The Mysterious One Night Castle is the 5th main story mission in Nioh 2. This walkthrough will guide you through all areas of The Mysterious One Night Castle Main Quest.
The Mysterious One Night Castle is unlocked when you complete The Hidden Monsters of Okehazama.
Recommended Level: 28
Region: Soaring
Requirement: Complete The Mysterious One Night Castle
Reward: Hand Cannon, Explosive Rounds x3, High Quality Wood x3, High Quality Lacquer x3, 8800 Gold, 3840 Amrita
Shrine 1
At the first shrine you have paths leading left and right. The left path is a shortcut back here, so head down to the right first. In this first area there are a few enemies hanging around. Two soldiers sitting underneath the rock bridge, one guy on top walking back and forth, then two more around the corner to the left and right who walks back and forth. Take them all out, then you can head over to the far right to find an NPC Benevolent Grave with a Gaki near it. Once they’re all dealt with you can continue under the rock bridge where you’ll find an Aberrant Soldier walking across another bridge, and a Tengu walking underneath it. If you head across the rock bridge where the Aberrant Soldier was you can find a Scampuss on the cliff. Once they’re dealt with instead of going across the wood bridge to the village, go into the Dark Realm area that was left of where the Aberrant Soldier was walking.
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Right at the start of this Darkness Realm you’ll find a Gaki, and farther down you will run into a Waira. These are large slug-like Yoaki that pull themselves around using their front claws. They take swipes at you with either when you’re close, and if you get behind them they will flip themselves backwards on top of you. Their Burst Attacks are either large swipe with one claw, or they will roll themselves into a ball and roll on the ground towards you. After ut is dead the Darkness Realm is dispelled, and you can open the chest at the end of the path. If you stand down beside where the NPC Bloody Grave is and you to the right of the path into the trees you will find Kodama #1 for this mission. Once you grab it you can head out of the path into the area with the buildings.
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Head through the first building to progress forward, being aware of the Yamanba that is inside. On the other side pull the lever to drop the floodgate, which lets you get by and also drops the water level in the area to the right. Go across the bridge first and speak to the man standing there and he will join you as a party member. He can’t die like summoned players or NPC spirits, but if he takes too much damage during an encounter you’ll need to assist him back up. You should then before progressing more drop down to the lower area with the drained water, taking out the Nure-Onna and grabbing the chest, then returning to the shrine to progress more.
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Shrine 2
From shrine 2 you have paths going left and right again, with the left path being to a shortcut and the right path being where you progress. Just up the hill will be an Enki and a Gaki looking at piles of bodies, and an Aberrant Soldier to the right which will be alerted to you if you walk into the area of the bodies (or if your NPC friend runs in there, which will probably happen a lot). At the top of the hill first head left towards the Yokai Fog which will spawn another Waira. Kill it and shoot the Aberrant Soldier above so that it doesn’t bother you. The door under the Aberrant Soldier is actually opened from this side which you can do if you want, or just leave it for now. Before progressing more you can head down around the corner to from the Waira spawn to find a Sudama.
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Head back to the area by the house with the opening, or past that near the spikey fence to the ledge. There are two enemies sitting there, one wandering with the switchglaive, and another enemy off to the left by the building. Deal with them, then go into the large building. In this building there are a total of 5 enemies to deal with: two on the ground floor, one guy walking up and down the stairs, and two on the top floor. When they are all dealt with go out onto the balcony of the building and head left first, and go onto the scaffolding leading towards where the first group of human enemies were. Inside a box at the end you will find Kodama #2. Once you grab it you can go back to the other side of the balcony where the Aberrant Soldier was.
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From up on the walkway before dropping down you can take some shots at the other Aberrant Soldier and the Yamanba below instead of dropping down and fighting them both at once. The Yamanba won’t actually do anything from below, so if you want you can shoot the Soldier then drop down and fight the Yamanba melee. When they’re dead head around the corner to the left through the building and pull the level to close another floodgate for a shortcut back to shrine 2.
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To progress further you should actually go down into the unflooded area instead of going the normal way into the Darkness Realm. Watch under the bridge for water blob and a Nure-Onna hiding underneath, then at the end in the cave there will be a Waira patrolling around. Watch out because opposite this cave entrance is a Nurikabe wall, and if you trigger the Waira near there it’s possible your NPC friend will hit the wall while attacking and turn it hostile immediately.
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Head into the cave where the Waira was and at the end, you’ll see a chest that has a blob above it on the roof. Head up the ladder here and you’ll find Kodama #3, as well as a door you can unblock to get into the next area.
In this house, you should see an Enki just outside the door. What you can do here is attack it so that it is aware of you, and bait it into this building out of the Darkness Realm so that it is weaker, instead of fighting it outside where you will have a harder time. After it’s dead you should then head upstairs where there will be one Aberrant Soldier in the middle of the floor. From there head out on the balcony and go around to the back of it and you should see a broken section. Carefully you want to drop to the middle section of the roof, not to the ground because this middle section of the roof has Kodama #4. If you fall off and don’t land on the roof you can get back in the house the same way as before, or in through the front of the Darkness Realm.
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When you are on the ground there is a small chest you can grab, then continue around the corner there is a Scampuss to interact with. Continue to drop back down to the area you were in before after the second gate, and if you head into the building on the left with the broken floor there is actually a second Scampuss which you can grab, and it will make them both follow you around. You can then head into the Darkness Realm the front way, first going through a Yokai Fog that spawns an Enki. Once in the Darkness Realm proper, you will have two Aberrant Soldiers to deal with and one Tengu, with the Tengu being what dispels the Realm when killed.
