Smith Customer & Master of Quality
Regular Smith Customer requires you to make 60 requests at the blacksmith. This is based on how much money you’ve spent at the blacksmith. The more you spend, the more “patronage levels” you earn. While at the blacksmith press Triangle-Button (Dialogue) > I have a request. These requests include reduced prices (e.g. Sell Price Markup, Purchase Price Discount…). You need to exchange patronage levels for requests 60 times!
Master of Quality requires you to find all highest quality materials. A lot of them are from twilight missions. Once you have divine gear and a high level character these missions get a lot easier. Before selecting a mission it tells you what material can be earned from it. Many other rare materials are obtained from disassembling gear and as mission rewards, some dropped by bosses. After the story you’ll already have the majority of materials because they are automatic mission rewards.
Step 4: Mop-Up
At this point you might still be missing some miscellaneous trophies, such as: Dungball Roller, End Times, Ugly Fellow.
Now is the time to mop up anything that’s left. The miscellaneous trophies are relatively quick and easy.
Useful Tips, Tricks and Guides:
- How to Reset Skill Points
- Boss Fight Guide (Text & Videos)
- Living Weapon Exploit: Beat Any Boss Easily, No Skill Required
Nioh Trophy Guide
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You Are Nioh Obtained all trophies. |
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Unlock all other trophies to earn platinum (DLC not required). | ||||||||
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A Long Journey Begins Completed “The Man with the Guardian Spirit”. |
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Automatic story unlock for main mission “The Man with the Guardian Spirit”. | ||||||||
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They Call Him Anjin Completed “Deep in the Shadows.” |
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Automatic story unlock for main mission “Deep in the Shadows.” | ||||||||
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An Agreement Forged Completed “The Ocean Roars Again.” |
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Automatic story unlock for main mission “The Ocean Roars Again.” | ||||||||
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Wandering Spirit Completed “The Demon of Mount Hiei.” |
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Automatic story unlock for main mission “The Demon of Mount Hiei.” | ||||||||
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A Question of Intentions Met with Tokugawa Ieyasu. |
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Automatic story unlock for main mission “The Weight of the World”. | ||||||||
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Onward to a Decisive Battle Witnessed Tokugawa’s forces head toward a decisive battle. |
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Automatic story unlock after leaving Tokai Region and going to the Sekigahara Region (after main mission “The Defiled Castle”). | ||||||||
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The Battle Ends Completed “The Source of Evil.” |
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Automatic story unlock for main mission “The Source of Evil”. | ||||||||
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A True Samurai Completed “The Samurai from Sawayama.” |
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Automatic story unlock for main mission “The Samurai from Sawayama”. | ||||||||
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Freedom Restored Completed “The Demon King Revealed.” |
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Automatic story unlock for main mission “The Demon King Revealed”. | ||||||||
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Battle’s End Completed “The Queen’s Eyes.” |
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Automatic story unlock for main mission “Queen’s Eyes”. | ||||||||
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Making Rounds Made two circuits around Japan. |
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Automatic story unlock for main mission “The Queen’s Eyes”. After this mission you get an epilogue cutscene where William is sailing off on a ship. This unlocks the trophy. | ||||||||
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Samurai of Legend Completed all missions. |
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Complete all Main Missions, Side Missions and Twilight Missions. New Game+ missions (Way of the Strong difficulty) are not required. Side missions are unlocked automatically when you beat main missions. Some side missions are part of a quest line so you must beat the previous quest first. Only one side mission is hidden – after doing the mystic art dojo missions you’ll get a new sub mission called “Master of the Twin Blades” in Omi region in which you must kill some monsters and a Nue boss with an NPC friend. Twilight missions show up randomly on the left side of the world map. They have a red eye symbol. These missions change periodically, each day at 7AM CET / 6AM GMT / 1AM ET / 11PM PT. Twilight missions that you already completed have a red checkmark when you scroll over them. They change frequently. These missions are very hard so you may want to do this after finishing the story when you have access to divine items. The low level ones you should do as soon as they become available to reduce waiting times. You can check your progress by pressing Touchpad > Titles > Gameplay Record > Other > Mission achievement rate (%).
List of Twilight Missions (mission level in brackets):
*There are reports of the trophy popping after only 6 twilight missions. The two hardest missions are “A Meeting on the Other Shore” and “The Two Kings: Nioh”. Here you have to fight two bosses at the same time. There is a very easy trick however! Use Soulstones (via quick item slot) to power up your living weapon. When the living weapon runs out use 1-2 soulstones to power it up again and repeat. While the living weapon is active you cannot take any damage. So you are invincible but also deal heavy elemental damage. Use the spear for AOE damage. Credit to rubhen925 for the living weapon strategy. A Meeting on the Other Shore The Two Kings: Nioh |
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The Beginning of a Samurai Reached level 10. |
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See “Full-fledge Samurai”. | ||||||||
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Full-fledged Samurai Reached level 100. |
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Killing enemies and completing missions gives you so called “Amrita”. This amrita can be traded for level ups at shrines. By the end of the story you should reach level 100 easily. If you are still a few levels short go do some New Game+ missions, they give huge XP rewards. | ||||||||
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Ultimate Pro Reached maximum proficiency with your first weapon. |
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The maximum profiency score is “999,999”. Your procifiency increases every time you hurt an enemy. Even if your weapon’s familiarity is at maximum (e.g. 900/900) it will keep counting additional proficiency points in the background. So you do not have to switch weapons after one is maxed out. If you stick to a single weapon type you should unlock this at about 50% campaign completion. Just stick to one weapon type and it’ll come automatically on your playthrough.
You can see your proficiency for each weapon type in the additonal stats. While on the player stats press R1 to view additional stats for proficiency. Some weapons and accessoires provide bonuses on proficiency so you can max them out quicker. The fastest way to farm proficiency is in New Game+ after beating the story for the first time. Missions will now have a higher level and drop divine items (=legendary gear). This makes leveling weapon proficiency a lot faster. Higher level enemies give a significant boost in proficiency. The mission level works as a multiplier so pick a very high level mission. A good place to farm is the first main mission “Isle of Demons” (level 180 in New Game+). Either farm the normal mobs or keep replaying the Onryoki boss, but let him kill you before his health reaches zero. |
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Sword Master Acquired mystic art for the sword. |
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See trophy “Kusarigama Master”. | ||||||||
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Dual Sword Master Acquired mystic art for the dual swords. |
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See trophy “Kusarigama Master”. | ||||||||
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Spear Master Acquired mystic art for the spear. |
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See trophy “Kusarigama Master”. | ||||||||
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Axe Master Acquired mystic art for the axe. |
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See trophy “Kusarigama Master”. | ||||||||
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Kusarigama Master Acquired mystic art for the kusarigama. |
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This is only possible after completing main mission “Immortal Flame” in the Sekigahara Region (fifth region). It will unlock new missions in the dojo for obtaining the weapon based mystic arts. You need 500,000 proficiency with each weapon type to unlock the mystic art for it. After getting half a million proficiency points the dojo mission unlocks. Complete the mission and then buy the mystic art using skill points.
