The Two Faces of Hospitality is the 14th main story mission in Nioh 2. This walkthrough will guide you through all areas of The Two Faces of Hospitality Main Quest.
The Two Faces of Hospitality is unlocked when you complete Ruin Draws Near.
Recommended Level: 78
Region: Twilight
Requirement: Complete Ruin Draws Near
Reward: Ogo & Nagamei Masamune, Golden Gourd Plated Headband, Golden Gourd Cuirass, Tokichiro’s Gourd, 22600 Gold, 26680 Gold
Shrine 1
From Shrine 1 before you even go anywhere, look to the left of the main gate to find Kodama #1.
Head through the gate and there will be a ninja sitting in the grass to the left beside an item. Ahead by the guard tower will be an enemy with a gun, and one more human enemy that walks back and forth. Start going to the left to find one more enemy sitting on the ground, and a guy with an axe walking back and forth around the other guard tower. To the right of this second guard tower there is a building you can enter with a Yokai Fog in it, which spawns a Flying Bolt. You can open a chest nearby, then open the door to get back outside. Go back over to the second guard tower then go in the other building, and you will find the single Hot Spring for this level with an enemy sitting in it.
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If you look just behind the open door on the left in this building you will also find Kodama #2.
Head down the area to the left, and in this area a cannon will shoot at you from the right side. Start out by going left up onto the wooden platform to kill the enemy and loot the chest. From there, you can shoot over to the right side at all the enemies waiting, first shooting at the guys sitting up and beside the ramp to the right, then the lower guy by the body, then the standing guy. If you don’t kill them with one shot they will look at you for a bit, then if you back away slightly they go back to their spot and you can shoot again. The standing guy you can shoot with a cannon if you go down by the rock in the middle of the area, or leave him for a minute. When the enemies you want to deal with area dealt with run over to the left of the area and up the ramp to get to where the cannon is and kill the soldier using it. You can then go by and kill any remaining enemies, then go around the corner to get to Shrine 2.
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Shrine 2
Again before going anywhere, go to the left of the large wooden gate pillar and look behind the wood barrier to find Kodama #3. You can then speak to Hanzo standing beside the gate, and he will join your party for the next area. There is a locked door to the right of him, but you need a key to get in here.
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Go through the gate behind Hanzo to progress, killing the two Aberrant Soldiers on the bridge. Very shortly after they start attacking, an Axe Skeleton will also spawn in the middle of the bridge and immediately do its Spin Burst Attack in your direction. If you want to make this slightly easier, stay back by the Shrine and shoot the closer Soldier to trigger them and let them run into this area with you. The Skeleton won’t be close enough to you when it spawns to start attacking.
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After those three are dead and you move forward more enemies will spawn. There will be two normal Skeleton, a Wheelmonk to the right, and a Rokurokubi to the left. If you need space you can move back on the bridge to get away. The Rokurokubi will normally not follow you if you move back quickly, though the Wheelmonk will normally shoot itself directly towards you as soon as it spawns.
Finally after those enemies are dead the area will turn into a Darkness Realm, and a Yoki and Mitsume Yazura will spawn. Again you can move back if you need some space, Hanzo will typically attract one of them, and you can move backwards and shoot at the other to grab it’s attention. Once the enemies are dead you can go back and rest at the shrine if you need, the only thing that respawns back on the bridge is a single Yoki.
Go to the end of the bridge and grab the item off the body, which is a Rusty Key. Run back to the shrine and use this key to open the nearby door to get in to the chest. Then you can go through the gate at the end of the bridge to the next area.
Just through the gate on the left there is a Scampuss you can interact with. Speak with Honda and he will also then join your party along with Hanzo. Go through to the next area and there will be two enemies facing away from you on the narrow path. As soon as you attack one it’s very likely that the other will attack you, along with all 4 of the guys in the next area rushing out towards you, so be aware of that. If you are using a large weapon though like the switchglaive the enemies will likely all bunch up in the corner of the path, so you can swing through most of them at once, along with your two friends putting in quite a bit of work themselves.
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Go through to the next area, and it will be a large Darkness Realm with a bunch of Skeletons in it. If you kill the first one on the narrow path then look down to the left you will see a Yoki, which is what is controlling this Darkness Realm. If you want, you can alert this so it starts running towards you, then do a drop attack on it off the side of this path. Killing it first makes it easier to deal with the enemies on the path in the other direction.
