The Hidden Monsters of Okehazama contains 7 Kodama Locations in Nioh 2. This walkthrough will guide you to all Kodama in The Hidden Monsters of Okehazama mission in chronological order. Nothing is missable, everything can be collected after the story via mission select.
Every 5 Kodama you find gives you an extra Elixir for that region. Finding all 150 Kodama unlocks the Kodama Leader trophy.
- At the start of the mission you’ll enter a cave. When you do, there are 3 Gaki enemies in the first room. From there enter the room on the right side where an Enki enemy (big Yokai with staff/spear) is sitting. In the room with the Enki is the first Kodama Collectible. It’s behind a fence.
- From the previous Kodama location, follow the linear path through the cave until you encounter another Enki enemy in a tunnel. Behind the Enki are some wooden crates, the Kodama hides behind them.
- In the first Dark Realm area (village on top of mountain), you will find the Kodama halfway through the area behind a wooden fence. It’s actually sitting inside a basket which makes it hard to see, so you’ll have to destroy those baskets first to reveal the Kodama.
- After the 2nd Shrine in this mission will be a jungle area with lots of snake enemies in it. The Kodama is found on the bottom level of this jungle in the edge of the area, sitting in a bush.
- After the 2nd Shrine you must go down a mountain path and will encounter a bird enemy. Enter the cave tunnel to the right of the bird enemy. Go deeper into the cave until you reach 2 snake enemies. The Kodama is found in the same cave section where the 2 snake enemies are, in a small side tunnel of it.
- In the Dark Realm (corrupted Yokai fog) where the Cyclops is standing. Defeat the cyclops and the Kodama will be a few steps next to where the Cyclops was.
- After the Dark Realm with the Cyclops in it, you will reach a burning samurai camp where lightning strikes the ground. This mission’s last Kodama location is in the middle of the camp, hidden behind some objects.
That’s all Kodamas in The Hidden Monsters of Okehazama. For all other missions, check out the complete Nioh 2 All Kodama Locations Guide.
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