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Once the Darkness is gone you can go over and grab the locked chest on the lower area, then head back up to the area in the white banners. There will be two Gaki in here, then when they are dead look behind the open chest on the left to find Kodama #5.
Head back down the hill and go into the building at the bottom. In here there is a door you can open, which you walked by earlier when opening the prior shortcut floodgate. You can then take the ladder up, which puts you right behind a sitting Yamanba. Kill the other one on the walkway, then take the left path on the scaffolding going over toward another Aberrant Soldier. In the hut he is standing on top of there is a small chest you can grab, then go back around following the main path to a Yokai Fog that spawns another Enki. Just past that, you will find Hot Spring #1 for this level, which Hachisuka will run over to if he is with you.
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After you dip in the hot spring Hatchisuka will stay behind while you progress again on your own. Head across the bridge to the other side, killing the Gaki along the way. You’ll come to a fork in the road, first head left into the Darkness Realm. There is a Gaki up on the platform above you, and an Aberrant Soldier above him on a rock bridge. I would say first shoot those two so they don’t bother you, then bait the Nure-Onna out of the Darkness Realm to fight. Once they are dealt with there is an Umbrella on the ground just up the slope, and a Yamanba on the right. Finally, you can deal with the Enki by the building on its own. If you want you can go above it on the log the Soldier was on and drop onto it for some free damage.
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Once the Enki is dead the Darkness Realm is dispelled, and you can then go in the hut and open the locked chest containing Ninja’s Locks and other items. Go out the opposite side of the hut and pull the switch to close the next floodgate. Head down the ladder on it to get to the next shrine.
Shrine 3
When you get there, head back up to the split in the path you were at before, and this time head right. There will be one Nure-Onna on the path, plus two Aberrant Soldiers up to the right. Deal with them, then move forward to the Yokai Fog which will spawn an Enki. Keep following this path along and you’ll deal with two Gaki, another Aberrant Soldier, and a Yamanba. Continue following it all the way to the end and you will reach a floodgate to close, which is the one that gets you all the way back to shrine 1. Walk through the nearby building, and on the opposite side, you will find Hot Spring #2 for this mission. This one you can save for when you are doing this boss for this mission if you want, as it is along the way to the boss if you come from Shrine 1.
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You can now head all the way back over to shrine 3 again in the drained river. Just ahead in the middle of this river you can find a Kappa, which is a special Yokai that doesn’t go out of its way to attack you. Instead, it will try to run away, and you want to catch it because when you kill it, it drops a bunch of items. Watch under the stone bridge to the left as there is a blob that will drop down. Once it’s dealt with, head around to the right of the dry river to a cave, where there will be a Yokai Fog in front that spawns a Tengu. When the Tengu is dead, go into the cave to find a chest.
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Go back through the river to the other side and climb the ladder on the stone wall. At the top, you can find a Sudama to interact with. Continue past it and you will be near the two Aberrant Soldiers from earlier. Take out the one on the path you are on first, then drop down to the left where the other one is. On this platform, you can find Kodama #6.
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Jump down and backtrack to the spot you just came down from, but this time go up the hill more. Here you need to drop off the cliff edge onto the large stone archway that a Gaki climbs up from, then turn around under the edge you just dropped from to find Kodama #7, the final one for this mission.
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Now that you have got everything in this area, run yourself back over to the 4th floodgate you opened that leads back to shrine 1 and rest there. When you’re ready, go back across the gate and take the left through the path of scratched up trees. Once you drop off the ledge into the lower area you have entered the boss area for this mission.
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Kamaitachi Boss Fight
Kamaitachi is a big cat monster. It is relatively quick, climbs trees and jumps around a lot but it doesn’t do much damage nor does it have much health. Make sure you interact with the 1st Shrine, in case you need to respawn it’s the closest one. On the path from 1st Shrine to the boss is a hot spring which you should also use to get continuous healing for a while. And as always, find all Kodama in the region to get more Elixirs on respawn.
In the fight use mid-stance or high-stance. With the spear the mid-stance
combo works best. Always walk in a 45° angle to the left and it will miss most attacks. It has a 3-attack combo where it does a tail spin at the end, the tail spin you’ll want to block as it’s harder to dodge. Also watch out when it does a red charged move at close range, it’s a grab that does high damage. Always burst-counter
when you see it doing the grapple. When it climbs on a tree, hold the block button. It will always shoot a projectile at you when it climbs a tree, but blocking it is safe and doesn’t drain much Ki. Its 2nd move from the tree will be a spinning attack towards you. If it’s a red charged spin, just walk to the left to evade it. If it’s a non-charged spin you can easily block it. After it spins from the tree it’s wide open for attacks. Always try to attack it from the left side. Instead of dodging it’s safer to just walk in 45° angle to the left and block all attacks, since they don’t drain much Ki. Attack from the side each time it finishes an attack / combo.
This finishes The Mysterious One Night Castle main mission in Nioh 2. Now the mission The Hollow Fortress becomes available.
For all other Mission Walkthroughs, check out our complete Nioh 2 Walkthrough.
Simon Brisson says
Been killing the Lesser Umi-bozu for 2 hour and no soul core drop 🙁