The Golden Castle is the 17th main story mission in Nioh 2. This walkthrough will guide you through all areas of The Golden Castle Main Quest.
The Golden Castle is unlocked when you complete The Mausoleum of Evil.
Recommended Level: 96
Region: Dream
Requirement: Complete The Mausoleum of Evil
Reward: Broken Demon Tile x2, Spirit Stone Arm x3, Demon’s Horn x4, Lumicite Crystal x5, 27200 Gold, 49176 Amrita
Shrine 1
From the first shrine start heading over to the left where you can see the two human enemies. There will be two enemies in the rooms to the left that you should deal with as well, and break through the wall in the second room to find a chest. Then, start heading through the middle of the area, killing every other human enemy you come across.
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To the right just down the first set of stairs, behind where the shrine is on the upper level, there is a Yokai Fog that spawns a Yoki from it. Kill it, then look back in the corner inside some bushes to find Kodama #1.
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Go back and move around the left side of the area to find another Yokai Fog, which will spawn another Yoki. Head into the room on the left to find a dog and another human sitting on the ground. The next one will have a Rokurokubi in it, then the final one before the stairs will have one final human enemy. Up the stairs there will be one enemy, then on the right beside there will be a final one. You can go back down this wall all the way to open the door leading right beside shrine 1.
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Go back up the staircase at the end of the area and interact with the painting to transport into the room for this first midboss for this level.
Enenra (3rd Encounter) Boss Fight
You fought Enenra twice before. This time he’ll feel quite a bit easier than the first time, because you already know his move set and you have unlocked more skills by now. Just run to the left, let him miss a combo, attack from behind and repeat.
Path to 2nd Shrine
Before progressing further into the next area after the boss, take the ladder down and open the door at the bottom. This opens the way fully back to Shrine 1 if you die in the next area or want to run back right now.
Continue forward and you will enter a larger area that two human enemies wander through. Kill them and go out the other side, then circle around counterclockwise instead of going out the door to the Darkness Realm. Around up the stairs there will be one more enemy, then a room with another Yokai Fog in front of a chest. Kill the Ubume that spawns while watching the hole in the floor, then grab the chest.
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Go back down the stairs, and this time head out the door to the Darkness Realm area. In this first area there will be one Rokurokubi on the left wandering back and forth, two Gaki on the right standing around, and one Aberrant Soldier just over the peak of the roof behind the Gaki. Once move forward on the roof towards where the Soldier was you can see an Amrita shard on the right, along with a Yoki and another Soldier that start walking towards you.
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When they’re all dead, turn back the way you came and look towards the rubble on the left to find Kodama #2. Head through the now unlocked door to get to Shrine 2.
Shrine 2
From shrine 2 head down the hallway leading left where you will find a Yoki going into the room on the right. In that room on the right you will find a blue Yoki wandering in circles around another Amrita shard, then an Aberrant soldier in the room to the right. Deal with them, then drop down the hole in the floor where the crystal was.
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Down here there will be another Yoki wandering around, then a Gaki near some boxes. Kill them, then go out the exit of this room and take a right into the hallway. There will be a dog walking up and down the stairs, and on the top on the left a Scampuss to interact with. Go through the nearby door and go back into the room the crystal was in and look in the side room. In there you can find Kodama #3.
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Go back over by where you came out of the door and head out of these rooms into the large open area. Take an immediate right and you can open the door leading straight back to shrine 2. Follow this area around the outside walkway first, killing the one Yoki in your path. When you enter the room and exit on the other side there will be an Aberrant Soldier hanging out to the left. Kill it then go down the stairs into the Darkness Realm. Inside, first take the left and kill the Gaki by the body.
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Look towards the middle of the area and you will see another Amrita shard, an Ubume walking in circles around it, a Koroka in lamp form, two Gaki by the pool of water, and an Aberrant Soldier up the stairs on the one side. You can set yourself up in this area so that the Ubume is walking on the other side of the shard on the same side as the Soldier, and then just break the crystal quickly before they notice you, which will kill the Ubume. Watch for a hole under the crystal because you don’t want to fall down it this time. Kill the Aberrant Soldier but don’t go up the stairs yet, because you will go to another boss. Go back to the middle and kill the other two Gaki, then pick up Kodama #4 from beside the pool of water.
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Facing the stairs going to the next boss painting, turn left and go into there and down the stairs. You will come to another underground area. There will be a Soldier and a Gaki in front which will likely spot you as soon as you come into their sightline, then to the left there will be a blue and red Yoki each wandering around and in and out of this room. Shoot the Soldier and the Gaki, then try and lure over one of the Yoki at a time to deal with. Grab the items in this room, then go into the hallway to the left where you will find a ladder, and a Sudama behind the nearby pillar.
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Climb up the ladder and open the nearby door, then turn around and look just in the corner to find Kodama #5.
To the left of this Kodama is actually another midboss door, so don’t go there either yet. Go through the door and go one level down the stairway. First, go to the left side of it (facing up the stairs) to find a chest that will contain Ninja’s Locks. Then go to the right side and kill the Yoki that’s wandering back and forth. Go into the room to the left and you will find a Nurikabe wall. Get past it then head down the stairs. You can find a Benevolent Grave here, along with the Hot Spring for this level and Kodama #6.