You can see your proficiency for each weapon type in the additonal stats. While on the player stats press R1 to view additional stats for proficiency. Some weapons and accessoires provide bonuses on proficiency so you can max them out quicker. The maximum profiency score is “999,999”. Your procifiency increases every time you hurt an enemy. Even if your weapon’s familiarity is at maximum (e.g. 900/900) it will keep counting additional proficiency points in the background. So you do not have to switch weapons after one is maxed out. Any proficiency you gain before unlocking the mystic art dojo missions does count to your proficiency, too. The fastest way to farm proficiency is in New Game+ after beating the story for the first time. Missions will now have a higher level and drop divine items (=legendary gear). This makes leveling weapon proficiency a lot faster. Higher level enemies give a significant boost in proficiency. The mission level works as a multiplier so pick a very high level mission. A good place to farm is the first main mission “Isle of Demons” (level 180 in New Game+). Either farm the normal mobs or keep replaying the Onryoki boss, but let him kill you before his health reaches zero. It will take 30 minutes to max out a weapon. A little over 2 hours for all of them. |
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Ninjutsu Master Acquired mystic art for Ninjutsu. |
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This is only possible after completing dojo mission “A True Ninja”. To unlock it you need 20 attribute points invested in Dexterity and beat main mission “A Defiled Holy Mountain”. You must also have completed the Novice, Adept, and Veteran levels of the dojo questline “The Way of the Ninja”. For each quest you need +5 dexterity points (5 dexterity for Novice, 10 for Adept, 15 for Veteran, 20 for A True Ninja). After completing these requirements “A True Ninja” unlocks in the dojo. Beat this mission and the mystic art becomes available for purchase. Then buy it in the skill menu for 5 Ninja Skill Points and the trophy unlocks. |
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Onmyo Magic Master Acquired mystic art for Onmyo Magic. |
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This is only possible after completing dojo mission “A Greater Harmony”. To unlock it you need 20 attribute points invested in Magic and beat main mission “A Defiled Holy Mountain”. You must also have completed the Novice, Adept, and Veteran levels of the dojo questline “The Way of the Onymo”. For each quest you need +5 magic points (5 magic for Novice, 10 for Adept, 15 for Veteran, 20 for A Greater Harmony). After completing these requirements “A Greater Harmony” unlocks in the dojo. Beat this mission and the mystic art becomes available for purchase. Then buy it in the skill menu for 5 Onmyo Magic Skill Points and the trophy unlocks. |
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Disguiser Used a disguise. |
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Step 1: Beat main mission “Spider Nest Castle” (Kinki Region). |
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Fashionista Changed your hair style or beard. |
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Step 1: Spend a lot of money at the blacksmith (fastest way is to buy the Item “Book of Reincarnation”). This will give you patronage points which you can exchange for unlocks at the blacksmith. You’ll be using the blacksmith quite a lot over the course of the game. All money you spend counts (even forging, reforging etc). |
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Refashion Changed the appearance of an item. |
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To refashion an item go to Blacksmith -> Refashion. |
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Latest Masterpiece Forged an item. |
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To forge an item go to Blacksmith -> Forge. |
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Legendary Swordsmith Found Muramasa and brought him in. |
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Automatic reward for completing the side mission “The Trail of the Master” in Tokai Region (Level 79). | ||||||||
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Regular Smith Customer Made a total of 60 requests at the blacksmith. |
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Requests require patronage levels. Patronage is based on how much money you’ve spent at the blacksmith. The more you spend, the more “patronage levels” you earn. While at the blacksmith press Triangle-Button (Dialogue) > I have a request for Tome. These requests include reduced prices (e.g. Sell Price Markup, Purchase Price Discount…). You need to exchange patronage levels for requests 60 times! The requests from master blacksmith Muramasa also count (after unlocking him in side mission “The Trail of the Master”).
Always sell the gear you don’t need (at the blacksmith). Do not throw it away and do not trade it for Amrita at shrines. Only disassemble what you must. Request the “Sell Price Markup” as soon as possible. You need to spend a total of 20 million money! It doesn’t matter on what you spend the money. You can straight up purchase expensive items such as The Book of Reincarnation or invest in forging / soul matching etc. User Meepy- has suggested a farming method that gives over 100,000 money every few minutes: in New Game+ (after beating all main missions) play the mission “Request for Ginchiyo”. Run past all the enemies and pick up the Old Charm. This only takes 1-2 minutes and you receive over 110k money every time. It’s still a long grind and will take a few hours. The Old Charm is always in a different box hidden around the map so you have to check all of them. Another good strategy with similar earnings is to farm revenants in New Game+. The mission “The Battle of Ohashi Bridge” works best – it takes place on a bridge and people always die right at the start. They all have divine gear. Each piece of divine gear can be sold for over 10,000 money. Higher level revenants give up to 5 item drops, so 50k money for 10 seconds of work. They are very easy to kill with the spearfall skill (using the spear). It knocks them on the ground, now do one finisher and they are dead. To get the most earnings you should keep your character level low. The more levels the revenants are above you the more items they drop. Reset your skill points but don’t spend all of them. Only get to level 75 with the most crucial attributes for maximized weapon damage. The revenants in New Game+ are mostly level 100+. Now they are 25 levels above you and will always drop 4-5 gear pieces for super quick money. If you put 50 points in Body attribute and use the spear they die in 1 spearfall combo. You may want to back up your save game before resetting your level (PS4 Settings > Application Saved Data Management). Farm the bridge until your inventory is full and then sell it all at the blacksmith. You can press R2 at the blacksmith to auto-sell all items at once. Update: There seems to be an exploit (with patch 1.02) that allows you to get all request points by talking to Tome and Muramasa over and over again. Just spam the X-Button on their dialogue. Even after exhausting all dialogue options it should give you another 2-4 points every 5-10 minutes (even when it shows the same dialogue every time). If talking to Tome doesn’t give new points, talk to Muramasa instead (and vice versa). If you don’t get any new points after 10 minutes play one missions, buy and sell some stuff, repeat. This could very well get patched out in the future but it has worked for several people using patch 1.02. Using this trick you may not need to farm money at all. |
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Master of Quality Collected all the best materials. |
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There are two major ways to get crafting materials: From disassembling equipment at the blacksmith and from mission rewards. Some materials are from twilight missions. You’ll have to play a fair amount of twilight missions for this. On rare occasions these materials can drop in missions (e.g. Demon Horn from large Yokai Monsters). These materials have purple & green (divine) text color and are listed under “Smithing Materials”.
