The Greedy Hunter is the 6th side mission in Nioh 2. This walkthrough will guide you through all areas of The Greedy Hunter Side Quest.
The Greedy Hunter is unlocked when you complete The Viper’s Sanctum Main Mission.
Recommended Level: 20
Requirement: Finish The Viper’s Sanctum Main Mission
Reward: Gyosha Hand Axe, Seven Scalp Switchglaive, Sohaya Garb Faceplate, Enki Pelt x2
Fight or run
From the Shrine you will have multiple ways you can choose to go, but the only path that leads somewhere is the one that goes uphill.
You can either fight your way through all the Yokai here or simply sprint straight to the only objective in this area which is a gauntlet of Yokai you have to defeat. It will start with smaller enemies, followed by bigger ones. Make sure to keep your Yokai Shift full until the third wave of enemies, where a Yokai Realm appears in the area.
Once it appears take care of the biggest Yokai enemy for the corruption to disappear. Once all Yokai are defeated a human spear fighter will appear. Keep your distance and once he starts running at you hit him. He can’t sprint and hit you at the same time. Once he is defeated the mission is over. It is very advisable you collect all 25 Kodama in the Awakening region first so you start out with 8 Elixirs (instead of 4) after dying – you’re going to need them. You can also select the Kodama Blessing at a Shrine that increases Elixir drop rate, so the mobs in the gauntlet have a higher chance of dropping them, which you can use to heal yourself.
This finishes The Greedy Hunter side mission in Nioh 2.
For all other Mission Walkthroughs, check out our complete Nioh 2 Walkthrough.
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