The Frenzied Blaze is the 11th main story mission in Nioh 2. This walkthrough will guide you through all areas of The Frenzied Blaze Main Quest.
The Frenzied Blaze is unlocked when you complete Pervading Waters.
Recommended Level: 60
Region: Dawn
Requirement: Complete Pervading Waters
Reward: Infernal Nail x1, Fire Omamori, Burning Oil Jar x3, Sacred Ash x1, 18000 Gold, 14320 Amrita
Shrine 1
The door to the left of the shrine is a shortcut back, so to progress head up the ramp on the right. This mission has lots of areas that are on fire, but you can get through these if you break barrels to coat yourself in water to protect yourself from the fire for a short period of time. Go forward on the path and kill the two enemies in the house, the guy to the left by the tree, then the guy walking behind the house. After that go to the left around the tree, where you will see another guy walking and an enemy sitting in another building.
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In the building, there will be another guy walking around, then a chest in the corner. Go around the right side of this building where you will find a Gaki, standing in front of Kodama #1. After grabbing that go to the left of where the guy was outside, and you are at the door leading back to the first shrine.
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Go back near the building you first killed enemies inside, then go behind it. In this building, there will be a Yaoki Fog, which spawns a large Gaki. Grab the item behind it, but then don’t try to go through the blue flames. These are magic flames and being coated in water doesn’t protect you, so it’s not advised to try and run through them. Instead, go over to left of the second house with enemies and go up the ramp leading into the large open area.
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In this area there will be a Skeleton Warrior, then further ahead will be a Wheelmonk rolling around. Note that because the blue fire is magic it won’t actually damage Yokai, so don’t try and push them into it. On the right by a tree will be a Koroka lantern just before the area the Wheelmonk is rolling around in. Once the Wheelmonk is dead, all the blue fire in the area will disappear.
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First head over to the right side of this area behind where the Wheelmonk was. Go into the house where you will find an Oni-bi and a Skeleton Warrior sitting in front of a small chest. Nearby there is a NPC Benevolent Grave as well you can summon if you want. Go back out and down the long path towards the Yokai Fog, which will spawn a large Skeleton Soldier. The door at the end here is a shortcut back you can open later, so now head over to the left side of the area to the path now open with the blue fire gone.
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In the first building there will be two barrel Dwellers hiding behind the larger barrels. Watch the one on the right, as it will actually light it’s fuze immediately and run at you before exploding. Head behind the building and you will see a Gaki on the left by a body, and a Rokurokubi in human form facing away from you. Now in this area will be some water barrels. Hit the first barrel and go to the right behind the building the Dwellers were in and you will find a chest. Then hit the barrel in there, and quickly run across to the left of that area towards the building with the ladder.
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In that area head up the ladder, and walk across the edge of the rooftop towards the end. There will be a Gaki that jumps out at you, then a barrel you can push down to extinguish the fire below. You should then go back off the rooftop near the ladder, and open the gate just inside the Darkness Realm for a shortcut back out.
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You can now go into the Darkness Realm proper. The enemy walking along this path is another Rokurokubi. On the left in the other area is a Skeleton Soldier you can deal with now or leave for the moment, then forward through the place you extinguished with fire will be a Koroka, which is what controls this Darkness Realm. Watch on the right behind some boxes will be another Gaki lying down, you can bait this first so you don’t need to worry about it while dealing with the Koroka.
After the Koroka is dead go back over and kill the Skeleton Warrior, go into the house to the right of it and you will find a locked chest along with another Skeleton. Go out the other side of this house to find a Gaki immediately on the left. Just ahead of that you should see some Ice Butterflies floating near a tree. If you touch these they put Ice element on your weapon for a period of time, so can be useful if you see them in other areas. You also need to interact with the three of them throughout this level for the trophy Hidden Hopes.
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Now go through the gate behind where the Koroka was and turn to the right immediately. In the corner beside it, you should see Kodama #2. After grabbing it you can follow the path along to get to Shrine 2.