List of Best Materials: Disassembly (at Blacksmith):
Thanks to NeoElazul and Meepy- for helping to complete this list. |
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Teamwork Completed 10 missions with NPC or in the “Yokai Realm with a companion” with other users. |
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You can farm this solo in sub mission “Greater Demon Hunting” in the Kinki Region. This mission has NPC and you just need to beat it 10 times. Alternatively, the sub mission “Master of the Twing Blades” (Omi Region) also works really well for this, and personally that’s where I unlocked the trophy. You get this side mission after reaching 500,000 proficiency with dual swords and doing the mystic art dojo mission for it.
If you want to do it in co-op go to the starting point on world map > Torri Gate > Yokai Realm with companion. Play 10 missions with a co-op partner. If you want to play a private match set a password in the online options and make sure your friend has the same password. One player clicks Search for Companion, the other Wait for Companion. |
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Yokai Telepathy Communicated with a yokai 10 times. |
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You must use gestures to communicate with Yokai. This works on “Nurikabe” (Walls that have eyes and attack you) and “Mujina” (they sometimes come out of boxes and imitate you). The way this works is that you must use a gesture in front of the wall. If you use the right type of gesture the wall will peacefully go away and it counts as a “communication”. If you do this on Mujina you must imitate the gesture that they do when transforming into your body. |
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Master of Chaos Confused an enemy for the first time. |
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For me this unlocked when combining the water elemental effect + fire elemental effect on one enemy. One way to do this is to enhance your weapon via water magic and repeatedly attack a large enemy (e.g. Onryoki boss). When the element begins to affect the enemy activate a living weapon with fire element. Instead of using a living weapon you can use multiple elemental weapon enhancement (amulets or magic) in a row. In co-op there’s a good chance this will unlock when one player uses a water living weapon, the other a fire living weapon.It’s very likely to unlock naturally without even trying. Later in the game you often come across flying skulls. Destroying them applies an elemental effect to your weapon. When you fight a large enemy with nearby skulls it may unlock naturally. If you don’t want to bother with this just play through the story first and see if it unlocks along the way. |
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Twilight Walker Completed your first Twilight mission. |
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From time to time while playing through the campaign you will get text pop ups after missions, saying a new Twilight mission is available. These missions change periodically, each day at 7AM CET / 6AM GMT / 1AM ET / 11PM PT. They can be selected on the far left of your world map (the hub area from where you select missions). They look like red glowing eyes. Twilight missions are the same missions you completed earlier but much harder. Complete any one of these missions to earn the trophy. If you have trouble do it later when your character is at a higher level. | ||||||||
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Spa Healer Bathed in first hot spring. |
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See trophy “Spa Lover”. | ||||||||
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Divine Obtainer Obtained first divine item. |
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At the end of the story, after defeating Yamata-no-Orochi you automatically receive a drop of divine items. Unlike normal gear they have green text color and have better defense and bonus values. They also have a proficiency level like weapons (normal armor does not have this) and they have one additional buff over purple gear. After beating the story you can also play New Game+ where divine gear is a simple reward for mission completion. | ||||||||
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Yokai Quelling Master Defeated all types of yokai. |
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For a complete list of enemies and their locations please refer to this article: Nioh All Types of Yokai Enemy Locations
To see which types of Yokai you have defeated press Touchpad > Titles > Gameplay Record > Small Yokai Defeated. |
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Spa Lover Bathed in every hot spring. |
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There are 20 Nioh Hot Spring Locations. The hot springs replenish your health and give a buff that recovers health over time. They can make a huge difference when used before a boss fight. Or when you run out of elixirs this is a quick way to get back health without having to use a shrine. To see your progress press Touchpad – Gameplay Record – Other – Hot Springs discovered (%) / Hot Springs bathed in (amount). |
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Gesture Master Acquired 40 gestures. |
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Gestures are unlocked as mission completion rewards but also from miscellaneous tasks, such as giving dungballs to the dung lover in mission “The Defiled Castle”. The easiest way is to buy them from the Hidden Teahouse (unlocked after main mission “Spider Nest Castle”). You can exchange glory for new gestures. Glory is earned by defeating revenants.
When the game starts you already have a few gestures and they count towards the 40 total. The rest will come naturally as you complete all missions the game has to offer. By the end of the story you should have this. If not buy a few more gestures from the hidden teahouse and make sure you completed all side quests. You don’t need to search for any gestures as they are automatic mission rewards. This trophy is unmissable when you go for all the other trophies and will come automatically along the way. |
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Kodama Leader Collected all Kodama. |
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Nioh has 150 Kodama Collectible Locations. Finding all Kodamas unlocks the Kodama Leader Trophy. There are 6 regions in the game and each has 25 Kodamas scattered across main- and side missions. As you play through the story new regions will unlock. The regions are (in this order): Kyushu, Chugoku, Kinki, Tokai, Sekigahara, Omi.
At shrines you can select Kodama Blessings. They are divided into 5 categories: more amrita, more weapon drops, more armor drops, more elixir drops, more material drops. None of these collectibles are missable. They can all be obtained via mission select at any time (even after beating the story). When you scroll over a mission it will show how many you found there. To see your total progress press Touchpad – Titles – Gameplay Record – Other – Kodama found (%). Please note this gives only a percentage and not the number of collectibles found. The spirit guardian spirit “Shinka” has an ability called Kodama Sense. Some other items have it too and it reveals the kodama locations via green dots on the radar. This can make it a bit easier to locate them. Region #1: Kyushu Region #2: Chugoku Region #3: Kinki Region #4: Tokai Region #5: Sekigahara Region #6: Omi |
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Friend of Guardians Collected all Guardian Spirits. |
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Guardian Spirits are rewards from main- and side missions. Simply complete all missions and this will unlock. There are 22 Guardian Spirits in total. The last one is from the Kelley boss at the end of the story.
