The Sun Sets On Mount Tenno is the 12th main story mission in Nioh 2. This walkthrough will guide you through all areas of The Sun Sets On Mount Tenno Main Quest.
The Sun Sets On Mount Tenno is unlocked when you complete The Frenzied Blaze.
Recommended Level: 66
Region: Dawn
Requirement: Complete The Frenzied Blaze
Reward: Onmyo Mage’s Locks x1, Ryomen Sukuna’s Sword, Ryomen Sukana’s Axe, Smithing Text: Sacred Brush, 19400 Gold, 17208 Amrita
Shrine 1
From the first shrine, head up the main path through the forest. The right path into the caves leads to a shortcut door, so it is just a dead-end for now. Kill the Gaki near the body and the Skeleton Warrior wandering around just to it’s left, then go over to the scaffolding on the left. Kill the human enemies, then on the left side you can find a large chest, and on the right side an item to pick up. Go back down and kill the Yoki and the Skeleton Warrior lying to it’s left. Watch for another human enemy up on the cliff to the right that will shoot down at you. Head forward towards the Yokai Fog, and kill the Nure-Onna that spawns.
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Follow the path around to the right, and on the cliff where the enemy was before you can find Kodama #1 behind the tree.
In the next area shoot the two human enemies above on the walkways, then kill the Waira that is moving around the bottom area. Go over to the right and open the door which is a shortcut back up here. Then go over to the left and go up the hill instead of across the bridge, killing one more human enemy. Go over the walkways grabbing items, and into the hut at the end to kill a new type of Yoki that wields a Kusarigama. These ones are much faster than the normal red Yoki, and do many large sweeping attacks using the chain end of their weapon.
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After it is killed grab the chest behind it, then go over to the corner of this platform with the broken railing. Look down off the edge, and you can see Kodama #2 just below.
Come back up using the shortcut you opened, then this time go over the bridge. At the end of the bridge will be a Darkness Realm, and to dispel this one you need to destroy the crystal that is forward and to the left which has two enemies in front of it. Instead of going at it head-on, first go over to the right and climb the ladder leading up to the walkways above. Shoot the two Skeleton Archers, then if you go clockwise around the walkway you can find Kodama #3 on the platform with the large tree in the middle.
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Go along the walkway more and you can get basically right over top of the Yoki below and get a drop attack in on it. There will also be two more Skeleton Warriors near ti that wake up when you go near, but you can bait those two up the ladder to you and then just knock them back down. When the Yoki is on it’s own you can deal with it fairly easily, just note that when it is standing near the crystal it will gradually heal itself so you can’t just wait it out too long. Once it’s dead you can slap the crystal a few times to destroy it and dispel the Darkness Realm.
Go back over near the ladder and you should now see a Nure-Onna waiting around by an item. Go back up the ladder and head down the path to the right to find another Nure-Onna and another item at the end of the path. Go back by the hut and there will be a chest you can now open, along with a Sudama standing behind it in the corner. After dealing with everything there you can now go through the path behind where the crystal was. Go down the path to the left of the gate first to grab an item, then go through the gate to reach Shrine 2.
Shrine 2
The door behind the shrine is a shortcut back to it, so to start you need to head through the rice fields going up and around the area. There is an NPC Benevolent Grave on the right you can use if you wish, then start moving up to the right. All the enemies in this area are normal humans, so if you want you can pick most of them off with arrows. Once you reach the highest level you then start dropping down the levels heading over to the right towards the house. Inside the house there is one item to grab, then you can open the gate leading back to Shrine 2.
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Go up the ramp to the right that leads onto the house. On the house rooftop you can find Kodama #4. Then take the path leading left from here up a small hill and drop down into the other set of rice fields. On the lowest level, you can find Kodama #5 just before you would drop onto the path you entered this area with.
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Now head up the path leading across the wooden bridge. Watch as there will be two Skeleton Archers on either side of the wall up top that shoot at you when you approach. Across this bridge you enter a large compound with many Yokai enemies and elemental crystals, but don’t move into the area proper yet. Take an immediate right, and in the far corner, you can find Kodama #6. Backtrack to the bridge and drop off of it to the area below off the left side, and you can find Kodama #7 behind a wooden barrier by the wall.
