The Beast Born of Smoke and Flames is the 2nd main story mission in Nioh 2. This walkthrough will guide you through all areas of The Beast Born of Smoke and Flames Main Quest.
The Beast Born of Smoke and Flames is unlocked when you complete The Village of Cursed Blossoms.
Recommended Level: 8
Region: Awakening
Requirement: Complete The Village of Cursed Blossoms
Reward: Gesture PROSTRATE, Highest Quality Tamahagane x3, Highest Quality Ingot x3, Highest Quality Iron Platelet x3, 4200 Gold, 1568 Amrita
Shrine 1
Starting out head in the house on the left to pick up the single item, then look around the back of this house for another. Move forward into the main area now and deal with the pair of human enemies in front of the second house. On the left at the wall you can see the first shortcut gate of the mission, so head to the right up the hill towards the next human enemy. If you go inside this building an enemy will drop from the ceiling on you, so be careful when going inside. There’s nothing around back, so continue towards the next area.
This area with the houses has many things to pick up and many enemies hiding around, so be careful going into buildings. The first one on the left will have one enemy lying on the floor, then another in the ceiling again who drops down when you enter. Head down the street towards the next enemies, then go between the two houses on the right. Behind the second one in the corner will be Kodama #1.
If you move down the street more there will be the two enemies patrolling there, as well as an archer just above them. I would suggest taking out the archer from a distance, then attracting each of the other two enemies on their own, either with stones or arrows. Be careful with the enemy with the large sword, as he will do hard overhead swings that do a large amount of damage if they connect., and the attacks track more than you would expect. When dealt with, there is a chest in the building to the left. Now that you are at the end instead of heading forward, go back to where the towers were at the entrance to this area and go to the right.
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From the right side you can get up on the rooftops in this area. First, there will be one enemy on the ground, and one patrolling with a torch. Once they’re dealt with head to the right of the building and there will be an item and a Scampuss you can interact with, then if you go the opposite direction there will be another item on top of the roof of the building back in the first area.
Once you have grabbed those, head up the hill towards the larger building. Inside on the left will be a chest you can grab, then head down the path leading to the rooftops. On the one near where you came in you can kick a ladder down, which lets you get back up here quicker and get around some other enemies if you need later. Grab any items on the two rooftops, then go back behind where you killed the archer before to proceed with the mission.
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In the next area the first house on the left will have a chest inside, the second if you go out the back you can find an NPC Benevolent Grave. Around the corner you will find 2 human enemies, one sitting in front of the stairs and one patrolling further along. Deal with the two of them, then you can continue down the stairs to open the shortcut gate at the end. After you do that, go back up and go onto the rooftops using the path opposite the stairs, and go onto the second rooftop to find Kodama #2 beside a large sack. You can then proceed up the stairs to continue.
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At the top of the stairs is a large shrine you need to enter. Inside you will find a Yokai Realm fog, and when you approach it will spawn a new enemy named Ippon-Datara. This is a Yokai that hops around on one foot and wields a large hammer. It typically attacks either in spins, or most of the time vertical slams. It can combo a vertical slam 3 times in a row, so be aware of it still winding up if it only does one. It’s Burst Attack will be a windup and then a very strong single slam in front, which you can counter fairly well or move to its side. Once it’s dead, head out the door on the opposite side of the Shrine, grab the chest then go down the ladder. At the bottom you can speak to the NPC sitting by the fire before proceeding, who is the Blacksmith for you during the game.
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Head down the path and you’ll see a Gaki on the left. If you then look over the edge towards the boxes you will see another hiding there, along with Kodama #3. You can drop attack the Gaki for an easier time dealing with it, then grab the Kodama before proceeding. In the boat bridge area you can go off into the water on the side to grab the item of the Bloody Grave, just don’t go past the edge of rocks or you fall off and die. Past the boat bridge and up the stairs you come to the next shrine.
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Shrine 2
Both the ladder on the left and the main gate become shortcuts later but for now, you can only proceed up the large path to the right. Once you get to the houses you will see that it is a Darkness Realm ahead, but before that there is a new human enemy in the house to the left. He doesn’t have a lot of health, but he uses dual axes and casts spells. After he is dealt with proceed forward into the Darkness Realm area.
Once you get towards the more open area where there is a Gaki sitting in the middle over a body a Yoki will just down from the building in front and chase after you. It’s better to walk him back slightly so you don’t also attract the Gaki in the area at the same time. Once the Yoki is dead you can start dealing with the Gaki in the area. Be aware if you have multiple attacking you at one they will eat each other if one gets to low health, then the one that did the eating becomes larger and more dangerous. You can walk them backwards out of the Darkness Realm as well if you want to get a bit of an edge yourself.
Inside the house on the left there is a locked chest which you need to kill all Yokai in the area to open. Forward from here, there is an Enki wandering around in another house which also has another locked chest. Kill this Enki and then the Darkness Realm will be dispelled, and you will be able to open the two chests. If you want you can lead this Enki back out of the Darkness Realm as well for an easier fight, though if you get too far towards the Shrine he will be teleported back to his starting spot in the house. From here there are a couple places you can go, I would first suggest going into the building to the right and going down the ladder into the mine area. If you look just behind the nearby crates in this room you will find Kodama #4.