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Head out the nearby do and go back upstairs. Because you have the door open between the paintings you can choose between which midboss you want to fight to progress to the next area, either Yatsu-no-Kami on the right or Mezuki & Gozuki on the left. Only one of the two boss encounters needs to be beaten, but you can do both if you want for more drops and completeness of the level. If you do Mezuki & Gozuki there is an extra item you can grab though, so if you only want to do one for some reason do them.
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Mezuki + Gozuki Double Boss Fight
This is a true double boss fight, but luckily the two bosses are a much lower level than you, have very little health and do very little damage (a single death blow takes 30% of their health in one swoop). You’ll want to focus only on one of them first until defeated, then it’s 1 versus 1 and gets easier. The arena is also very spacious to run around in big circles. Focus on Mezuki first, the reason being that he does Burst Attacks slightly more often.
Just focus on Burst-Countering all red charged attacks. Other than that you don’t need to attack much, just run away to stay safe. After performing a Burst-Counter you can land a combo and repeat the process.
Making your Elixirs last long is a key aspect of this fight. Bring all the Steel Talisman & Rejuvenation Talisman you can carry (in equal amounts). Both are Omnyo Magic Skills.
Steel makes you take reduced damage, Rejuvenation heals you over time. Use these two together and you’ll be unstoppable by these bosses. Just take it slow and don’t rush in. Another reason to focus on Mezuki (the blue one) first is that he uses flying skulls and some axe projectile. If you focus on Gozuki this can be hard to see and you may end up getting hit with these ranged attacks. So lock-in on Mezuki to keep an eye on those ranged attacks. Gozuki is relatively harmless as long as you keep your distance.
Yatsu-no-Kami (2nd Encounter) Boss Fight
This time Yatsu No Kami should be a bit easier because you have more skills and a bigger move set unlocked. The same strategy from when you fought him the first time still applies. While he slithers past you, attack him from the side. After he uses his snake arms through the ground you have a long opening to attack. Be sure to take out his snake arms first (attack from the side) so he can’t use those anymore.
Path to 3rd Shrine
After defeating either boss head out the room and go up the stairs. If you defeated Mezuki & Gozuki you have an extra Sudama you can interact with, along with some Onmyo Mage’s Locks you can pick up. You also get to destroy an Amrita shard in the hallway that kills a couple enemies ahead of you. After you are done with that go through the nearby door to get to shrine 3.
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Shrine 3
Head forward from the shrine into the next room. Assuming you destroyed the crystal in the hallway to the right there will only actually be one enemy here, an Aberrant Soldier at the top of the stairs. Kill it, then look to the right of the stairs on the lower level to find Kodama #7.
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Now head up the stairs and interact with the painting to fight the final midboss for this mission, Kasha.
Kasha (2nd Encounter) Boss Fight
You’ve fought Kasha before. This time she’ll be a bit easier as you already know her move set and have more skills unlocked by now. So repeat the strategy from earlier – run away until she drives towards you to leave a fire trail behind. Run sideways when she does this to evade, then attack her from the side (breaking the yellow crystals on her wheels by attacking from the side does extra damage). Use Daion-Jin’s Sake to cure the negative fire status effect as needed. Firestop Talisman (Magic Skill) is great here too.
When the boss is dead go up the stairs at the back of the room, then progress forward and kill the Soldier in the hallway. Don’t go into the right room yet, go into the room left first. Drop down the first ladder, then there is a second you can kick down that leads you right back to shrine 3.
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Head back up the ladders to the top floor. In the room there is a Scampuss in the corner you can interact with first, then go over towards the Darkness Realm. In this room there is a Magatsu Warrior wandering around in the middle controlled by the shard in the doorway. For an easier time you can lead him back out into the hallway out of the Darkness Realm, then go in after and just destroy the shard.
The door behind the shard leads to the final boss for this mission, so don’t go in there yet. Go into the left room first where there will be an Aberrant Soldier behind a wall, along with a chest you can loot. Go into the room on the right side to find two Gaki, an NPC Benevolent Grave, and Kodama #8, the final one for this mission. After grabbing everything in here you can go into the boss door.
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Lady Osakabe Boss Fight
This is a gigantic boss that requires you to take out its arms. Taking out an arm depletes part of the boss’s Ki gauge. When the Ki is depleted (after defeating 4 arms), the boss’s head drops down and you can attack it.
The arms will shoot elemental projectiles at you throughout the fight. While focusing on one arm it will be hard to see what the other arms are shooting at you – but if you listen carefully you can hear their attacks so you can get out of the way in time. As for defeating the arms: the key is to deplete their individual Ki bars so they become defenseless. Be sure to use your weapon’s high stance attacks for maximum Ki drain. For example, 3-4 High-stance attacks with the spear are enough to deplete the Ki of one arm. Then you can finish it off quickly as it won’t be able to move. Go around the arena and take out one arm after another this way. They will use some melee attacks when you’re near them, but they can be blocked easily. Before approaching an arm make sure your Ki is full. Then you can land some quick strikes that deplete a lot of Ki and the arm will go down in a matter of seconds!
Just repeat this until the boss is dead. You can also shoot the eye on the house with a cannon (when the eye is open) to deal it some bonus damage.
This finishes The Golden Castle main mission in Nioh 2. Now the mission Cherry Blossom Viewing in Daigo becomes available.
For all other Mission Walkthroughs, check out our complete Nioh 2 Walkthrough.
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