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Go into the building behind where the Yoki was to find a chest in the house, then go out the back and climb the ladder to the rooftop. Kill the enemy manning the cannon, then shoot it off once if you want to destroy some fence ahead of you. You have noticed the Kodama down to the right behind the fences, but you can’t get that yet. Go back down the ladder and continue through the next hut. Watch for a dog and an enemy just ahead, then another one sitting by the house just to the right. Grab the item by this house on the right to find Onmyo Mage’s Locks.
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Continue down the path and go towards the gate with the Yokai Fog, but go to the right of it first. Kill the enemy by the body, then climb the guard tower to the left. At the top you will find Kodama #4.
Continue down this path on the left, and in the house there will be a ninja up in the corner, then a guy sitting outside the door on the other side by a Scampuss. By the house one level lower there will be two enemies outside, then a small chest inside. Continue past the lower house to a blocked gate, and climb the ladder on the right.
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In this next area by the water there will be two enemies, an axe one walking around then a ninja hiding by a tree. If you go over near the ninja beside a boat you will find Kodama #5. You can then go across the branch carefully going up to a dead end to grab another item, then go back up either ladder to get to the prior area again.
Go back over to the gate where you spotted the Yokai Fog earlier, and trigger it to spawn a Yoki (or walk through the hole in the wall you might have blown open earlier if you want to ignore it for now). Once you head up here Honda and Hanzo will leave you behind, so you have to progress on your own. Go to the Yokai Fog on the left and trigger it to spawn a Wheelmonk, then grab the chest just past it.
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Head up the slope and kill the Abberant Soldier behind the cannon, then fire it once. Backtrack into the previous area to where you would have spotted the Kodama and Sudama behind the fence, and the fence will now no longer be there. Interact with them all to get Kodama #6, a Sudama drop, and some items. You can then head back up the hill all the way to get to Shrine 3.
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Shrine 3
Go across the bridge towards the building, and before even going through the gate you should see two enemies, one standing and one wandering around. You can shoot one or the other from here, shooting the walking guy is probably better as it will likely kill him in one shot, then you can hit the other guy as he sprints towards you. Go through the door behind them to enter the house, then turn immediately right to find a Nurikabe wall.
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In the main area progressing through the gate past the courtyard will go to the boss room, so don’t do that yet. First go around to the left in the house where there will be a Rokurokubi in human form walking around. After you kill it, break the suit of armor at the end of the hallway to find Kodama #7, the final one for this mission.
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Go out to the left to find a Yokai Fog, which spawns a Flying Bolt from it. Grab the item behind it, then go back to the courtyard and kill the Aberrant Soldier and the Skeleton. Grab the two items in the courtyard, then go in the room to the left to find a Ninja’s Locks.
You’ve now found everything in this area, so when you are ready you can run over and go through the gate at the back to go to the boss for this mission.
Tokichiro Boss Fight
There is a very easy cheesy method for this boss. Equip a spear in high-stance and buy the spear skill “Spear Flourish”. It’s a starting skill for spear, so a single proficiency point is enough. What it does is to knock back enemies when you do a Ki burst, allowing you to stunlock them infinitely.
You need only press two things: ,
. And that’s it. It will permanently stunlock the boss. The only things he can do is a counter (his blade has a blue glare and you hear a chime sound) and he can summon his guardian spirit that jumps around but is easy to outrun. If you attack him while his blade has the glare he will do a grapple on you that can potentially instant-kill you in 1 hit. Other than that you don’t need to watch out for much.
To make things even nicer: pack at least 2 Gallnut Broths (Ninja Skill Tree). Use it at the start of the fight and then again when his health is at 50% and he switches to electricity type. It will put a poison effect on your weapon, thus poisoning the boss and dealing recurrent damage over a long period. Also pack 1-2 Lightningstop Talisman (Omyno Magic Skill Tree). As soon has his health goes to 50% and he turns into electric type you’ll want to use it. He will sometimes do a swirl of electricity or put electric traps on the floor. With the ‘Spear Flourish’ stunlock you shouldn’t be at much risk but he can still use the electric swirl, and the Lightningstop Talisman will protect you from getting electrified. If you get electrified it’s pretty much game over as it will slow you down a lot. Also bring 1-2 Rejuvenation Talisman (Omyno Magic). Each one is basically like an Elixir, recharging your health over time. In the first half of the fight don’t use Elixirs, only use Rejuvenation Talisman instead. Keep Elixirs for the 2nd half.
And that’s about it… one single move all fight long will break the AI, and you can break it some more by throwing poison into the mix.
This finishes The Two Faces of Hospitality main mission in Nioh 2. Now the mission The High-spirited Demon becomes available.
For all other Mission Walkthroughs, check out our complete Nioh 2 Walkthrough.
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