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Go under the bridge down the path and enter the cave. In this first room there will be two Mage enemies, with a ladder behind the one on the right, but don’t go up there yet. Go around the corner to the left and open the door, and you can now enter a room with two large crystals and an Ubume walking around. Kill the Ubume, then destroy both of the crystals, which also destroys the ones in the area above. Alternatively, if you destroy both crystals first it will cause the Ubume to die on its own. Once the crystals are destroyed they also make the two Onyudo that were on the upper level die too, so you don’t need to deal with them in combat.
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Go out the other side of this room and first go left. You can pull the tag off the back of a Nurikabe wall that you didn’t really need to do anything with before. Then take the path leading right, where there will be one Mage enemy and a Sudama you can interact with. Head back down the path and take the ladder behind where the first mage on the right was.
In the building head upstairs and you can see a Yokai Fog in the middle of the floor, then an Aberrant Soldier behind it. Shoot the Soldier first to get rid of it before you trigger the fog. This fog will spawn another of the fast Blue Yoki, this time wielding dual swords. Kill it, then go clockwise around the balcony to find Kodama #8, the final one for this mission.
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Drop down onto the lower level of walkway and make your way around to kill another Aberrant Soldier. Drop down to the way you entered this area, and then go to the right to find another Blue Yoki wielding duel swords, with a Scampuss sitting behind it. Climb the ladder nearby to get up onto the balcony where you should have shot the two Skeleton Archers earlier, and you can grab an item up there.
Now go back into the main courtyard, then through the gate on the right. The hut on the left has a ladder leading back down the lower area, so head forward on the path here. Directly in front, there will be a Skeleton Soldier lying on the ground, then two more around the corner, and a final one on the level above shooting at you. Go forward and there will be a large Axe Skeleton walking back and forth in the next room which you should leave for the moment, and two Gaki in the building to the left by a body.
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Go out the right door here and you can open the locked gate at the end back to the central courtyard, then another gate farther to the left leading into the large house. If you break through the boxes on the left you can get to the Aberrant Soldier over there. Head around the walkway and climb up the ladder at the end to get to a walkway above the room with the axe Skeleton. Up here you can kill the 4 normal Skeletons before you drop down and deal with the axe one.
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After dealing with the axe Skeleton go up the stairs behind it to get to another Darkness Realm. This one you need to destroy the two large crystals in the middle of the area to dispel, but if you go near them a nearby Biwa Boku-boku will force summon the Revenant in the middle of the area. First, you should go over to the left of the area and kill the blue Yoki there, baiting it out of the Darkness Realm if you want for an easier time. Head up the ladder behind it, then kill the two Aberrant Soldiers and the Biwa in the tower.
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Now the only enemy left here will be the Ubume in the middle walking around the crystals. If you can time a drop attack onto it you can take out most of its health, then kill it while you start attacking the crystals. Once they are destroyed the Darkness Realm is dispelled, and a couple of enemies in the lower area are killed too. Head back out of this central area and to the right to find Shrine 3.
Shrine 3
If you head through the gate at the back of this area you will get to the boss room, but there are a couple more things to grab first. Drop down one of the holes into the lower area, then go down the hill to find the Hot Spring for this level. Open both of the locked doors (the second one gets back to the earlier underground area if you for some reason wanted to go back there then head up the ladder to get back to Shrine 3. From there you can now head through the double doors at the end fo the area, leading to the boss room.
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Ryomen Sukuna Boss Fight
Ryomen Sukuna is a big Yokai boss that has a fire half and a water half. He can switch between them but generally attacks with his fire half and uses the water half for ranged support attacks.
The main moves you’ll want to exploit are his red aura charged attacks. Always +
Burst Counter them. Luckily, they are relatively easy to get the timing right (as usual just before he hits you) and he does them quite often. After a successful Burst Counter you can follow up with your most powerful combo. In between his red aura attacks just run left or right at a safe distance, let him miss a combo, land a few hits and repeat.
Being good at timing Burst Counters makes this fight a lot easier and shorter. Not only do the Burst Counters drain his Ki, your follow-up combo will further diminish his Ki. One or two Burst Counters followed by a strong combo should be enough to deplete his Ki. Then you can just keep hitting him because he’ll stagger from each attack while out of Ki.
Due to how frequently the boss uses red aura charged attacks and how easy they are to block, you can Ki-drain and stunlock the boss for most of the fight.
This finishes The Sun Sets On Mount Tenno main mission in Nioh 2. Now the mission Ruin Draws Near becomes available.
For all other Mission Walkthroughs, check out our complete Nioh 2 Walkthrough.
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