Shrine 2
The two doors next to the shrine are shortcuts back, so for now head down the path to the right. There will be two Dwellers close by, then you want to head around to the right through the fire towards the Ubume you should see by the corner of the building. Kill it and climb the ladder, then drop onto the lower roof to find Kodama #3.
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Go back to the roof you climb up with the ladder and go in the other direction, and you can push down a water barrel to get back without going through the fire. Then, go inside the large building with the Yokai Fog. There is a Skeleton Archer in the back left corner that will be alerted when you come in, which you can kill then trigger the Yokai Fog and kill the spawned Wheelmonk, which will remove all the blue fire in the area. Open the nearby chest and head out the back, where you can open the door back to Shrine 2. Now go back out the front of the building and walk around the walkway to find Kodama #4.
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You now want to head over to the right of this area. Around to the right where the ice butterflies are will be a human enemy, and the one walking back and forth is a Rokurokubi. The spot with the human enemy is a dead end, so you can kill it then trigger the second of three Ice Butterflies, then kill the Rokurokubi. Go up the ladder onto the rooftop, then go around clockwise killing the two Dwellers. On the side before going off the roof, drop down inside of it onto the platform with the item, where you can pick up Ninja’s Locks.
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Go back up to the rooftop (there’s a ramp leading up out the back of the building), then before dropping down the ladder there is a Sudama on the left. Go down the ladder and speak to Yasuke and he will join with you for the next area.
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Instead of going into the Darkness Realm, go to the left into the building. There will be a Gaki, a Rokurokubi, and a large Skeleton Warrior in here you need to deal with first, then in the corner of the room you can find Kodama #5. Go to the left down the walkway into the next building, then immediately look right to find a Nurikabe wall. Interact with it, then right around the corner from it you will find Kodama #6.
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Turn around from where the wall was and look towards the Yokai Fog. Trigger it and kill the Ubume it spawns, then open the door behind for the second shortcut to shrine 2.
Go back over to where you first talked to Sasuke, and this time go into the Darkness Realm on the right. On the left in the first area will be a Koroka in lantern form, and a Skeleton Warrior just past it on a building that will start shooting at you when you go near. Shoot the Skeleton first, then kill the Koroka. Go over towards the right and there will be a normal Wheelmonk rolling around to deal with. The building to the right of it will have a chest blocked by blue flames that you can come back to later. Go up the ladder and onto the rooftop, then follow the walkway around to the central area where the blue fire Wheelmonk will be. After you kill it the Darkness Realm and blue fire will be dispelled.
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Go back and grab the chest out of the building, then go behind it past where the ladder was. Against the fence, you can find Kodama #7.
Now you can go down the path to the right of where the Wheelmonk was, killing the Ippon-Datara along the way. There will be another Koroka lantern there, along with a Scampuss you should pet on the way by. After that, turn around and go back over to the second shortcut you opened back to Shrine 2.
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From that room this time go to the left, you will see a normal human enemy and a Rokurokubi by a lantern. If you go just to the left of them by the explosive barrel you’ll find a Dweller and an Oni-bo, along with an NPC Benevolent Grave spot. Go past where the enemies were and you will find the Hot Spring for this mission around the corner.
Now take the right path from where the enemies were, and you will enter an area with a bunch of human enemies. There is one walking around on the lower area, and one on the roof that will shoot you as soon as you enter his line of sight. As you go near the guy on the ground, it is likely two more human enemies will run out, along with a Rokurokubi from the building on the left. After they are all dead you can go into that left building to find a chest, then around the corner from it to find a Sudama. There is a water bucket behind the Sudama which you can break, then use to get into the house on the right to get to another chest behind all the fire. Head out the door on the left of it to find Onmyo Mage’s Locks on a body, then climb up the ladder to the roof to get back out.