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Follow the path in this underground area and you will see two enemies with pickaxes near a body. These are Yokai called Dwellers, and are pretty standard enemies like the Gaki. They will switch between running and swinging pickaxes, or being on all fours and swiping at you. They aren’t terribly difficult to deal with and stun easily when hit. If you see one winding up with the aura around it’s hands it’s going to attempt to grab you and it will then spit poison in your face. After the first two there is a third around the corner, and then a chest at the top by the ladder that you should climb when you’re done down here.
This area takes you just behind where you were before. Head down the path going back towards the Shrine killing the single Gaki, then onto the rooftop. Kick down the ladder for a shortcut, then go back and head up the hill in the opposite direction. There will be another Dweller, though this one will throw bombs at you instead of just stones. Grab the item on the rooftop, then you can drop down and continue across the wooden bridge.
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Across the bridge will be two more Dwellers immediately. If you head to the right behind the houses you’ll run into a Gaki, then a ladder taking you underground again. There will be two Gakis standing around, and a chest in the corner. Down the path more from there, you will see a purple Kodama on the ground. These are called Sudama and aren’t counted as collectibles with the other Kodama, but they are still worth interacting with. If you speak to it the game says it seems like it wants something, and what it actually wants is an item from you. If you go into your inventory and drop it a Spirit item, it will take it and give you items back in return, depending on what level of Spirit item you gave it. Doing this the first time also earns you the trophy Sudama Swapper. Once it’s been dealt with you can head up the next ladder.
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Head up the hill and you will end up on the rooftops in this area. You can drop off the side of the one rooftop onto the group of 3 Gaki and hit them all at once, then head into the nearby house where you can hear a Scampuss behind some boxes. Interact with it, then head back out into the street and trigger the Yokai Realm Fog to spawn an Ippon-Datara. This one is a bit different from the prior one, in that it will have a large spear instead of a hammer, and will jump around on it like it’s a pogo stick. After a few hops it will start winding up a Burst Attack, which is a very easy one to hit with a counter to knock it down and open it up for return attacks.
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Once it’s dealt with you can continue up the path. Another dual axe enemy will come out of the second house in front of you, then after that you can continue forward to the end of the path. On the left will be the ladder to kick down that will take you directly back to the shrine. Kick it down, then head down the left path through the middle of the fire instead of going through the gate. At the end of this path past a couple of Gaki you will find Kodama #5.
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You can now head into the gated area. There are two human enemies inside, one spear guy standing around and the armored sword guy walking back and forth. There is also one archer up on the rooftop to the left. I’d suggest shooting the spear guy from a distance to kill him, as well as the archer so you don’t have him taking potshots at you while you’re dealing with the armored enemy. After that head toward the right to the other outdoor area. There is an enemy sitting in the far hut in front of a chest, as well as another hatchet enemy in the middle. You can alert the hatchet enemy first and deal with him on his own, then deal with the other enemy by the chest. Behind the building with the chest, you can see the hot spring for this level which you will go to shortly.
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Go back around the front and head into the burning building. If you break some boxes immediately to the right of you there will be a Scampuss hiding that you can interact with. To the left of the ladder in the middle of the room there will be a couple Gaki by a body. Once they’re dealt with head up the ladder, where you will trigger another Gaki on this floor. If you look across at the red door that is where the boss room actually is for this level, but you can’t go there yet. First go to the large bucket on the right side and push it so that it extinguishes some fire on the lower floor.
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What you want to do right now after that is going to be to get to the third shrine. You might have seen it on the bottom floor behind a wall. To get to it, you have to very quickly dash through the fire in the corner and walk over the narrow walkway to drop into the room it is in. You can get into this room another way, but this way is quicker and works just as well since you immediately heal at the shrine after running through the fire.
Shrine 3
From the shrine head up the ladder to the third floor. At the top there will be a skeleton soldier on the ground, and an already larger Gaki facing the other direction. Take them out, then look to the left and you should see a Gaki near a body (this is the Gaki that jumps down to the second floor if you go there first). Search this body for the Great Forge Key, which you use to get into the boss room.
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Instead of doing that though there are still more items to find in this area. Head back to the bottom floor and walk through the spot you extinguished the fire by pushing the large bucket. The room on the right will have a Yokai Realm Fog, which spawns a Yoki from it. Deal with it, then head into that room to get a chest.
From there go around the right side of the room and you should see a wall with two holes in it, and when you get close those holes turn into a pair of eyes. This is the first Nurikabe that you will run into in the game, a Nurikabe. These walls can be bypassed without combat like the Mimic from earlier if you do the correct type of gesture. For these, you basically just have two chances to display the right type to them, Positive, Neutral, or Negative in your gesture menu. There isn’t a way to tell which gesture type it wants, you just have to guess. If the first one isn’t correct, try one of the other two types. If you get it correct the wall will disappear and drop its loot without fighting, but if not it will attack you and you have to kill it to bypass it. They aren’t very hard to fight, they attack mostly by slamming their arms around, or sometimes throwing them at you if they are farther away. It’s Burst Attack is an overhead slam with a decent length windup.