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Dungball Roller Became Ryunoshin the dung lover’s best friend. |
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You meet the dung lover in main mission “The Defiled Castle” (Tokai Region). You must give him 30 dungballs, then he gives you his helmet “Horned Turban Kabuto” which unlocks the Dungball Roller trophy. Step 1: At the start of mission “The Defiled Castle” farm the 4 Mudman enemies. They lurk in the water and look like umi-bozus from earlier in the game but in brown color (dirty blobs). They have a ~20% chance of dropping a dungball. After killing all 4 use the shrine to make them respawn and keep farming them until you have 30 dungballs. This can take an hour or so. They can also drop “Noble Dungballs” which are even better and count as multiple normal dungballs. Step 2: When you have 30 dungballs head upstairs and talk to the man behind the door (near the second shrine of this mission). Give him your dungballs. You can always give him packs of 5 dungballs. After giving 30 you receive his helmet and the trophy. If you give him noble dungballs it will reduce the amount of normal dungballs needed. Noble dungballs are totally optional and not absolutely necessary. Mudmen are weak to fire. Enhance your weapon with fire magic and they will die in 1 hit. You can return to this section via mission select at any time. You will most likely find some noble dungballs randomly as you play through the rest of the story. This will reduce the amount of farming required. |
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Ugly Fellow Used the mask of an ugly fellow to defeat an enemy. |
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This trophy requires you to equip a Hyottoko Mask and kill an enemy with it. There are several sureshot ways to get the mask: 1) Mission: The Conspirators (Chugoku Region) – Take it from a corpse in the cave before the end room with the two ninjas. When replaying the mission it respawns. Equip the mask in a shortcut slot, then weaken an enemy so they die in one hit. It will breathe fire in a 2 meter radius, the enemies has to be close to you. If it kills the enemy you earn the trophy. If the enemy doesn’t die you must get another mask via one of the methods described above. |
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Keeper of the Flame Lit all three evil-warding bonfires in Itsukushima. |
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There are 3 evil warding bonfire locations in main mission “The Ocean Roars Again” (Chugoku Region). They have the nice side effect that Umi-bozu (boss of this mission) cannot spawn his minions. This makes the boss fight a lot easier. At the start of the mission talk to the mage near the shrine. She gives you Flint to light the 3 fires. Now go to all 3 bonfires and press the circle button to interact with them. The bonfires during the boss fight will also be lit after this. |
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Ressurector of the Hiragumo Collected all fragments of the Hiragumo teakettle from Shigisan. |
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There are 6 Fragment locations. You find them all in main mission “Spider Nest Castle” (Kinki Region). Throughout this mission there are huge orange glowing spider webs. The first two are unmissable and must be destroyed to proceed. The other 4 are hidden around the map. When you get close to the web (or shoot it) a huge spider jumps out. Kill this spider and pick up the purple glowing fragment. The first two are unmissable. The third is in the spider cave, after dropping through the hole by the house. The fourth is after the spider cave on a watchtower (easiest to miss, shoot it with bow – thanks to PSN User “Noirlingua” for this). The fifth on the hill after opening gate and reaching third shrine. The sixth is on top of the hill after the burning wheel enemy, before entering the big building. |
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Nue Slayer Defeated the Nue of Mount Hiei. |
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Nue of Mount Hiei is an optional boss in main mission “The Demon of Mount Hiei” and will earn you the trophy Nue Slayer. Unlike other bosses it does not display a health bar at the bottom of the screen. It’s the exact same boss as Nue in the early main mission “The Spirit Stone Slumbers”. Wait for her to breathe lightning or poison at you. Then quickly dodge to he LEFT of her head (always the left so she can’t hit you!) and attack with quick low stance attacks. While Nue breathes lightning she is defenseless and will sit around. When you do enough damage her KI depletes and she will be vulnerable for a few seconds. Follow up with your Guardian Spirit and she won’t be able to recover from her downed state. Also use the nearby hotspring before the fight for automatic health recovery. |
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End Times Defeated Derrick the Executioner. |
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In the last main mission “The Queen’s Eyes” (Omi Region) you can revisit the first boss of the game. He is hidden in a different location this time. At the second shrine of this mission (the one closest to the Derrick boss fight in the Prologue) go downstairs. In the basement you’ll find him. |
This trophy guide is based on patch 1.02.
Special Thanks / Credits
Massive thanks to the following people for sending tips and strategies. You guys rock!:
rubhen925 = living weapon strategy for double bosses & last hot spring location
NeoElazul = helping to complete enemy list, best materials list and several other trophy confirmations
Meepy = additional locations of best materials and a money farming method
Noirlingua = help with Ressurector of the Hiragumo, a tricky Kodama location and some other updates
x3Ennyx3 = additional info on Yokai Telepathy
whiteriver087 says
difficulty: 9/10 and 150 hours to get platinum?my god
Spectralechoes says
Sounds like only portions of it are 9/10 difficulty… You can CO-OP those parts and get carried. These parts are probably crazy frustrating solo hence the score.
Still relatively difficult but seems doable! Plus damn quality of a game!
Chase says
If I read it correctly, certain mission cannot be done in Co-op until both players beat it Solo, which is why it is 9/10. If you could get carried, that would make it a heck of a lot easier.
TaylorGang1js says
Hey, I’ve heard that the Alpha Beta was super hard, but many people have been saying that the finished product isn’t as hard as Dark Souls or Bloodborne…. is that true?
PowerPyx says
The first 8 bosses are much harder than Dark Souls / Bloodborne. Mostly because you have bad gear, lack attribute points and haven’t learned any new combat moves yet. I think it’s the same as alpha, personally I didn’t notice any difference (you die in 1-3 hits).
After level 60 the difficulty really drops to a point where your level is irrelevant and only gear matters. But then at the very end you unlock two side quests where you must fight 2 bosses at the same time. Difficulty spikes to a 10/10 there. For the average person it will be extremely challenging, if not impossible. For the dedicated hardcore gamer it’s probably an 8/10 and will take many attempts and hours of trying. Definitely harder than any of the boss fights in the souls games.
You could brute force it by overleveling. New Game+ goes over level 300 and you could just keep getting better gear until you are overpowered – but it would still be a hard fight concentrating on the two strongest bosses at once. Co-Op doesn’t work for these missions either, so it comes down to personal skill.
