The Viper and the Butterfly is the 15th side mission in Nioh 2. This walkthrough will guide you through all areas of the The Viper and the Butterfly Side Quest.
The Viper and the Butterfly is unlocked when you complete The Hollow Fortress Main Mission.
Recommended Level: 37
Requirement: Finish The Hollow Fortress Main Mission
Reward: Sasayuki (WATER), Principal Governor’s Cuirass, Principal Governor’s Waistguard, Comb
Powerful Revenant
As soon as the mission starts take the right path and follow it. It is the only way you can go anyway.
Your task is to retreive an item for Princess Noh. Get into the Yokai Realm and slowly progress while fighting all the enemies on your way. Be careful for a Yokai dropping on your head at some point. You want to get rid of the Yokai Realm so you can unlock the second Shrine. From this Shrine the path towards the mission end is way shorter.
From the second Shrine head left and down into the underground section. Enter the room there for an enemy gauntlet which will end with fighting a big Gaki and a powerful Revenant at the same time. This is the hardest side mission so far and will likely take a few tries, the trouble being that you are locked in a very tight space with two enemies going at you simultaneously and you can’t really run big circles around them. What you’ll want to do is get rid of the big Gaki first, then the Revenant is much easier. As soon as the big Gaki spawns, unload everything you got on him. Use your +
moves and your transformation to get rid of him instantly before the Revenant gets to you. After a few tries you’ll know exactly where the big Gaki spawns and can position yourself behind him (the furthest point away from Revenant spawn). Once the big Gaki is gone the fight is much more doable.
The revenant miniboss does quite a lot of damage and has a lot of health so be careful while fighting him. You want him to run at you and as he’s running poke him with a single attack. He usually won’t defend while he runs. Repeat this. It is a slow progress but eventually you will whittle down his health one hit at a time. Once done, the teleporter to leave the mission spawns in the next room. Should you die while fighting the Revenant, you will have to defeat all the enemies in the room again. If that happens, make sure your transformation gauge ( +
) is filled again before the big Gaki, so you can defeat him instantly before focusing on the Revenant.
This finishes The Viper and the Butterfly side mission in Nioh 2.
For all other Mission Walkthroughs, check out our complete Nioh 2 Walkthrough.
MagnaFarta says
Very easy revenant to overwhelm. One of those fights where it can be more detrimental to play too cautiously.
Gauntlet includes a few Gaki, a Yamanba, and a Nure-Onna. If you fight closer to the entrance, you can take the big Gaki down on its own and the Revenant won’t show up until you get closer to the end of the room.