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Behind the wall, you will find the first Hot Spring of the game. Resting in a hot spring will provide you with a buff for 120 seconds that gradually restores your health and negates status changes until it runs out. You can only rest in this once per go of a mission, so watch when you use it so you don’t waste it. For example in this mission, you could use it right before going into the boss room due to how close it is.
Go back out from the hot spring room and directly across you should see a ladder, take this up to the third floor. Here you will see an Enki patrolling around, with a skeleton soldier behind him. Shoot the skeleton from a distance if you can, then deal with the Enki. Once they’re dealt with push the bucket down so that it extinguishes fire on the second floor. Then go over to the right between the flaming areas and head out the side of the building using the ladder. Be aware of the two Gaki outside, if you wait for the walking one you can drop attack it when it gets near the ladder.
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Go over to the nearby rooftops, and go over to the far corner closest to the second shrine. There you will find Kodama #6 for this mission.
Take the ladder down into this building. On the opposite side of the room, there will be a Yokai Fog in front of a chest, and when you get near it will spawn a Yoki. This guy is actually very easy to deal with because you can get him to stand in the fire in the middle of the room. If you are lucky, if you drop down the hole in the floor and then climb halfway up the ladder, it’s AI will break and have it stand in one spot and burn to death. Once it’s dealt with grab the chest in the corner, then actually head down the ladder to the underground area. Ignore the for on the left and first head to the right, here you can find the large gate that you can open, leading back to Shrine 2.
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Head back in and go near the Yokai Fog to spawn a large Gaki, then grab the nearby chest. You can then head back into the main building the same way you came out. From there drop to the second floor where you push the bucket, then run across the nearby fire into another room with a chest. Open the door so you can get out, then head down the ladder into the Dark Realm area underground. Down in this area you will find one Ippon-Datara with a hammer. It isn’t difficult to deal with down here as there is lots of space. When it’s dead go back over by the ladder and open the locked chest.
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Head back upstairs and head to the third floor where the Enki and Skeleton were. If you’ve used a shrine you’ll have to kill them again, then head around the left where you will find another ladder going up to the 4th floor. Be aware on the right there is a Yoki hiding behind the pillar, which you should leave for the moment. In the other direction there will be two Dwellers on the floor, and further along a large Gaki that will spawn out of a Yokai Fog. Deal with them, then head over and kick the barrel and open the chest.
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By the Skeleton soldier in the corner, you should see an NPC Revenant spawn and also Kodama #7 for the level. Grab it, then you can go back and kill the Yoki hiding in the corner if you didn’t already. You should now have dealt with everything in this area, so can now go to the boss room.
Enenra Boss Fight
Before heading into the fight, be sure to sit in the hot spring nearby. You find it behind the enemy-wall on the ground floor of the burning building. It will continually heal you and give you a stat boost for a while.
For this boss you just need one move: Heavy attacks in High-Stance with Spear (same should work with most other weapons but spear is perfect here). Always run sideways to the left. Keep running in a circle around Enenra, he will miss all strikes and kicks while you run to the left. By the time he finishes a combo (usually 2-4 attacks) you will already be behind him and can do one
High-Stance Spear attack. Attacking from behind deals +200% bonus damage. High stance heavy attacks also do the most damage / Ki drain in one hit and its multiplied by attacking from behind. Repeat this tactic throughout the entire fight.
When you see explosives on the floor, dodge away and let them explode. Just focus on exploiting his melee attacks (run left so he misses, do 1 heavy hit from behind, repeat). For anything else just dodge backward. As you get more comfortable with his move pattern you can also try to land a high-stance strike after he detonates the explosives on the floor or does a body slam. This is more risky as he has less downtime between these moves.
Be on the lookout for his red charged attacks! Especially his tornado move, ALWAYS counter this one with +
(Burst Counter). Evading the tornado or blocking it rarely succeeds, so you’ll have to Burst Counter it instead. This also deals massive Ki damage to Enenra, after which you can follow up with
of the spear – this triggers the Piercing Rain skill for massive damage. When his Ki is depleted he will get staggered while you attack, but beware he will always transform a few seconds after his Ki has become depleted. 10 seconds after his Ki has become depleted you’ll want to dodge away, because he will shroud himself inside a tornado while going to Yokai Realm form. While in Yokai Realm form your Ki recovers slower, but the same tactic of running to the left and landing single heavy hits still works. The most dangerous moves are his charged grapple and his charged tornado (both indicated by red glow and can be countered with Burst Counter).
After the fight interact with the golden orb that spawns. This finishes The Beast Born of Smoke and Flames main mission in Nioh 2. Now the mission The Viper’s Sanctum becomes available.
Next Up: The Viper’s Sanctum
For all other Mission Walkthroughs, check out our complete Nioh 2 Walkthrough.
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