Edit February 13th: Since release some new tactics have surfaced, e.g. living weapon spam by consuming soulstones. This makes double bosses a hell of a lot easier.
fuzzyone says
First 3 missions (with bosses Onryoki, Hino-enma & Nue) are easier in finished product than in Alpha & Beta. Especially Onryoki’s and Nue’s level had much less enemies than they had on Alpha & Beta. The Onryoki stage had at least 10 enemies less: some of the removed were strong ones; others were removed from groups; there is even 1-2 enemies that were replaced by weaker ones. Nue’s level is the same thing: it features much less enemies than on the Alpha. For example: originally there was One-Eye Oni in front of Nue’s door; and another in front of the door shortcut to the first shrine. Overall, the stages had become sooo much easier. I’m still in the beginning of the game, so I can’t speak about later stages.
Freonyl says
Hey. Last night when I was playing coop. I was searching for non-specific mission coop. But I ended up with the mission that havent played yet. And the mission is my next main mission. So I helped the guy and kill the boss. Turn out my story progress as well. Not like I want to prove something but I think it is something many people doesnt know. Sorry for bad english
Jackle says
For the people who have trouble with bosses or certain types of enemies.
There is an onmyo magic called Sloth
Talisman: Sloth I
Lets you ready 2 sloth talismans. Greaty reduces the movement speed of your enemy.
Hit an enemy with that and he is slower than your grandma. Trust me!!!
This makes big enemies and bosses a piece of cake (yes it works on bosses). Nioh was quite easy so far :D
I hope this helps someone
Btw, wasnt that impressed of this game. Playing dark souls is much better imo
Saint_Link says
Of course you weren’t impressed if you use cheese tactics. This game has far better combat than the Souls games combined, in fact, I don’t even know how From Soft could release annew game, either Souls or Bloodborne and not take cues from this game.
Jackle says
Ok listen, i didn’t cheese every boss with this. I recently reached the last region and i then discovered this magic in the onmyo dojo mission for the mystic onmyo arts. I tested it on some mobs and a boss and it makes the game really easy.
And i don’t consider using skills/abilitys given by the game a cheese.
But even without this magic, enemys and bosses are far easier compared to dark souls bosses. As soon as you see the move set of the boss, the fight is pretty much over. They all have some major flaws in their movesets, meaning you can force them quite easy to do a move over and over and over again. This is something i couldnt do in Darksouls/bloodborne. This makes me feel as if bosses are just giant sponges instead of bosses, it’s a very weird feeling…
As far as combat goes, i am not that impressed either. 5 weapons with 3 stances isn’t much. For comparison, bloodborne had 15 weapons with 2 forms, and 11 firearms/guns. Dark souls has even more weapons. But i think thats not what you meant…
You are talking about the way they use Ki and all that stuff right?
Could you please tell me whats the thing, that makes the combat in nioh so great for you? Cause i cant see/feel it.
Other things i didn’t like:
– My lvl is almost meaningless. Goin 35 lvl’s under recommended lvl in a misson, still no trouble at all.
– The same mobs over all 6 regions. Minor changes on enemies in upper regions. The nice and special mobs like the umbrella are seen very rarely.
Things i liked:
– The story
– Japanese history, i love samurai. Nobunaga, hideoshi, mitsuhide etc. Love them all.
That’s how i see this game. Overall i liked it and would buy/play it again.
But it can’t compete with the Dark Souls/Bloodborne games at the moment. I would always choose them over nioh.
Saint_Link says
Because spamming R1 and strafing around an enemy with a shield up or the ocasional rolling is the pinnacle of combat, right? You say you couldn’t cheese Dark Souls bosses? Let’s see, The gimmicky Bed of Chaos, which Miyazaki even acknowledges is poorly designed, Capra Demon with his dogs in the smallest boss room ever, Dark Sun Gwyndolin, an endless corridor and a game of catching up and getting a couple of hits rinse and repeat. Then there’s Gwyn who can be parried to death and he’s the final boss, enough said. Then there’s magic, which was absolutely broken in Dark Souls 1,
Bloodborne is untouchable but even that game has its fair share of crap design
The trick weapons are the absolute pinnacle of From Software’s combat system but the magic fades a bit when you realize that weapons such as the Saw Cleaver, the Saw Spear, the Beast Hunter Saif are the same thing with different stats. The fact that each time you start the game you basically have 4 weapons to choose from is terrible and don’t get me started on Arcane builds, which are not viable until at least halfway through the game.
Speaking of the bosses, the Witch of Hemwick and the One Reborn are main bosses and both are uninspired and easy from a gameplay perspective, hell the witch becomes an absolute joke without insight. Loran Darkbeast is undoubtedly the worst designed boss that From Software has ever done, it’s a fight against the camera more than against the boss, Pthumerian descendant with his attacks that go through walls, the chalice dungeons in general are plain and boring.
I love the Souls games and they are the reason I played all demos of Nioh but I see that people somehow have selective memory about the Souls games and how flawed they are and get extremely protective about them now that Nioh is proving to be a very interesting and well designed competition to what From Software has created.
Jackle says
Well instead of R1 i am now spamming square. Instead of shield i have a sword to block. Occasional dodge/rolling? Check.
But that’s just me.
I didn’t say you can’t cheese in souls games. What i wanted to say is that i felt it is very easy to cheese in this game.
I think that forcing a certain move is very easy in nioh. Example: Hitting in the back of the enemy results in round house kick. And you can force this till the enemy is dead.
That you can effectively do this on almost all bosses is what makes it kind of ridicolous for me.
But lets end this discussion now. I think we both agree that the souls series and nioh are great games and provide us a lot of fun 🙂
I have just one last question (i am sry). What do you think about the difficulty of the bosses?
This might be the years of dark souls experience but i think most bosses are rather easy, since i was able to do many of them in first try. Sloth, spear stun-locks and living weapon excluded. They weren’t that hard.
Please notice that i haven’t tried the Thousand Eyes Boss and these boss fights were you have 2 bosses at the same time yet.
I heard these are much harder compared to the rest of the bosses and i am looking forward to beating them :P
Saint_Link says
I have found the bosses in Nioh to be very interesting to fight, specially since I’m attempting to get all the titles that require you to beat them without getting hit, I have beaten 6 so far and have to say I have learned a lot about them. I don’t use magic or cheese them but I do use stances and special moves I know I dominate almost perfectly and stick to those. The human bosses are very well designed, but their flaw is the fact that they can still attack even without stamina and they recover from a critical hit faster than you do, so it’s an unnecessary risk, IMO. Still miles ahead of the hunter fights in Bloodborne since those guys never run out of bullets or stamina. I can safely say that a sequel to this game would be very good and I hope it doesn’t take too long.
