Corpses and Ice contains 8 Kodama Locations in Nioh 2. This walkthrough will guide you to all Kodama in Corpses and Ice mission in chronological order. Nothing is missable, everything can be collected after the story via mission select.
Every 5 Kodama you find gives you an extra Elixir for that region. Finding all 150 Kodama unlocks the Kodama Leader trophy.
- A Kodama is found in the first Dark Realm (corrupted Yokai area). In the same place where you find the Enki Yokai that you must defeat to clear the corruption.
- Leave the Dark Realm area and proceed on the main path. On the right side of the wooden stairs leading down to the snowy bridge is a Kodama behind crates. If you have reached a snowy bridge with a big armored axe-wielding skeleton on it you have gone just a little bit too far and need to go back upstairs.
- From the 2nd Kodama Shrine go up the wooden stairs, then at the end of the balcony find a ladder leading up to the very top of the building. The kodama is hidden behind some boxes at the top. It’s basically right above the 2nd Shrine, same building where the Shrine is at. Just the ladder leading up to the rooftops is a bit hidden around the corner of the balcony.
- Between the 2nd and 3rd Shrine you come to a building with a powerful Samurai wielding a switchglaive (the first of its kind that you encounter in the game). After defeating that guy you’re supposed to open a gate behind him, but there are two more Kodama in the building here! Check the corner in the left room for a Kodama.
- From the previous Kodama, head upstairs to find a Kodama neatly tucked away behind some stairs.
- In the building to the immediate left of the 3rd shrine.
- From the 3rd Shrine cross the bridge with the ice giant. Just before you reach a Dark Realm, look for a broken-off wooden bridge. Here you can drop down to some wooden scaffolding below! This is very easy to overlook. From that wooden scaffolding, jump down into the snow below. Beware, you will take falling damage so make sure you have full health. In the snow below the bridge is the Kodama. Do not confuse with the bridge where the ice giant is walking, the one where you need to drop down is a dead-end closer to the Dark Ream area.
- In the Dark Realm area after the 3rd Shrine. Destroy the big blue crystal in the area to cleanse the Dark Realm. Then get up the scaffolding where some Gaki is standing, at the end of it is a Kodama Collectible.
That’s all Kodamas in Corpses and Ice. For all other missions, check out the complete Nioh 2 All Kodama Locations Guide.
Zac says
#7 is actually done after #8.
Behind the demon door right before the final boss, there is a ladder down to that area with the kodama.
PowerPyx says
You can do them in either order. (it’s possible to get it before #8).
But yes the more elegant method would be what you described, either way works though