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From this area head under the archway to the right where you should see a Yokai Fog ahead. Kill the Koroka and Oni-bi that spawn from it, then start moving into the Darkness Realm ahead. There is a blue Wheelmonk to the left, and an Onyudo to the right. It would be easiest to shoot the Wheelmonk from the doorway here and lure it out of the Darkness Realm to deal with, then worry about the Onyudo after. Make sure you don’t open the gate nearby before dealing with all the enemies in here because this triggers Yasuke to leave your party.
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Go over near where the Wheelmonk was and you should see Shrine 3, but you need to dispel the Darkness Realm first. To the right of it there is an opening in the wall, and if you go inside that you should see an Ippon-Datara, which when killed will dispel this Darkness Realm. Watch out for a couple Skeleton Warriors that will also be nearby. There is also a locked chest behind where the Ippon-Datara, as well as the third set of Ice Butterflies, which will earn you the trophy Hidden Hopes if you had interacted with them all. You can now head over to Shrine 3.
Shrine 3
Shrine 3 is basically right before the boss, so there isn’t much to do now. Open the door to it’s left if you didn’t already and Yasuke will leave your party. Before entering the doors to the boss room, go to the left of this area to find Kodama #8, the final one for this mission. Then when you’re ready, open the large doors to the building.
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Kasha Boss Fight
Kasha is the first boss where you can’t just run left or right the entire time to evade all attacks. She drives on two wheels which leave behind flames on the ground. She will do AOE attacks with them, creating circles of fire across the arena or driving towards you and leaving a trail of fire behind. The main thing is not to start burning from her fire elemental attacks as this will deal burning damage over time.
Ideally, you’ll come prepared with at least 2 Firestop Talisman (Onmyo Magic Skill Tree). These increase your fire resistance. Also buy the “Firebreak II” skill in Onmyo skill tree to get +8 fire resistance. If you ever do start burning, heal yourself with a Daion-Jin’s Sake if you have any (assign to a shortcut via usable item menu). With all of this her fire damage isn’t as punishing as it would be otherwise.
Now for the tactic: There are two moves you can exploit, meaning after those two it’s safe to land your longest combo as she won’t counter-attack or defend herself.
Firstly, when she comes rushing towards you and leaves behind a trail of fire, run or dodge to the right (not left). When she passes by you, immediately run towards her! As soon as she stops, unleash your highest damage combo on her (that’s generally high-stance). She won’t do anything for about 4-5 seconds. If you manage to break the yellow crystals on the side of her wheels she suffers bonus damage, so focus on those when possible.
Secondly, when she does a red aura (charged) move where she comes sliding towards you in a straight line and leaves two trails of fire behind, she will be defenseless for about 3-4 seconds, enough to get ~3 hits in.
Other than for those two moves you don’t want to go near her or attack her, it’s too risky. Walk away from her in a straight line backwards and block any attacks that are within your reach. Don’t bother with dodging too much, odds are you will get hit by her whip attack, which is much easier and safer to block (it doesn’t consume a lot of Ki). Remember even if your Ki is near depleted it will still fully block incoming damage of one attack.
When she goes into Dark Realm mode she will summon a sawblade that homes in on you and chases you for about 30 seconds. Just run in big circles around the arena and don’t bother with attacking her until that sawblade is gone.
During her second Dark Realm phase, be prepared for her to summon two small Gaki on you! They have half the health of the usual Gaki but do double the damage and are extremely aggressive! Kill them quickly but safely, running away until she does another of those fire trail attacks that causes her to not attack for the next 5 seconds. Keep your Yokai Shift transformation for the final stretch when she’s below 10% health.
All in all, she’s the hardest boss so far, but if you have decent fire resistance and heal the fire right away your elixirs will last much longer into the fight, and knowing when to attack and when not to is the key to success. Don’t rush it and stay safe so you don’t get burnt.
This finishes The Frenzied Blaze main mission in Nioh 2. Now the mission The Sun Sets on Mount Tenno becomes available.
For all other Mission Walkthroughs, check out our complete Nioh 2 Walkthrough.
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