Jackle says
Hey same here, i am trying to beat them without getting hit too. That said there seem to be some bugs about these titles. I heard i doesn’t work properly at the moment on certain bosses.
Ohh and i finished the last bosses now. Thousand eyes was rather easy. The nioh duo was really hard, but doable if i focused on the aggressive one. Still made me die about 50 times surely.
The fight with nobunaga and yuuki ona was the absolute best! I didn’t make it till now without help of my living weapon. A very well made boss fight. I love it.
Looking forward to a sequel aswell
ASharedDream says
You’re kidding, right? Nioh is nothing, and not even close to Dark Souls Games. And the Bosses are way easier, Bloodborne is much harder. And yes, I played the alpha, I don’t notice any difference in difficulty. Enemies are repeated in every level, no surprises at all. Overall, it’s an amazing game and loving it, but nothing compared to From Software’s masterpieces.
Me says
All missions trophy didn’t unlock after 6 twillight missions for me and after analysing ps profiles of ppl who have it, your reports about 6 missions unlock are false.
PowerPyx says
It’s not false. It unlocked for me after 6 missions, too. Everyone I talked to got it after 6 twilight missions.
It does say in the trophy guide “there are reports of the trophy unlocking after only 6 twilight missions”. Which means it CAN unlock after six, doesn’t have to. Also, how would analyzing PSNP help with this? You can’t see how many twilight missions others have completed.
I’m not sure if it’s a positive glitch or what. All I’m saying is that it CAN unlock with only six missions and it did for a lot of people.
me says
I literally checked everyone who got this achievement recorded on psnprofiles, and not a single person who got the game on release unlocked it today. Three days passed since the release, and because the first set of twilight missions were way too high level(if I assume that everyone has the same set of missions correctly), today should have been the day when at least someone should have unlocked the trophy, yet everyone who has the trophy been playing the game before the release. May be it may pop after 6 missions, but you have to play a certain amount of time, or experience all set of twilight missions rotating. Also what missions completion % you had when you completed all main and side missions? I am sitting at 95% even thought I done all of them except for NG+ missions, am I missing something? Thank you for what you are doing.
PowerPyx says
You assume that everyone rushed through the game within 3 days and has a high enough char to beat those missions. That’s not the case.
For most people it will take at least a week or longer to beat the game. Most players don’t focus on twilight missions because they are too hard. This is not a reliable way to test. Some of these twilight missions are lvl 145, almost impossible within 3 days. Not everyone is a hardcore trophy gamer. Some will do it later down the line.
All I can say with 100% certainty is that I got it after 6 twilight missions and all my buddies who platinumed it have gotten it after six.
Each twilight mission gave me exactly 0,5% progress. Every side mission 1,5%.
The trophy popped for me after the side mission where you fight the two samurai bosses at once. I had done exactly 6 twilight missions up to this point.
NG+ is not required. I did the trophy with patch 1.02 (latest version). I’m 100% sure.
me says
This is weird, I have done all side and main quest missions(every region has the full blue bar) and all the dojo quests(including the ones for red perks), yet I have 96.5% completion rate. I vaguely remember that it was 95.5% before two new sets of twilight missions unlocked, so each twilight mission adds 0.5% for me as well. Did you have 100% completion rate at the time you unlocked the achievement? Also, you are correct that not everyone is a hardcore gamer, but there should be at least 1 person who bought the game on release and had the trophy unlocked since there were 6 missions starting from level 1 to level 90 that since the release. By the way, you don’t need twilight missions to obtain boss materials, all of them are obtainable from normal version bosses though I assume the drop rate is much lower.
PowerPyx says
Yes it showed 100% mission achievement rate when the trophy popped.
I only did twilight missions on normal difficulty. The twilight missions in NG+ are different but I never touched those.
me says
Completed the next set of twilight missions and Where Dark Forces Gather (100) got me 0.5% completion rate but Bearer of Ill Tidings (125) gave me 1.5 % completion rate,sitting at 98.5% completion rate so I am guessing final twilight mission Evil in the Ether (145) will reward 1.5% completion rate as well. What you ,players who got the game before launch, experienced may have been indeed a positive bug. By the way on which mission Evil in the Ether (145) will be based on, and will we have only one mission tomorrow or twilight rotation will include some of the previous missions?
me says
Also, is there a possibility that the trophy had been patched to include NG+ missions?
Aenima says
Can someone tell me how to unlock the last Onmyo training mission at the dojo? I already have 20 points in magic and completed the main mission “Immortal Flame” but the dojo mission doesn’t show up?
Okatsu says
I have the same problem on both Ninjutsu and Onmyo, do you have the last Ninjutsu missions? Any idea how you unlocked it?
Okatsu says
I unlocked them finally, after i beat the 1st mission of the Omi region!
PowerPyx says
Have you completed the lower level dojo magic missions? There was one for 10 or 15 skill points I think. This is required as well. Otherwise keep playing and see if it unlocks. It should pop up eventually 🙂
Aenima says
Yes, i have completed the 10 and 15 point dojo magic missions. After immortal flame all the weapon missions popped up, but not this one. I have just 10 points dex so I cannot say something about the last ninjutsu mission.
PowerPyx says
I’ll do more testing asap. I’m sure it’ll unlock eventually. Check after every main mission and see if it unlocks.
Did the other mastery missions unlock for you (main weapons)?
Aenima says
THX for checking. I also did all side missions. I will play on and hope it’ not a bug. Is it possible that the challenge titles have to do something with it? So you have to earn some titles before the Mission pop?
PowerPyx says
I’ll do more testing asap. I’m sure it’ll unlock eventually. Check after every main mission and see if it unlocks.
Did the other mastery missions unlock for you (main weapons)?
Aenima says
Yes they did.
Zero says
For me those missions unlocked after the first main mission of the last region
Aenima says
Thats right – for me too! :-)
Renka says
I completed the Immortal Flame mission but did not unlock the Onmyo Magic and Ninja Dojo missions even though i have both of them on level 20. Anyone know what’s going on?
Zero says
The Bangasa Rib are a rare drop of those umbrella look-alike enemy
Hunter says
7/10 ??????
This game is harder than Souls games. Solid Ultra Rare Platinum.
And nerf is coming
PowerPyx says
I had originally rated it a 9/10. All I’m missing for plat now is farming money. At first it’s very hard – I agree. But with the living weapon trick mentioned in this guide everyone could beat it without being any good at the game. I’m sure more cheesy tactics will surface over time. Difficulty drops drastically after Umi-bozu boss. By the end of the story I was like 35 levels below mission requirement and didn’t have any trouble.
PeachyJacobs says
What are your thoughts on difficulty with today’s patch 1.03? Apparently it has really nerfed the living weapon build. Does this bump the game back up to a 9/10 in your opinion?
PowerPyx says
Doesn’t matter, can always play without patch (or delete it).
Art says
How do you delete the patch?
PowerPyx says
If you have the disc: press Options on the game in PS4 menu (from where you normally boot it up). Then Delete the game and reinstall. Don’t download the patch again. If you have the digital copy you can’t uninstall the patch, it auto downloads with the game.
But anyway, the exploit still works. They just made it so the living weapon drains quicker. You can still use soulstones to power it up again. Not a problem.
Django says
The 2 Nioh fight is easy without the living flame, use the Bull Guardian spirit and it knocks the big guy down every time, 3 times with carnage etc and its all over. The Ice Lady / Living Flame guy are a little harder, but sloth/carnage/weakness, with the Sword mystic art and get behind her, one or 2 attacks with Low stance will finish her, then one on one.
Lauren says
I just figured out that you can unlock the ninjutsu and onmyo dojo missions after you complete “A Defiled Holy Mountain” story mission.
Lauren says
The Veteran one.
me says
By the way, it is definitely not a 150 hours platinum, I got all the trophies for platinum (except for all missions because of twilight missions) in like 35-40 hours and that’s with watching cinematics, dying for around 80 times, and being stuck on some levels, so I am guessing for an experienced player it can be done in even less time.
JayGoldieJones says
Actualy, it’s 900/900 familiarities not proficiency!
freonyl says
hey powerpyx. my ‘legend of samurai’ trophy glitched.
i finished all main missions, sub missions and all twillight missions but the trophy wasnt pop.
all the regions has full blue bar under them.
i finished all mystic arts missions too.
i checked my mission achievement rate , it says 93%.
is there anything that i missed?
PowerPyx says
Hmm that’s odd. Did you do all the dojo missions?
Check the twilight missions in New Game+ too. Either something is missing (93% completion seems low) or there really is something glitchy happening.
After doing the mystic arts there is another side mission in Omi region. Go through all maps again and double check. Also check dojo and see if doing NG+ twilight missions increases the percentage (for me NG+ twilights were not required, it popped after 6 twilights on normal difficulty).
freonyl says
oh does dojo mission counts as well? i mean the mystic arts counts for that? and the tutorial mission too?
freonyl says
ok problem solved. im sorry i lied about the mystic arts. i ddnt finish them yet. i just finished dual sword . i know that dual sword got a sub mission after that.
do u have any tips to farm gold?
Zeld says
NG+ twillight missions doesnt count I tryed it since I’m at 97% and I’m missing normal twillight missions for the achievement
Michael Corleone says
Finally no online required trophies?? Thank you!!!! Ninja gaiden 3 was hell just because of stupid co-op trials.
Freonyl says
There is a trophy where u need to help other people 10 times. And yes it is an online trophy.
PowerPyx says
That’s incorrect. You can do it solo offline with NPCs. I did all trophies solo.
Zeld says
Just to let you know now you do have to complete all the normal Twilight missions to get the complete all missions trophy. I’m still missing one and my Mission achievement rate is at 98.5% and my Twilight Mission reward rate is at 88.8%. Yesterday I was missing two Twilight mission and my Mission achievement rate was at 97% and my Twilight Mission reward rate was at 77.7%
Lee says
For the materials trophy do the items you can get from the blacksmith do those have to be at the hightest qaulity or does any quality of the materials suffice?
PowerPyx says
They have to be highest quality (purple color).
skinny2007 says
I’ve completed the mission the immortal flame I unlocked the dojo missions for every single mystic arts except axe, my axe prof is 600k the mission simply isn’t listed there, the rest said 400000/500000 etc. Any idea how to fix?
Zeld says
I don’t know if it could solve the issues but have you complete the secondary missions ‘Greater Demon Hunting’ ? Its located in Kinki Region top left.
Anakha says
Thanks for another awesome guide PowerPyx! I just have one quick bit of advice for the master art/weapon proficiency trophies. Taking your advice I did use the lvl 180 Isle of Demons and after a bit of testing I found that the damage dealt from an attack directly relates to the amount of proficiency gained. Using the same mob type next to a shrine to test, I used a single high and low stance attack and earned 760 and 265 proficiency respectively. Following this, I used a weakness talisman and power pill, and a single high stance attack earned 1500 proficiency.
Basically, I believe maximizing dps would lead to the fastest proficiency gains and adding in a weakness talisman and power pill will help a lot. Obviously there are other ways to increase damage as well, but those two spells are really easy to add in for most builds.
Lee says
I think the getting the orochi scale is now gone, i have beatend him 4 times and still getting nothing from him just weapons and armour no scales
Great job Pyx!
I had the same problem as Lee, I beat him a third time before I got a scale – I don’t think it’s a guaranteed drop on the second visit. I checked through all the items it dropped and there was no purple material. If you have all kodama, set them to give a higher material drop rate to hopefully get a higher drop rate. Really sucks having to go through all the bosses to fight the final boss again.
The hotspring percentage also isn’t the most accurate in the game’s status menu – each hotspring doesn’t each count for 1/20 like you think it would, I would visit one hotspring, and the number would jump like crazy depending on which hotpsring it was – at one point I even had 75%, but only had 4 hotsprings left to find (but you’d think it’d be 5). So if you think you missed one hotspring, instead go for the ones you know you missed first before redoing them all, and you might just find out you never missed one at all – that’s what happened to me. Don’t worry though, your guide is completely correct.
One thing I really hate is the random twilight missions. Didn’t get the trophy after 6 twilight missions (I wonder why it varies?), I have to do all 9 and for me my mission percentage goes up by 1.5% each mission, and I’m sitting at 98.5% right now. The thing that sucks is that the game will NOT prioritize twilight missions you haven’t completed, so I’ve been waiting more than a week for the last twilight mission I need to complete to appear. It’s like rolling a dice labelled from 1 to 9, and you need a 9, but you can only roll twice a day – the odds are BAD for me. And it’s set by a special internal clock in the PS4 as well, so no fooling it…
Lee says
Yeah sorry I got in on the fourth time beating him lol, though cany anyone tell me about this hidden sub mission power mentions? “Only one side mission is hidden – after doing the mystic art dojo missions you’ll get a new sub mission in Omi region in which you must kill some monsters and a Nue boss with an NPC friend.” Cany anyone tell me what mission this is?
Lee says
I meant fifth lol
PowerPyx says
That mission is called “Master of the Twin Blades”. I’ll clarify it in the guide.
Lee says
thanks tunrs out i got that one got the trophy for all mission this morning after doing my final twlight mission
Kevin says
First off, your guide is awesome. I just had to say, though, for communication with Yokai, 9 out of 10 times was blue.
Hugetymer says
Was the cheese dialogue method used to get the Blacksmith Request Trophy patched with 1.03?
eternalforest says
I guess so, I tried this method today (patched version 1.03) and it doesn’t work.
Jhyatt2 says
It definitely still works. Started doing this yesterday because I only had like 30 points invested at the Blacksmith. I was able to get at least one by grinding “X” on “Speak with Tome”. Had better luck with her than Murasma.
PowerPyx is correct in that you only get about 3-4 per try. But in less than 5 minutes I could get them and then exit out, do a quick side mission, sell my unnecessary gear, and grind through again.
Was able to get to 60 today, no problem.
I have all of the current updates as I am running off of the downloaded version.
Artus says
First thing first: as always thank you so much for that guide Powerpix, very useful and well done!
And now, a small question: I’m at the end of first region, Kyushu, in third mission! I know you change region after beating the last boss in it, what I want to know is can I go back in first region when I reach the second region, Chugoku, and so on?
To make thing simple can we travel betwen region asap, not later in the game?
Thank you!
PowerPyx says
Yes you can travel back to any region at any time.
Artus says
Thank you so much for your quick answer my friend!
I was affraid about not being able to make those sub missions if I went straight on main first, according to that quote from IGN walkthrough:
“Know that once you complete all main mission in an area, William will embark to the next region, leaving behind any unfinished sub missions…”
What a relief, I love you!
Sort of speak, ha, ha, ha!
Gabo says
All the training missions appear to me except the axe mission (for the miystic art) and my proficiency is over 900k do you guys know anything about that?
Malice Flare says
i’m on Patch 1.05, have you tried your easy method on this patch? i tried emulating the video. but i find my living weapon get eaten up in a few hits…
Jhyatt2 says
It should still work. A lot depends on what Guardian Spirit you are using and how much you have invested in that ability while leveling up. Use the Phoenix fire bird one (I’ll mess up the spelling). Hit them both with the Sloth magic and keep dodging away to preserve your ability. Try to at least take one of them out if you are having issues. Focus on the hardest one, you might have to fight the other without the ability.
Also, pick accessories that maximize your Amrita received from using your Living Weapon and/or any that increase your Durability, to maximize your ability as you are hitting away. This will also decrease the amount of Amrita you need to keep it active and give you more time. Ensure you have plenty of soul stones and they are in a Shortcut slot you are familiar with to make it easy to evade/dodge away and grab one or two without switching or looking for it. You can also use them while using your Living Weapon to keep it up. If it runs out, dodge/run away, use a soul stone or two and move in for the kill.
Still have to use your evasion/dodge skills to ensure you maximize the time remaining. If they are at the edge of the screen, fire your rifle or bow at them to get them to come to you before you activate it and hit them with any other magical effects you want to use to deplete their strength/ki/etc. It sucks to get anxious or “in the zone,” activate it, and then have it depleted as you run across the map to get them. Lock on and hammer away.
Like I said, go in and focus on the enemy that is more likely to kill you if you lose your Living Weapon ability and then take the second one out with or without the ability depending on how much patience you have to fight the other boss.
Best of luck.
axeMaltesse says
Hi guys,
I have problem with All quests trophy.
I have completed everything instead of 2 dojo missions and trophy didn’t pop up as well. Anyone have an idea why?
Nick B says
Just a tip for those using the Old Charm farming for gold. It will only appear in 3 chests I believe. Don’t quote me on the number, but you know if it’s an ‘Old Charm’ chest if it doesn’t appear when the charm is in another chest. If a chest always appears, then it will never have the charm. Conversely, if you notice a chest is missing, it will always contain the charm when it appears. Hope this helps.
Melmel says
Hi Powerpyx,
Regarding the trophy “Regular Smith Customer”
Does the spam X/O button to gain points on tome or muramasa still works on the latest patch of 1.06?
I have been doing this method few days ago. but after the update yesterday, they don’t give me points anymore. please help. I currently have 42 patronage points, i still need 18 more.
Igor says
Patch 1.06 = Estimated trophy difficulty: 11/10 kkkkkkk impossible…. 9 days trying kill that two bosses T_T
Okult.Tek says
Ugly Fellow just wont pop for me.
I’ve killed 4 different mobs with the mask, and it’s just not playing ball.
Alex C says
Hey PowerPyx!
Are you sure you don’t need online connection for twilight missions? Other guides say there is 1 online trophy for completing all missions.
Reza says
hey, pyx. thanks for your guide. it was great like always.
I have a problem with “Samurai of legends” trophy.
I’ve done all dojos, side missions including patch 1.06 missions, and main missions obviously and all twilight missions ( they do not change again during the day I dunno if it’s ok or not but they don’t change unless I change the difficulty to “way of strong” ).
the freaking mission achievement rate is stuck at 97.7 and twilight missions at 77.7.
and it is the only trophy left to get platinum :|
no offense but I really hate this game and the only reason I want to get platinum for his game is because I don’t want to ruin my trophy list :D
thanks again
Judithpa says
Oh thank you so much! I was confuse about defeat every type of Yokai.
Awesome guide as always! ^^
MadsObitsoe says
I platinummed Nioh Complete Edition yesterday. This game is amazing. I still have a lot of trophies to go for the DLC, including abyss and ng++.
A few corrections/updates to the guide:
(Almost) the entire game can be played in Co-op after patch 1.14 (I think). Yokai Realm with Companion allows you to select any mission that both players have unlocked for solo. Completing the mission in Co-op will count towards the all missions trophy. Double bosses are easy (when co-op). I am not sure if you still need the killing hit on bosses to get the trophy for all Yokai defeated. I did co-op after clearing the bosses myself.
The Regular Smith Customer took me 16,5 million to unlock (which is a lot, but a lot less than 20 million).
Charlie says
Bit late to the party but I only got the game recently.
Anyway. I’ve completed the main story now and I’m mopping up some Trophies I missed. I wanted to get the Trophy for beating Nue in main mission The Demon Of Mount Hiei, I didn’t fight him when I played the mission first time. Problem is that mission is no longer showing on the map, so I can’t replay it. What gives?!